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1、Keys to Reading Course 2Unit 6 The African-AmericansSection A Word Pretest 1. C 2. A Reading Comprehension 1. F 2T 3T 4F Vocabulary Building Word Search 1. destined sit-in 6. legacy vigilance3. C4. A 5. B6. A 7. C8. C5T 6F 7T 8T2. relief3. segregation4. boycott5.7. chronicle 8. assault9. plight10.to

2、 go or move upwardto pass on or delegate to anotherto change location periodically, especially by movingto descend to thelevel of one consideredinferior;2. admit3. dismiss4. eulogize5. advanceraisedimmigratedearnedrosepositionarmyautobiography3F4C5B6D7D 8D9T10F13T14T3D4C5C6B7D 8CSemantic Variations

3、1C 2A 3C 4A 5B 6C Stemspassage of so that descendants differ1. evolution: the theory that groups of organisms change with time, mainly as a result of natural selection, morphologically and physiologically from their ancestors2. ascend:3. devolve:4. migrate: seasonally from one region to another5. ex

4、port: to send or transport (a commodity, for example) abroad, especially for trade or sale6. condescend: to lower oneself Antonyms1. observe Cloze Nominated Assignmentspeaker Section B 1T 2T 11F 12F Section C 1A 2DKeys to Reading Course 2Unit 7 Greek StoriesSection AWord PretestReading Comprehension

5、Vocabulary BuildingWord match ripple mischief hospitality5. C a little wave on the surface of water naughty behavior by children welcoming behaviornymph a goddess of nature band suitor mortal a warriorbillow a large sea wave spell delightful influence a group of musiciana man wishing to marry a part

6、icular woman human beingcunning unfriendly cheerful not wilda soldiercrafty hostile merry tame content satisfied resume to take againgloom darknessdespise to look down on with contemptdismay a strong feeling of fear, anxiety and hopelessness dusk the time just before nightSemantic Variations1-6 CAAA

7、ACStems13. tendency: movement or prevailing movement in a given direction2. conservative: favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change3. preserve: to keep in perfect or unaltered condition; tending to oppose change4. valuable: of great importanceavailable: present and ready for us

8、e; at hand; accessible5.6. prevail: to be most common or frequent; to be predominantAntonyms1. forbid 2. clarifyClozename place arrows wandered power mischief won neglected celebrate expeditionSection B1-5 CCACD 6-10 TTFFF 11-15 TTBBCSection C1-5 CADBA 6-8DCCUnit 8 Attitude Towards LifeSection AWord

9、 Pretest:BACBA BCAReading Comprehension: CABBC BBBVocabulary BuildingWord match astonishing considerate preach strenuous arenasurprisingthoughtful of other persons ' wishes, needs or feelings to advise or urge others to accept (sth. one believes in) taking or needing great effort or strength an

10、enclosed area for sports, public entertainments, etc.adversity batter reverse penetrate self-esteembad fortune, troubleto damage, break, or cause to lose shapethe opposite, the other way roundto see into or through one's good opinion of ones own worthdoom emerge blessing good fortune mess up dev

11、astatingto cause to suffer sth unavoidable and terribleto come out or appear from inside or from being hidden a gift from God or anything that brings happiness andto get into disorder; to spoil, etc. completely destructivecommon denominator a quality or belief shared by all the members of a groupodd

12、sthe probabilities that sth will or will not happenstackto arrange dishonestly so as to give oneself an unfairadvantage motiveto provide with a strong reason for doing sth.falterlose strength or effectiveness; weakenSemantic Variations: CBBACBStems1 prescribe2 description3 terrain4 subscribe newspap

13、er, etc.5 territorial6 extraterrestrial Antonyms appear readyto advise the use of a medicinean account of a person in wordsa stretch of land, with regard to its natural features to pay regularly in order to receive a magazine,of a country ' s territoryof or from outside the earth or its atmosphe

14、rehides skillfulcarelessCloze intelligent offSection BCCCCC TFTFTSection CFTFTF TFTTTactivitiesreducingworkoutseemattitude asideTTFFTUnit 9 First AidSection AWord PretestReading comprehension. 2. C. 3. D. 4. B/D/A/C. Vocabulary BuildingWord SearchA/B/DUse of English government has come in for a lot

15、of criticism.2. It 's hard to come to terms with the government3. After retiring in 1980 he has decided to makea comebackto the political scene.4. The situation has cometo the a vote of confidence.5. The tax cuts announced in the' s defense policy.boil now that the government has to faceBudg

16、et do not comeinto effect until nextyear.6. The miners cameout on strike plans.against the government' s privatizationStems1. solo: a composition or passage for an individual voice or instrument, with or without accompaniment2. series: a number of objects or events arranged or coming one after t

17、he other in succession3. isolate:to set apart or cut off from others4. desert:to withdraw from, especially in spite of aresponsibility or duty; to forsake5. peninsula:a piece of land that projects into a body of water andis connected with the mainland by an isthmus6. exert:7. insulate: into or out m

18、aterials8. insert: Synonyms1. give penetrate Cloze Pedestrians fatalitiesofto put to use or effect; to put forthto prevent the passage of heat, electricity or sound somewhere, especially by surroundingwith a non-conductingSection BSection Cto put or set into, between or among2. stopadultsKeys to Rea

19、ding Course 2Section AWord PretestReading Comprehension5. BVocabulary Building Word match quotation artificial anguish anniversary3. antiseptic4. block5.declining avoid signalscase impairedUnit 10 Marriagea sentence or passage taken from a booknot naturalvery great pain or suffering, esp. of the min

20、d a day which is an exact year or number of years aftersomething has happenedsuperstitionor factbouquet heed escort confetti concealconsent asunder vow rites purposea belief based on association of ideas instead of reasona bunch of flowersto give attention toto accompanysmall pieces of colored paper

21、 thrown on weddings to hideagreementaparta solemn promise or declaration of intentionforms of behavior with a fixed pattern for a religioussermon to talk usually based on a sentence from the Bible and given as part of a church serviceUse of English7. Will you please keep me company for a while?8. I

22、couldn 't keep a stra ight face when he told me of his plan.9. The staff are going to be kept in the dark about the firm' s plansfor the future.10. I 'll keep an open mind until we've discussed it.11. I 'll keep away from her until she's feeling more optimistic.12. Try to keep your head even if you don't know what's going to happen.Stems14. br


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