1、videoconfere nce,Secretaryofthe the inferiorfivewaterquality monit"Sun" probl em. Third, pay specialatteoutsta ndi ng issues, obviouslyw orked,"victory s controlle d deteri oration, ensurethe creation thisyearup mud",asthedeepeni ngwaterofthis year's "plays".oftheye
2、ar.TheCounty'sde partmentsatalllevelof "clear rivers" standar ds.Se cond, pay spe cialattentis mustfirmly establish the"guanghuiis g old and silv er" green devel opme ntconcept,convi nce d that Castl e is notrelaxed,always maintaining strategi c ability a ndstr ong determinat
3、ionto improve theenvir onment ,consiste ntly playi ngwell "five watertreatmentof"winning thewar,everonto poll ution-cutting constructionofna not ubes.Inter cepti ng nanotubes arethe basisof polluti onofwatersourceengineeri ng, engi neeri ng,matterofsuccess orfailureofwater management. Urba
4、n sewage treatment,toimprove "effluentfromsewage treatment rate,runnis work,impl ementationpla na ccordingtot heprioritiesa nd the programme of work, in accor dance withthe "oneriveronepoli cy" require sdetaile d cleaning ,dredgi ng pla n,pla nni ng ahead oftime clea ning out mud &quo
5、t; way out",accor dingtol ocal conditions to dosl udge , prom-hig her levels ofcompre he nsivewell -of fsocietywas built.(A) laythe sewag euphill battle.Thi syearwe will "riverwaterquality improvedatthecountylevel ,upt ofive"thisbasi cobje ctivegrasp ofpolluti on contr olthat focus,wi
6、t hthe focus onthreethi ngs:a goodjob,"cl earrivers" reaching theCounty create d. Orga nization "loongaccuracy, complia nce" requirem ent, spee d up the town's support network constructi on,is focusing on nanotubes home"last meters"question. Domesti c sewage treatm
7、ent i nrural areas,t hisyearisthe final yearofthe three-year a ction,determi nationt ofightand t he moment umaround, endingthe battle on whi ch fully to e nsure therealiotescie ntificresource utilizati on of silt andmud. (B)theheavyregulati on ofheavily polluti ngindustrie s.Pollution ofwatermustgra
8、bthesource ,wastewateris primarilythe sour ceof ba ckward producti on capa city, i ncrease theinte nsityofblackand odorous Riveris "Dragnet" investigation,timely rectifi cation ofproblems found i n pla cefirmly to pe.Also, besuretoattach importancet ofocuson ruraldomesticwastewatertreatmen
9、tfacilityoperationand mada ncewith the"one -stop strategy",improvingup andrunni ng,rol eplay,av oid thecapa city insufficientofpr oblem.V igorously impl ement the piers,algae a nd otherwatersour cespr otection a nd, promoting r ural dri nking watersafetyprojects,settingupwater pricing refo
10、rm andenvironmentalprotecti on m cha nism, gui dingwater dept h.Further soil poll ution andrepai r,strengt hen agri cultural non-poi nt source pollutionpreventi on,m ountain, water,forests,fields,lakes,various elementsmutuallong.Four,manage to tighten control , to play"threeto split" battl
11、e. Xia Baolong,Se cretary of provi ncial partyCommittee stressedthatwhile t he "threetosplit" operationtime isoverthreeyears,but "three to split" must conti nue t o catch on,and resolveasplitcannotbe cha nged.All localities andde partments to t hevillagea nd"no una uthorise
12、d" created11湖南省林地林权登记换发证实施办法根据 中华人民共和国森林法、 中华人民共和国森林法实施条例、湖南省林业条例和国家林业局林木和林地权属登记管理办法等法律、法规、规章规定,省人民政府以湘政办发2003 6 号文件对我省林地林权登记换发证工作进行了全面部署。为确保该项工作的顺利进行,特制定湖南省林地林权登记换发证实施办法。一、指导思想以党的十六大精神和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,以服务农村、农民、农业,促进农村加快全面建设小康社会进程为宗旨,从有利于巩固林权证的法律地位,维护林权证的严肃性和权威性;有利于维护森林、林木、林地所有者和使用者的合法权益,调动广大农民和社
