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1、南京信息工程大学外文翻译模 板作者: 日期:滨江学院本科生毕业论文(设计)外文文献翻译题 目 The reform of commercial banks marketing model(译:商业银行营销改革模式)院 系 滨江学专业学生姓名学号指导教师 丁江二0 七年五月二十日(排版基本与论文本身基本相同)商业银行营销改革模式罗斯皮特,哈金斯西尔维娅现代西方商业银行与客户关系的形成经过了一个变化的过程。70年代,银行与客户的关 系是以银行为主的,当时客户的融资选择很少,一般就是银行贷款,所以客户对银行的依赖 多于银行对客户的依赖,客户对银行忠诚度很高,即一般不轻易换关系银行。在英国,当时 银行

2、间竞争不大,所有银行提供的产品、价格和服务基本都一样,相互之间互不侵犯。在与 客户关系上,由银行决左向客户提供产品、价格和时间等,客户只能彼动地适应。到80年代, 客户融资选择增加,可以通过不同的方式和渠道好集资金,银行间竞争也明显加大,客户不 再过度依赖某一家银行,而是转向选择能满足特左需要的银行。银行这时主要是推广可以吸 引客户并为银行带来盈利的产品和服务,即以产品为主导。银行和客户之间的关系变成互相 选择的、不固泄的、松散的交易关系,银行的产品专家成为主要跟客户联系的接触点,但只 是在有交易的时候。进入90年代,特別是90年代中后期,银行开始转向以客户关系为主导, 即以客户为中心。在这一

3、时期,客户的金融服务需求日益多样化,选择性也明显增强,银行 间的竞争进一步加剧。这时银行再仅仅提供单一的产品和服务,已很难满足客户日益变化的 多样性需求,而不能更好地满足客户需求,银行就将丧失市场竞争能力。由此促使越来越多 的银行改变过去的以产品为主导的经营战略,而转向以客户为中心。从英国巴克莱银行的发展经验上看,也大体上反映了这种变化过程。70年代以来巴克莱 银行的市场开发战略大体上经历了三个阶段:第一阶段是在70年代及以前,实行的是以产品 为主导的战略。当时银行不考虑客户需要什么,也不是适应客户需要开发产品,而是客户适 应银行,银行生产出产品就能推销出去。银行相对于客户处于完全的主动地位,

4、客户到银行 开帐户,还要有人介绍。第二阶段是70年代中后期至80年代,实行的是以销售为主导的战 略。1975年巴克莱银行提出要占有市场,提高市场占有率,认为只要有市场,就可以有发展。 然而市场份额的扩大没有给该行带来应有的利润回报,因为盲目追求客户数量和业务规模, 使不良客户大量增加,坏帐增多,结果导致利润下降。第三阶段是90年代,特别是90年代 中期以来,该行提出了以市场为主导,以客户为中心的市场开发战略,即根据确立的目标客 户的需要,开发满足客户需要的产品,并为客户提供全而的金融服务。一、商业银行市场营销策略的国际比较外资商业银行市场营销理论的发展经历了五个阶段:广告宣传阶段、友好服务阶段

5、、金融 创新阶段、服务定位阶段、分析计划和控制阶段,形成了完善的商业银行营销体系。本文将 选择具有代表性的外资商业银行营销策略作简单介绍。(-)美国商业银行的营销策略美国商业银行专家指出,注重商业银行的运营监测、发掘和提供满足顾客需求的产品是 商业银行经营管理的重点,故银行营销工作从以下几个方而展开:1、提供具针对性的服务方 式。细分客户市场。2、提供系列化业务的服务。将各类服务项目和金融产品进行组合和配套, 从整体上解决和满足顾客在企业的不同生命周期中遇到的不同需要。3、培养"关系经理”。 与不同行业、地区的社会各层次的客户建立关系,实现账户渗透和业务发展,保证已有客户 的同时,使

6、潜在客户变成现实'用户”。4、建立良好信誉,加强公共关系。(二)加拿大商业银行的营销策略加拿大皇家银行、加拿大帝国商业银行、蒙特利尔银行行和苏科蒂尔银行四家商业银行 享誉全球。研究结果表明,它们的成功要诀在于实施正确的国际化竞争战略和银行营销策略。 早在上世纪80年代,加拿大商业银行的业务发展战略就开始了彻底改革,并推行国际化营销 策略。如1980年,帝国商业银行进行机构重组,建立新的国际经营机构进军全球市场。1982 年,蒙特利尔银行将服务对象范囤扩大为全球社团法人和政府。科蒂尔银行建立起世界范用 的信息系统,实施全方位服务的金融机构战略。(三)日本商业银行的营销策略日本商业银行营销

