



1、第二辑Test 1Work experience programmeThe manu facturi ng compa ny you work for has decided to offer a two-day week work experie nee programme for a small group of stude nts from a local bus in ess college.You have bee n asked to help with the preparati ons for this programmeDiscuss the situation togeth

2、er, and decide:What kind of work experie nee the compa ny might offerHow the participa nts should be selectedWhat feedback and evaluati on should take place after the programme has fini shed【题目分析】工作实习计划你所在的制造公司决定为当地一所商学院的一组小学生提供一个两周的工作实习计划。公司要求你们几人协助这个项目的准备工作。你们一起讨论当前的状况,并决定:公司可以提供哪方面的工作经验如何挑选项目参与者项

3、目结束后,如何对学生进行反馈并做出评价【词汇、短语】专业的 professional 监督、管理 supervise 熟练的,精通的proficie nt 例会 regular meetings【句型点击】赞同他人观点Let me see, well, I suppose that. It' like this, you see.That' esactly my op inion委婉同意As far as I'm concernedFrom my point of view,Let me put it this way,售后服务 after-sale service大三

4、学生 junior要求高的、吃力的 dema nding 反馈 feedback【思路点拨】主题讨论要点讨论结果原因Work experie nee programmeKinds of work experie neeWork experienee in after-sale dept.No tech ni cal kno wledge n eededSelectio n of participa ntsJunior:no similar former experie nee Proficient in English, disciplinedHaving time & kno wle

5、dge; En glish-speak ing clie nts; Novelty of the programme; Dema nding work en vir onmentFeedback and evaluati onRegular meetings on working days, report, grade awardedHelp students improve their work, gain experie nee【参考范例】A: Hi, Jas on and Mark, shall we discuss the work experie nee programme for

6、a while?B: No problem, I heard that the stude nts were from a local bus in ess college and had no tech ni cal kno wledge in manufacturing. So I wonder whether they could fit it here. After all, our company manufactures mobile phon es.C: No worries, our company can provide work experienee that doesn&

7、#39; t require professional skills.A: That' s right, I have decided to carry out the programme in the after sale department. Students should take a two days training before they their work and the after sale department will arrange several experieneed staff to supervise their work, the students

8、are expected to develop their skills in customer service and learn to deal with customers ' complai nts and help the compa nies to improve their products image and servic B: It seems you have got everyth ing settled dow n.A: Not yet.C: Then what shall we do n ext?A: The selecti on of participa n

9、ts. The compa ny can offer the worki ng experie nee for 20 stude nts. Could you give me some suggesti ons on select ing the ideal participa nts for the programme?B: In my opinion, ideal participants should be junior students becausethey have time to take part in this programme and have bee n trained

10、 formally in bus in ess college for more tha n two years. Stude nts should also be proficie nt in En glish because a nu mber of our clie nts speak En glish. Mark, what do you thi nk?C: I agree with you. What ' s more, potential participants will be asked to take an English speaking test bef the

11、programme starts. In addition, students should have a good attendance record and academic performa nee in school because they are in a dema nding work en vir onment which requires them to follow strict discipline and work as a team.A: Thank you very much to your advice. Now, there just one thing lef

12、t, the feedback and evaluation of the programme.B: I think after the sale departme nt should have meet ings for stude nts at the end of every work ing day to help them con clude their work.C: And after the programme ends, students are required to write a report of their work experience in our compan

13、y, the report should include the arrangement of the programmme, the training classes in the after sale departme nt, work experie nce duri ng the two weeks, the things they have lear ned and the problems, troubles they have met. They are en couraged add anything they want to the report.A: Good ideas.

14、 Fin ally, I think the supervisors will give each stude nt a grade for the programme based on their performa nce and other sta ndards of evaluati on.第二辑Test 2English language trainingYour compa ny is pla nning to offer 30 hours of En glish Ian guage training to employees.You have bee n asked to help

15、 with the pla nning and orga ni zati on of the training.Discuss the situation together, and decide:Which staff would ben efit most from En glish Ian guage trai ningHow to en courage employees to take part in the training What kind of schedule will be suitable for the training?英语语言培训你所在的公司计划为员工提供 30个

