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1、三年级(下)期末复习卷选择正确的答案:() 1. -Is this your cake ? -Yes , .A. it isB. it isn tC. this is() 2. That s my lunch box . A. is B. isn t C. /() 3. -What is it? - a .A. This; doll B. Its ; dollC. That s ; doll() 4. -Is that your crayon? -, it .A. No ; is B. Yes ; isn tC. No ; isn t() 5. This a pencil.A. sB. isn

2、 tC. /() 6. -Is this your toy bird? -, it . It isn t my toy bird.A. Yes ; is B. No ; isn t C. No ; is() 7. -Please open your book. -, Miss Li .A. OKB. NoC . Good() 8. -your English book? -It s in my desk.A. What sB. WhereC. Where s() 9. -stand on the chair. -I m sorry.A. PleaseB. Don tC. Not() 10. -

3、Where her ? -They are in the tree.A. are ; friendB. is ; friendC. are ; friends() 11. -your new skirt? -No, it s her skirt.A. This isB . Is thisC. That is() 12. -is Paul? -in the classroom.A. Where ; HesB. Where s; HesC. Where ;He() 13. -my father? A. What s B. Where C. Where s() 14. -sit on the des

4、k. -OK.A. Please B . Don tC. Not() 15. -your jacket? - Yes. A. Is this B. It is C. This is() 16. Don t listen the boy. A. to B. at C. on() 17. This is ice cream . A. two B. an C. a() 18. Its time the cake . A . to B. for C. eat() 19. -How old are you ? -.A. It s nineB. Hes nine C. Nine() 20 . -What

5、you like ? -I d like a cap .A . aboutB. wouldC. are() 21. Sit ,please. A. up B. in C. down() 22. Its hot , close the window .A. Don tB. don tC. not() 23.-is it now ? -Eight .A. How old B. What C. What time()24. Stand, Liu Tao . A. down B. in C. up()25. -What a pie ? -Yes ,please . A. colour B. is C.

6、 about()26. Now open book, Paul. A. you B .your C. I()27. We can't sleep class. A. in the()28. -Would you like a cake? -.A. YesB. Thank you()29. Don't the parrot.A. listenB . look()30.your English book ? A. ThisB. in C.forC. I'd like a cakeC .listen toB. Is this C. It's()31 -? -Yes ,

7、 I'd like a pie .A. What about a sweet B.Would you like a pie C. An egg()32.Mike. He s my friend. A. This is B. She s C. He()33. Look at that rubber. -A. No, it isn't.B. Sorry.C. How nice !A. What colour B. WhatC. Where()34.-is it ? -It s over there.14()35.This is a pen, and a pencil. A. tha

8、t B. this C. that s()36. -Is this your lunch box?-Yes,.A. it isB. it'sC. it isn't()37. It s, it's time for bed now .C. two o'clockA. three o 'clock B. nine o'clock()38.up , Liu Tao. Time for school.A. StandB. WakeC. Hurry()39. -is it ? -Two o'clock.A. What B. What's t

9、ime C. What time()40.- What are these ? -.A. BagsB. It s a bag C. A bag、选词填空(1Sit down stand up blackboard open you class booksA:, please.B:Good afternoon,.A: Good afternoon, Miss Li.B:, please.A:Thank, Miss Li.B:Now,your,please.A: Ok, Miss Li.B: At last(最后),Look at the.A: All right.isn' tis und

10、er here s rubber where comeA: Good morning, Su Hai.B: Good morning, Mr Green.A: What s on the floor?B: It s a.A:this your rubber?B:No, it. It ' Mike s rubber.A:is Mike? Is that Mike?the tree?B:Yes.here, Mike.your rubber.C: Thank you.(3)farm cows those pigs oranges friend thisA: Good afternoon, G

11、randpa.B: Good afternoon, Wang Bing.A: This is my, Mike.B: Welcome to our.C: Thank you! What's?B: It s a cow. Those are, too.C: Are these?B: Yes, they are pigs.C: Are apples on the tree?B: No, they're. The apples are here, in the box.hurry old meet about for o'clock time threeA: Hello, M

