已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、视译技巧英汉同声传译技能分解训练断句,顺句驱动,译完后迅速转向下一个视幅 (eye span)所及 的部分,同时要关注译语的连贯性(coherence)和可接受性(acceptability) 。 断句、顺句驱动、灵活整合。这些技能可以通过反复训练得到强化,同时增强对语篇的分析能力和口译表达能力。句子的处理1. 阅读与分析通过大量泛读各种题材各种风格的文章,扩大词汇量,提高阅读速度,快速抓住大意,也拓宽知识面的作用。练习分析文本的内容,迅速挑出主语和谓语动词,快速确定核心意思,特别注意逻辑词,练习预测下一句的大概意义发展趋势。例 (1)HEATHROW, London s main airpo

2、rt, is normally thronged with cross people in queues at this time of year. But on Thursday August 10th the lines became serpentine (蜿蜒的,像蛇般蜷曲的)and the people in them more anxious thanquerulous (抱怨的)as news spread that the police andsecurity services had been working overnight to interrupt (阻 止) a pl

3、ot to blow up a dozen planes bound for America.主语:HEATHROW; 谓语动词:thronged ; 逻辑转折词:But,预测出下面的句子中有与相反的意思。2. 抓大意抓大意指的是在阅读或听辩时能够迅速理解句子或话语的意义,而不是拘泥于组成句子的单个字/词的字面意思。句子是由很多“意义单位”(meaning group or sense group)组成的。英语的每一个句子结构都有一个至若干个 “意义单位” ,由各种语法或非语法衔接手段联结组成句子结构,注重形合。例 (2)To drive just a mile from the shore

4、where a tsunami came roaring in a week ago is to feel the calm apart from the storm.译文一: 你只要驾车到一周前海啸咆哮而过的海滩周围一英里的地方,你会感受到风暴过后的一片死寂。这恰恰反映了学生习惯于语法思维,按照这句话的语法结构翻译,受源语形式束缚的顽疾,不能做到“脱离语言外壳” (deverbalization) 。因此要加大练习量,让学生更好地理解口译“译意不译字”的实质,提高对源语信息的分析能力和译语表达能力。学会抓大意更有助于断句,找出每一节(segment)的意义单位以及意义单位在译语中的衔接手段,

5、还可以简化句子结构,将复杂的句子结构化繁为简。形成新的思维习惯后,学生听到复杂的句子结构,自然会从意义结构上着手理解、翻 译,从而摆脱原语表层结构的束缚。译文二(顺译):驾车到海滩边一英里的地方,这里一周前曾经遭受海啸肆虐,你会感受到风暴过后一片死寂。(更符合汉语多小句表达的习惯)在掌握抓大意的要领后,才能进一步训练断句基础上的顺句驱动。任何翻译中对句子/话语的切分是基于理解而不是纯粹的感知。对话语的感知是序列词汇,但是译员不可能在感知到第一个词时就开口翻译。下面的误译就是机械地断句而没有抓大意的结果。例 (3)On a farm, children help with the pigs or

6、 chicken.误译:在农场上,孩子们帮助猪或鸡。正译:在农场里,孩子们帮着喂猪喂鸡。例 (4)Like many other fishermen, Mr.Lasanthe has known only the sea.误译:像其他渔民一样,Lasanthe先生只知道海。正译:像其他渔民一样,Lasanthe先生靠海吃海。3. 断句所谓的断句指的是在同传时将原语句子,按适当意群或概念单位,进行切割处理并译成目的语。1 I come to China/ at an important time.我到中国来访问,正逢一个重要的时刻。2 They built the bridge/in two m

7、onths.他们建这座桥,只花了两个月。3 Several more fundamental proposals are advanced/ for consideration by the General Assembly/ /for possible action in the longer term.一些基本的建议也提出来了,供大会审议,以便采取更长期的行动。4 . Twentieth century history shows/ the impressive adaptive capacity of international relations/ based on multinati

8、onal principles and norms.二十世纪的历史表明,国际关系具有惊人的调整适应能力,而这种关系的基础是多边原则与准则。5 . The United Nations must further strengthen its capacity/ for launching coherent and coordinated humanitarian actions,/ under the guiding principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality.联合国必须进一步加强其能力,发起一致而又协调的人道主义的行动。这一切的指导原

