1、13. A) Husba nd and wife.B) Doctor and patie nt.徐汇区 201820 佃学年度第一学期期末质量调研初三英语2019.1(满分:150分, 考试时间:150分钟)考生注意:本卷有7大题。 共94小题。 试题均米用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)I. Listening comprehension (听力理解) )( (共30分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)()(6分)1._ 2._
2、3._ 4._ 5._ 6._B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听至U的 对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) ):( (8分) )7. A) An apple.B) A banana.C) An oran ge.D) A strawberry8. A) Su nn y.B) Win dy.C) Sn owy.D) Rai ny.9. A) By bus.B) By car.C) By un dergro und. D) By taxi.10. A) At 6:00.B)
3、 At 6:30.C) At 7:00.D) At 7:30.11. A) At a hospital.B) At a book store.C) At a restaura nt.D) At a bank.12. A) Watch TV series.B) Watch a live in terview.C) In terview the school master.D) Play chess.AC) Teacher and stude nt.14. A. Buy ing a new flat.C. Decorating the old flat.C. Listen to the passa
4、ge and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下歹U句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T表示,不符合的用“F表示)()(6分)15. They are talk ing about a new carto on series called Peppa Pig World of Play.16. Peppa Pig World of Play attraction is on the third floor of the Childrens Place.17. Madame Gazelles School B
5、us and Peppas Treehouse are among the play areas.18. While using a special desig ned game card, kids are likely to get prizes if they win.19. The 10 play areas are almost the same as the sce nes from the cartoon series.20. Both Nancy and Jacks family have decided to visit the attract ion n ext mon t
6、h.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentence 听短文,完成下歹U内容。每空格限填一词)(10分)21. Since there is_ live theater, people love to see live shows.22. Whe n watch a show in a theater, its like en teri ng_ .23. The E-DA Royal Theater has a large stage and_ for audie nee to enjoy.24. I n the even
7、ing, the theater_from all over the world.25. Perform ing on stage isnt easy and it takes a lot of_ .Part 2 Phonetics Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(20分)26. Which of the follow ing un derl ined parts is differe nt in pronun ciati on?A. teamB. pleasa ntC. rep
8、eatD. meaning27. Dont worry! The governme will look after_ homeless in freezing days.A. aB. anC. theD. /28. As the winter holidays are coming, lets spread_wings to travelaround the world.D)Man ager and clie nt.B) Renting a new flat.D) Repairi ng the oldA. inB. onC. atD. ofA. ourselvesB. usC. ourD. o
9、urs29. The first Chi na Intern ati onal Import Expo was held_November, 2018 in Shan ghai.30. Mike recently got a package, _ he didnt remember buying anything.A. soB. orC. forD. but31. Some caves can only be visited by boat while _ are for expert swimmers and divers.A. otherB. othersC. anotherD. the
10、others32. Rowan was listed in the top 50 _ people ever by a group of comedians.A. funnyB. funnierC. funniestD. the funniest33. The 7-year-old boy is fond _ making model planes.A. onB. ofC. inD. with34. -Is Mary at home now?-Sorry, she _ shopping to buy a birthday gift for her mother.A. just wentB. w
11、ould just goC. was just goingD. has just gone35. Nowadays young people enjoy _ what they do on social media.A. postB. postedC. to postD. posting36. In recent years different ways _ to recycle the plastic wastes.A. triedB. were triedC. have triedD. have been tried37. With smart technology, we _ use v
12、oice to control lights and TV in this room.A. canB. mustC. shouldD. need38._ there is danger on the internet, online insurance is still popular among the young.A. UnlessB. ThoughC. SinceD. Until39. The cakes on the brochure look _ and everyone wants to have a try.A. lovelyB. beautifullyC. nicelyD. w
13、onderfully40. -I called you at four p.m. yesterday, but you were not at home.-Oh, I _ a yoga class in the gym.A. hadB. was havingC. has had D. am having41. Youd better _ the names of the applicants before we vote.A. listB. listedC. listingD. to list42._ upset the scientist was about the result of th
14、e experiment!A. WhatB. What aC. What anD. How43. The new test enables doctors _ the disease early enough to treat the patient.A. findB. foundC. to findD. finding44. -Excuse me, may I ask you a few questions?A. Sure, go aheadB. You are welcomeC. Tha nk you very muchD. Not at all45. -_-Its very kind o
15、f you.A. Can I put my suitcase here?B. What about liste ning to some music?C. May I carry the luggage for you?D. Do you mind ope ning the win dow?III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be usedonly once.(将下列单词或者词组填入空格,每个空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. developedB. officia