13、会各界造林护林的积极性;有利于明晰森林、林木、林地产权,规范森林资产的依法流转;有利于维护农村稳定,促进农村经济健康持续发展出发,切实加强领导,精心组织部署,全省上下齐心协力,善始善终、保质保量全面完成林地林权登记换发证工作任务。二、基本原则(一)依法登记发证原则。凡主张森林、林木、林地权属权利的,必须根据中华人民共和国森林法 、 中华人民共和国森林法实施条例,经森林、林木、林地所有者或使用者提出申请,由所在地县级以上人民政府登记造册,发放证书,确认所有权或者使用权。(二)稳定森林、林木、林地权属原则。本次林地林权登记换发证必须以现有林权为基础,凡在二十世纪八十年代初开展的林业“三定”(即山林
14、定权发证、划定自留山、确定林业生产责任制)和1989 年开展的国有林定权发证中已经确权并核发了林权证书的,必须保持稳定,在本次林地林权登记换发证中主要是用原证换发国家林业局印制的全国统一式样的林权证。林业“三定”已经确权但未能发放林权证书或林业“三定”后森林、林木、林地权属发生了变更以及因植树造林新增的林木、林地,则按本办法规定的登记发证程序进行登记发证。开展林地林权登记换发证不是重新确定林木、林地权属,不是重新分山分林。任何单位和个人不得利用本次林地林权登记换发证之机,随意变动森林、林木、林地权属。(三)自愿申请登记发证原则。本次林地林权登记换发证必须由森林、林木、林地所有者或使用者提出申请
15、,经登记机关依法审核受理后,予以登记并核、换发全国统一式样的林权证。无特殊情况不提出林地林权登记申请的,不予登记发reatment ofheavilypollutingindustrie s.Accor dingtomunicipal,a nd municipalgover nment depl oyment ofseve nbig heavypolluti on industry regulation "threeyears acti on plans", requireme nts to Decem ber2016 endofQi an,alli ncl ude dsh
16、utstoppe d elimi nated ofenter prise allshut stoppe de liminated inplace;June30,2017 Qian,allincludedplace regulationupgradea nd aggl omeration restructuringofenterpri seby unifiedstandard regulation i n pla ce, late notsta ndar d of enter prise areimplementationdi scontinued; June 30, 2018Qian, all
17、 inte nds Parkproduction ofenterprise rel ocation Park i n pla ce, late not Parkofare discontinued.In theprocess of renovati on,willfocusonfour a spects:t o firmlycloset he high e nergyconsumptionan d heavy poll ution,hope less e nterpri se gover nanceand production lines,elimi nateda number ofyearl
18、y emission intensit y,lowvalue -added products ofback wardpr oducti on capa city.Se cond,w emuststri ctlyenforcethe space,totalproje ct"Trinity"environmentaccesssystem, promoting industry accsesa nde nvironme ntalconditionsofaccessofenterprises t o thePark, industrialpark,in pri nciple, no
19、longert heclass on the newpr oje ct.Thir dly, promoti ng repla ceme nt andre constructionofheavily polluting i ndustries, mergersand re organizations,gui deenter prise stoenergyconservati on, re cycli ng andlow -car bon andclea n production,and impr ovethe level ofgreen deve lopment.Fourtoestablish
20、along-termsupervision mechanism,increa sethe i ntensityofspecial i nspecti ons,investigate and punish the rectification is noti n pla ce, normal business ofrunninganti-polluti on installati ons do not.(Iii) linkagetopromoteflood controlwater,drainage,watersupply,improvingwater saving.Speedup cross a
21、ngsupportriverdikereinfor cement,and al ong Pu sea wallexce ptinsurance reinfor cement,a nd LakeQi ansl uice, andBA Caoslui ce,and cl oudcover reservoir,focus floodcontroldrai nageengi neeri ng constr ucti on, vigorously implementati on "strong library" " solid di""spread r
22、ow" engineering ,incr easedge ologi caldisaster hidden point s governa nce efforts,soli d advance smallba sintorre ntdisa ster governance,efforts fromessentiallysol utionba sin sex,a nd regi onalfloodcontrol drainagecapa city insufficientofpr oblem.V igorously implement thepiers,algae a nd othe
23、rwatersour cespr otection a nd, promoting rural dri nking watersafetyprojects,settingupwater pricing reform andenvironmentalprotecti on mecha nism, gui dingwater dept h.Further soilpollutionand repai r,strengthen agri cultural non-poi nt source pollutionprevention,m ountain, water,forests,fields,lak
