1、作业指导书WORK INSTRUCTION文件名称:Doc. NameFujitsuFujitsu产品可靠性试验作业指 导书s Product Reliability Test WI文件编号:Doc. No.WI/750/050拟制部门:Prepared byRTC版号:Versio nA/0受控印章受控副本早Ctrl. StampCtrl. copy生效日期Effect Date版序Versio n修改内容简述Revised content descripti on修改日期Revised date修改人Revised by审核人Checked by批准人Approve by一.温湿(带操作)
2、试验1 目的评价产品在温湿条件下使用和贮存的可靠性2 适用范围适用于中名(东莞)电子有限公司生产的Fujitsu计算机音箱产品.3 试验设备恒温恒湿试验箱、噪音发生器4 试验步骤环境条件:温度:15C30C,相对湿度:35%80%.取1对(或以上)无包装的合格样品.将样品(工作状态下)放入恒温恒湿试验箱内(温度:30C,RH:90%),2小时后,取岀样品,在室温下放置1小时.56712345671234试验后,检查样品的外观和功能.质量要求试验后,产品的外观和功能应正常,样品应无异音.试验前、后,样品的灵敏度变化须小于3dB.参考文件Fujitsu可靠性试验项目客户数据记录RTC试验报告750
4、温高湿条件下使用和贮存的可靠性,并确认胶脚(cushion)是否影响涂装面涂装面上时).适用范围适用于中名(东莞)电子有限公司生产的Fujitsu计算机音箱产品.试验设备恒湿恒湿试验箱、噪音发生器试验步骤保存年限保存年限(产品如有胶脚(cushion)贴环境条件:温度:15C30C,相对湿度:35%80%.567四.1234567五.12取1对(或以上)无包装的合格样品.将样品(工作状态下)放入恒温恒湿试验箱内(温度:60C,RH:90%),48小时后,取岀样品,在室温下放置1小时. 试验后,检查样品的外观和功能.质量要求试验后,产品的外观和功能应正常,样品应无异音.试验前、后,样品的灵敏度变
5、化须小于3dB.试验后胶脚(cushion)无变形,脱落等不良(产品如有胶脚(cushion)贴在涂装面上时).参考文件Fujitsu可靠性试验项目客户数据记录保存年限RTC试验报告750PR0023年热冲击(带操作)试验目的评价产品在高低温极值下以及高低温极值交替冲击环境条件下的可靠性适用范围适用于中名(东莞)电子有限公司生产的Fujitsu计算机音箱产品.试验设备冰箱、高温箱、噪音发生器试验步骤环境条件:温度:15C30C,相对湿度:35%80%.取1对(或以上)无包装的合格样品.按下面的条件将样品(工作状态下)放于0C的冰箱中、40C的高温箱中和常温条件下:0C :2Ht常温:1H f
6、40C :2H-温:1H(循环4次).试验后,检查样品的外观和功能.质量要求试验后,产品的外观和功能应正常,样品应无异音.试验前、后,样品的灵敏度变化须小于3dB.参考文件Fujitsu可靠性试验项目客户数据记录保存年限RTC试验报告750PR0023年振动试验目的评价产品在搬运和运输及其它操作过程中经受振动冲击的能力及包装对内装产品的保护能力适用范围适用于中名(东莞)电子有限公司生产的Fujitsu计算机音箱产品.34567六.123456试验设备振动试验台试验步骤环境条件:温度:15C30C,相对湿度:35%80%.抽取1对带内盒或1卡通箱的合格样品.将样品固定于振动台上,设定振动方式及参
7、数:2mm,525HZ,25HZ100HZ;周期为6分钟;10个循环(振三个方向) 试验后,检查样品的外观和功能.质量要求包装盒无明显损伤;包装盒内产品无散乱.试验后,产品的外观和功能应正常,样品应无异音.试验前、后,样品的灵敏度变化须小于3dB.参考文件Fujitsu可靠性试验项目客户数据记录保存年限RTC试验报告750PR0023年包装跌落试验目的评价在运输、搬运及其它操作过程中,包装箱(盒)在受到垂直冲击时的耐冲击强度及包装对内装物的保護能力.适用范围适用于中名(东莞)电子有限公司生产的Fujitsu计算机音箱产品.试验设备冲击平台:水平的金属或混凝土板(任何情况下均不得使用木板与地毯)
8、、包装跌落试验机试验步骤环境条件:温度:15C30C,相对湿度:35%80%.抽取一卡通箱合格的样品.跌落高度为60cm.跌落次序(由j):a.任选一个角b.那个角引岀之最短边C.那个角引岀之次短边d.那个角引岀之最长边e.最小的面f.最小的面的对面g.中间大小的面h.中间大小的面的对面i.最大的面j.最大的面的对面跌落完后,将样品在室温下放置 2小时. 试验后,检查包装和样机的外观和功能 . 质量要求包装箱/内盒外观应无严重损坏;包装箱内产品应无散乱试验后,产品的外观和功能应正常,样品应无异音.试验前、后,样品的灵敏度变化须小于3dB.参考文件Fujitsu可靠性试验项目客户数据记录保存年限
9、750PR002 RTC试验报告堆箱试验此试验请参照WI/750/005堆箱试验,只是堆箱时间为 48小时.热冲击试验(涂装面)目的评价产品涂装面在高低温极值下以及高低温极值交替冲击环境条件下的可靠性适用范围适用于中名(东莞)电子有限公司生产的Fujitsu计算机音箱产品.试验设备恒湿恒湿试验箱、硬胶纸试验步骤环境条件:温度:15C30C,相对湿度:35%80%.取1对(或以上)无包装的合格样品.将样品涂装面贴好硬胶纸 ,按下面的条件将样品放于恒湿恒湿试验箱中:80C :1Ht30C :1Ht20C :1H f 30C :1H(循环次).试验完成后取岀样品,对样品的涂装面进行检查.质量要求试验
11、面上用纱布包住涂抹面,然后将样品放入恒温恒湿试验箱(温度:40oC,RH:80%)内120小时.7七.八.1234567九.十.1234120小时后,取岀样品,对样品涂装面进行检查.5 质量要求涂装面应无露底色、氯泡、爆裂、剥离等不良6 参考文件Fujitsu可靠性试验项目客户数据7 记录保存年限RTC试验报告750PR0023年备注:如果某型号的参数与本作业指导书中的内容有冲突,请以客户资料中某型号的参数为准.以下是英文内容,如有中英文不符,按中文为准!Follow ing is En glish conten t, if have any differe nt from the Chin
12、ese, please judge in Chin ese.一. Temperature &Hu midity (Operati on al) Test1. PurposeTo evaluate the reliability of the product under the condition of temperature & humidity.2. ScopeAppl ying to Fujitsu s sou nd box for compaiterde by Fujik on.3 Test Equipme ntProgrammable temperature & humidity te
13、st chamber 、noise generator4 Test ProcessEnvironment condition: temperature:15 30C ,RH:35 80%.Sample 1 (or more) pair of qualified product without package.Put the sample (operati on al) in the programmable temperature & humidity test chamber (temperature:30 C , RH:90%) for hours, after 2 hours, take
