1、E-LEARNING AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENTPositioning technology-based training in the context of skills development legislationMike StantonCONTENTSINTRODUCTIONROADSIGN 1 Some Definitions of e-Learning, Computer-Based Training (CBT), and Technology-Based Training (TBT)ROADSIGN 2 Instructor-Led Training (ILT)
2、 Versus Technology-Based Training (TBT)ROADSIGN 3 The Legislative Framework And Technology-Based TrainingROADSIGN 4 The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) And Technology-Based TrainingROADSIGN 5 The National Qualifications Framework (NQF) And Technology-Based TrainingROADSIGN 6 The Nation
3、al Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) And Technology-Based TrainingROADSIGN 7 The Practical Benefits Of Technology-Based Training In The SMME WorkplaceCONCLUSIONANNEXURE A Checklist : Does Your Current Technology-Based Training Programme Meet The Required Standards?REFERENCESABOUT THE AUTHORACRONYMS
4、CBTComputer-Based TrainingCMIComputer-Managed InstructionCAIComputer-Assisted InstructionETDEducation, Training and Skills DevelopmentILTInstructor-Led TrainingSDFSkills Development FacilitatorSMMESmall, Medium And Micro EnterpriseTBTTechnology-Based TrainingINTRODUCTIONThe promulgation and subseque
5、nt implementation of recent education, training and skills development (ETD) legislation has had profound implications on all businesses and educational enterprises in South Africa. Not least amongst these has been the re-focussing on instructor-led training (ILT) by ETD practitioners and Skills Dev
6、elopment Facilitators (SDFs). Indeed, the vast majority of these acts of parliament seem to have been written solely from the viewpoint of classroom-based education and training practices, to the very obvious detriment of any e-learning or technology-based training (TBT) interventions. This ROADMAP
7、will therefore endeavour to position e-learning in the context of this skills development legislation, and to show the efficacy of this medium in meeting the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS)
8、 aims and objectives.Of special concern to the author has been the buy-in of the small, medium and micro enterprise (SMME) sector to recent skills development initiatives. Many larger businesses and corporate enterprises have been successfully conducting human capital development over many years, an
9、d all indications are that they will continue to do so. It is the SMME sector where such vital education, training and skills development initiatives need to take place, and indeed, the legislation abounds with objectives and success indicators where this aim has been emphasised. Unfortunately, anec
10、dotal evidence suggests that it is in this sphere where most resistance to the legislation has been encountered. The value and merit of technology-based training in meeting the needs of SMME employers and learners will thus also be explored in this ROADMAP.TAKE NOTE ICONThis ROADMAP does not intend
11、to explore the selection, design, development, delivery, implementation, or evaluation of e-learning interventions. This has already been comprehensively explored and successfully dealt with in another ROADMAP publication : Destination Effective e-learning by Prof Johannes Cronjé and Barry Vors
12、ter. Readers are urged to read this ROADMAP in conjunction with that publication.ROADSIGN 1 Some Definitions of Instructor-Led Training (ILT), e-Learning, Computer-Based Training (CBT) and Technology-Based Training (TBT)As is pointed out by Prof Johannes Cronjé and Barry Vorster in the previous
13、 e-learning ROADMAP, finding a suitable definition for this concept is both difficult and tricky. According to these authors, e-learning is :QUOTE ICON“the continuous assimilation of knowledge and skills by adults stimulated by synchronous and asynchronous learning events and sometimes knowledge man
14、agement outputs which are authored, delivered, engaged with, supported and administered using Internet technologies”.From Morrison, D. (2003) : E-learning Strategies How to get implementation and delivery right first time. England, John Wiley and Sons (Ltd).Although this is a vey capable definition,
15、 it does, however, exclude a number of delivery mediums that could collectively be included under the sobriquet “technology-based training” specifically, those technologies that are not necessarily internet-related, such as : standalone personal computers, CD-ROMs or DVDs, LAN and WAN technologies,
16、and intra- and extranets. Although computer-based, or technology-based, training is becoming more widely accepted and deployed amongst the South African learning and skills development industry, it shouldshold be noted that only a small portion of these users actually utilise internet-technologies.F
17、or most, especially the SMMEs, the initial capital investment and technical infrastructure required for true internet technologies are not easily within their grasp, and therefore more cost-effective and less bandwidth-intensive computer or electronic technologies are utilised. For the purposes of t
18、his ROADMAP publication, then, the notions of e-learning, computer-based training, and technology-based training will be used interchangeably.similarlySimilalrly, the following terms and definitions need to be expounded on :TERMINOLOGY ICONCMIComputer-Managed Instruction : refers to the learner mana
19、gement system (or LMS) which operates independently of the digital media comprising the TBT intervention, and which relates to the MANAGEMENT of learners, resources, content and outcomes / assessmentCAIComputer-Assisted Instruction : refers to the actual provision of CONTENT that will provide learne
20、rs with the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes within a specific area of competence, or unit standardILTInstructor-Led Training : a collective term for any teacher, trainer, lecturer, or facilitator-driven education, training and skills development intervention within a classroom environmentT