9、则是人道、中立、公正。(比较:联合国必须进一步加强按照人道、中立、公正的指导原则开展Exercises:1. All of this reflects the desire by many governments to have a range of opportunities for pushing forward with liberalization, rather than relying solely on global multilateralism.这些情况反映出许多政府希望利用一系列机会推动自由化过程,而不是单纯依赖全球多边主义的方法。2. In the past decade

10、, liberalization and globalization have been the hallmark of economic policy throughout the world.在过去的十年里,自由化和全球化是经济政策的显著标志,全世界都是如此。3. Growing economic integration and interlinkages among issues suggest the need for new and more comprehensive approaches to capacity building adapted to the constantly

11、 evolving needs of developing countries.日益增长的经济一体化和各种问题的千丝万缕的联系意味着有必要采取更新颖、更全面的方法来对待能力建设问题,以适应发展中国家不断变化的需求。4. Cultural and scientific contact went from strength to strength through the 19th an dearly 20th centuries.文化和科学方面的接触日益增多,整个十九和二十世纪都是这样。5. In order to allow thematic working groups to achieve

12、tangible results,/ the council may wish to recommend the UN system organizations,/ in staffing their country offices,/ take into account the resources required / to support the work of these groups.对英汉两种语言运用娴熟是对译员的素质的基本要求。首先要能从繁复的长句中理清头绪。基本训练先从切分句子开始。 阅读长句子时,练习快速地把长句分解为几个小句子。例 (5)On Thursday August

13、10th the lines became serpentine and the people in them more anxious than querulous as news spread that the police and security services had been working overnight to interrupt a plot to blow up a dozen planes bound for America.这例长句中包含以下3 个子句: On Thursday August 10th the lines became serpentine the

14、people in them more anxious than querulous news spread that the police and security services had been working overnight to interrupt a plot to blow up a dozen planes bound for America.接下来是为了做到边看边译而进行的进一步断句,即,主谓宾定状补同位语。4. 顺句驱动顺译例: “同一个世界,同一个梦想”表达了我们在北京举办一届伟大奥运会的愿望,北京是一个既有古老文化传统又有现代化魅力的城市。我们申办奥运的三个主题为

15、:绿色奥运、科技奥运和全民奥运。我们的目标是在人民中,特别是年轻人中传播奥林匹克理想。“One world, one dream ” reflects our aspiration to host a great Olympic Games in Beijing, a city that boasts both ancient culture and modern charm. The three themes of our bid are: Green Olympics, Hi-tech Olympics and the People s Olympics. Our goal is to s

16、pread the Olympic ideals among our people, especially the young people.5. 补全句子意思/预测视译中的阅读不是一般的阅读,为了能够做到译语流畅, 译员必须在口译前一段内容的时候开始阅读后一段的内容,即“一心两用”或“分配注意力”,除了快速阅读的能力以外,这还要求译员能对下文进行预测。最常见的语言性预测是固定搭配词组(collocation) 。最普通的搭配是动宾搭配, 即一个动词带一个特定的名词做宾语或者一个名词要带某个特定的动词。语言性的预测能力随着语言水平和语感的加强而提高,也可以通过敏感化(sensitization

17、)训练加以提高。非语言性预测则是根据对讲话者、主题和当时情景的了解作出的判断。在这一部分训练中,只给出句子的一部分,让学生努力完成整句话的翻译,或者自我练习时依靠预测将句子后半段立即译出,之后再对照原文以检测自己预测的准确 率。例 (6)On behalf of all the members of my mission, I would liketo take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for.通过敏感化训练,学员很容易预测并补全句子,填入诸如their earnest/warm/sincere in

18、vitation and gracious hospitality 的语句。例 (7)To our amazement, this country boasts a two-decade persistent economic growth, which is_. China msiraculous rise as in the Asian-Pacific region has attracted a growingnumber of business giants to.这里考察的是学员对时事的了解。应该填入的信息分别为:unequalled/unparalleled/spectacular