7、专家认为,银行营销策略可总结为:1、建立支持营销战略实施的管 理体制,以确保营销策略的推广。2、增强渠道建设,开辟市场盈利新增点。日本的商业银行 通过重组分支网点,建立了 “耳目商店”、百货公司型的“金融广场”、'家庭银行业务”等等, 有效的吸引了客户。3、增强商业银行内部的研究能力和产品开发能力。日本的商业银行开创 了银行领域的新产品一一 “内部办公室业务”,即商业银行为企业提供专业化的事务性工作代 办业务,以降低企业的投资支出(如工资等),达到银行和企业间的双赢。4、打造企业文化, 塑造金融机构的卓著信誉。(四)、香港商业银行的营销策略香港发达的金融市场造就了汇丰银行、恒生银行、东

8、亚银行等国际知斜的商业银行。研 究它们的营销策略发现:1、市场定位明确。如汇丰银行的市场左位是“环球金融,地方智謝, 以此强调它既是兰家国际银行,同时也强调地域差异。2、人性化服务贴心周到。如恒生银 行被称为亚洲服务最佳的银行:汇丰银行为卓越客户更是提供全球性的尊贵服务。3、树立 良好的公众形象,注重企业文化在日常业务上的渗透,为客服提供“精品”服务,感受“贵 宾待遇”。一、确立以客户为中心的经营理念,并作为银行最基本的经营原则这一理念包括如下方而:银行以满足客户需要为先,满足客户需要优于银行产品推销, 银行客户关系战略集中于银行的目标客户;银行根据客户而临的难题及市场环境变化而改变: 为客户

9、提供解决问题的方案和办法是银行的责任:银行要协调、调动全行各方而的资源为客 户提供服务,满足客户多方面的需求:银行内部为此要加强合作,形成团队精神。二、按客户群而不是按银行业务设立机构巴克莱银行的机构设置为四大部门:零售银行、公司银行、投资银行和资本市场。英中 投资银行和资本市场业务基本上集中在总行,零售银行和公司银行业务则在总行、大区分行、 分行分层次、分地区合理划分。零售银行内又设立零售客户部、客户服务部、理财服务部、 信用卡部、产品开发部、人力资源部、公共关系部、业务支持系统等部门,公司银行内设置 公司服务部、大公司客户服务部、人力资源部、公共关系部、财务部、风险管理部、国际业 务部、市

10、场开发部等。三、实行客户经理制从以产品为中心转向以客户为中心以来,西方各大银行普遍推行了客户经理制。客户经 理作为联系银行与客户的重要桥梁,为客户提供全方位的服务。客户对银行的各种金融产品 需求不必再找银行的各个产品部门,而是通过客户经理就可以全部得到办理。银行通过客户 经理也可以对客户进行整体的把握,实行统一的客户战略,而不是像过去那样由各个产品部 门直接而对客户,各个部门之间缺乏联系与沟通,从而很难对客户做总体的分析与把握。客 户经理的一般任务是:联系银行与客户之间的各种关系;作为客户的策略及财务参谋:研究 分析客户的需要并提岀解决的办法;协调和争取银行的各项资源(即产品);及时解决客户的

11、需 要:了解竞争银行的客户策略及时提出对策、建议;通过管理、服务客户为银行赚取合理的 回报。巴克莱银行为重要个人客户(收人或金融资产5万英镑以上)设立了要客经理,为特大户 (收入或金融资产在25万英镑以上)设立了私人银行部。该行在全英设立了 42个与分行并行的 要客中心,700多需要客经理,每人配一划助理,每个要客经理大约负责300划要客,为要客提供全而的服务。四、产品开发以客户为中心,为客户提供配套、组合式的金融服务银行的产品开发不是银行自身的需要,而是为满足客户的需要,因此西方商业银行都强 调产品开发不能从银行自身发展出发,而要从客户需要出发。银行根据客户分类和不同客户 的特点,以“疑身泄

