已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、最新资料推荐PET 习语,短语,固定搭配 答案1. be able to do / can 能够2. be unable to do 不能够3. go abroad 出国4. internet access 互联网接用,互联网使用5. according to 根据6. achieve success 取得成功7. take action 采取行动8. actually/ in fact 事实上9. in addition/ additionally 另外,额外的10. at the cost of 以。样的价钱11. adventure / take a risk 冒险12. can/can

2、afford to do (动词原形)能负担的起,/不能负担的起13. agree with sb.同意某人14. go ahead 直走,继续15. aim at目标,瞄准16. alarm clock 闹钟17. music album音乐专辑18. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事19. stay alone 独自呆着20. feel lonely 感觉孤独21. even though/ even if/ in spite of / despite 尽管,即使22. large amount of / a number of 大量的,很多23. get annoy

3、ed 恼怒的24. be anxious about 对。担忧25. apart from/ except for 除了26. apply for 申请27. argue about sth. 争论。28. arrange for 安排。29. arrive at/in someplace至 U 达某地get to somplace 至 U 达某地 reach someplace 至 U 达某地30. as well 也31. as well as 也32. be ashamed of 对。感到羞愧33. no Ion ger 不再34. at first 起初35. at last/ fin

4、 ally最后36. at least 至少最新资料推荐37. at onee 马上,立即38. at present 目前39. at the same time 同时40. not .at all 根本不41. make an attempt/ try 尝试1最新资料推荐3wake up 醒来 keep bala nee保持平衡be based on 以。为基础 believe in相信bel ong to属于ben efit from 从。中受益 pay bill 付账 rubbish bin 垃圾桶 a bit of 一点。blame for 责备 on board在(飞机,轮船,火车

5、)上board ing pass登机牌make a reservati on 预定 be born in + 年出生在。年both.of.两者都。all of .三者或以上都。at the bottom 在底部 break dow n 出故障 break up 解散 bring up养育grow up成长by accide nt偶然地by hand 手工 by mistake错误地,by name按照姓氏call for sb./ visit 拜访 calm dow n静下来carry out 执行 ide ntity card (ID card ) 身份证 take care of/ loo

6、k after 照顾,照看 carry on/ keep on doing sth.继续做。have cha nee to do sth.有机会做。have an opport un ity to do sth.有机会做。chat with sb. 和。聊天 check in登记入住check out结账come dow n/ on sale 下降 come on 快点com muni cate with sb.与。交流compete with sb. 与。竞争 compla in about sth. 抱怨某事 in good con dition 状况良好 focus on/ concen

7、 trate on关注,全神贯注con sist of .由。组成42.最新资料推荐4hard to do sth. 做。是很难得 possible to do sth. 做。 。是可能的 impossible to do sth. 做。是不可能的102. hard disk 硬盘103. on display 展示104. be divi

8、ded into被分成。105. go downstairs去楼下106. driving licence 驾照107. due to 由于,因为108. make an effort 努力。109. either.or. 两者之一,要么。要么。110. neither.nor.两者都不111. enter/come into进入,参加112. for example 比如,例如113. such as 比如114 .in excha nge for交换115. exchange rate 汇率116. expect to do sth. 期待。去做。117. expect sb. to do

9、 sth. 期待某日去做。118. extremely(very) good 非常好119. be familiar with 对。熟悉120. be famous for 以。著名121. be fascinated by 被。所着迷122. feel like 想要123. fill in填入124. fill up填饱(肚子)125. film maker电影制片人86. a couple of .87. main course.几个88. tennis court89. football field90. make history91. cross out92. be curious

10、about.王采网球场足球场创造历史,载入史册划掉93. customs officer94. cut up 切95. decide to do sth.对。 。 。 好奇 海关官员决定去做96. depend on 依靠。97. pay a deposit 付押金98. in detail 具体的99. develop a habit培养习惯100. be differe nt from与。不同 difficult to do sth. 做。 。 。 很难 sen sibleto do sth.做。是明智的最新资料推荐find out 发现,找出 first of all 首先

11、keep fit/ healthy 保持健康 flight atte nda nt飞行服务员the follow ing day/ follow ing year第二天, 第二年be kee n on/ be fond of 喜欢,热爱 be in terested in . 对。感兴趣 weather forecast/ weather report天气预报full time job 全职工作 part time job监制工作further in formatio n 近一步信息in future 在将来in gen eral大体上gain experie nee 获得经验get alo

12、ng with和。相处 get well alo ng with sb.和。相处很好do experime nt做实验do good to .对。有益do on es(his, her their) best. 尽力。make progress 取得进步get off.下车 take off. 起飞,get rid of . 去除,去掉 give back/return 回来 give up 放弃全球变暖If you don get out, I call the police.匹配hand in 上交hand out 发下去deal with /handle 处理hand out 发下去ha