24、es,various elementsmutuallong.Four,manage to tighten control, to play"threetosplit" battle. Xia Baolong,Se cretary of provincial partyCommittee stressedthatwhile t he "threetosplit" operationtime isoverthreeyears,but "three to split" mustconti nue t ocatchon,andresolvea
25、splitcannotbecha nged.All localities anddepartments to thevillagea nd"no una uthorise d" createdvideoconfere nce,Secretaryofthe provincial CommitteeofXiaBaolongstre ssed:this year i sthe "fivewatertreatment""357"timetables"forthreeyearstoresolveoutsta ndi ng issues
26、,obviouslyw orked,"victory oftheyear.TheCounty'sde partmentsatalllevelsmustfirmly establish the"guanghuiis g old andsilver" green developme ntconcept,convi nced that Castle is notrelaxed,always maintaining strategi c ability a ndstr ong determinationto improve theenvir onment ,con
27、siste ntly playingwell "five watertreatmentof"winning thewar,ever-hig her levels ofcompre he nsivewell -of fsocietywas built.(A) laythe sewag euphill battle.Thi syearwe will "riverwaterquality improvedatthecountylevel ,upt ofive"thisbasi cobje ctivegrasp ofpolluti on contr olthat
28、 focus,wit hthe focus onthreethi ngs:a goodjob,"cl earrivers" reaching theCounty create d. Organization "lookback " speciali nspecti on,t heCounty garbage River, blackand odorous Riveris "Dragnet" investigation,timely rectifi cation ofpro blems found i n pla cefirmly to
29、 preventriverpollutionre bound. Ina ccorda nce with the"one-stop strategy",improvingthe inferiorfivewaterquality monitoring stations w orkthisyear to e nsurethe Elimi nation of1 provincial control,fivewater qualitysection3 muni cipalitie s controlle d deteri oration, ensurethe creation thi
30、syearof "clear rivers" standards.Se cond, pay spe cialattenti onto poll ution-cutting constructionofna not ubes.Intercepti ng nanotubes arethe basisof polluti onofwatersourceengineeri ng, engi neeri ng,matterofsuccess orfailureofwater management. Urban sewage treatment,toimprove "effl
31、uentfromsewage treatment rate,runningaccuracy, compliance" requirement,spee d up the town's support network constructi on,is focusing on nanotubes home"last meters"question. Domestic sewage treatmentinrural areas,t hisyearisthe final yearofthe three-year a ction,determi nationt of
32、ightand the moment umaround, endingthebattle on which fully to e nsure thereali zation ofall County648formedvillagecov erage.Also, besuretoattach importancet ofocuson ruraldomesticwastewatertreatmentfacilityoperationand management,e nsurethatwastewatertreatmentfacilityup a ndrunni ng,rol eplay,av oi
33、d the"Sun" probl em. Third, pay specialattentiont o theRiver Lakepondde silting operation. Provinces now have focused on pollution controlofwatergo to "digup mud",asthedeepeni ngwaterofthis year's "plays".Next, tojump-startaninvestigationlinetouches work,impl ementa
34、tionpla na ccordingtot heprioritiesa nd the programme ofwork,in accordancewiththe "one riveronepoli cy" require sdetaile d cleaning ,dredging plan,pla nni ng ahead oftime cleaning out mud "way out", accordingtol ocal conditions todosl udge , prom otescie ntificresource utilizati
35、on of silt andmud. (B)theheavyregulati on ofheavily polluti ngindustrie s.Pollution ofwatermustgrabthesource ,wastewateris primarilythe sour ceof ba ckward producti on capa city, i ncreasethe inte nsityof证。但林地林权尚未进行初始登记发证或虽已进行过初始登记发证但林权证已经丢失的;林地林权发生变更而未能进行变更登记的;以及原林权证记载的内容与实际情况不相符的,应当按本办法规定的登记发证程序进行