12、做"的方式开发适合不同客户群需要的产品,更好地满足客户需要。银行一 般都致力于成为客户的关系银行,相应地客户就成为银行的关系客户,关系银行是客户的首 选银行,与客户有密切的联系,一个银行甚至一个分支机构就能满足客户所有或绝大部分的 金融服务需求。为此银行都大力加强产品开发,努力为客户提供全方位、多品种和“一站式“ 的金融服务。英国各大商业银行近年都大力发展电话银行中心、网上银行、电视银行等电子 银行体系,为客户提供随时随地的银行服务。附:(注意另起一页)The reform of commercial banks marketing modelPeter SRose , Silvia

13、 CHudginsThe formation of the modern western commercial bank and customer relationship through a process of change.In the 70 s, the relationship between the customers and the bank of bank, when the customer financing options rarely, generally is a bank loan, so the customer dependence on Banks than

14、bank dependence on customers, customer high loyalty to a bank. bank is generally not easily change relations.Britain, the competition between Banks is at the time, all the Banks to offer products, basic is the same price and service, non-aggression between each othe匚 In relations with customers, dec

15、ided by the Banks to provide customers products, price and time, etc, customers can only passively adapt to.In the 80 s, the customer financing options increase, can in different ways and channels set money, competition between Banks also increased obviously, customers no longer overly dependent on

16、one bank, but to choose to meet the need of a particular bank.Bank mainly promotion can attract customers and bring profitable products and services to the bank, which is dominated by products Relationship between Banks and customers to choose each other, not fixed, loose trading relationship and ba

17、nking products experts as the main contact point of contact with our customer, but only when a deal.Into the 90 s, especially in mid and late 90 s, Banks are turning to customer relations as the leading factor, i.c., according to the customer as the center. During this period, customers of financial

18、 services demand increasingly diverse, selective also significantly enhanced, intensified competition between Banks. More the Banks provide only a single product and service, has been difficult to meet the demand of the diversity of customers increasingly change, to better meet customer demand. the

19、bank will lose market competitiveness.Is prompting a growing number of Banks to change dominated by product marketing strategy in the past, and towards to the customer as the center.Look from the development experience of Britain's barclays bank, also largely reflects this change process. Barcla

20、ys market development strategy since the 70 s, roughly experienced three stages: the first stage is in the 70 s and before, practice is based on products as the leading strategy.Whcn Banks do not consider what customers need. also is not adapt to the customer need to develop a product, but customers

21、 to adapt to the bank, the bank can sell produce products Banks relative to the client in a fully active status, the customer to the bank to open an account, but also was introduced.The second stage is the 70 s to the 80 s, is based on sales of dominant strategy. 1975 barclays bank offered to occupy

22、 the market, improve market share, think that as long as there is a market, you can have development.However, the expansion of market share did not bring the due returns, because blindly pursuing the customer number and scale of business resulted in a major increase of bad customer bad debts increas

23、ing, resulting in lower profits.The third stage is the 90 s, especially since the mid - 90 - s, the bank take the market as the leading facto匚 is proposed to the customer as the center of the market development strategy, namely according to determine the needs of target customers, product developmen

24、t meet customer's need, and provide customers with comprehensive financial services1、International comparison of commercial bank marketing strategyForeign commercial bank marketing theory has experienced five stages of development: Advertising, friendly service, financial innovation, service sta

25、tus.Section. analysis, planning and control phase, formed the perfect commercial bank .This article will select a representative sample of foreign commercial bank marketing strategies were briefly introduced2、The marketing strategy of commercial Banks in the United StatesExperts point out that the c

26、ommercial bank, focusing on commercial bank operation monitoring, discover and provide to meet customer requirements of product is the key of the commercial bank operation and management, so the bank marketing work from the following several aspects. (1 )、 Provide targeted services and customer segm

27、ents. (2) > Provide series of business services. Will be all kinds of services and financial products are combined and form a complete set, on the whole solution and meet the needs of customers in the enterprise in different life cycle have different needs.(3)、 Training relationship manager”. Wit

28、h different industries. regions, social relationships at all levels of customers, achieve account penetration and business development, guarantee for the customer at the same time, make the potential customers into reality ”users”(4)、Establish a good reputatioik to strengthen public relations.3、Cana

