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1、1 教学目标Objectives:能够在语境中理解运用核心词汇Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography, 和 Science 。通过情境和文本及语篇的学习, 能理解运用核心句型What are you going to study? I mgoing to study ,并能延伸理解第三人称。能听懂 , 会读并理解再构文本, 然后阅读理解延伸语篇, 并能提炼信息, 简单介绍自己的中学生活或梦想。了解中国和英国的中学课程, 激发热爱母校, 追求梦想, 热爱新生活的美好情感。2 学情分析今年 , 我担任六年级的英语教学, 刚开始接手这些班时, 学生着实让我头痛了

2、好一阵。班上大部分的学生对于英语都处于十分迷茫的状态。1、学习兴趣不是很高, 部分学生甚至有厌恶感, 同时 , 许多学生还是为学习而学习, 谈不上兴趣问题 ;2、部分学生学习的目的性不是很强, 导致学习习惯不好, 学习无明确的计划, 有作业就写, 无作业就玩。老师布置的作业不能按时完成, 回家看书也只是应付家长, 作业不能很好完成, 作为语言性学科, 听与读是非常关键的环节, 而大多数学生这一点做的不好, 这在听力测试时表现的尤为明显。3 重点难点理解 be going to 结构表示打算做某事, be going to 后面跟动词的原形, 并由打算学习什么科目拓展到打算学会些什么。运用一般将

3、来时的句子谈论未来的中学生活。4 教学过程活动 1【讲授】M10U2第一篇章: 奔跑吧 , 中学 !New words and sentences 新词新句, 词不离句Sing a song then free talkWhat a beautiful song! I love you, you love me. We are a happy family. We are inI love our school very much.English School. Do you love our school?I can learn lots of things in our school ev

4、ery day. What do you study every day?I study Chinese English Maths Music Art PE 2> Presentation导入新课But next September, you will go to your middle school. And you are goingto study lots of new subjects.呈现板书新授What are you goin g to study? I m going to studyChinese,Maths,English,PE,Music,Art,Physics

5、,Chemistry,History,Geography,Science(not going to study) (板书 )语音方面补充/f/ phone photo /k/ Christmas Chemist巩固单词小活动Information Association 理解词义及了解学科内容( 此处开门见山, 通过贴近生活的情境和师生交流, 重点导出核心句型和五个核心词汇, 把词放在句中和情境中理解内化。辅助板书和图片。)3. PracticePlay "tick -tack- toe”操练,分男女生比赛,增加课堂的趣味性。ChineseEnglishMathsPhysicsChe

6、mistryHistoryGeographyMusicPE操 练 句 型 : What are you goi ng to study? I m going to studyChinese,Maths,English,PE,Music,Physics,Chemistry,History,Geography.Do “ Chinese Whisper ”在句型方面发散 , 为下面提问铺垫:What is he/she going to study? He/She ' s going to study 2. Text 文本再构在语境中理解 Amy要回到英国,Lingling却呆在中国,他们要

7、到不同的中学学习。通过听力和阅读抓住核心信息: 他们将要到哪个中学和将要学什么。初步了解中英课程设置的差异:英国 Science 是核心课程, 还要学习一门第二外语French 或 Spanish; 中国的中学里新增的科目有 Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography 等。文本如下Amy is going back to England .But Lingling will stay in China. They are going togo to different middle schools in September. They are very exc

8、ited to start a newschool but they are also sad to say goodbye. Nowthey are talking about what to study in Chinese and English middle schools.Amy: Are you going to go to middle school in September, Lingling?Lingling: Yes, I am . I m going to go to Park Middle School. What about you?Amy: I m going to

9、 go to Lake Middle School.Lingling: What are you going to study?Amy: I m going to study History, Science, Geography and French.Lingling: I m going to study Physics, Chemistry andChinese. I m also goingto study History and Geography. But I m not going to study French.文本处理:Listen to the e-pen , 解决第一层问

10、题Which middle school is Lingling going to go?He s going to go to Park Middle School.Which middle school is Amy going to go?She s going to go to Lake Middle School.Listen and watch the flash, 解决第二层问题What is Amy going to study?She s going to study History, Science, Geography and French.What is Linglin

11、g going to study?She s going to study Physics, Chemistry, Chinese, History and Geography.两遍 : 第一遍静听静看, 第二遍配音(Let s dub it)Read and underline 继续解决2中的问题在学生自主学习的基础上, 师此处穿插补充中国和英国课程设置的异同:China: Chinese English Maths PE Music ArtPhysics Chemistry History Geography补充 :Biology( 生物 ) Politics( 政治 )England:

12、English Maths Science PE MusicArt and Design History Geography补充 :DT( 设计技术) ICT( 信息交流技术)MFL(第二外语)RE(宗教)思考 :How do they feel? 解决第三层问题 核心词汇: excited and sad. Why?学生创编对话, 二人合作, 展示You are also going to middle school next year, how do you feel?Can you talk about your study and feeling with your partner?(

13、学生展示)评 :I believe you can have a wonderful middle school life and your friendship will bloom forever!Now let s say together: Middle School, Run,Run! ( 奔跑吧! 中学 !)第二篇章: 奔跑吧 , 梦想 !导入 :Maybe your ideal middle is your aim or dream, do you know their dreams?Extension 语篇再构, 拓展运用。此环节通过语篇的创设与再构, 以 My Dream 为

14、载体 , 创设不同的语境, 对课堂进行适度延伸,加入具有时代感的信息, 使语言再次回归生活, 回归社会。通过“爸爸去哪儿”中五个小孩的不同梦想给学生变换做示范, 让学生更深入了解到be going to 的用法 , 同时简单感知will 、want、to be的用法,增加语言白丰富性,并在后面延伸第三人称 He' s/ She' s going to, 在语言上进行综合提升, 为后面学生的输出做好铺垫和准备。Passages:Part 1Hi, I m Shitou. My English name is Patrick. I have a dream. I m going t

15、o be an engineer. I m going to go to England. I will study DT (Design and Technology工程设计 ) there. I m going to design a cool car. Because I will take a trip with my parents in this car.Part 2Hello, I m Ci ndy. M y dream is to be an artist. I m going to go to Italy. I willstudy Art there. I like Art.

16、 I m going to study very hard because it s difficultto become an artist. I m going to draw beautiful pictures for people.Part 3Hi, I m Kimi. I dream of being a musician. I m going to go to Austria. I will study music there. Because I want to sing songs in Vienna Golden Hall(维也纳金色大厅).I want the world

17、 to know the Voice of China.Part 4Hello, I m Angela. Do you know my dream? I have a little dream. I m going to go to France. I will study Dress Designing( 服装设计) there. Because I m going to designa beautiful dress for my mum on her birthday.Part 6Hi, I m Tiant ian. I like PE. I want to be a football

18、player. I will go to Brazil( 巴 西 ). I m going to study football there. Because I want to join in National Football Team(国足).And I want our team to win all the other teams!语篇处理Skimming : Read 1, 略读 , 整体感知, 带问题Does everyone have a dream? What are their dreams?Scanning : Read 2, 师示范一段, 后四段学生四人小组分工jigsaw reading 拼图阅读, 抓重点信息 , 师生共同分段解决问题。Where are they going to go?What are they going to study? 前两个问题主要是阅读抓信息Why are they going to study ?达到情感目标前两段生先读, 然后师提问, 生回答 , 主要是抓信息;后两段生读完后, 生试着复述, 增加信息输出量。( 中间每段穿插出声朗读,


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