12、ike.B: Hello, Liu Tao.A: This is my sister, Liu Mei.B: Nice to you, Liu Mei. How are you?C: I,m. What you?B: I'm ten. This doll is you.C: Thank you.B: What is it, Liu Tao?A: It s eight.It's time for class.up.、根据图片和上下文意思,完成下列对话,将单词写在横线上:1、-Look! Don't here.-sorry.2、- Is your, it3、-What is

13、 it, mum?-It s olock.-It s for school.schoolbag?Goodbye, mum.5、-Happy Birthday!are you?I m.6、-is my?-It s behind the-Where's my?-It s the desk.7、-is girl?-my friend, Yang Ling.四、根据实际情况或提示回答问题:1. Close your books, please.2. Open the window, please.3. Don't talk in the library.4. Don,t eat in

14、class.5. What s this in your pencil case?(铅笔)6. What's this in the schoolbag?(英语书)7. Wheres your rubber? (在尺子下面)8. Is your pencil on the desk?9. How old are you?10. How old is Mike?11. How old is your cousin?12. Its time for lunch. What time is it?13. Its time for class. What time is it?14. Look

15、 at the farm. What are these?15. Look! What are those on the tree?16. Who's the man / woman in your classroom?六、连词成句1、close, please, window, the (.)中文:2、 to, don't, parrot, listen, the (.)中文: 3、sweet, like, would, a, you (?)中文: 4、pencil, isn't, this, my (.)中文: 5、the, don"t, in, talk

16、, library (.) 中文: 6、your, where, schoolbag, is (?)中文: 7、nice, picture, a, what (!)中文: 8、for, cake, time, the ,its (.)中文: 9、apples, these, too, are (?)中文:10、to, school, my, welcome (.)中文:11、look, please, blackboard, at, the (.)中文:12、is, woman, that, who (?)中文: 13、in, it, your, is, pencil box (?)中文: 1

17、4、time, it, please, what, is (中文: 15、you, old, are, how (?)中文: 16、be, class, again, do nt, for, late (.)中文:17、over, are, those, there, what (?)中文:18、walking, Paul, up, down, and, is(.)中文:19、are, in, all, the, tree, her, friends(.)中文:20、for, here, you, a, is, robot(.)中文: 21、time, breakfast, for, it s

18、 (.) 中文: 22、those, are ,tree, under, what, the (?)中文: 七、根据要求改句1. Hi, Bobby!(改为同义句) , Bobby!2. Open the book.帔为否定句)the book.3. Thisisaruler.做为一般疑问句)a ruler?4. SheisSuHai.帔为一般疑问句)she?5. What s this?做为复数句)are?6. He s my brother.(划线部分提问)he?7. The skirt is yellow.(划线部分提间)is the skirt?8. Thatisa_pagt.划线部分

19、提问)that?9. Itsseven oclock.(戈1I线部分提问)is it?www.xk b1.coM10. I'm nine.(划线部分提问)are you?11. Its behind the door.划线部分提问) is?12. It s time for bed.(同义句转换)It's time.13. Don't close the window.加义句转换)the window.14. They're pigs.(戈U线部分提问)these?15. These are apples改为一般疑问句)apples?16. What a nic

20、e cake!(U义句)the cake is!17. What are those?件数句)?18. Is it a duck?©C为一般陈述句)a duck.19. Sit down.(改为同义句)Don't.20. That is my pencil.(改为否定句)That my pencil.八、根据图片选择正确的情景对话,将序号写在图下括号内:1.A: -Look, a bird!-Where s the bird?-What a nice bird!-It s in the tree now.B: -What time is it?-It s seven 6clo

21、ck. Time to get up, Liu Tao.C: -Look! This is my family photo.-Who s this?-He's my father.2.A: -Good morning, Miss Li.-Good morning, Mike.-Hurry up, Mike. Don't be late for class.-OK.B: -Where s my puppy?-Is it behind the chair?-No, it s behind the door.C: -Goodbye, Yang Ling.-Goodbye, Mike.

