1、Part 5 Mult ip le Choice(每小题:1分)Directi ons: Choose the best an swer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.1.youI will hold your note un til Christmas Day, _ certa inly will have received your allowa nee.A. by that timeB. at that timeC. by which timeD. at which time2.The P rime Mini ster comma
2、nded that farmersloans4.1 / 11from the gover nment.A. would receiveB. receivedC. ought to receiveD. should receive3.they would beThey p acked the in strume nts carefully broke n duri ng tra nsp ortati on.A. so thatB. on con diti on thatC. for fear thatI D. provided thatLots of people pr ete nd that
3、they n ever read advertiseme nts, but this claim.A. may be hardly doubted.B. may be seriously doubtedC. may be hard doubt ingD. may be doubted serioushostels ( 客栈)may not offer the most comfortable quarters, they are convenien t, i nexpen sive, and attractive to traveli ng students and you ng
4、 people.A. WhenB. WhileC. Now thatD. IfWhen he hurried to the air port, he found, to his great disa ppoin tme nt, his ticket and p ass portat home.A. were leftB. had leftC. have bee n leftD. had bee n leftBy the time he arrives in Beiji ng, we days.A. will have stayedB. shall stayC. have bee n stay
5、ingD. have stayedhere for twoAccord ing to the America n federal gover nment, reside nts ofr5 / 11Hawaii have the Ion gest life:77.2 years.A. rankB. scale9.10.C. spanD. scopeThe milli ons of calculati ons in volved, had they bee n done byhand.fini shed.A. had lostB. would loseall p ractical value by
6、 the time they wereC. would have lostD. should have lostAs a p ublic relati ons officer, he is saidsome veryin flue ntial people.A. to knowB. to be knowingC. to have bee n knowingD. to have known11.Our hopesand fell in the same in sta nt.A. aroseB. raisedC. roseD. arousedr12.With the devel opment in
7、 scie nee and tech no logy man can make various flowersbefore their time.A. be bloomedB. bloomC. bloomed11 D. bloo ming13.His an swer was so con fused that I could hardly make anyof it at all.A. i nterpretati onB. explan ati onC. meaningD. sense14.Two of the childre n have to slee p in one bed, but
8、the otherthree haveones.I A. completeB. sin gularC. sep arate11 D. differe nt15.I remember see ing him some years ago, but I dont what he said.A. remindB. recog nizeC. recallD. reflect16.If you thi nk you can do my job better tha n I can, you are welcome to.A. take it overB. take it off 11 C. take i
9、t dow nD. take it in17.His results are n ot very.He does well one weekr7 / 11and badly the n ext.A. in variableB. con seque ntC. con siste ntD. con ti nuous18.The gover nment is determ ined tothe established p olicyof devel oping agriculture.A. go afterB. go by11 C. go ahead19.D. go onShortly after
10、his retireme nt, the former pr eside ntgarde ning and hunting.A. took toB. took onrC. took inD. took after20.Most n urses are wome n, but in the higher ranks of the medical p rofessi on wome n are in a.A. scarcity11 B. min orityC. mi ni mumD. shortage21.He looked,as if hed missed a ni ghts slee p.PA
11、. worn outrB. worn offrC. wor n awayrD. worn through22.The p atie nts p rogress was very en courag ing as he could get out of bed without help.PA. n earlyrB. onlyrC. merelyrD. barely23.They dont know how to put in a cen tral-heati ng system, but they man aged it by trial and.A. fault# / 11r24.25.26.
12、B. slipC. errorD. mistake,Chin as advertis ing people cannotreally mature and obtain a foothold ( 稳固的地位)in the global ad market.Without outsideA. en courageme ntB. consump ti onC. pr essureD. con troversyOur p rogram is differe ntskills that bus in ess and in dustry seek as they incorpo rate ( 含)the
13、 Internet into their en ter prise systems.it stresses the tech nicalA. in deedB. in thatC. in caseD. i n effectEducati onal Service Inc. op erates 70 in stitutes in the Un itedStates and they concen trate on pr ovidi ng career-focuseddegree pr ograms to28,000 stude nts.A. con siderablyB. app roximat
14、elyC. pr eferablyD. ideallywas look ing for aI A. bargainB. chargeC. gain 11 D. p urchase28.Now that the exciteme nt of celebrat ing has had a cha nee to , its time to turn the Oly mp ic ideal into reality.A. cut inB. carry awayC. tur n dow nD. wear off29.The In ter net can beinto Ian guage lear nin
15、g and11 / 11supports commu ni cati on, research, readi ng and writ ing devel opment.A. in tegratedB. mixedC. con fusedD. i nterfered30.辅音)atMost n ative sp eakers of En glish will miss consonants ( their.A. easeB. con scious nessC. convenienceD. facilitiesPart 6 Cloze (with four choices p rovided)(每
16、小题:1分)Directi ons: Read the follow ing p assage carefully and choose the best an swer from the four choices give n for each bla nk.Questi ons 1 to 20 are based on the follow ing p assage.Billie Holidays gran dfather was one of 17 childre n. His mother was a black Virgi nia slave and his father a whi
17、te Irishplan tati on owner.Billie first heard music on an old recordplayer1. IillegalIt was at a house for 2. IBand dangerousactivities in Baltimore .In that p lace, she clea ned the floors3.as丄 a you ng girl. She 4.pro fessi onal n ame from a 5.borrowedscreenF star named BillieDove and she started
18、singing in ni ghtclubs. She the n quicklywon 6.recognition二I as a great sin ger. She was theofmost moving jazz sin ger7. IT her day. She sangwith many great jazz musicia ns. And, in 1933, one esp eciallyI draggedpop ular sin ger8. I二Jthe frighte ned you ngHoliday to a pl ace that she would receive e
19、ve n more atte nti on.He brought her to her first studio(sessionIn teresti ngly, she n ever receivedcom pensation10. Iany future sales.IDesp itea lack of tech ni cal training, Holiday wasunique very successful. Holidays 12.丨*1style of singingImade intensityher the most extraord inary jazz sin ger of
20、 her day. Singing isno14.3 more work tha n sitt ing dow n and eat ing13 / 11Chin ese roast duck, and I love roast duck, she wrote. Songsshe 15.com posedHlin cluded God Bless the Child. InIpr oclaimingTthi ngs shebelieved in. Namely, she was p romoti ng the17.virtues二lof finan cial independen ce.18.A
21、lthough创 she was often described as a sin ger,this isnt quite accurate. She was 19.incip allyan in ter preter of pop ular son gs. The lege ndary Billie Holidayearlydied a(n) 20. 1death at the age of 44.Questi ons 21 to 40 are based on the follow ing p assage.I am going to break up with my wife, Beck
22、y. I am going to join millio ns of those who are not married. In that grou p with medivorcedare people who are either 21. IFor widowed.Also, there with me are people who have n mitted.I will sim ply live a life of23.solitude=Jwithi n this tiny house in the city where nolum pone can disturb
23、 me. There is a 24.=in my throat(squeeze3 back tears to keep fromAscrying. 26.Bi sit feeling sorry for myself, Ip erform small tasks arou nd my home. Iput on27.28.Idepressed3to eat. I the n sim ply lift the kettle to29.some water to cook some no odles. Then I realize I am toopour 1myself some more tea. However, tea is noteno ugh t
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