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1、:>!应应:!:5!:¥:空间科技快讯第 11 期(2014/12/5)编辑:张颖一 校对:刘迎春I#目录一 空间探索新科学、新技术 1.(1) 国际空间站3D打印机打印出第一个部件 1(2) NASA宣布公众可参与小行星大挑战 3(3) NASA 将为Cube Quest挑战提供500万奖励 5(1)国际空间站远征科学家周记7(2) 联盟” TMA -1飞M搭载三名航天员飞赴国际空间站 9(3) NASA在国际空间站完成了Rode nt Research 1任务12-深空探索14(1) 波音公司完成NASA商业乘员运输系统里程碑 14火星混沌区域布满冰霜 16#丄空间探索新科

2、学、新技术(1)国际空间站3D打印机打印出第一个部件Ope n for Busin ess: 3-D Prin ter Creates First Object in Space on Intern ati onalSpace Stati on2014年11月25日11月25日,NASA在国际空间站运用 3D打印技术成功打印出印着“太空制造 /NASA ”字样的铭牌,这让科学家们看到了国际空间站自我打印零部件的希望。NASA实现太空3D打印,国际空间站有望实现自我打印零部件。这台3D打印机于11月17日由航天员巴里威尔莫安装在国际空间站,并于25日成功International Space S

3、tation Commander Barry “Butch Wilmore holds up the firstmade in space with ad完成了这个部件的打印,计划于 2015年被送返地球,供NASA专家进行测试研究,并与相同 的地面对照试样进行比较,以验证微重力环境下的3D打印过程与地面的异同。:wl:;.:.:.:.n. > .:l:l:.l:-l:l:l:l:l:l:l<l:首l;l:-l:>Image Credit: NASAThe International Space Station ' s 3pDnter has manufactured

4、 the first 3-D printed object in space, pav ing the way to future Ion g-term space expediti ons."This first print is the in itial step toward provid ing an on-dema nd machi ne shop capability awayfrom Earth," said Niki Werkheiser, project manager for the International Space Station 3-D Pri

5、nter at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. "The space station is the only laboratory where we can fully test this technology in space.”NASA astronaut Barry "Butch" Wilmore, Expedition 42 commander aboard the International Space Station, installed the print

6、er on Nov. 17 and conducted the first calibration test print. Based on the test print results, the ground control team sent commands to realign the printer and printed a second calibration test on Nov. 20. These tests verified that the printer was ready for manufacturing operations. On Nov. 24, grou

7、nd controllers sent the printer the command to make the first printed part: a faceplate of the extruder's casing. This demonstrated that the printer can make replacemeparts for itself. The 3-D printer uses a process formally known as additive manufacturing to heat a relatively low-temperature pl

8、astic filament and extrude it one layer at a time to build the part defined in the design file sent to the machine.On the morning of Nov. 25, Wilmore removed the part from the printer and inspected it. Part adhesion on the tray was stronger than anticipated, which could mean layer bonding is differe

9、nt in microgravity, a question the team will investigate as future parts are printed. Wilmore installed a new print tray, and the ground team sent a command to fine-tune the printer alignment and printed a third calibration coupon. When Wilmore removes the calibration coupon, the ground team will be

10、 able to command the printer to make a second object. The ground team makes precise adjustments before every print, and the results from this first print are contributing to a better understanding about the parameters to use when 3-D printing on the space station.“This is the first time we've ev

11、er used a 3-D printer in space, and we are learning, even fromthese initial operations, W”erkheiser said. “Aswe print more parts we' llbe able to learn whether some of the effects we are seeing are caused by microgravity or just part of the normal fine-tuning process for printing. When we get th

12、e parts back on Earth, we' llbe able to do a more detailed analysis to find out how they compare to parts printed on Earth.”The 3-D Printing in Zero-G Technology Demonstration on the space station aims to show additive manufacturing can make a variety of 3-D printed parts and tools in space. The

13、 first object 3-D printed in space, the printhead faceplate, is engraved with names of the organizations that collaborated on this space station technology demonstration: NASA and Made In Space, Inc., the space manufacturing company that worked with NASA to design, build and test the 3-D printer. Ma

14、de In Space is located on the campus of NASA' s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California.“We chose this part to print first because, after all, if we are going to have 3-D printers make spare and replacement parts for critical items in space, we have to be able to make spare parts for t

