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1、非谓语动词 V- i ng专题及练习一划分句子结构1. Finding ways to grow more rice has bee n his life goal.2. His performa nee is disappo in ti ng.3. He tries eutt ing and ehew ing the bottom of the shoe.4. They did everything they could to prevent the river from being polluted.5. There is a swimmi ng pool in our school.6.

2、 I heard some one playi ng the pia no in the n ext room.7. They went out of the classroom, talk ing and laugh ing.动词的-ing形式是一种非谓语动词。-ing形式仍保留有动词的特征,可以带有其所需要的宾语或状语而构成-ing短语。V-ing的形式:动词语 态 形式do主动语态被动语态意义一般式表示和谓语动词所表示的动作进行的动作完成式表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之发生的动作。1)一般式:Seeing is believing.2)被动式:The truck being repaire

3、d there is ours.Being repaired , the computer can ' t be used now.He came to the party without being invited.(v-ing被动式一般式所表示的动作是一个被动动作,这个被动动作也是和句中谓语所表示的动作 生的。它一般在句中作定语或状语用。)3)完成式:We remembered having seen the film.Having answered the letter, she went on to read an English novel.(v-i ng完成式所表示的动作发

4、生在句中谓语动词所表示的动作之 ,一般在句中作宾语,时间或原因状语用。句中的 它的逻辑主语,并且是它所表示的动作的执行者.)4) 完成被动式:Hav ing bee n show n the lab, we were take n to see the library.(v-ing完成被动式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,在句中一般作状语或宾语用。)5) 否定式:not + doingI regret n ot followi ng his advice.三.V-ing的基本用法I. V-ing作主语1. (say) is easier than doing.2. (eat) ju

5、nk food is one of my hobbies.3. It is no use (cry ) crying over spilt milk.4. It ' s no good (read) in dim light.5. There is no use/point in (wait ) here.6. There is noneed (do) it again.归纳:1. V-i ng 方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个 在句中可以作。2. - ing作主语时,如果其结构较长,可用it作形式主语,而将作主语的-ing 后置。做什么是没有用/没有好处/是浪费时间的3. 做

6、什么是没有意义的 (但,做什么是没有必要/可能的 )n . V-ing 作宾语1. 作及物动词的宾语I suggest (do) it in a different way.能接-ing分词作宾语的动词:避免错过少延期(,/)建议完成多练习(,)喜欢想象禁不住(,)承认否定和嫉妒(,)逃脱冒险莫原谅(,,)忍受欣赏别介意(,)注:v-ing作宾语也可用在复合宾语中作真正的宾语,而用it作形式宾语。女口: We found it_no good talking like that.Do you thi nkL n ecessary trying aga in?2. 作介词的宾语:(1) Her

7、sister is good at ( learn ) physics.(2)I have no difficulty (in) ( com muni cate) withforeig ners.(3)He used to spend a lot of time (in) ( play) games.归纳:-ing前省略介词in的常用结构:3. 作形容词 worth 等的宾语:This book is well worth reading.V-ing 作need, want, require, deserve 的宾语时,主动形式表达被动意义。The blackboard n eed clean

8、ing/to be cleaned.IH . V-ing 作表语1. His hobby is (collect ) stamps.2. The problem is quite (puzzle ).3. My job is (look ) after the children.归纳: V-ing 作表语可以表示主语的 或IV . V-ing 作定语:astick ( 拐杖) aboy ( 一个酣睡的孩子 )thenews ( 令人振奋的消息)Do you love the girl?( 你喜欢坐在角落里的那个女孩吗?)The building (build) now is going to

9、be finishednext month.(正被建造这的那座教学楼将于下个月完工。)归纳:单个的V-ing作定语一般放在被修饰词的前面,一般表性质,用途或 正在进行的动作V-ing短语作定语应放在被修饰词的后面,也相当于一个 句。练习1. Do you know the man ( stand)at the gate?2. The meeting ( hold) now is very important.3. The preside nt ( hold)the meeti ng is my n eighbor.4. Two days later, I received a letter (

10、 offer )me the job.V . V-ing 作宾补:1.1 heard someone(knock) at the door at that time2. I noticed a man (run) out of the bank when I got off the car.3. Last ni ght the shopkeeper caught a child(steal) some foodin the shop.归纳: 动词 see, watch, notice, observe, hear, feel, find, have, keep,catch等后常带-ing作宾补

11、。W. V-ing 作状语【例句呈现】观察下列句子中动词 -ing形式作状语的用法,然后加以总结。1. Seeing (= When he saw) a note on the ground, the stranger picked itup.2. Being late (= As he was late ) , he could not be allowed to join in the activity.3. Mr. Brown was killed in an accident, leaving (=and left ) behind a wife and child.4. The st

12、ranger was walking through the village,looking (= and looked )this way and that.5. She came in,smili ng (=a nd smiled)归纳:1. V-i ng作状语,表时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、伴随等2. v-i ng作状语时,它的逻辑主语就是整个句子的 。练习1. The stude nts ran out of the room,(laugh) merrily.2. (follow) the guide, they started to climb.3. (see) n obod

13、y at home, she decided to leave them a no te.4. His pare nts were killed in the accide nt,(leave) leav ing himan orpha n.5. Whe n (cross) the road, please be careful.6. On (arrive) in London, he man aged to get in touch with her.7. (eat) too much, he couldn ' t go to sleep.8. (show) around the s

14、chool , wewere then taken to see the library.四.V-ing的复合结构:V-ing的复合结构通常由形容词性物主代词、人称代词宾格、名词所有格或者名词的普通格+-ing分词构成,通常在句中作主语、表语、宾语。如:1. 主语His coming made us very happy.Do you think my going there will be of any help?made her teacher angry.(玛丽迟至U使她老师 生气)2. 表语What made him angry was their laugh ing.3. 宾语Do

15、you mi nd my ope ning the wi ndow?Can you imag inethe Atla ntic Ocea n in five days?你能想象彼得五天之内横跨大西洋吗?He in sisted on.他坚持主张他儿子上大学。注:作主语时必须用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,作宾语时可用人称代词宾格、或名词的普通格+-ing分词.非谓语动词V-ing专题一划分句子结构1. Finding ways to grow more rice has bee n his life goal.2. His performa nee is disappo in ti ng.3.