19、; one of the strongest economic powers/one of the most powerful economies; invest here.语言性的预测例子不胜枚举,如:例 (8)The whole world is watching with great interest the remarkable changes that are in China.这里学员几乎可以直接按照中文的搭配习惯脱口译出 “中国所发生的巨变”。6. 诠释和灵活表达因为英汉两种语言在“形合”和“意合”方面的种种差异,又面临巨大的时间和心理压力,在翻译时要灵活应变、游刃有余、流畅通达

20、。因此在训练期间,一句多译、替换同义词、扩展句子和压缩句子是常用的灵活应变的手段。例 (9)初秋时节的北京,万木葱茏,金风送爽。今天,万国邮政联盟大会将在这里隆重开幕。Today we are gathering here for the grand opening ceremony of the Universal Postal Congress in the early golden autumn when the capital city Beijing enjoys the luxuriantly green land and refreshing and pleasant breez

21、e.The early golden autumn is embracing the luxuriantly green land of Beijing, bringing refreshing and pleasant breeze to the capital city. Today we are gathering here for the grand opening ceremony of the Universal Postal Congress.例 (10)中国同亚太各国发展关系有着坚实的基础。China and the Asia-Pacific countries enjoy a

22、 solid foundation for developing their relations.The relations between China and the Asia-Pacific countries are built on a solid foundation.例 (11)This issue should be dealt with carefully through dialogue and negotiation.这个问题应该谨慎处理,方法是对话和协商。例 (12)In the economies of Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, Thai

23、land and the other affected countries, the tsunami is likely to register more as a small wave, because the two industries most heavily hit tourism and fishing make up small percentages of the overall economy.对于斯里兰卡、印尼、 印度、 泰国和其它受灾国家的经济(储存)来说,这次海啸可能只不过是个小波浪而已,因为两个受到沉重打击的行业,也就是旅游业和渔业,在总体经济中所占比重很小。7. 中

24、英句子结构差异倒装句的处理英、 汉语的语序差别很大,这就给口译造成了较大困难。例如:Japan surrendered in 1945 after Americans dropped two atom bombs 。同声传译时,往往是刚刚译出前半句"日本人在1945年投降了 " , 接着又出现了后半"美国人投了两颗原子弹后"。 在这种情况下, 如果译员已按英文语序译出,只好把句子重新组合,再重复说一遍。但这又显得翻译水平不高。如何处理好呢?以下二种方法不妨试一试。第一种:译员不要接得太紧,而是等讲话的人将大部分句子说出后,再开始翻译。但是,在快速的同声传

25、译中,往往等不了这样长的时间。这样,我们可以采取第二种方法:将一个句子断为二、三个简单句,在简单句之间,适当补充一些字、词, 把它们有机地联结起来。上述例句可以译成:"日本人投降了,那是在1945 年,在这之前,美国人投了两颗原子弹。"这样译,虽然不完美,但是主要意思都译出来了,而且句子也比较通顺。被动语态和主动语态英语常用被动语态,相对来说,汉语则多用主动语态。了解这一点,在互译时,就会避免译出英文式的中文,或中文式的英文。例如:In some of the European countries the people are given the biggest socia

26、l benefit such as medical insurance.此句英文用的是被动语态,翻译时应将其改为主动语态,译为:"在有些欧洲国家里,人民享受到最广泛的社会福利,如医疗保险等等。"在同声传译时,由于时间紧迫,译员很容易顺着英文的句子结构往下译,译成 "人民被给予最大的社会福利"。仔细听国际会议的同声传译,就会发现不少译员经常犯这一通病。因此,应当引起足够的重视。词类转换1. Every State is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security

27、.每个国家自己才能最好地判断需要什么来保卫自己的国家安全。2. The Chairman of the Working Group has given a report on the work of the group.工作小组主席汇报了该组的工作。3. I hope my presence here tonight is further proof of the importance we in Britain attach to relations with your great country.我希望我今晚到这里来就可以进一步证明,我们英国重视和你们伟大的国家的关系。重复1. I hop

28、e that the meeting will not be too long, for it will only waste time.我希望这次会议不要开得太久,太久了只会浪费时间。2. The organization remains an invaluable tool at the disposal of the international community.本组织仍然是一种宝贵的工具,一种能为国际社会服务的宝贵工具3. Member states identified human rights as a central issue for the future agenda of