16、lC. stepsD. gen tlyE. effectivelyChin ese n etize ns(网民)un der the age of 14 are no Ion ger allowed to have a micro-bloggi ngacco unt on Sina Weibo. Accord ing to the service provider, it bega n at the end of last year.The move is to protect the safety online of youngsters and to help build a clean,
17、 healthy, civilized and organized onlineenvironment. There is a statement made by the platforms oon its _46_ micro blog.But the operator said a special version(版本)of the Weibo platform for younger users wouldbe desig ned and _47_ as soon as possible. It is to make sure that tee nagers are protected
18、more_48_.“we ve always paid high attention to protecting the young people, and we never stop our_49_ to create a better on li ne space for them,”it said.“We welcome all users to keep an eye onus and work together with us to make the platform safer and clea ner.”Do you think bears know who their brot
19、hers and sisters are? Do you think they love them in the same way people do?Every summer, bears eat a lot of salmon(鲑鱼).The grizzlies(北美洲灰熊)stand in the water and use their front legsto feel the river _50_. When they feel a salm on, they catch it with their feet, and the n grab it with their teeth.O
20、ne young grizzly was havi ng trouble. A hun ter killed his mother and also _51_ the cub(baby bear) in the leg, so he could not fish. He tried and tried, but he never caught any salmon.A. worriedB. aloneC. bottomD. talkedE. shotStacy Corbin, a fishing guide in Alaska, _52_ about the cubuntil he saw t
21、he cubs sistercatch six salmon and put them near her brot hers feet. While other cubs hunted _53_, the sister stayed and looked afterher brother.“Sheed him for weeks, says Corbin. Because of her, he lived. That really is love!46._ 47._ 48._49._ 50._ 51._52._53._IV. Complete the sentences with the gi
22、ven words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)()(共8分)54. The twin brothers cut the watermel on in_to share it. (half)55. Most women would like to retire in their_and enjoy life. (fifty)56. Do you know the_ of Karaoke Speaks? Is he from Japa n or Korea? (invent)57. Chin ese wuxia no velist Jin
23、Yong, died after sufferi ng from a long_. (ill)58. Its really_ to finish the job in such a short time. (possible)59. With little sl eep and rest, Mr. Lis health became even_than before. (bad)60. In the coun tryside park, you can_ deeply and relax for a while. (breath)61. His an swer was_ differe nt
24、from what we had expected. (complete)V.Complete the following sentences as required(根据所给要求,改写下列句子,62-67小题每空格限填一词)()(共14分)62. My sister spent a few hours reading a cartoon series yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)_ your sister_a few hours readi ng a cartoon series yesterday.63. Tita nic II, a new ship, is set to ma
25、ke its first journey in 3 years.(对划线部分提问)_is Tita nic III, a new ship, set to make its first journ ey?64. Ni ne in 10 customers rarely or n ever return thi ngs they buy on li ne.(改为反义疑问句)Nine in 10 customers rarely or n ever return thi ngs they buy on li ne,_ ?65. Do you agree with them about their
26、arran geme nt for the out ing?(保持句意基本相同)Are you_of their arran geme nt for the out ing?66.“How can we make the food tasty?”The cook asked me.(两句合并成一句)The cook asked me_we_make the food tasty.67. Mike broke the glass when he was washing the dishes.(改为被动语态)The glass_by Mike whe n he was wash ing the d
27、ishes.68. better, helps you, the local people, stay ing, know, with a host family(连词成句)Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分读与写)IX. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解):(共50分)A. Choose the best answer根据文章内容,选择最恰当的答案):(12分)Its a cold, grey Sun day afternun in March. The light is slowly fadi ng, but all over Brita
28、inpeople are work ing in their garde ns. Theyre diggi ng, cutt ing leaves and pla nting new weeds. Bysummer, their garde ns will be full of bright colors.The British love their garde ns. A British n ewspaper recen tly asked people for their opinionsabout them. Seventy perce nt of people felt it was
29、importa nt to spe nd time in the garde n, and overhalf of these described garde ning as the most enjoyable thing they ever did.Only one in ten houses in Brita in do not have a garde n. You can, of course, just grow housepla nts in side or on your balc ony.Once it was only the very wealthy who had a
30、garde n. You can still see the huge garde ns thatsurro und historic houses such as Chatsworth House or Castle Howard. Ordinary people used theirland to produce food to eat or sell, or grew herbs to make medicine.In the nin etee nth cen tury, however, garde ning became a hobby. About the same time, b