15、he printers, ” Werkheiser said.“If a printer is critical for explorers, it must be capable of replicating itsown parts, so that it can keep working during longer journeys to places like Mars or an asteroid. Ultimately, one day, a printer may even be able to print another printer.”Made In Space engin

16、eers commanded theprinter to make the first object while working with controllers at NASA's Payload Operations Integration Center in Huntsville. As the first objects areprinted, NASA and Made In Space engineers are monitoring the manufacturing via downlinked images and videos. The majority of th

17、e printing process is controlled from the ground to limit crew time required for operations."The operation of the 3-D printer is a transformative moment in space development," said Aaron Kemmer, chief executive officer of Made In Space. "We've built a machine that will provide us

18、w research data n eeded to develop future 3-D prin ters for the Intern ati onal Space Stati on and bey ond, revoluti onizing space manu facturi ng. This may cha nge how we approach gett ing replaceme nt tools and parts to the space station crew, allowing them to be less reliant on supply missions fr

19、om Earth."The first objects built in space will be returned to Earth in 2015 for detailed analysis and comparison to identical ground control samples made on the flight printer after final flight testing earlier this year at, NASA' s Marshall Center prior to launch. The goal of this analysi

20、s is to verify thatthe 3-D printing process works the same in microgravity as it does on Earth.原文网址:http:/www. /c on te nt/ope n- for-busi ness-3-d-pri nter-creates-first-object-i n-space-on-in ternatio nal-space-statio n/#.VH6xlvSI96E(2) NASA宣布公众可参与小行星大挑战NASA Announces New Opportunitiesfor

21、Public Participationin AsteroidGrand Challe nge2014年11月21日NASA正推出10个新项目,为公众参与“小行星大挑战”活动提供机遇。该活动通过建立创新型合作伙伴关系,促进了政府有关小行星倡议工作的开展。自今年4月份签署太空行动协议以来, NASA的合作伙伴SpaceGAMBIT 已开发出 多条途径将创客团体纳入 NASA的小行星工作系统中,包括辅助天文学家和民间科学家的教 育计划和工具。“创客” 一词来源于英文单词"Maker ”,是指以回答问题和寻找解决问题的新方途径的人。Ten new projects are provid i

22、ng opport un ities for the public to participate in NASA's Asteroid Grand Challenge, which accelerates the agency's asteroid initiative work through innovative part nerships and collaboratio ns.Through a Space Act Agreement since April, NASA's Asteroid Grand Challenge partner SpaceGAMBIT

23、 developed ways to connect the Maker community with NASA's asteroid work, including educational programs and tools to help astronomers and citizen scientists. Makers are creative people with a drive to answer questions and find new ways to do things.The 10 new projects developed by SpaceGAMBIT w

24、ere done in part nership with Maui Makers -a group that provides the space and tools to make new things on the island of Maui in Hawaii."SpaceGAMBIT and their part ners have created an in credibly wide variety of projects that speak to the stro ng in terest in asteroids and passi on of the publ

25、ic to participate in space-related activities," said Jas on Kessler, program executive for the Asteroid Grand Challe nge. "These projects will in spire NASA audie nces and the broader com mun ity to learn and get invo lved."The 10 projects are:Asteroid Hackath on: En gage astr ono mer

26、s, space geeks, coders, and in terested citize ns to help make Earth safer by re-imagining asteroid data. Read more about the Hackathon here: http:/www. /c onten t/asteroid-hackath on/Asteroid Resp onse Cen ter: An in teractive multimedia in stallati on focus ing on asteroid scie nee and pla

27、 netary protecti on. The prese ntatio n has bee n exhibited at Bur ning Man 2014 and World Maker Faire New York.Ultrascope: An automated robotic observatory that can be laser-cut and 3D prin ted at home. Black Rock Observatory: A tourist office/welcome cen ter for the rest of the uni verse.The Waywa

28、rd Rock: An in teractive, space-based adve nture where it' s up to you to savworld! Participants will learn about asteroids through extraterrestrial imaging data, discuss their solutions with like-minded students, and build a physical prototype of their own brilliant ideas if they have access to

29、 a local makerspace or fab lab.Cosmosium: Browser game built to in spire and educate the gen eral populatio n using asteroid data from NASA.Light Sight: An open-source system for the fabrication of extremely low cost parabolic mirrors for the use in amateur telescopes.Cen tral Spark: Software that s

