



1、Labor Con tractName of company: Beijing Jigua ng She ngda Tech no logy Co., Ltd. (Party A)Name of emp loyee: SUN Qian (Party B)Accord ing to the laws and regulatio ns ofLabor Law of P .R.C. , the con tract is made to be abided by the both p arties based on equality and free will.The con tract durati

2、 on1. Employment Periodis 2 years. The con tract shall take effect from Apr. 2,2001 to Apr. 1,2003.2. Job Co ntentParty A appoints Party B as Manager in Prin ter Bus in ess Dep artme nt.3. Labor Protecti on and Work ing Con diti onsParty A is required to pro vide Party B with the con diti ons of lab

3、or safety and sanitation, and necessary labor protective equipment to Part B according to releva nt regulatio ns of the state and gover nment.4. Worki ng TimeAccord ing to the releva nt regulati ons of the state and gover nment, P arty B works 40 hours a week and 8 hours a day averagely. P arty A sh

4、all pro miseP arty B at least a day off per week. Party A can prolong the work ing time by n egotiati ng with Party B in case of bus in ess n eed, but the exte nded time is not p ermitted to be more tha n the Ion gest exte nded worki ng time regulated by the state.5. Labor rem un erati on and Welfar

5、e Treatme nt(1) Party A should pay the salary in form of currency RMB 3,000 on time and po siti on allowa nee RMB 1,000 per month without deducti on and default.(2) In addition to the salary, Party B can get bonus of certain amount. The standard of delivering bonus is: depending on the operation sta

6、tus of the departme nt and in dividual performa nee, and offered at the begi nning of the coming year.(3) If Party A exte nds the work time, Party A should compen sate Party B 150%rest days,salary for the overtime. If Party A arran ges Party B to work duri ngParty A should compen sate Party B 200% s

7、alary. If Party A arran ges Party B to work duri ng legal holidays, P arty A should compen sate P arty B 300% salary.(4) Party A should pay part of the social in sura nee p remium for Party B accord ing to the concerning regulati ons and the laws of the state, and Party B is willi ng to en trust Par

8、ty A to deduct the other part of the social in sura nee p remium .(5) If Party B is injured for work or afflicted with occ up atio nal disease within the employment p eriod, Party A should han dle the matters accord ing to the related state laws.6. Worki ng Disci pline(1) P arty A has the right to f

9、ormulate the regulatio ns of the unit accordi ng to related regulations of the state and the city to guarantee the rights and obligati ons of Party B. Party A has a right to sup ervise the work p erforma nee ofParty B.(2) P arty B should obey the p rese nt related laws, regulati ons and p olicies, a

10、nd comp lete the occ up ati onal task actively.7. Alterati on, exte nsion, can cellatio n and term in ati on of the Con tract(1) The con tract can be altered if it is n ecessary accordi ng to the actual situation; both parties should negotiate friendly and sign the agreement ofwrittenlabor contract

11、alteration. If the agreement can not reach after negotiation,Party A has the right to terminate the contract and notice Party B by form 30 days in advance.(2) When the agreed conditions of contract cancellation occur, this contract is cancelled immediately. 30 days before the cancellation, both part

12、ies should inform each other in written form to extend or cancel the contract. If both parties are willing to extend the contract after negotiation, the extension contract should be signed before the cancellation term.(3) Based on negotiation between both parties upon consensus, this contract can be

13、 terminated.(4) Party A has the right to terminate the contract if Party B is in one of the following situations (In terms of the last three items, Party A shall inform PartyB in written form 30 days in advance and pay Party B relevant economic compensation according to relevant regulations of the s

14、tate and city. ):1) Party B breaches duties and causes serious damages or violating thelabor disciplines.can not fulfill her2) Party B is involved in a criminal lawsuit.3) Party B is sick or injured because of employment andresponsibilities continuously after her sickness.4) Party B is incompetent f

15、or the job, even after the training or theadjustment.5) The objective situations that the contract is based on take changes andcause the contract failing to be implemented, and the contract can not bereached after both parties 'negotiation.(5) Party A has no right to stop the contract in case th

16、at one of the following situations happens: (excluding item 1 and 2 in the above point)1) Party B has occupational disease or hurt from the work and lose theability of working.2) Party B is sick or hurts not from the work, but within the treatmentperiod.3) Party B is in pregnancy, confinement or lac

17、tation period.4) Other situations according to the laws and regulations.(6) Party B has the right to terminate the contract in case that one of the following situations happens:1) Party A forces PartyB to undertake activities by violence, threat orrestriction of Party B' s human freedom.2) Party

18、 A can not payParty B' ssalary or provide her with the workconditions according to the contract.3) Party A does not pay the social insurance for Party B according to theHandbook of Employees.(7) In addition to the items above, Party B shouldnegotiatewith Party A inwritten form 30 days in advance

19、. If Party Aagrees tounconditionallyterminate the contract or has no reply within30 days,Party A shouldterminate the contract with Party B as soon as possible.(8) When the duration of the contract ends, or situation for the termination ofthe contract happens, the labor contract is cancelled immediately.8. Responsibilities of breaching the contractBoth parties should obey the labor contract, either party who breaches the contract and causes damage to other Party should give compensation.9. Others(1) The contract is printed duplications fo


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