16、 He tries eutt ing and ehew ing the bottom of the shoe.4. They did everything they could to prevent the river from being polluted.5. There is a swimmi ng pool in our school.6. I heard some one playi ng the pia no in the n ext room.7. They went out of the classroom, talk ing and laugh ing.动词的-ing形式是一

17、种非谓语动词。-ing形式仍保留有动词的特征,可以带有其所需要的宾语或状语而构成-ing短语。V-ing的形式:动词语 态 形式do主动语态被动语态意义一般式表示和谓语动词所表示的动作进行的动作完成式表示在谓语动词所表示的动作之发生的动作。1)一般式:Seeing is believing.2)被动式:The truck being repaired there is ours.Being repaired , the computer can ' t be used now.He came to the party without being invited.(v-ing被动式一般式

18、所表示的动作是一个被动动作,这个被动动作也是和句中谓语所表示的动作 生的。它一般在句中作定语或状语用。)3) 完成式:We remembered having seen the film.Having answered the letter, she went on to read an English novel.(v-i ng完成式所表示的动作发生在句中谓语动词所表示的动作之 ,一般在句中作宾语,时间或原因状语用。句中的 它的逻辑主语,并且是它所表示的动作的执行者.)4) 完成被动式:Hav ing bee n show n the lab, we were take n to see t

19、he library.(v-ing完成被动式所表示的动作发生在谓语动词所表示的动作之前,在句中一般作状语或宾语用。)5) 否定式:not + doingI regret n ot followi ng his advice.三.V-ing的基本用法I. V-ing作主语1. (say) is easier than doing.2. (eat) junk food is one of my hobbies.3. It is no use (cry ) crying over spilt milk.4. It ' s no good (read) in dim light.7. Ther

20、e is no use/point in (wait ) here.8. There is noneed (do) it again.归纳:1. V-i ng方面具有动词的性质,另一方面也相当于一个 在句中可以作。2. - ing作主语时,如果其结构较长,可用it作形式主语,而将作主语的-ing 后置。做什么是没有用/没有好处/是浪费时间的3. 做什么是没有意义的 (但,做什么是没有必要/可能的 )n . V-ing 作宾语1. 作及物动词的宾语I suggest (do) it in a different way.能接-ing分词作宾语的动词:避免错过少延期(, /)建议完成多练习(,)喜

21、欢想象禁不住(,)承认否定和嫉妒(,)逃脱冒险莫原谅( ,,)忍受欣赏别介意(,)注:v-ing作宾语也可用在复合宾语中作真正的宾语,而用it作形式宾语。女口: We found it_no good talking like that.Do you thi nkL n ecessary trying aga in?2. 作介词的宾语:(1)Her sister is good at ( learn ) physics.(2)I have no difficulty (in) ( com muni cate) withforeig ners.(3)He used to spend a lot

22、of time (in) ( play) games.归纳:-ing前省略介词in的常用结构:3. 作形容词 worth 等的宾语:This book is well worth reading.V-ing 作need, want, require, deserve的宾语时,主动形式表达被动意义。The blackboard n eed cleaning/to be cleaned.IH . V-ing 作表语1. His hobby is (collect ) stamps.4. The problem is quite (puzzle ).5. My job is (look ) afte

23、r the children.IV . V-ing 作定语:astick ( 拐杖) aboy (一个酣睡的孩子 )thenews ( 令人振奋的消息)Do you love the girl?(你喜欢坐在角落里的那个女孩吗?)The building (build) now is going to be finished next month.(正被建造这的那座教学楼将于下个月完工。)归纳:单个的V-ing作定语一般放在被修饰词的前面,一般表性质,用途或 正在进行的动作V-ing短语作定语应放在被修饰词的后面,也相当于一个 句。练习2. Do you know the man ( stand

24、)at the gate?2. The meeting ( hold) now is very important.3. The preside nt ( hold)the meeti ng is my n eighbor.4. Two days later, I received a letter ( offer )me the job.V . V-ing 作宾补:1.1 heard someone(knock) at the door at that time2. I noticed a man (run) out of the bank when I got off the car.3.

25、 Last ni ght the shopkeeper caught a child(steal) some foodin the shop.归纳: 动词 see, watch, notice, observe, hear, feel, find, have, keep,catch等后常带-ing作宾补。W. V-ing 作状语【例句呈现】观察下列句子中动词-ing形式作状语的用法,然后加以总结1. Seeing (= When he saw) a note on the ground, the stranger picked it up.2. Being late (= As he was

26、late ) , he could not be allowed to join in the activity.3. Mr. Brown was killed in an accident, leaving (=and left ) behind a wife and child.4. The stranger was walking through the village,looking (= and looked )this way and that.5. She came in,smili ng (=a nd smiled)归纳:1. V-i ng作状语,表时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、方式、伴随等2. v-i ng作状语时,它的逻辑主语就是整个句子的 。练习1. The stude nts ran out


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