22、3.A: -Don't eat in the library. -1'm sorry.B: -Look at my T-shirt.-It s very nice.-What colour is it? -It s orange.C: -What's that under the tree? -It s a cow.-What colour is it? -It s black and white. Moo, moo.九、短文排序A()Good morning, Mr Green.()Good morning. Sit down,please()Now open you

23、r books.()Yes, Mr Green.()Don't talk in class, Mike.()Stand up.()I m sorry, Mr Green.B()Hello, Mike. What is it?()It s over there.()What are those?()How nice! Where s your pencil case?()hello, Yang Ling. It s a pencil.()They're rubbers.C()Happy birthday, Sam. How old are you?()It s eleven oc

24、lock. It s time for the cake.()I see. This is for you.()What a lovely toy pig! Thank you.()Thank you. Is this a toy pig?()Yes, it is.()OK. Let sgo.()I m two.()What timeisit?十、阅读短文,完成练习1 .阅读短文,判断正误.(用T与F表示)A: Happy birthday,Liu Tao! It ' s foB:yohiank you,Mike. What ' s this?A: It ' s a c

25、ar. How lovely!B: Do you like the colour?A: Let me see. Oh, a green car! I like green .Thank you. Ohit ' s time for the cake .B: OK.1 . It ' s Liu tao ' s bir thday(2 .Liu Tao gives (给)Mike a car.()3 .The car is blue. ()4.It ' s time for cake .()5.Liu Tao doesn 不)t(ke the green car.(

26、)2 .阅读短文,判断正误.(用T与F表示)Hello, my name is May. I ' na girl. I ' men. I have a happy family. They' reny father, my mother, brother and I. My brother Jack and I are twins. We often经常)go to my uncle ' s farm. On the farm we can see mcows , pigs ,chickens and ducks. I like pigs but Jack li

27、kes cows.I.May is a girl( )3 . There are (有)five people in May ' s farm ily.)4 . Jack is eleven.( )5 .The ducks are on the farm ()6 .May likes cows, Jack likes pigs.()3.阅读短文,并回答问题。(要求:完整回答)Helen: Where ' s my schoolbag?Yang Ling:What ' s that over there?Helen:Is that a lunch box?Yang Lin

28、g: Let ' s go and have a look.Helen:All right.Yang Ling:No.It isn ' t a lunch box.It ' s a green schoolbag.Helen:Oh,it ' s my schoolbag.1) What s that over there? 2) Is the schoolbag red?3) What colour is the schoolbag? 4) Where s Helen s schoolbag?5) Let' s go and have a look.中文

29、意思是: ()A:真好看。B:让我们去看看。4. 阅读短文,判断正误,正确的用T 表示,错误的用F 表示。My name is Lily. I m eleven. This is my family. I have a twin sister. She s Lucnice. This is my grandpa. He has a big farm. The ducks and chickens on his farm are lovely. The old woman in red is my grandma. She likes red. This is my mother. She be

30、autiful. She often makes ice cream for me. This is my father. He works(工作)in a library. This is me. I love my family.()1.Lucy is eleven.()2.Lily s grandpa likes red.()3.There are (有 )five people (人 ) inLilys family.()4.The chickens and birds on the farm are lovely.()5.Lily s father has a library.5.

31、根据短文内容选择适当的应答A: Good afternoon, Liu Tao.8: Good afternoon, Miss Li. I can' t find找不至U) my pencil case.A: Is it in your schoolbag?B: No, it isn t here.A: Is it in your desk?B: No, the pencil case isn t in my desk.A: Oh, here s a pencil case on the chair. Is it yours?B: No, it s yellow. It s Wang

32、Bing s. My pencil case is blue.A: I can see a blue pencil case under the desk.B: Oh, it s my pencil case. Thank you, Miss Li.() 1. It is in the . A. morning B. afternoon C. evening() 2. pencil case is on the chair.A. Liu Tao s B. Wang Bing s C. Miss Li s() 3. Liu Tao can t find his .A. pencilB. pencil caseC. schoolbag() 4. What colour is Wang Bing s pencil case? .A. It s blackB. It s blue.C. It s yellow() 5. Liu Tao s pencil case is .A. in the deskB. under the deskC. in th


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