31、ettertransport meant people could buy differe nt kinds of seeds and pla nts for their garde ns. Although roses, sun flowers, onionsand tomatoes are ofte n grow n in British garde ns, they grew wild in other coun tries before.In many villages and tow ns there are competitio ns for the best looked-aft
32、er garde ns. Thisyear the winner was a lit tle village in Northern Ireland. Its already won four prizes for its beauty.People also take part in competitions to grow the largest vegetables, but donexpect to win.Britai nbi gsest carrot is almost six meters long!A n ewspaper asked people what they grew
33、 in their garde ns. Look at the diagram which showstheir an swers.70. Onlyhouses in Brita in donhave a garde n.A. 10%B. 20%C. 50%D. 70%71. Chatsworth House and Castle Howard are examples to show that_A. people feel it importa nt to spe nd time in the garde nB. only rich people had a garde n in old d
34、aysC. the big garde ns have lasted for a long timeD. there are vegetables and pla nts in the garde ns72. The winner of the competiti ons for best garde ns this year was from_A. En glandB. WalesC. Northern Irela ndD. India73. Accord ing to the diagram, more people prefer to grow_ tha n potatoes.A. ro
35、sesB. tomatoesC. herbsD. strawberries74. The underlined words“better transport”refers to the following except_A. by trainB. by seaC. by carD. by bikeB. Choose the best answer and complete the passage选择最恰当的单词或短语选项完成短文):(12分)Do you have any effective ways of learning to share? Here are some tips onhow
36、 to_ 75_the Exam Seas on.Prepare yourselfMy first tip is to prepare yourself for reviewing. Letme explain what I meanre going to take a lot of no tes and go to all the lectures, and these arethe first steps in the lear ning_76_. Now, at the end of the week, gather all the no tes you tookand run thro
37、ugh them quickly. While doing this, constantly(不断地)ask yourself,“Do I understand what I am reading?”fyes, great. If not, ask a friend or a teacher; you can also_ 77_ on the internet or go to a library. This take a little effort, but the results will be worth it.There are two big adva ntages. You un
38、dersta nd_78_ before the exam period starts, soyou donhave to bother other people with your questions during this stressful time, and thesec ond ben efit is that you have see n the material before you start review ing, so youll probremember some thin gs, and it makes review ing_ 79_ .Switch betwee n
39、 differe nt types of revisi onMy second trip is to plan between different types of revision in order to study moreefficie ntly. _80_ you are motivated (主动积极的)to study, every one gets bored after acouple of hours of study ing. We get distracted or tired from time to time. Planning differe nt typesof
40、active revisi on helps. You can , for example, study using flashcards for an hour, the n work on a summary for an hour, then have lun ch, etc.by this.During the term, you77. A. took it upB. look it upC. make it upD. pick it up78. A. everythingB. anythingC. nothingD. something79. A. longerB. stricter
41、C. lighterD. easier80. A. IfB. Even ifC. Now thatD. As long asC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的 词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给) (14分)It was early one hot morning in 2015 when I was gently wheeled across our quiet street inmy wheelchair to the taxi stand with my mother
42、. Three weeks earlier, I had hurt my left leg at home. Now I f 81had anappointment (预约) for an operation to repair the bad break inhospital.I was feeling n_ 82_ as Id never had surgery (外科手术) before and the thought of itworried me. After waiting for a taxi for more than 90 minutes, we were still sta
43、nding across the street from our house, trying toask for a ride. It usually only takes a few minutes, but on this Sunday taxis would pass by us either already filled with p 83_ or unwilling to take us.Perhaps it was because of my wheelchair. My mother was starting to get upset as we were fast runnin
44、g out of t84.Our appointment was 10:45 am and it would take up to 40 minutesto get to the hospital. Then a black SUV pulled over and stopped in front of us. The driver, taking a look at us, said,“You twolook like you could use a lift!”He told us hed seen us e_ 85as he was taking his son to a weekend
45、 school activity. He was now r_86_ home and sawthat we were still there.With no questions asked this good man welcome us aboard. Wearrived at 10:30 -just intime for my appointment. He r_ 87_ my money, saying people should help one another.He left with a smile.To this day we have not crossed paths ag