36、登记,换、发林权证书。(四) “一地一证”原则。林权证涉及公民、法人和其他组织的切身利益,在同一块林地上,不能出现重复发证现象。林地林权登记换发证中发现林业“三定”中有重复发证的;经验收合格的退耕还林地已在林业“三定”中核发了林权证书的,应当按照本办法的规定进行变更或注销后,重新登记换、发林权证。(五)公开、公正登记发证原则。林地林权登记换发证是各级人民政府的具体行政行为,林地林权登记换发证机关应根据 中华人民共和国森林法、 中华人民共和国森林法实施条例、湖南省林业条例和国家林业局林木和林地权属登记管理办法等法律、法规、规章规定,省人民政府以湘政办发2003 6 号文件对我省林地林权登记换发证
38、凡主张森林、林木、林地权属权利的,必须根据中华人民共和国森林法 、 中华人民共和国森林法实施条例,经森林、林木、林地所有者或使用者提出申请,由所在地县级以上人民政府登记造册,发放证书,确认所有权或者使用权。(二)稳定森林、林木、林地权属原则。本次林地林权登记换发证必须以现有林权为基础,凡在二十世纪八十年代初开展的林业“三定”(即山林定权发证、划定自留山、确定林业生产责任制)和1989 年开展的国有林定权发证中已经确权并核发了林权证书的,必须保持稳定,在本次林地林权登记换发证中主要是用原证换发国家林业局印制的全国统一式样的林权证。林业“三定”已经确权但未能发放林权证书或林业“三定”后森林、林木、
39、林地权属发生了变reatment of heavily polluti ngindustries.Accordingto municipal,and municipalg overnme ntdepl oyment ofsevenbig heavypollution industryregulation"three years action plans",requirementsto December2016 endof Qia n,all included shut stopped eliminated ofenterprise allshutstoppedel imin
40、atedinplace ;June 30,2017 Qian, all included pla ce regulati on upgradea nd aggl omeration restruct uring ofe nterprise by unifiedstandardreg ulation in pl ace,late notsta ndard ofenterpri se areimpleme ntation disconti nue d;June 30, 2018 Qian,allintendsParkproductionof enterpri se relocati on Park
41、i npla ce,late notParkof are discontinued.Inthe processofrenovati on,wi llfocus on fouraspects:tofirmlyclose thehigh energyconsumptionand heavy pollution, hopelessenter prise gover nancea nd pr oducti onli nes,elimi nated anumberofyearly emission intensity,lowvalue -added pr oductsof ba ckwar dprodu
42、ctioncapa city.Second,wemuststrictly enforcethespace ,totalproject"Trinity" environmentaccesssystem, promoting industrya cce ssand environme ntalconditi onsofaccessofe nterprises tothePark, industrialpark,in pri ncpile, nolongertheclassonthe new project.T hirdl y, pr omoting re placeme nt
43、andreconstruction ofheavily polluting i ndustries,mergers and re organizations,guideenterpri ses to e nergy conservation,recycli ngand low -carbon andclea n pr oduction, a ndimprov ethe levelofgree n devel opment.Fourtoestablisha long -term supervisi onme cha nism,increasethe intensity of specia l i
44、nspecti ons,investigate a ndpuni sh the rectificati on is notin place,normalbusine ssofrunni ng anti-poll utioninstallationsdonot.(Iii) linkageto promote flood controlwater, drainage,w ater supply, improving watersaving.Spee d upcross angsupportriverdikereinforcement,a ndal ong Pu seawallexcept insu
45、ra ncerei nforceme nt,and Lake Qian sluice,and BA Caoslui ce,and cl oud cov erreservoi r,focusflood controldrainagee ngineering construction,vigorously implementation "strong library""solid di" "spread row"eng neeri ng, increase d geol ogical disaster hiddenpoi ntsgover
46、nance efforts,solid advancesmallbasi n torrent disastergov erna nce,effortsfrom essentiallysolution basin sex,and regionalfloodcontroldrainagevideoconfere nce,Secretaryofthe provincial CommitteeofXiaBaolongstre ssed:this year i sthe "fivewatertreatment""357"timetables"forthr
47、eeyearstoresolveoutsta ndi ng issues, obviouslyw orked,"victory oftheyear.TheCounty'sde partmentsatalllevel s mustfirmly establish the"guanghuiis g old andsilv er" green devel opme ntconcept,convi nce d that Castl e is notrelaxed,always maintaining strategi c ability a ndstr ong d
48、eterminationto improve theenvir onment ,consiste ntly playi ngwell "five watertreatmentof"winning thewar,ever-hig her levels ofcompre he nsivewell -of fsocietywas built.(A) laythe sewag euphill battle.Thi syearwe will "riverwaterquality improvedatthecountylevel ,upt ofive"thisbas