30、implifies, automates, and speeds up submissi on of astr ono mical sightings and discoveries to central object databases,social media feeds, and “Internets Things ” cloud services.DIY Space Explorati on: Create en gagi ng content that will in spire the gen eral public to support and participate in sp

31、ace explorati on.Curiosity Hacked Space Badges: Earn badges by exploring space-related and space tech no logy con cepts and skills."The dino saurs n ever had their own space program, nor a maker moveme nt - and look where it got them," said Alex Cureton-Griffiths of SpaceGAMBIT. "Defe

32、nding the Earth is a big job, and makers are stepp ing up to the plate to help huma nity take that one gia nt leap and survive as species."NASA is counting on Maker communities to be a part of the solution to asteroid threats. In addition to the 10 new projects with SpaceGAMBIT, NASA is offerin

33、g a variety of other opport un ities for Makers around the country to connect directly with NASA. This in cludes eve nts like the World Maker Faire and opportunities to solve tough problems through NASA Solve - a program of challe nges, prize competiti ons, and crowdsourci ng activities.Through NASA

34、's asteroid initiative, the agency seeks to enhance its ongoing work in the identification and characterization of near-Earth objects for further scientific investigation. This work includes locating potentially hazardous asteroids and identifying those viable for redirection to a stable lunar o

35、rbit for future exploration by astronauts. The Asteroid Grand Challenge, one part of the asteroid initiative, expands the agency's efforts beyond traditional boundaries and encourages partnerships and collaboration with a variety of organizations.原文网址:http:/www. /press/2014/no vember/ na

36、sa-a nnoun ces-new-opport un ities-for-public-participation-in-asteroid-grand/#.VH6qEPSI96ENASA将为Cube Quest挑战提供500万奖励NASA Ope ns Cube Quest Challe nge for Largest-Ever Prize of $5 Millio n2014年11月24日NASA近日向公众开放了 Cube Quest挑战的注册登记活动。作为NASA的首个太空竞赛,NASA也将提供史上数额最大的奖金。据悉,参赛人员有机会冲击 500万美元的奖金,并有机会参与到太空探索和技

37、术研发工作,包括有机会发射自己的CubeSat微型卫星等。Cube Quest挑战旨在寻求开发和测试利用小型太空飞船开展太空探索活动所需的子系 统。卡左卫mmCubeQuest 曲CHALLENGEA NASA CENTENNIAL CHALLENGES COMPETITIONRegistration now is open for NASA's Cube Quest Challenge, the agency' fsrst in-spacecompetition that offers the agency' s largest-ever prize purse.Co

38、mpetitors have a shot at a share of $5 million in prize money and an opportunity to participate in space exploration and technology development, to include a chance at flying their very own CubeSat to the moon and beyond as secondary payload on the first integrated flight of NASA's Orion spacecr

39、aft and Space Launch System (SLS) rocket."NASA's Cube Quest Challenge will engage teams in the development of the new technologies that will advance the state of the art of CubeSats and demonstrate their capabilities as viable deep space explorers," said Michael Gazarik, associate admi

40、nistrator for NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "Prize competitions like this engage the general public and directly contribute to NASA's goals while serving as a tool for open innovation."Challenge objectives include designing, buildin

41、g and delivering flight-qualified, small satellites capable of advanced operations near and beyond the moon. The challenge and prize purse are divided into three major areas:Ground Tournaments : $500,000 in the four qualifying ground tournaments to determine who will have the ability to fly on the f

42、irst SLS flight;Lunar Derby : $3 million for demonstrating the ability to place a CubeSat in a stable lunar orbit and demonstrate communication and durability near the moon; and Deep Space Derby: $1.5 million for demonstrating communication and CubeSat durability at a distance greater than almost 2.