16、小时的英语语言培训,公司要求你协助策划和组织这次培训 你们一起讨论当前的状况并决定:哪些员工从英语语言培训中获益最大?如何鼓励员工参加培训?什么培训方式更加适合?【思路点拨】主题讨论要点讨论结果原因En glish Ian guageWho will ben efit most from the trai ningMarketi ng departme ntThey use English a lot in their worktrai ningHow to en courage the staff to attend the trainingMake this trai ning a par

17、t of the annual performa nce evaluati onThe staff will realize the importa nce of itWhat trai ning programme fits mostSyllabus containingbus in esswrit ing and speak ingThey are the most practical for the time being【词汇、短语】假定,认为 assume 时间安排schedule 受训者trainees 教学大纲syllabus【句型点击】 表达赞同I can 'agree

18、moreYou have my voteYou are absolutely right进一步阐释 in other words,交际性的 com muni cative 动机 motivation 弄清楚figure out年度评价 annual evaluation【参考范例】A: It is n ice to join this programme and work with you two.B: The honor is mine. I think we should start from the preparation because a good start is the half

19、 of the success.C: You are absolutely right. I th ink we should start from selecti on the train ees.A: In your mi nd, who will ben efit most from the training programme?B: I believe staff from the marketing department will do. They use English a lot in their work, but in the beg inning, we should ma

20、ke it an ope n opport unity to every on e. I mean every one should have the access to this Ianguage training programme, and when people find it difficult or unrelated to their working field, they will naturally quit. In this way, we will figure out who needs the training most.C: You have my vote her

21、e. We have to make sure that the selection of the trainee is open and fair. Then how to encourage the staff to attend the training? What if they are unwilling to spend their time doing this?A: We can make this training programme a part of the annual performance evaluation. By doing so, the staff wil

22、l realize the importance of it.B: That is definitely a perfect motivation. Ok, let' s move on to what programme fits most.C: We have ple nty of choices and various teachi ng methods and syllabus will result in differe nt comma nds of a foreig n Ian guage. I thi nk here the milli on dollar questi

23、 on is in what form the training programme should be carried out. Pers on ally, I prefer syllabus containing bus in ess writi ng and speak ing because accord ing to my experie nce they are the most practical for the time being.A: I canagtree more. We have to make sure through the Ian guage training

24、the compa ny can in deed ben efitfrom it. In other words, what ever the programme is, it has to be related to our bus in ess life.B: Exactly! I am thi nking about a renowned Ian guage training orga ni zati on. They use com muni cative and situati onal teach ing methods and can ask them to desig n th

25、e programme.C: Ok, you have my vote. Some professi onal opinions can do no harm.第二辑Test 3Team workYour compa ny is sending a small group of employees away together for three days to en courage them to work as a team.You have bee n ask to help pla n the programmeDiscuss the situati on together and de

26、cide:What practical arra ngeme nts the compa ny n eeds to make before the tripWhich work and leisure activities would be suitable for the group How to evaluate the success of the trip.团队协作你的公司要将几个员工派出三天,让他们待在一起,以便把他们培养成一个工作团队,你们被指派协助 这个计划。你们一起讨论一下这个情况,并决定:在把员工派出之前需要做什么特殊的安排对于这个小组来说,什么工作内容和休闲活动比较合适如何

27、评价这个活动是否成功【思路点拨】主题讨论要点讨论结果原因Team workArran geme nts before the tripSelecti on of the participa ntsThe member of the programmeWork and leisure activitiesCooperative activitiesPeople can get to know each otherHow to evaluate the tripGive them an assignment to test the resultAction speaks louder tha n

28、words【词汇、短语】安排arran geme nts参考的意见 con suit参与者 participants增强 enhance区别性特征 distinctive feature优缺点 pros and cons【句型点击】and so forthWith regard to ,I may choose otherwise.关于我持不同看法Frankly,坦白说That'how I feel.我有同感【参考范例】A: Ok, let ' s get start to make some arrangement of the yopi have any opinions,

29、 please feel free to share it here.B: I think the selection of the participants is the essential part. If we send out the wrong guy, there will be no room to fix it when it is over.C: Yes, I agree. The member of the programme must have someth ing in com mon, yet someth ing disti nctive. So they can