29、da the marketing strategy of commercial BanksRoyal bank of Canada, the Canadian imperial bank of commerce, bank of Montreal and Sue coty*s bank four commercial Banks worldwide fame.Research results show that the internationalization of their key to success is to implement the correct competition str

30、ategy and the bank marketing strategy.In the early 1980 s, the Canadian business development strategies of commercial Banks began to overhaul and promote the internationalization marketing strategy.Such as 1980, the imperial bank of commerce to restructure institutions to establish a new internation

31、al operators to enter the global market.In 1982, bank of Montreal service object will extend to corporations and governments around the world. Coty, the bank established a worldwide information system. implement the strategy of all-round services of financial institutions4、Japan's marketing stra

32、tegy of commercial BanksJapanese commercial Banks marketing experts think that Banks marketing strategy can be summed up as: (1 The management system, support the implementation of marketing strategy to ensure the promotion of marketing strategy.(2)、 Enhance channel constmction. open up the market p

33、rofit new point. Japanese commercial Banks through the reorganization of the branch network, established the ”eyes and cars” store, department stores, type ''financial square”,"family banking*, etc., effectively to attract the customers©)、Strengthen the commercial Banks internal re

34、search and product development ability. Japanese commercial Banks created a new product in the field of bank - 'Internal business office”,namely commercial Banks to provide enterprises with professional transactional work business agents, in order to reduce the enterprise investment spending (su

35、ch as wages, etc.), to achieve win-win between Banks and enterprises(4)、 To build enterprise culture, shape the outstanding reputation of financial institutions.5、Hong Kong bank marketing managementDeveloped financial markets contributed to HSBC in Hong Kong, the hang seng bank, bank of east Asia an

36、d other international well-known commercial Banks.Study found their marketing strategy/1) Market positioning is clear.Such as HSBC market positioning is ”global finance, local wisdom”,to emphasize it is an international bank, at the same time also stressed that regional differences. (2 )x Humanized

37、sen-ice considerate considerate Such as bank of hang seng bank known as Asia's best service; HSBC provides superior customer is global distinguished service.(3)、Set up good public image, pay attention to enterprise culture in the daily business on the penetration, to provide ”high-quality goods1

38、1 service for customer service, ”VIP to meetM.1、Establish customer-focused business philosophy; and the basic operating principles as a bankThis concept includes the following aspects: the Banks to meet customer needs, meet customer needs better than bank products sales, customer relationship strate

39、gy focuses on bank's target customers; Bank according to the customer's problems and change with the changing market conditions; Provide customers with solutions and way to solve the problem is the bank's responsibility; He all aspects of the bank wants to coordinate, to mobilize resourc

40、es to provide clients with service, meet the needs of clients; Within Banks should strengthen cooperation, to form a team spirit.2、According to the customers not to be set up in banking institutions.Barclays bank institutions set to four departments: retail banking, corporate banking, investment ban

41、king and capital markets Which investment banking and capital markets business is basically concentrated in the headquarters, retail banking and corporate banking arc in headquarters, regional branch. the branch hierarchy, reasonable division of the region Within the retail bank and set up a retail

42、customer department, customer service, financial services, credit card department, product development department, human resources, public relations, business support system, the company set up in the bank service department, the big company's customer service, human resources public relations,

43、finance, risk3、Implement customer manager systemFrom products as the center to customer as the center, western Banks widespread implementation of client manager system Customer manager as an important bridge, contact the bank and the customer provides the omni-directional service for the customer. C

44、ustomer demand for bank financial products don't have to looking for a bank's various products division, but by the customer manager can all be processed Bank through the customer manager can also to overall grasp of the customer, unified customer strategy, rather than by each product depart

45、ment directly face the customer like the past, the lack of contact and communication between different departments, thus it is difficult to make overall analysis and to customers. Task: to contact the bank customer manager, the general relationships between with customers; As a customer strategy, an

46、d financial staff; Research and analysis customer's needs and put forward the solution; Coordination and strive for the bank in all kinds of resources (i.eM products); Timely solve customer needs; Bank customers understand competition strategy timely put forward the countermeasures and Suggestions; Through management, service customer for bank to earn a reasonable return. Barclays bank for important personal customer (income or financial assets of more than 50000 pounds) has set up a customer manager, for


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