43、5 million miles (4,000,000 km), 10 times the distance from the Earth to the moonThe Cube Quest Challenge seeks to develop and test subsystemsnecessaryto perform deep space exploration using small spacecraft. Advancements in small spacecraft capabilities will provide benefits to future missions and a

44、lso may enable entirely new mission scenarios, including future investigations of near-Earth asteroids."Cube Quest is an important competition for the agency as well as the commercial space sector," said Eric Eberly, deputy program manager for Centennial Challenges at NASA's Marshall S

45、pace Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. "If we can produce capabilities usually associated with larger spacecraft in the much smaller platform of CubeSats, a dramatic improvement in the affordability of space missions will result, greatly increasing science and research possibilities."A

46、ll teams may compete in any one of the four ground tournaments. Teams that rate high on mission safety and probability of success will receive incremental awards. The ground tournaments will be held every four to six months and participation is required to earn a secondary payload spot on SLS.The Lu

47、nar Derby focuses primarily on propulsion for small spacecraft and near-Earth communications, while the Deep Space Derby focuses on finding innovative solutions to deep space communications using small spacecraft. Together, these competitions will contribute to opening deep space exploration to non-

48、government spacecraft.NASA's Centennial Challenges drive progress in aerospace technology - of significant value to the agency's missions - and encourage broad-based participation in aerospace research and development. The challenges help find the most innovative solutions to technical chall

49、enges through competition and cooperation. There have been 24 Centennial Challenges events since 2005. NASA has awarded more than $6 million to 16 challenge-winning teams.NASA's Centennial Challenges Program is part of the agency's Space Technology Mission Directorate, which is responsible f

50、or innovating, developing, testing and flying hardware for use on future NASA missi ons. During the next 18 mon ths, the directorate will make sig ni fica nt new inv estme nts to address several high-priority challe nges for achiev ing safe and affordable deep space explorati on. For more in formati

51、o n about the directorate, visit:http:/www. /spacetechThe Centennial Challe nges Program is man aged at Marshall and the Cube Quest Challe nge is administered by the agency's Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. For more information on the Cube Quest Challenge, visit:http:/

52、www .n /cubequest原文网址:http:/www. /press/2014/no vember/ nasa-ope ns-cube-quest-challe nge-for-largest-ever-prize-of-5-million-0/#.VH6stfSI96F丄国际空间站(1)国际空间站远征科学家周记Weekly Recap From the Expediti on Lead Scie ntist2014年11月26日NASA astronaut Barry "Butch" Wilmore installs a 3 -D

53、printer in theScience Glon the InternationalSpaceStation.Image Credit: NASA近日,NASA航天员威尔莫将 3D打印机安装在国际空间站,并进行首次校准打印测试。 基于打印测试结果,地面控制团队发送指令以调整该打印机, 并在11月20日进行第二次校准 打印测试,两次测试证实打印机可用于打印制造。与此同时,威尔莫还为ACE-M-3研究项目准备了光学显微镜模块,将更换一个物镜,以及安装新的相机等。该项目主要是观察液体培养基里的微粒悬浮的三维结构设计和组合。另外,在欧洲 EDR完成了磁通试验(MAGVECTOR )的第二轮工作。地

54、面人员正在分 析结果。该项目是研究移动磁场与电导体之间的交互行为。NASA astr on aut Barry "Butch" Wilmore successfully in stalled and prepared the first 3-D prin ter in space for upcoming manufacturing operations on the International Space Station as part of NASA's 3-D Prin ti ng in Zero-G Techn ology Demo nstratio n .

55、 Wilmore in stalled the prin ter in the statio n Microgravity Science Glovebox and started the printer, which extruded plastic filament to form the first of a pair of calibrati on test prints about the size of a postage stamp, verify ing the prin ter is operati on al. The 3-D prin ter heats a relati

56、vely low-temperature plastic filame nt to build parts layer on top of layer in desig ns supplied to the mach ine.The goal of the 3-D printer on the orbiting laboratory is to show that additive manufacturing can make a variety of parts and tools in space, rem oving the n eed to send replaceme nt part

57、s and tools from Earth. It is the first step toward establishing an on-demand machine shop in space, a critical en abli ng comp onent for susta ining deep-space crewed missi ons and in-space manu facturi ng.Wilmore prepared the Light Microscopy Module for the Adva need Colloids Experiment-Microscopy

58、-3 (ACE-M-3) study. Activities included replacing an objective lens, in stalli ng a new target and in stalli ng a new camera. The ground team - worki ng with the con trollers at NASA's Payload Operations Integration Center in Huntsville, Alabama - began characterizing the microscope and perform

59、ing functional checks of the n ewly in stalled hardware.ACE-M-3 observes the design and assembly of complex, three-dimensional structures from small particles suspendedwithin a fluid medium. The NASA investigation in microgravity will provide in sight in to the relati on ship betwee n the particle's shape,crystal symmetry and structure. These structures are vital to the desig n of adva need optical materials. Optical tech no logy utilizi ng such materials m


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