1、免疫学导论教学大纲课程名称:免疫学导论 英文名称: The leading of immunology课程性质:专业课程课程编号:所属系部:生命科学系 周 学 时:3学时总 学 时:55学时(讲授37,文献阅读与报告6,实验12)学分: 教学对象(本课程适合的专业和年级):生物技术专业(本科)生物制药方向三年级学生 生物科学专业(本科)三年级学生预备知识:生物化学、微生物学基础知识课程在教学计划中的地位作用:免疫学及免疫生物制品是生物技术专业方向课程。通过本课程的学习,掌握免疫学的基本原理及免疫学基本实验方法,为学生在生物制药方面的就业和进行动物免疫学方面的研究打下坚实的理论基础和技术基础。教
3、t Brostoff, Male :Immunology,人民卫生出版社,2002年周德庆,微生物学(第二版),北京,高等教育出版社,2002年 编写日期:2006年6月制定课程内容及学时分配:第一章 Proface(2学时)通过本章的课堂教学,引导学生了解免疫学的由来与发展,什么是免疫,及免疫学的几个基本概念,明确免疫学作为一门独立学科在生命科学发展中的重要作用和地位,在维护人类健康和生产品质优良的动物产品的重要作用,展望未来,激发学生的学习兴趣和明确肩负的重任。教学内容:一、The development of immunology1.The infectious disease and
4、immunity2.The emergence and development of the immunology3.The development of the immunology in the modern times 二、The conception of the immunology1.The congenital and acquired immunity2.Immune response3.Immunology and the application practice4.The branch science and the development of the immunolog
5、y重点:The developed history of the immunology,The conception of the immunology,The character of the immune response, The significance , characteristic and relation of the congenital and acquired immunity.难点:The conception of the immunology and the character of the immune response第二章 Antigen(4.5学时)通过本章
6、的课堂教学,向学生介绍抗原的基本概念、抗原的分子基础及抗原的特性,使他们了解现实生活中常见的各种微生物抗原及疫苗的种类。教学内容:一、The basic conception and the categories of the antigen1.Antigen and immunity 2.Categories of antigen二、The molecular basis of the antigen1.The chemical character of the antigen2.The Determinant of the antigen三、The immunogenicity of th
7、e antigen1.The ectogenisis of the antigen2.The relationship of the immunogenicity and the individual,the method of immunity.3.The specificity and immune dominant4.The immune specificity of the hepten四、The infectivity of the antigen1.Bacteria2.Fungi3.Virus五、Vaccine1.The common caccine2.The recombinat
8、ed live vaccine3.Polypeptide vaccine4.DNA vaccine重点:The conception and basic character of the antigen难点:The categories of infectious antigen and vaccine which can cause the diseases of human and animal.第三章 Antibody(2.5学时)通过本章的课堂教学,向学生介绍抗体的概念及其结构,并让学生了解抗体的合成和分泌过程。了解抗体的多样性。教学内容:一、The structure and cat
9、egories of the immunoglobulin1.The basic constructure of the antibody2.The categories of the immunoglobulin二、The genes of the immunoglobulin1.The gene stucture of the immunoglobulin2.The recombination and expression of the immunoglobulin3.The genes diversity of the immunoglobulin三、The synthesis and
10、secretion of the immunoglobulin1.The humoral immune response and the antibody production2.The Expression, resemble and secresion of the immunoglobulin 重点:The structure and categories of the immunoglobulin,The humoral immune response and the antibody production 难点:The genes of immunoglobulin第四章 Compl
11、ement system (3学时)通过本章的教学,让学生了解动物补体组成及其理化性质,掌握补体活化的基本途径,了解补体的生物学效应及其补体缺陷引发的各种病症。教学内容:一、The composition and physics-chemical specificity of the complement1.Naming of the complement component2.The composition and physics-chemical specificityof the complement二、The complement activation1.The classical a
12、ctivated pathway of the complement2.The lectin activated pathway of the complement3.The alternative activated pathway of the complement4.The formation of membrane lysis complex in the later stageof the complement activaion5.The comparison of the 3 complement activated pathway.三、The modulation and th
13、e biological effect of the complement.1.The regulated protein which activate complement in the serum.2.The regulated protein on the cyto-membrane.3.The receptor of the complement.4.The biological function of the complement protein.四、The biological synthesis and deficiency of the complement1.The comp
14、lement gene.2.The biological synthesis of the complement.3.The deficiency and defective diseases of the complement.重点:The composition and biological function of the complement system, 3 complement activated pathways.难点:The basic 3 pathway of the complement activation.第五章 The cells,tissues and organs
15、 of the immune system(3学时)通过本章的学习,让学生了解动物体淋巴组织器官的结构和功能,掌握免疫细胞的种类。教学内容:一、The structure and function of the lymph tissues and organs.1.The composition and the function of the primary lymph organs.2.The composition and the function of the secondary lymph organs.3.The circulation of the lymphocytes.二、Th
16、e cells of the immune system1.B cells2.T cells3.The natural killer cells and the natural suppress cells.4.phagcytosis cells, granular cells and the mast cells.5.Langhans' cells and the dendritic cells.重点:The composition and the function of the primary and secondary lymph organs, the categories a
