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1、学习必备欢迎下载七年级下期中复习大总结一、句型转换1. The bank is next to the supermarket.(就划线部分提问)_ the bank?2. I like dogs because they are very clever.(就戈 H 线部分提问)_ you like pandas?3. Jim comes from America.(就划线部分提问)_ Jim_ from?4. She is a shop assista nt.(就划线部分提问)_ she do?5. We can see a pencil on the desk.(就划线部分提问)_ you

2、 see on the desk?6. They are cleaning the room.(就戈 U 线部分提问)_ they_?7. These oran ges are 10 yua n.(就划线部分提问)_ are these oranges?8. It was rainy yesterday.(就划线部分提问)_ the weather yesterday?_ the weather_yesterday?9. Miss Smith is her favorite teacher.(就划线部分提问)_ her_ teacher?10. Ann is tall and thin.(就划

3、线部分提问)_Ann_ like?11. My gran dfather is 80 years old.(就划线部分提问)_your grandfather?学习必备欢迎下载12. Id like a bowl of noodles.(就划线部分提问)_like?13. I saw the movie last night.(就划线部分提问)_ you see last night?14. Lily we nt to New York city on vacatio n.(就划线部分提问)_ Lily_ on vacation?15. The people were friendly.(就划

4、线部分提问)_ the people?16. I love sports shows.(就划线部分提问)_you_ sports shows?17. Joh n speaks English. (就划线部分提问)_ does John speak?18. She wan ts to buy three kilos of rice.(就划线部分提问)_ rice_ she want to buy?19. Jack lives in a quiet place.(改否定句)Jack_ in a quiet place.20. I ate some apples in the morni ng.(改

5、否定句)I_apples in the mor ning.21. I thi nk you are right.(改否定句)I_you are right.22. He studied very hard last year. (改否定句)He_very hard last year.23. My teacher is draw ing on the blackboard.(改否定句)My teacher_ on the blackboard.24. Close the door, please.(改否定句)学习必备欢迎下载_ the door, please.25. Jim can play

6、 basketball with me. (改否定句)Jim_basketball with me.26. I have to get there before 8:00. (改否定句)I_get there before 8:00.27. He did his homework before class.(改一般疑问句)_he_his homework before class?28. I want to be an actor.(改一般疑问句)_you_to be an actor?29. We had a good weeke nd.(改一般疑问句)_ a good weekend?30

7、. Id like a cup of tea.(改一般疑问句)_ you_ a cup of tea?31. I have to write some letters.(改一般疑问句)_you have to_ letters?32. There are some bikes in the room.(改一般疑问句)_bikes in the room?33. Sue has breakfast at 7 in the morni ng.(改一般疑问句)_Sue_ breakfast at 7 in the morning?34. Turn right at the sec ond tur n

8、ing.(改同义句)_the sec ond turni ng_the right.35. Where is your mother from?(改同义句)Where_ your mother_?36. The boys had a good time in the zoo.(改同义句)The boys_ in the zoo.学习必备欢迎下载37. What other thin gs do you want?(改同义句)What_you want?38. She looks like her sister.(改同义句)The two sister_ the_.39. There is an

9、 elepha nt un der the tree.(改复数句子)There_under the tree.40.1know the answer.( 一般疑问句)_know the an swer?41. We can see some birds.( 般疑问句)_see_ birds?42. There is a computer in my house.(一般疑问句)_a computer in house?43. There are some flowers on the teachers de 一般疑问句)_flowers on the teachers desk?44. Ther

10、e are some apples on the tree.( 否定式)There_ apples on the tree.45.1think he is very old.( 否定句)I_thi nk he_very old.46. Please colour it green.( 否定句)_colour it green.47. We can speak good English.( 变否定句)We_ speak good En glish.学习必备欢迎下载48. Thank you for helping me.( 同义句)Thank you for_.49. There aren t

11、any pears in thebox.( 同义句)There are_ pears in the box.50. Whose are these clothes?( 同义句)_are these?5hLet me look at your book.( 同义句)Let me_your book.52. Her sweater is red.( 对划线部分提问)_is her sweater?53. My pencils are in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问)_your pencils?54.I get up at six every day.( 对划线部分提问)_do

12、 you get up every day?55. There are fifty students in my class.(对划线部分提问)_stude nts are there in your class?56. These are cars.(用 buses 改写成选择疑问句)Are these cars_?57. The book is in my schoolbag.( 变否定疑问句)_ the book in your school-bag?58. Two boys are in our house.( 改为 there be 句型)学习必备欢迎下载_two boys in o

13、ur house.59. Can t you fin d the map?(作肯定回答)_ ,I_ .二、句子翻译1. 公用电话在图书馆的对面.The pay phone is_ the library.2. 我感觉有点儿冷.I feel_cold.3. 他是加拿大人.He_ Canada.4. 你想干什么?我想当警察._ do you want to_? I want to be a5.他喜欢海豚,因为它们很聪明.He_ the dolphi ns_ they are6. 沿着公路一直往前走,然后左拐.Walk_ the road then_left.7. 星期天,他喜欢读点书.He lik

14、es to_some_on Sunday.8. 一些动物白天睡觉,夜晚起来吃树叶.Some an imals sleep_the day, at ni ght they_to eat leaves.9. 孩子们正在唱歌.学习必备欢迎下载The childre n_ .10. 悉尼的天气又热又潮湿.The weather in Sydney is_ and_11. 你还喜欢别的什么动物?What_ do you like?12. 戴着眼镜的那个男孩是谁?Who is the boy_ ?13你弟弟长什么样子?_ your brother_ ?14. 我要牛肉和土豆的面条.I_beef and potato no odles.15. 上海的天气怎么样?_the weather_in Shanghai?16. 你去哪儿度假了?Where did you go_ ?17. 情况怎么样?_ is it_?18. 我们在少年宫玩得很开心.We_ in the ch


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