1、Cloze 1Joh n,11 years old, was in bed in hospital. Several days before, while he was 1in a baseball game, he felland hit his head. The doctors believed that he might 2get well.said a“ Heseems to have given up hope.So medicines alone won' t.P3erhaps he needs something else,”doctor. “ When I visit
2、 hi mall he ever says is that he would like to meet Babe Ruth.”To meet Babe Ruth, of course, was not 4n America, Babe Ruth was as importa nt as the Preside nt, andhe was the most 5baseball player.The next day John' s father tried to tell Babe Ruth about the story of his son on the phTbnwee.nty-f
3、ouh ourslater, whe n the boy 6 in his hospital room, Babe Ruth walked in. Young Joh n could hardly 7his own eyes!The great baseball player sat down at Johnand ' ssabdd siKded,ycu ' ve got to get w lell. ve brought you anew America n League baseball,8you must start throw ing it.”For Joh n thi
4、s was the beg inning of a new life. To 9doctors ' surpritshee, boy walked out of the hospitalon his own a few weeks later. He was able to live a healthy life all because of the 10of Babe Ruth.1 .A.looki ngB.playi ngC.talki ngD.sitti ng2.A.n everB.everC.alwaysD.sometimes3.A.goB.makeC.stopD.help4.
5、A.easyB.luckyC.difficultD.successful5.A.favoriteB.n ervousC.famousD.da ngerous6.A.ra nB.layC.workedDaughed7.A.seeB.closeC.believeD.breathe8.A.orB.soC.thoughD.because9.A.myB.yourC.herD.his10.A.storyB.basketballC.presentD.lifeCloze 2We could all say that we have bad days as we go through life, but wha
6、t does it take to have a really good day?I remember a day recently when I had to go to the 1for special tests because I wasnfeeling we 'latnd mydoctor sent me to a specialist to try and find the cause of my ill ness.As I 2 to the hospital, I was feeling sad and certainly wasn' t on topAosf m
7、 gyaomehe hospital,I bega n my 3 for a park ing lot. I fin ally found one not too far from the entrance to the hospital.As I got out and brought my change out of my pocket, I noticed a man looking a little 4 standing in frontof a park ing meter( 停车计时收费表 )two cars away. He seemed to be search ing his
8、 pockets for what I supposed were 5 for the meter. Although I 6 didn ' t feel that greaItt,hought that I should at least go over to himand find out if I could 7 him. As I stood beside him, he turned to me looking worried. I asked him if he had aproblem I could help with. He said that he had no c
9、oins at all because he was only thinking about visit ing his sick wife whe n he left his house.I reached into my pocket and 8 out two dollars and gave it to him without saying a word. And, withoutwaiting for a reply, I turned on my h eel and said to him as I was walking away:“ Have a good day.The fu
10、nny thing was that I felt a lot brighter, a small smile came to my face, and I seemed to walk just a little quicker. I was walking away when he called out:“ Thank you so much. I di dn Yout evenw9 him to sayanything. He did n ' t have to say a word to m Iet.was simply eno ugh to know that I had h
11、elped some one else who needed a little 10 .That ' s all it took to bring a smile to my face as I went on toward completing my ownbus in ess. You know, it does n ' t take much to help some one else.1A hospitalB.schoolC.gymD.compa ny2.A.walkedB.ra nC.rodeD.drove3.A.searchB.pla nC.travelD.desi
12、g n4.A.tiredB.worriedC.relaxedD.bored5.A.toolsB.keysC.eoi nsD.eards6A probablyB.sudde nlyC.fi nallyD.really7.A.helpB.u ndersta ndC.followD.join8.A.pushedB.madeC.pulledD.se nt9.A.mea nB.expeetC.makeD.savelO.A.courageB.patie neeC.ha ndD.guideCloze 3The tow n of Pressure and the tow n of Pleasure were
13、n eighbors but they had nothing in com mon .Reside nts(居民)built walls to 1in flue nee from the other tow n.In Pressure,every one wan ted to be the very best.Whe n wome n gave birth,they would compete to have the baby with the loudest ery.There was viole nt eompetitio n in every aspeet(方面)of life.Bee
14、ause 2was thesymbol(象征 )of sueeess.People were always busy making mon ey,with no time for relaxati on .Some young people eouldn ' t bear the intensity 紧张)and ehose to drink to eseape( 逃避).t careIn Pleasure,the motto( 格言)was: “olfnly you like it,do it.” People grew up without pressure and eould d