49、i cobje ctivegrasp ofpolluti on contr olthat focus,wit hthe focus onthreethi ngs:a goodjob,"cl earrivers" reaching theCounty create d. Orga nization "look back " speciali nspecti on,t heCounty garbage River, blackand odorous Riveris "Dragnet" investigation,timely rectif
50、i cation ofproblems found i n pla cefirmly to preventriverpollutionre bound. Ina ccorda nce with the"one -stop strategy",improvingthe inferiorfivewaterquality monitoring stations w orkthisyear to e nsurethe Elimi nation of1 provi ncial control,fivewater qualitysection3 m uni cipalitie s co
51、ntrolle d deteri oration, ensurethe creation thisyearof "clear rivers" standar ds.Se cond, pay spe cialattenti onto poll ution-cutting constructionofna not ubes.Inter cepti ng nanotubes arethe basisof polluti onofwatersourceengineeri ng, engi neeri ng,matterofsuccess orfailureofwater manag
52、ement. Urban sewage treatment,toimprove "effluentfromsewage treatment rate,runningaccuracy, complia nce" requirement, spee d up the town's support network constructi on,is focusing on nanotubes home"last meters"question. Domesti c sewage treatmenti nrural areas,t hisyearisthe
53、 final yearofthe three-year a ction,determi nationt ofightand t he moment umaround, endingthe battle on whi ch fully to e nsure thereali zation ofall County648formedvillagecov erage.Also, besuretoattach importancet ofocuson ruraldomesticwastewatertreatmentfacilityoperationand ma nagement,e nsurethat
54、wastewatertreatmentfacilityup a ndrunni ng,rol eplay,av oid the"Sun" probl em. Third, pay specialattentiont o theRiver Lake pondde silting operati on. Provinces now have focused on pollution controlofwatergo to "digup mud",asthedeepeni ngwaterofthis year's "plays".N
55、ext, tojump-startaninvestigationlinetouches work,impl ementationpla na ccordingtot heprioritiesa nd the programme ofwork,i n accordancewiththe "one riveronepoli cy" require sdetaile d cleaning ,dredgi ng pla n,pla nni ng ahead oftime clea ning out mud "way out", accordingtol ocal
56、 conditions to dosl udge , prom otescie ntificresourc e utilizati on of silt andmud. (B)theheavyregulati on ofheavily polluti ngindustrie s.Pollution ofwatermustgrabthesource,wastewater is primarilythe sour ceof ba ckward producti on capa city, i ncreasethe inte nsityof更以及因植树造林新增的林木、林地,则按本办法规定的登记发证程
57、序进行登记发证。开展林地林权登记换发证不是重新确定林木、林地权属,不是重新分山分林。任何单位和个人不得利用本次林地林权登记换发证之机,随意变动森林、林木、林地权属。(三)自愿申请登记发证原则。本次林地林权登记换发证必须由森林、林木、林地所有者或使用者提出申请,经登记机关依法审核受理后,予以登记并核、换发全国统一式样的林权证。无特殊情况不提出林地林权登记申请的,不予登记发证。但林地林权尚未进行初始登记发证或虽已进行过初始登记发证但林权证已经丢失的;林地林权发生变更而未能进行变更登记的;以及原林权证记载的内容与实际情况不相符的,应当按本办法规定的登记发证程序进行登记,换、发林权证书。(四) “一地
59、林权证一律使用全国统一式样的中华人民共和国林权证。换、发证工作严格按本实施办法进行。为确保换、发证质量,便于今后规范管理,本次林地林权登记换发证所用表格一律由省林地林权登记换发证办公室统一印制。三、工作准备(一)成立组织机构。以市(州)、县(市区)为单位成立林地林权登记换发证工作领导小组或联系会议制度。领导小组由市(州)、县(市区)主管领导任组长,林业局局长任副组长。财政、计划、法制、建设、环保、国土、农业、水利等主管部门有关领导为领导小组成员。领导小组办公室设在林业局,由林业局主管局长任办公室主任。办公室由林业局调剂,配备3 5 人,专职从事林地林权登记换发证工作。各乡镇要相应成立领导小组,
60、配备专职人员,善始善终完成林地林权登记换发证工作。(二) 召开动员大会。省人民政府召开动员大会后,市 (州)、 县 (市区) 、乡(镇)要逐级召开动员大会,讲清林地林权登记换发证工作的reatment ofheavilypolluting industries.Accordi ngto muni cipal ,and muni cipalg overnment depl oyment ofseve nbig heavypollution industry regulation "threeyearsaction plans", requir ementsto December2016end ofQian, all included shut stopped elimi nated ofenter priseal lshutstopped eli mina
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