21、BTTechnology-Based Training : a collective term for ANY computer-based or electronic technologies or media deployed within an education, training and skills development environmentROADSIGN 2Instructor-Led Training (ILT) Versus Technology-Based Training (TBT)From its origins nearly 40 years ago, e-le
22、arning has built up a significant base of research in terms of the mediums instructional effectiveness in education, training and skills development. Throughout the history of computer-based education and training (CBT) or technology-based education and training (TBT), or e-learning there have been
23、numerous studies comparing various computer- and non-computer-based modes of instruction, and judging the relative costs and benefits of these instructional systems.Comparative research has some value if we recognize that the differences in effectiveness and efficiency are due primarily to the way i
24、n which the CBT is designed, and not to the mere fact that the training is done on a computer. But it is natural to assume that what is true in general of CBT probably will be true specifically in a particular application or setting. When the reviews quantify the differences between CBT and conventi
25、onal classrooms, CBT typically results in about 30% greater learning, in up to 40% less time, than conventional classroom-bound methods (Foshay, 1994 : 6). Effects typically are stronger for adult and young adult populations than for children. The implications of this in the context of South African
26、 ETD legislation MUST be explored.For example, the Bangert-Drowns, Kulik and Kulik meta-analysis or quantitative methods study on adult populations found : Performance of CBT learners on examinations is an average of about 26% to 37% highercould you restructure this sentence maybe put (average 26%)
27、CBT learners need 6% to 37% less instructional time, with an average of 26% less time Long-term retention is an average of 15% to 60% higher for CBT Attitudes toward CBT range from no preference to a 33% preference to CBT (Bangert-Drowns, Kulik and Kulik, 1985 : 12-13)In addition, reviews using qual
28、itative methods, such as Hasselbring's report, found that : When TBT and traditional instruction are compared, learners receiving TBT demonstrate equal or better achievement in much less time The combination of TBTlower case WITH an instructor is the most effective form of instruction (Hasselbri
29、ng, 1986 : 325)Hasselbrings research sums it up eloquently : "In general, learners learn more, retain more or learn the same amount faster, using computers.” Unfortunately, no studies have yet been completed that tell us why this may be. Achievement gains aside, learners often find computers mo
30、re "human" in other words, more patient, more consistent, and less critical than humans!On the other hand, Foshay points out that computer-assisted instruction (CAI) in the adult basic and secondary education setting continued to attract the attention of researchers attempting to examine i
31、ts effects compared to traditional methods not including CAI. All of the reviewed studies utilised control (non-CAI) and experimental (CAI) groups, and most examined any differences in literacy, numeracy, and/or other areas of achievement for statistical significance. A few investigations examined a
32、ttitudes towards computers as well as achievement gains. Of the twelve studies meeting the criteria for review in his research, six indicated no statistically significant differences in achievement, two had mixed results, one had significance favorable to CAI, and one had significance favorable to t
33、raditional methods, and two failed to report statistical significance.Nonetheless, the summary data supported the following general observations : Higher effects at college / university levels whilst past reviews found that elementary levels seemed to profit most from the use of computer application
34、s, the highest effects were found in college and adult populations. Higher effects with science content while only a few science studies could be included in the meta-analysis, the results indicated that computer applications (primarily simulations) yielded higher effects than in any other area, fol
35、lowed by mathematics, and then only language and cognitive skills. Equal effects for males and females, lower and higher achievers whilst males tended to achieve slightly more than should we not rather refer to females instead of girls.girls with computer applications, and lower ability learners did
36、 better than higher-achieving ones, these differences were not statistically significant, indicating that there was no substantial difference between these groups. Insignificant impact on attitudes little evidence supported the widely-held belief that good attitudes toward computers result in better
37、 attitudes toward school or the workplace and higher achievement. An exception to this trend was the use of word processing, which seemed to make learners consistently feel more positively toward writing and want to write more.In a South African context, the simultaneous (or synchronous) access of l
38、earners to technology-based ETD interventions as a means to overcome current disparities between rural and urban areas, should not be underestimated. The concurrent logging on of over 2000 learners at 60 different sites, with access to one expert subject facilitator, all with 2-way access to this fa
39、cilitator via learner response units, certainly indicates a resolution to most of the countrys educatoon and training problems (Stanton, 1996 : 5).Finally, iIt needs to be borne in mind that this ROADMAP does not negate or repudiate the very positive effects of ILT rather, TBT or e-learning needs to