15、oanything they liked.Childre n played eomputer games day and ni ght.At sehool,teaehers did nstude nts3eame or no t.Workers might sit around the offiee all day long drinking eoffee and doing 4.Tha nks to thelaek(缺乏)of regulatio ns( 规章制度 ),n obody worried about los ing their jobs .It was pleasure that
16、 mattered.The eomputers they used were old ones from the tow n of Pressure.Some of the young were addieted( 上瘾)to drugs( 药物)5 the emptiness( 空虚 )of their lives.Then,people in the two tow ns bega n ask ing themselves,“ Wha?t islifBeu6t,just before life in the two tow ns eompletely7 ,there eame a grea
17、t pers on Mr Reas on.He went from door to door,talk ing with people and 8 adviee.People in Pressure lear nt to be satisfied with what they had 9people in Pleasure bega n to makepla ns.They 10the walls betwee n them and built a road to connect the two.1 .A.piek outB.put outC.keep outDeave out2.A.weal
18、thB.healthC.happ in essD.pleasure3.A.whatB.whoC.whereD.whether4.A.nothingB.someth ingC.a nythi ngD.everythi ng5.A.eompared toB.tha nks toC.beeause ofD.as a result6.A.atB.forC.inD.to7.A.gaveB.failedC.lostD.saved8.A.follow ingB.taki ngC.seek ingD.givi ng9.A.whe nB.asC.whileD.si nee10.A. pulled offB.pu
19、lled dow nC.pulled outD.pulled upCloze 4Once there was a lovely vegetable field with a very big tree in it.Both of the vegetables and the tree made the garde n look won derful.One day,the vegetables and the tree eouldn' t get on w .eiH ewivthegletables disliked the tree becausethey thought the t
20、ree didn' t leave them enoubgyhc2overing them with its thick leaves while the treethought that the vegetables drank n early all the water before it eould reach him.The situati on became worse and worse.O ne day the vegetables decided to 3all the water in the groundso that the tree would dry up.T
21、he tree fought back by refus ing to offer the vegetables shade(树荫).So on they bothbega n to dry up un der the hot sun.Neither of them expected that the garde ner would stop 4his vegetable field because he thought it was 5.to save the vegetables.Whe n the garde ner did that,the tree and the vegetable
22、s really felt how 6they were.There seemed to be no way to solve the problem.The n a small pumpk in decided to do someth ing to cha nge the situati on. The small pumpk in did all he could to grow 7there was little water and it was too hot.Fin ally,the garde ner 8the grow ing pumpk in among the dying
23、vegetables.9,he started to water thefield aga in because he still wan ted to make a(n) 10to win the beautiful pumpki n.At the same time,the treeand the vegetables were saved.Since then,they realized that it was better to help each other than to fight,and they lived in harm ony with other pla nts.1 .
24、A.other pla ntsB.the garde nerC.each otherD.the pumpk in2.A.lightB.waterC.airD.wi nd3.A.look upB.use upC.pick upD.put up4.A.picki ngB.growi ngC.pla nti ngD.wateri ng5.A.hopelessB.importa ntC.hopefulD.n ecessary6.A.a ngryB.h ungryC.thirstyD.comfortable7.A.soB.thoughC.butD.a nd8.A.watchedB.knewC.harve
25、stedD.no ticed9.A.ThereforeB.HoweverC.BesidesD.Also10.A.decisi onB.ideaC.effortD.chaneeCloze 5SAN FRANCISCO CELEBRATIONSSome of San Fran cisco' s many celebrati on s,like the Fourth of July(I ndepe ndDe nacye),are very America n;butothers 1 that San Fran cisco is a very intern ati onal city.Over
26、 100,000 people celebrate the Chin ese New Year in January or February.There are lion dan ces, fireworks,and a huge parade 2 the Financial District( 地区)and Chinatown.lt is the most important festival ofthe Chin ese year,a nd the largest 3 eve nt in North America.Tourists 4 try to see the Cherry Blos
27、som Festival( 樱花节 )at the Japan Center in April.This is a celebrationof traditi onal Japa nese culture with musicia ns,da ncers,a nd artists,a nd a colourful 5.In early May,there is a Mexica n festival called Ci neo de Mayo,with a carni val(狂欢节 )and lots of specialeve nts.A nd Carn aval San Fran ciscoa popular Lati n America n and Caribbea n festival with salsa and reggaebands 6 on the last weeke nd in May.On the Fou
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