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1、2007-2008 学年度 第一学期Nice to meet you ,Miss Li.津英语 3A 期末模拟检测试卷( 时间: 40 分 2008.01.09)听力部分( 20%)一、选出所听到的单词或词组( 5%)()1. A. RB. JC. G()2. A. cakeB. chairC. coffee()3. A. rulerB. rubberC. fridge()4. A. skirtB. T-shirtC. shirt()5. A. parkB. carC. basket二、选出所听到句子( 5%)()1.A. I 'm Liu Tao.B. This is Liu Tao

2、.C. That is Liu Tao.()2. A. Turn on the TV.B. Look at my TV.C. Turn off the TV.()3. A. Not at all.B. Not so good.C. Not bad.()4.A. It ' s a fat dog.B. It ' s a big bag.C. It ' s a thin cat.()5.A. How are you?B. Who are you?C. How old are you?三、选出所听问句的答句( 5%)()1.A. I 'm Mike.B. Good m

3、orning.()2.A. Good afternoon.B. Nice to meet you.()3.A. Thank you.B. All right.()4.A. Yes, please.B. Yes, it is.()5.A. It ' s smart.B. It 's pretty.()四、根据所听内容给下列句子标上正确的序号( 5%)Not so good.Go to bed now , Nancy.Turn on the tap.What is your name?笔试部分( 80%)、写出下列字母的左邻右舍( 10%)1、()Pp()2、( )Uu( ) 3、

4、()Hh()4、()Dd()5、()Jj ()二、根据所给情境,选择适当的句子(10%)1.当你第一次见到某人时,你可以说:A. How are you?B. Nice to meet you. C. Oh, tha nk you.)2.当你生病时,别人询问你的身体情况,你可以说:A. Not bad, thank you. B. Not so good.C. I'm fine, tha nk you.)3.老师叫刘涛回家,会说:A.Go home , Liu Tao. B. Get up , Liu Tao.C.Get up , Liu Tao.)4.客人到你家,你询问他要不要喝杯茶

5、,你会说:A. A glass of juice? B. A cup of tea?C. Some coffee?)5.奶奶请你帮她开门,她会怎么说:A .All right.三、将下列图片和所给单词配对,B.Open the door, pl ease.填单词前的序号(C.Tha nk you.20%)()()A. penB. milkF. plane()()C. pineappleD. pen cil-shar pnerE. dressG. bookcase H. ice-creamI. mon keyJ. walkma n四、选择填空(30%)1. This is my,Mr Li.A.

6、 sisterB. motherC. brother2. Hello, whats yourJA. niceB. n ameC. this3. Go to,now. Good ni ght.A. schoolB. homeC. bed4.are you , Mrs Black?A. AndB. GoodC. How5. Nancy Black isEn glish girl.A. aB. anC. /6. Here ' s myorange.A. aB. anC. /7. This is my mother ,Li.A . MrB. MrsC. Miss8.to meet you .A

7、. GladB. HowC. What9. What can you see ? I cansee someA. peachB. peachsC.peaches10. Let' go to Xi'an.Great,By plane.A. howB. how aboutC. but how11.a new T-shirt.A. That'sB. ThisC.That12.A. LookB. SeeC. Look athis shirt.It 'smart.13. This is a coat. It'sA. tallB. bigC.Tha nk you14

8、. I'm cold(冷的).,pl ease.Ok.A. Open the doorB. close the doorC. Turn on the door15. My father is aman.A. shortB. longC. pretty五、看图选答句,在横线上填序号(10%)12A. I ' m not bad.A. Yes, p lease.A. Fine, tha nk you.B. I ' m not so good.B. No, tha nk you.B. I ' m Bobby.It' pretty. Let' go to

9、 the sup ermarket. Great, but how?A. Look , that is my blouse.A. By car.B. Look, that is my dress.B. By bus.2007-2008学年度第一学期新安小学牛津小学英语3A期末检测试卷(时间:40分 命题人:顾盈盈 2008.01.09)听力材料、选出所听到的单词或词组(5%)1.2.chair3.fridge4.shirt5.basket、选出所听到句子(5%)1. This is Liu Tao.2. Turn off the TV.3. Not so good.4. It 'sa thin cat.5. Who are you?1.三、选出所听问句的答句( 5%) What's your name?2.Good afternoon.3.A glass of juice, please.4.A red T-shirt?5.Look at


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