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1、Be动词今天给大家讲解的是be动词,你知道什么是be动词吗它又有哪些形式呢be动词的三种基本形式为:am, is, areobe动词的用法:一般来说be动词要根据主词的人称来选择。(如下表)第一人称单数(I): amI am a boy.我是一个男孩。I am not a boy我不是一个男孩。Are you a boy Yes, I am. / No, I am not 你是一个男孩吗是的,我是。/不,我不是。复数(we) : areWe are Chinese.我们是中国人。We are not Chinese我们不是中国人。Are you Chinese Yes, we are/ No,

2、 we aren't你 们是中国人吗是的,我们是。/不,我们不是。第二人称单数(you你):areYou are a girl.你是一个女孩。You are not a girl.你不是一个女孩。Are you a girl Yes, I am. / No, I am not. 你是一个女孩吗是的,我是。/不,我不是。复数(you你们):areYou are very young 你们非常年轻。You are not very young.你们不是很年轻。Are you very young Yes, we are / No, we aren* t第三人称单数(he/she/it):

3、isShe is in China.她在中国。She is not in China.她不在中国。Is she in China Yes, she is. / No, she isn,t 她在中国吗是的,她在。/不,她不在。复数(they) : areThey are very sad.他们很伤心。They are not very sad.他们不是很伤心。Are they very sad Yes, they are / No, they aren* t 他们很伤心吗是的,他们很伤心。/不,他们不伤心。温馨提示:be动词前面的人称,是不可随意替换的。例如:I am, You are, She

4、 is, 并不会出现I is, You am, She are这样的情形.Be动词的用法口诀:我用am,你(you)用are, is连着他(he),她(she),它(it);单数名词用is,复数名词全用are;变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃;变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记;疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑。练习一一、用 am, is, arc 填空1) 1 astudent.2) Youa doctor.3) she from Jinaii4) you American?5) Hein Class 4,Grade 1.6) Ita car7) Theycars8) your mother i

5、n China?9) your friends in New York10) Whalher name11) Thesebuses 12) Thoseoranges.13) Whereoher mother14) How oldV()ur teacher?15) What classvou in二、模仿Eg.That is a book否定句:That is not a book疑问句:Is that a book回答:Yes, it is. / No, it isn1. This is a coat.否定句:疑问句:回答:2. 1 am a student.否定句:疑问句:回答:3 You

6、arc a star.否定句:疑问句:回答:4 These arc apples.否定句:疑问句:回答:三、在下面的短文中填上恰当2动词。1a girl. My nameMaryrin Class 2, Grade 7. I12 years old. Heremy family photo. Look! Thesemy parents and those my grandparents This boy my brother. He 15 years old now. Thatmy cat, Mimi. Itvery lovely.一、在下面的题目中填上恰当的班动词。1from Austral

7、ia2. Shea student.3. J anc and Tommy friends.4. My parentsvery busy every day©5 1a boy. you a boy No, Inot.6 The girlJack' s sister.8. The dogtall and fat.9. The man with big eyesa teacher.10. your brother in the classroom11 Wherev<>ur mother Sheat home.12. Howyour father13. Mike and

8、Liu Taoat school.14. Whose dressthis15 Whose socks they16. Thatmy red skirt.17. Who1jeanson the desk.19 Heresome sweaters for you.J20. The black gloves for Su Yaiig.21. This pair of glovesf()r Yang Ling.22. Wherethe bag11on the table.Wherethe bagsTheyon the table.23. Wherevour penItunder the sofaWhereV<>ur pensThey9under the sofa24. Whereher backpacks Theyon the chair.Whereher backpack Iton the chair.二用BE动词的正确形式完成下列句子。a student. 6. Youstudents.3.Hea sttidcnv.8. You and 1students 4.Ita countrw9. Thcvstudents 5.Youa student.10. Jim and Tornin America.三、英语陈述句变一般疑问句和否定句,和一般疑问句回答。1. I&


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