46、ain with this friendly driver who went out of his way,but his help is kept in our minds. I am very grateful to this kind stranger who has taught me to keep watch for and help othersin need.81. _ 82. _ 83. _ 84. _ 85. _ 86. _ 87. _D. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题)(12分)75. A. escapeB. beatC. survi
47、veD. change76. A. processB. exampleC. relati onshipD. gen erationMy _“The atlas(地图册)I grew up with was a hand-me-down from my brother, dog-earedCollins World Atlas .This became my favourite book, and I was touched that he thought I was grown-up enough to appreciate it.After wars, my atlas was consid
48、ered incorrect and out of date and I had to buy a new one for school. But I still missedthe well-used pages and old-book smell. I carefully tore(撕)pages out of my old atlas, and glued them on cardboard. Myfather helped me to cut them into jigsaw puzzles as gifts for my friends.Google search is an ea
49、sy way to find various places, but I still prefer to search for exotic places in a real-turning atlas.One day it may be priceless!”Rosemary Francis“When I was 13, I wanted a horse of my own. Finally my parents softened to the idea and bought me a beautifulpart-Arabian horse. To settle on a name, my
50、father suggested I open our atlas to the page on Saudi Arabia, close my eyesand place my finger randomly(随机地)on the page. Bandar Shah(Royal Port)was a wonderful horse.”Melanie Egan“When I retired after 20 years with the same bossReaders Digest, I did not expect to begiven a gold watch. I certainly d
51、id not expect to be given a ReadersDigest Atlas of the World. But that is exactly what myco-workers decided I needed. For the next 15 years that atlas was used by my family to settle geographic arguments andplan trips abroad. Sadly, wear and tear forced its retirement, too.”Winston Hindmarsh88. Rose
52、mary didnt like the old alas from his brother, did she?89. How did Rosemary make use of the old atlas?90. What does“Bandar Shah”refer to in the atlas?91. From whom did Winston get the atlas?92. In what way was the Reader sDigest Atlas of the World used by the family?93. If the three articles are put
53、 in one section in a magazine, please complete the title.W. Writing94. There is a sectionolu“nteMeyr VWork”in the school newspaper. The editor wants goodarticles to be collected. Please write at least 60 words on the topic.学校校报有 “我的志愿者工 作”这一栏目。编辑想收录好的文章登载。请写写你的志愿者工作。(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息, 否则不予评
54、分。标点符号不占 格)徐汇区 20182019 学年度第一学期期末质量调研 初三英语参考答案26-30 BCCAD36-40DABAB31-35 BCBDD41-45ADCAC46.B 47.A48.E 49.C54. halves55. fifties59. worse60. breathe56. inventor 57.illness61. completely64. do they65. in favor 66. how, could67. was broken68. Staying with a host family helps you know the local people b
55、etter.69. C70. A 71.B 72.C 73. A 74.D75. C76.A 77.B 78.A 79.D 80.B81. finally82. nervous 83. passengers84. time85.earlier 86.returning87.refused88. Yes,she did.89.By carefully tearing pagesout of the old atlas and gluing them on cardboard90. The beautiful part-Arabian horsenasme91. His co-workers92.
56、 To settle geographic argumentsand planning trips abroad.93. My atlas50.C 51. E 52.A53.B58.impossible62. Did, spend 63. How soonC. 81trarely 82. wrong 83. rushed 84. attack 85. fear 86. zre b7. hero【) 88. Hr was a literacy character/the famous Belgian detective i ?g.itha s crith, novel/in1920.89. Ag
57、atha s books have been translated into many different languages, including Chinese,90. Because her mother died and her husband left her alone to deal with her mother s death.91. The 3rd of December 1926.92. No, they didnt.93. (any reasonable answer can be accepted)作文(略)徐汇区初三英语第一学期期末质量抽查试卷参考答案Part 1
58、Listraing (第一部分 听力)I Listening Comprehension (听力理解):(共 30 分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(6 分丿1. Look! They are shaking hands to greet each other.2. My brother wants to become a pilot in the future.3. A detective has to be careful in order not to miss any clues.4. Please
59、 bring your passport and visa when checking in at the airport.5. Tom cant enter for the sports meeting because of his injury.6 If 8 quite ordinary for the kids to argue about some small things.B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的 对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(8 分)
60、7. M: Would you like io have an apple?V: Thank 1 prefer an orange. It tastes sweeter.Q. Which Iruit does the woman want?8. W: It s sunny now. Sliall we go for a picnic?M: But the weather report says it s going to rain in the afternoon.Q:Wliai*s the weather like now?9. M:】d like to visit Shanghai His
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