14、 out the sample and expose it to ambient environment condition for 1 hour.After test, check the appeara nee and fun cti on of the sample.Quality Requireme ntAfter test, the appeara nee and fun cti on of the sample shall be n ormal.6The variation of the sensitivity shall be less than 3dB before and a
15、fter test.Refere nee Docume ntFujitsu Reliability Test Item Customer file7RecordKeep TimeRTC Test Report750PR002*- Low Temperature (Operati on al) Test3years1 PurposeTo evaluate the reliability of the product under the condition of low temperature.2 ScopeAppl ying to Fujitsu s sou nd box for compute
16、r that made by Fujik on.3 Test Equipme ntRefrigerator、noise generator4 Test ProcessEnvironment condition: temperature:15 30C ,RH:35 80%.Sample 1 (or more) pair of qualified product without package.Put the sample (operati on al) in the refrigerator (temperature:。C ) for 8 hours, after 8 hours, take o
17、ut the sample and expoit to ambie nt en vir onment con diti on for 1 hour.After test, check the appeara nee and fun cti on of the sample.Quality Requireme ntAfter test, the appeara nee and fun cti on of the sample shall be n ormal.The variati on of the sen sitivity shall be less tha n 3dB before and
18、 after test.Refere nee Docume ntCustomer fileFujitsu Reliability Test Item RecordKeep Time5671234567四.123RTC Test Report750PR0023yearsHigh Temperature & High Humidity (Operati on al) TestPurposeTo evaluate the reliability of the product under the eondition of high temperature& high humidity, and det
19、ermine cushi on affect the surface or no t (if the product have cushi on on the surface).ScopeApplying to Fujitsus sou nd box for computer thatbm adjik on.Test Equipme ntProgrammable temperature & humidity test chamber 、noise generator.Test ProcessEnvironment eondition: temperature:15 30C ,RH:35 80%
20、.Sample 1 (or more) pair of qualified product without package.Put the sample (operati on al) in the programmable temperature & humidity test chamber (temperature:60 C , RH:90%) for hours, after 48 hours, take out the sample and expose it to ambie nt en vir onment eon diti on for 1 hour.After test, c
21、heck the appeara nee and fun cti on of the sample.Quality Requireme ntAfter test, the appeara nee and fun cti on of the sample shall be n ormal.The variati on of the sen sitivity shall be less tha n 3dB before and after test.After test, the cushi on on the surface of the sample shall have no break o
22、ff etc (if the product have cushi on on the surface)Refere nee Docume ntFujitsu Reliability Test Item Customer fileRecordKeep TimeRTC Test Report750PR0023yearsThermal Shock (Operati on al) TestPurposeTo evaluate the reliability of the product un der the eon diti on of thermal shock.ScopeApplying to
23、Fujitsus sou nd box for computer that made by Fujik on.Test Equipme nt4567五.1234567六.123Refrigerator、oven、noise generatorTest ProcessEnvironment eondition: temperature:15 30C ,RH:35 80%.Sample 1 (or more) pair of qualified product without package.Put the sample (operati on al) in the refrigerator (t
24、emperature:0 C )、ove n (temperature:40 C ) and ambie nt en viro nment condition as below:0oC:2h ambient environment condition:1h40oC:2h ambient environment condition:1h(4cycleAfter test, check the appeara nee and fun cti on of the sample.Quality Requireme ntAfter test, the appeara nee and fun cti on
25、 of the sample shall be n ormal.The variati on of the sen sitivity shall be less tha n 3dB before and after test.Refere nee Docume ntCustomer fileFujitsu Reliability Test Item RecordKeep TimeRTC Test Report750PR0023yearsVibrati on TestPurposeTo evaluate the ability of the product withsta nd the vibr