13、nd up a phone call 挂掉电话 eg: If you have no other bus in ess, you may hang up the phone. happen/ take place 发生in the heart of 在。的中心hold up/ delay 延迟,延误in a hurry 匆忙in adva nee提前in any case无论如何in case of .万一,如果in dan ger .有。的危险,陷入危险in the end .最后in front of .在。的前面in order to 为了。in pencil用铅笔in public公开

14、的,当众126.脱掉衣服global warmi nggo out 出来。 gowith/ match最新资料推荐171. in turn 一次,轮流172. for instanee比如173. instead of/ rather than.而

15、不是,代替174. musical instrument 乐器175. plan to do/ intend to do.打算做。计划做。176. on the in ternet 在网上177. get involved 参与,介入178. traffic jam交通堵塞179. be jealous of嫉妒。180. join the army参军181. knock down 击倒182. lack of 缺少。183. latest movie最新的电影184. laugh at 嘲笑185. at least 至少186. less expensive没那么贵187. tell a

16、 lie 说谎188. take a lift 搭便车189. be likely to do sth. 有可能。190. make a living谋生,赚钱生活191. a loaf of bread 一长条面包(比如法棍面包)192. look forward to doing (to 的后面是动词 ing) 期待做。193. look like 看起来像。194. look out 小心! !195. look up 查阅。 Eg: Look up in the dictionary196. lost property office失物招领197. at lunchtime 在午餐时间

17、198. be made of/ from 由。制成199. make-up 化妆品200. make sure 确信,确保 eg: I opened the door again to make sure the light had been truned off.201. at midnight 在午夜202. in the middle of .在。的中间203. at the moment/ now 此刻,现在,目前204. mobile phone 手机205. on.occasion 在。场合206. on bus in ess 出差,因公207. on fire 着火208. o

18、n foot 走着,步行209. on holiday 度假210. on purpose 故意的211. on request 要求212. on sale 打折出售最新资料推荐213. on time 按时214. opening hours 营业时间215. one.the other.一个。另一个 eg: One laptop is mine, the other is yours.216. out of date 过时的,陈旧的217. out of work 失业,没有工作218. persuade sb. To do sth.劝说某人去做。219. petrol station

19、加油站220. pick up 捡起,学会eg: I picked up some French when I travelled in France.221. plenty of 很多222. play a record/ cassette/CD 播放一个磁带 /CD223. be popular with 受。欢迎224. post a letter 寄一圭寸信225. post office 邮局226. prepare for 为。准备227. press a button 按按钮228. prevent sb. from doing sth.阻止某人做。229. promise to

20、 do sth.许诺做。230. keep a promise 遵守诺言,履行诺言231. be proud of 自豪,高兴232. put down 记下,放下 eg: Weve put down the training plan for this year.233. put on 穿上。234. put out a fire 灭 eg: All firefighters have put out a forest fire in north-eat part of China.235. win a race 赢得比赛236. defeat sb.打败某人237. tennis rack

21、et 网球球拍238. raise your arm 举起胳膊239. raise prices 涨价240. a range of.一系列。241. get ready for 为。准备好242. the reason why。的原因是243. recover from 从。中恢复244. make a request 提出要求245. search for .寻找。246. be responsible for.对。负责任247. as a result 结果248. return ticket 回程票249. right person 合适的人250. right size 合适的尺寸2

22、51. ring back 回电话252. run in a race 参加跑步比赛253. run a business 经营企业254. run out of/use up 用完255. be satisfied with 对。满意最新资料推荐8256. save money 省钱257. seat belt 安全带258. seco nd school 中学最新资料推荐259. keep secret 保密260. sold out 卖光261. send out 寄出,发出262. a TV series 电视连续剧263. set free 释放264. set out/set of

23、f 出发265. set up a lab 建立 (一个实验室)266. in sight 在视力范围之内,被看到267. out of sight 看不见268. go sightseeing 观光269. si nee the n 自从那时270. every single day 每一天 (every day)271. keep guard 站岗,守卫272. to ones(my, her, his, their) surprise 让。惊讶的是273. as soon as /when 。就。274. sort of/ type of 种类275. be full of/ be fi

24、lled with 装满。276. stay behind 留下来277. department store 百货商场278. go straight 直走279. sum up 合计,总结280. make sure 确信281. It supposed to do .推测应该是。282. take away 带走,拿走283. take up 开始从事284. behave well 守规矩285. be well-known for / be famous for 以。著名286. well made 样子好,做工考究287. tell a story 讲故事288. have a temperature 发烧289. throw away 扔掉290. tidy up 收拾,整理291. race track 跑道292. a true friend 真正的朋友293. try to do sth.努力做。294. try doing sth.尝试着做。295. turn on 打开296. turn off 关闭297. turn down 关小298.


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