29、 the Organization and of the world community in general.成员国已确定人权为本组织未来议程中的一个中心问题,一个国际社会未来议程中的中心问题。增补1. This is why we have joined together in NATO, in a free association of countries united not only by common political philosophies, but by the will to resist.正因为如此,我们一起组成了北约,结成了国家间的自由联盟。我们联合起来不仅因为我们有

30、共同的政治理念,也因为我们有共同抵抗的决心。2. Implementation of international human rights standards must be pursued with vigor. (活力,气势)贯彻国际人权标准的工作必须大力进行。省略1. Will all those who are in favor of this draft resolution, please signify by raising their hands?赞成的请举手。2. Virtually all governments have taken significant steps t

31、o widen the role of private enterprise in economic activity.各国政府大都采取了重大步骤来扩大私人企业的作用,在经济活动方面的作用。3. Retreat from unpleasant realities into comforting illusions rarely solves any problem.逃避不甚愉快的现实,沉迷于舒适的幻想,是很难解决任何问题的。反说1. There shall be no development in the region with peace and stability.要取得区域的发展就一定要

32、有和平和稳定。2. He is nothing if not a hypocrite.他完全是个伪君子。3. In Vietnam today, there are only two cities which are partly destroyed.现在越南只有两个城市没有完全炸毁。4. These countries experienced negative growth rates of gross domestic product of as much as 10 per cent or more.这些国家的国内生产总值呈负增长,即负10%,甚至更低。归纳1. 总结性归纳The aut

33、hor has written many novels, essays and plays on social problems.这个作者写过许多小说、杂文和剧本,都是关于社会问题的。The challenge for the international community is to promote growth and sustainable development in a globalizing and liberalizing international economy.国际社会面临的挑战就是在全球化和自由化的国际经济中促进增长和可持续的发展。2. 预测性总结It is theref

34、ore in the industrial countries to adopt structural adjustment policies that will phase out ( 淘 汰 ) the uncompetitive production of textile and clothing.因此,采取结构调整政策,淘汰缺乏竞争能力的纺织品和服装生产部门,是对工业国有利的。3. 简化性归纳Nevertheless, to be frank, I must add that my delegation's satisfaction is tempered by some re

35、gret that the Treaty on Outer Space is not, in our opinion, as satisfactory as it might have been.然而,坦率地说,我必须补充一点,我国代表团在感到满意的同时也有一些遗憾:外空条约并不象预测的那样完美。口群技巧-4m睾视译,就是一边看一边译,重点是译的速度和看的一样快,要点是要译得顺,不要停顿过久或有太多“呃”这样的语气词。公共演讲训练朗读训练力求声音宏亮、吐字清晰、不吞音,不添加个人对文本的情感,言之有序,言之有物。练习在公众面前以两种工作语言进行朗读和演讲,培养过硬的心理素质以适应实际工作环境并

36、调整怯场心理,养成良好的表达习惯,尽量避免口头禅。根据口译客户反馈,口译表达就像是译员给听众的第一印象,表达不畅会给口译质量大打折扣;相反,流畅清晰的表达给译语增色不少,更为断句后灵活表达奠定基础。训练步骤:1. 从网站找有译文的材料。金融时报华尔街网站都有中英文对照文章。进行中英互翻联系。2. 作为“译前准备”,视译时可以用很短时间对原文通读一次,了解发言的主要内容熟悉语言、专业难点;在时间充裕的情况下,可以先把稿件中的难点(词语、语句等)事先笔译出来,把原稿做一定的语篇分析与分隔(Segmentation) ,翻译时就可以胸有成竹了。也可以在时间来不及或译员对稿件的 内容较有把握的情况下 ,在稿子上做一些“ 标 识 ”(markers),即用诸如箭头、五角星、线条等各种笔记符号有重点地标出源语发言人的思路及语篇标识,把需要下工夫才能译好的重要语段“标”出来,把关键的词语(如术语、机构名称、职务头衔等)先译出来。如果时间允许的话还应该重点译一下一些难译的句子和语段。3. 速度要尽量均匀,不要停顿太久,不要有“呃” “这个”“那个啥”这样的语气词。4. 初级阶段:尽量使用顺译技巧高级阶段:这一阶段适用于能够一目一行或几行并理解,用另一种语言及该语言


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