17、nd specificity of the immune cells.难点:The origination and surface marker of the immune cells.第六章 The major histocompatibility complex,MHC(2学时)通过本章的课堂教学,让学生掌握两种主要组织相容性抗原的结构与功能,了解MHC的检测原理及应用。教学内容:一、The composition and the function ofthe major histocompatibility antigen.1.Class I major histocompatibili
18、ty antigen molecule.2.Class II major histocompatibility antigen molecule.3.The binding stuctural basis of the peptide and MHC molecule.二、The gene stucture and heredity of the major histocompatibility antigen1.Genetics and polymorphism of MHC.2.The MHC gene stucture of mice.3.The MHC gene stucture of
19、human.三、The detected rational and application of the MHC.1.The detection of HLA1 antigen.2.The detection of HLA2 antigen.3.The method of HLA gene steretype.4.The application of HLAs detection.重点:The composition and specificity ofthe major histocompatibility antigen. The methods and significance of t
20、he HLA detection.难点:The gene stucture of MHC.第七章 The reaction and application of antigen and antiboy (4学时)通过本章的课堂教学,使学生了解不同抗体的制备过程,抗原抗体的反应原理,及与抗体有关的常见的免疫学分析方法。教学内容:一、Preparation of antibody1.Preparation of anti-serum2. preparation of monoclonal antibody3.preparation of genetic engineered antibody4.p
21、reparing the catalytic antibody 二、The principl of antibody-antigen response1.The thermodynamics and dynamics of anitigen-antibody response .2.The reaction of antibody with single valued antigen.3.The reaction of antibody with macromolecular multi-valued antigen三、The common immune analytical method1.
22、immunoprecipitation2.immune marking3. immune localization4.The other applications antigen-antibody response 重点:The precesses of preparation of anti-serum and monoclonal antibody. The priciple of antigen and antibody reaction.难点:The common immune analytical method.第八章 cell mediated immune response (4
23、学时)通过本章的课堂教学,使学生了解什么是免疫应答及免疫应答的特性,掌握免疫应答的基本过程,了解什么是细胞凋亡及细胞凋亡与免疫之间的关系。教学内容:一、The basic conception of immune responses1.the non-specific and specificity of immune response.2.The active immunization, passive immunization and passive immunity.3.Non-response.二、The basic process of the immune responses1.a
24、ntigen-presenting cells.2.T cell activation.3.The immune response of exogenous antigens.4.The immune response of endogenous antigen .三、Cell Apoptosis and immunity1.the characters of apoptosis2.the detection of apoptosis3. apoptosis and immunity重点:The characters and categories of the immune response.
25、The basic principle of antigen presenting.难点:The basic principle of antigen presenting.The relationship of cell apoptosis and immunity.第九章 Immune regulation(4学时)通过本章的课堂教学,使学生抗原、抗体及免疫细胞和细胞介素等对免疫应答的调节,了解免疫耐受形成的原因及其调节途径。教学内容:一、The regulation of antigen, antibody to the immune response1.the regulation o
26、f antigen2.the regulation of antibody3.The immune network regulative effection of the idiotype and the anti-idiotype 二、The regulation of immune cells to the immune response1.the immune regulation of T cells 2.the immune regulation of other cells.三、The cytokine and immune regulation1.The catagories o
27、f the erleukin3.The other cytokines produced by the T cells四、Immunologic tolerance1.The finding of the immunologic tolerance2.The regulation and inducing pathway of the formation of immunologic tolerance 3.The mechanism of immune tolerance重点:The immune regulation on the level of molecu
28、le and cell,The immune regulation of idiotype network,The principle of the immune tolerance.难点:The immune regulation of idiotype network第十章 Hypersensitivity(3学时)通过本章的课堂教学,使学生了解什么是超敏反应及几种超敏反应发生的原因和损伤机制、典型症状。教学内容:一、Type-I hypersensitivity1. The initiating mechanism of the type-I hypersensitivity.2. Th
29、e allergen of the type-I hypersensitivity3. The IgE and IgE receptor4. The common diseases caused by type-I hypersensitivity二、Type-II hypersensitivity1. The injury mechanism of type-II hypersensitivity2. Type-II hypersensitivity and the dieases三、Type-III hypersensitivity1. The reason of type-III hyp
30、ersensitivity2. The common dieases caused by the immune complex四、Type- hypersensitivity(delayed type hypersensitivity)1.delayed type hypersensitivity2.The interaction of the cells in the DTH3.The commun diseases caused by theType- hypersensitivity重点:超敏反应的概念、各型超敏反应的特点及发生机制难点:各型超敏反应的特点及防治方法。第十一章 The a
31、lloimmune response(3.5学时)通过本章的课堂教学,使学生了解几种异常免疫应答及动物体存在的免疫缺陷,激发学生研究异常免疫应答的兴趣,探讨对异常免疫应答的防治措施。教学内容:一、The autoimmune response:conception1.the occurrence reason of the autoimmune response2.autoimmune disease二、Transplantation immunity1.The types of transplantation and the immune response of allotype grafting2.Transplantation antigen and immunity3.the pathway of redu
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