40、 be seen as an alternative, efficient, and cost-effective way of conducting human resource development initiatives within a South African context.ROADSIGN 3The Legislative Framework And Technology-Based TrainingIt comes as no surprise to the majority of practitioners within the skills development in
41、dustry, that South Africa is one of the most legislated countries in the world when it comes to human capital development. Consider the following chronological list of South African labour, equity, education, training and skills development legislation promulgated since the inception of our new and
42、democratic dispensation :LEGAL ICON OHSAOccupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993) SAQAASouth African Qualifications Authority Act, 1995 (Act No. 58 of 1995) LRALabour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995) NEPANational Education Policy Act, 1996 (Act No. 27 of 1996) SASASouth A
43、frican Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996) BCEABasic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (Act No. 75 of 1997) HETHigher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997) EEAEmployment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998) SDASkills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998) FETAFurther Education and Train
44、ing Act, 1998 (Act No. 98 of 1998) SDLASkills Development Levies Act, 1999 (Act No. 9 of 1999)As Bellis points out in his textbook, this “means that the processes and structures and the regulations around learning and qualifications and, in fact, the very shape of the NQF itself, have much to say ab
45、out education in schools, colleges, universities and technikons” (Bellis, 2000 : 7). What are the implications of these acts and legislation for technology-based training or e-learning? The answer to this is a very simple : EVERYTHING! Check sentence structure?As will be seen in the following three
46、sections, technology-based education and training is unique in its capacity to align itself to the core requirements and fundamental criteria of this legislation and much more efficiently and cost-effectively than instructor-led interventions, which often require a complete re-writing and re-evaluat
47、ion of their offerings.DANGER ICONPlease note! The simple conversion of printed, hard-copy textbooks or manuals into an electronic format does not mean that these offerings can now be classified as technology-based training materials or e-learning. These are JUST electronic textbooks or manuals! Tru
48、e e-learning is based on sound methodological principles and have an instructional consistency appropriate with pedegogical or andragogical principles. A checklist is provided at the back of this ROADMAP to assist organisations in determining whether their extant technology-based technology programm
49、es fall within this category or not see Annexure A.ROADSIGN 4 The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) And Technology-Based TrainingBy investigating the eight alignment principles associated with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), and relating these to the core aspects and c
50、haracterisitcs of e-learning, a close correlation in terms of aims and objectives is observed.KEY ISSUES ICONAlignment to Unit StandardsThe modular nature of e-learning courses allows for easy and practical alignment to any Unit Standards published on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). Oft
51、en, one course can meet the outcomes and assessment criteria of several Unit Standards simultaneously.Alignment to QualificationsIs this a correct assumption when I read this I read that you will receive a qualification in light of NQF not recognising CBT yet should we not elaborate a bit more on CB
52、T being a tool to get qualification.Similarly, a number of e-learning courses can be combined or bundled to meet the outcomes and assessment criteria of a number of Unit Standards and hence Credits, which then comprise an entire Qualification registered on the NQF.Alignment to LearnershipsAs with th
53、e above, e-learning courses can comprise an entire learning / training intervention for Learnerships registered on the NQF, and creates an ideal balance between “hands-on” work experience and cognitive and theoretical course content. The fact that these e-learning courses are often accessible at the
54、 workplace where the practical or applied component of the learning is being undertaken, simplifies the logistical component of learnerships between the lead employer and training provider.TAKE NOTE ICON or TERMINOLOGY ICONIt should be noted that where a number of Credits comprise a Unit Standard, a
55、nd where a number of Unit Standards comprise a Skills Programme, and where a number of Skills Programmes comprise a Qualification, all of these concepts are predicated on Notional Hours. That is, ten notional hours of ETD activities equal one credit, as per SAQA definitions. Therefore, if the resear
56、ch is accepted where there may be as much as 60% faster learning curves, 25 60% higher content retention, up to 56% greater learning gains, a 60 76% better consistency of learning, delivery variance less than 20 42%, and training compression that is up to 70% better, this may have very important imp
57、lications as far as the completion of (and time required for) qualifications / learnerships is concerned.Outcomes-Based Approache-learning courses are outcomes-based (or SHOULD be, if following the strictest definition of technology-based training), with specified, measurable learning objectives evi
58、dent in each section / module. Practical, work-related skills and competencies can be assessed and evaluated for each section / module.Pre-Course AssessmentAll reputable e-learning courses contain pre-course assessments that apply the principles of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), and allow the learner to concentrate on only those outcomes, skills or competencies in which (s)he is not yet competent, as prescribed by
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