26、ati on whe n tra nsportati on and other operati on.ScopeAppl ying to Fujitsus sou nd box for computer that made by Fujik on.Test Equipme ntVibrati on testerTest ProcessEnvironment condition: temperature:15 30 C ,RH:35 80%.Sample 1 pair of (with inner box) or 1 cart on qualified product.Fix the sampl
27、es on the table-board of the vibration tester, set the procedure of vibration:2mm,5 25Hz ,25 100Hz;period is 6min utes;10cycles(3directi on).After test, check the appeara nee and fun cti on of the sample.Quality Requireme ntAfter test, the package no obvious damage and the product in inner box no an
28、y mess.After test, the appeara nee and fun cti on of the sample shall be n ormal.The variati on of the sen sitivity shall be less tha n 3dB before and after test.Refere nee Docume ntFujitsu Reliability Test Item RecordRTC Test ReportPacked Product Free Drop TestPurposeTo evaluate the ability of the
29、cart on or inner box withsta nd the impact whe n tran sportati on、 load and other operati on.ScopeApplying to FujitsuTest Equipme ntImpact platform: horiz on tal metal floor or con crete grou nd (ca ndrop testerCustomer fileKeep Time750PR0023yearss sou nd box for computer that made by Fujik on.e woo
30、d floor ancarpet in any condition)、Pack:4567七.八.123456Test ProcessEnvironment condition: temperature:15 30C ,RH:35 80%.Sample 1 cart on qualified product.Drop height is 60cm.Drop seque nee (from a to j):a. Anyone cor nerb. The shortest edge n ear the cornerc. The shorter edge n ear the cornerd. The
31、longest edge n ear the cor nere. The sidesmallf. The opposite side of the smallest sideg. The middle size sideh. The opposite side of the middle size sidei. The biggest sidej. The oppos side of the bigge of sideAfter test, expose the samples to ambie nt en viro nment con diti on for 2 hours.Check th
32、e package、appearanee and function of samples.Quality Requireme ntAfter test, the package no obvious damage and the product in inner box no any mess.After test, the appeara nee and fun cti on of the sample shall be n ormal.The variation of the sensitivity shall be less than 3dB before and after test.
33、Refere nee Docume ntFujitsu Reliability Test Item Customer fileRecordKeep TimeRTC Test Report 750PR0023yearsCart on Withsta nd Pressure TestRefer to the WI/750/005 Carton Withstand Pressure Test ,the difference is the duration is 48 hours.Thermal Shock Test (Surface)PurposeTo evaluate the reliabilit
34、y of the product s surface under the condition of thermal shock.ScopeApplying to Fujitsu s sou nd box for computer that made by FujikoTest Equipme ntProgrammable temperature & humidity test chamber 、hard adhesive card.Test ProcessEnvironment condition: temperature:15 30C ,RH:35 80%.Sample 1 (or more
35、) pair of qualified product without package.Stick the hard adhesive card on the surface of the sample, then put it in the programmable temperature & humidity test chamber as below: 80oC:1h30oC:1h20oC:1h30oC:1h(8cycles).After test, check the surface of the sample.Quality Requireme ntAfter test, the surface shall have no any mangle、broken or desquamate etc(the hard adhesive card shall be adhesive, and t oil of the sample s surface shall have no break off).Refere nce Docume ntFujitsu Reliability Test Item Customer fileRecordKeep TimeRTC Test ReportGrid Cutti ng Test750PR0023yearsRefer to the W
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