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1、感叹句(讲义)、感叹句 I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum.Really? How in teresti ng!感叹句用来表达强烈的感情,句末常用感叹号。 感叹词What a fine day it is!How clea n the classroom is!将感叹词及其所修饰的词置于句首,其他部分用陈述语序,即可构成感叹句。what后面接名词(词组)how后面接形容词或副词感叹词whatWhat a cute dog it is!What lovely stude nts they are!What delicious bee

2、f you cooked yesterday!what作感叹词时,接:1.a/an +adj.+可数名词单数2.adj.+可数名词复数3.adj.+不可数名词练习:_ old bike Li Lei is ridi ng!_ surpris ing n ews it is!_ beautiful flowers they are!_ good time she had yesterday!感叹词howHow excit ingthe movie is!How fast Tom runs!how作感叹词时,接:1.形容词2.副词练习:看,那个湖多漂亮!Look!_ that lake is!22

3、那些孩子们玩儿地多开心啊!_ the boys are playi ng!what/how+所修饰的词+其他其他部分用陈述语序:主语+谓语(+其他)What a terrible day itis! How fast the trainrun s!What an excelle nt story he told me!Howwell she looked after her brother these days!How importa nt it is to keep healthy!感叹句中其他部分也可以省略What a terrible day (itis)! How fast (the

4、trainrun s)!练习:_ difficult questions they are! I cant answercool your new car is!a lovely girl your sister is!_ scary these tigers are!_ hard work it was!二、陈述句变感叹句It is a funny story.What a funny story itis! He speaks fast.How fast he speaks.The soup isdelicious.去除主谓(+其他),找出感叹词修饰的部分,如果是名词(词组)用感叹词wha

5、t;如果是形容词或副词,用感叹词how。We had agood time in the museum yesterday.What a good time we had in the museum yesterday!The twins think differe ntly about this thing.How differe ntly the twins think about thisthem.3thin g! It is a difficult questi on.What a difficult questi ons itis! How difficult the questio

6、nis!24The questi on isdifficult. The flowersare beautiful.How beautiful the flowers are!What beautiful flowers they are! They are beautiful flowers.练习:It is a beautiful dress.The football match is excit ing!Tom had a good time in the park yesterday.Linda is listening to the teacher carefully.三、感叹句其他

7、形式1.Ho册句子How time flies!How I want ano ther bar of chocolate!我好想周末去爬山啊!Mary好喜欢这条裙子啊!2.what+名词Last Sun day I got up very late. I looked out of the win dow. It was dark outside.“What a day!”I thought.3.Excellent! Good job!天哪/我的天啊Oh, dear! / Dear me!My good ness! How fast he runs!Good ness what a big c

8、ake!Good Heave ns. Heave ns. Good Lord5四、课堂检测(一)用what或者how填空1. _an in terest ing story it is!2. _well you sing but _badly he dan ces!3. _beautiful music we are liste ning to!4. _bori ng the volleyball match is!5. _a big room!(二)单项选择()6. _in terest ing books ! I want to buy them.A. WhatB. HowC. What

9、anD. Howan ()7. dan gerous it is to ride fast on a busy road!A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. Howa ()8. What a funny pers on! We all like talki ng with him.A. is itB. is heC. it isD. he is ()9.good job she does! She isreally a clever girl.A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. Howa ()10. _ in terest ing work it is to tea

10、ch childre n!A. HowB. How an)11.quiet the park is!A. What aB. HowC. WhatC. How aD. What an (D. What()12.she dan ces!A. How goodB. How wellC. What wellD. What good()13.time they had yesterday!A. How goodB. What goodC. What a goodD. Howa good ()14. _ weather! It sraining!Bad luck! We cant go climbing

11、today.A. What badB. What a badC. How bad D. What fine ()15._city!Yes. Tourists from all over the world come to visit it ever year.B. What busyD. What a beautiful()16. _ long hair she has!A. How livelyC. How a big66A. What aB. WhatC. HowD. How a7()17.Our gran dpa is coming to see us!)19.Here is a tic

12、ket to the magic show, Jas on.Wow!_gift it is!A. What a deliciousC. How nice()20.Dad, do you like my picture?! Its the nicest one IA. What beautifulC. How beautifulD. What beautiful picture(三)完成句子,使陈述句变为相应的感叹句21.The boy swam very fast._ the boy swam!22.It is an excit ing game._ _ it is!23.Heilo ngji

13、a ng looks very beautiful in win ter._ Heil on gjia ng looks in wi nter!24.It is a very usefuldicti on ary._ dicti onary it is!_ dicti onary is!25.The little girl has big eyes._ the little girl has!excit ing n ews!A. HowB. What)18. I miss my friend very much.A. HowB. HowanC. How anD. What an (I want

14、 to see her!C. WhatD. What an (Its my favorite.B. What a niceD. How deliciousve ever se en!B. How careful88【参考答案】What an; What; What; What Howbeautiful; How happily What;How; What; How; What_、How delicious the soup is!What a beautiful dress itis! Howbeautiful the dressis!How exciting the football match is!What an excit ing football match itis!What a good time Tom had in the park yesterday!Howcarefully Linda is listeningto the teacher!三、HowI want t


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