30、leann from each other and depend on each other, we can meet the HR and refer to their education backgro und, their specialty and so forth.A: I see eye to eye with you on this point. Now, let ' s move on to the next item. That is, what work and leisure acclivities we should offer them.B: Since it

31、 is a trip designed to enhance team-working spirit, we should involve corporative activities such as hik ing, ball games etc. so they can get to know each other. C, do you have any comme nt on this? What's your proposal?C: I gen erally agree with you on that, but I' m thinking of someth ing

32、inno vative. Hiking and ball gambut there are organizations providing more interesting programmes enhancing team working spirit. My former compa ny once has training in the suburb and we had a lot of fun because they provided activities full of imagination and excitement.A: Ok, we can consult that o

33、rganization you just mentioned and make the decision later. Any way, it ' s a good thi ng to have more choices, but whatever form it is, we also have to thi nk about how to evaluate the success of the trip. That is to say, when they come back, how do we know they are a better team or not? What i

34、f the members didn ' t leamuch from it?B: We can ask them to write a report and see what happe ns duri ng the trip. Or we can eve n ask them to keep journ als and note whatever they come across and whatever they feel.C: With regard to the evaluation, I may choose otherwise. I prefer to give them

35、 an assignment, that' s theway to see whether they are better in dividuals and better members of the team. You know, actio n speaks louder tha n words.A: Or, we can do both. I think both of you came up with excellent idea.B: Two heads are always better tha n one.C: I assume the trip will be a su

36、ccess.第二辑Test 4En tertai ning Foreig n Clie ntsYour company is entertaining a group of foreign clients for three days,In cludi ng one non-work ing day.You have bee n asked to pla n a programme for the visit.Discuss the situation together, and decide:What kind of activities would be suitable for the

37、visitWhich members of staff should accompa ny the visitorsWhat in formatio n it would be useful to know about the clie nts before fin alizi ng the programme 你所在的公司要接待一批国外客户,接待活动共安排三天,其中一天为非工作日。公司要求你们为 这次接待活动制定计划。你们一起讨论当前的状况并决定:给国外的客户安排些什么样的活动合适安排哪些员工来陪同这些客户接待计划定稿前需要了解哪些接待客户的信息【思路点拨】主题讨论要点讨论结果原因En te

38、rtai ning Foreig n Clie ntsKinds of activitiesCompa ny tour;Meeti ng; sightsee ing tour;Clients first visit to BeijingUseful in formati on about the clie ntsReligio n , dema nds from clie ntsSpecial food arran geme nts Pers on alized serviceMembers of staff to accompa ny the visitorsLinda and DavidG

39、ood pers on ality Flue nt En glish Well-acquainted with company bus in ess【词汇、短语】熟悉的 Well-acquainted最新产品 latest product考虑周到的 con siderate首次上市,发行 lau nch有关的 concerned游览胜地 tourist attractions考虑 take into account【句型点击】转移话题Let ' s move on the next item Let ' s pass on the next subject.The n ext

40、question on the age nda is Now let ' s come to the question of表示同意That' s a good point.I agree with you.I see what you mean.That' s absolutely true.【参考范例】A: Now, let ' s discuss the details of the programme for the visit of our foreign clients coming tnTe hx urs d ay. I think we shou

41、ld finalize the programme this afternoon.B: Yeah, I have made reservation in Hilton Hotel and I' ll pick them up in the airport.C: Good job. Will you be able to accompany them during their visit as well?B: I' m afraid not. Ill be a'way on a business trip next Friday, so we will have to f

42、ind someone else to do this job.A: How about Linda? She' s we-allcquainted with our company ' s business and her English is very good.B: Yes, Linda is lovely and considerate. She'thes jpoebr.fect forC: I agree. I enjoy working with her, too. By the way, there are more than 30 members in

43、this group, how about letting David assist Linda?A: That ' as good point. All right then, let ' msoves on to the next item. What kinds of activities would be suitable for their visit? We haven' t decided on that.B: They will be staying here for three days including one non-working day. S

44、o I think we should arrange a tour in our company and a meeting with the concerned department and staff. I know some clients would renew their contracts with our company during this visit.A: And I suggest we should leave one day for sightseeing because for most of these foreign clients, this is their first visit to Beijing.C: Of course, the last day of their visit is Saturday, it 'nson-working day. How about taking them to some tourist attractions on that day? Such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden


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