



1、BANK CONFIRMATION REQUESTPage 1 of 3WORKING PAPER INDEXPAGE NO.BANK CONFIRMATION REQUEST To the manager of (BANK NAME)(BRANCH)Dear Sir,For 2012 year-end audit purposes, we shall be obliged if you will kindly confirm our affairs withyour bank directly to our auditor, Grant Thornton China, in accordan

2、ce with IndependentAuditing Standards of China.The outstanding balances at our book value are listed below,please sign with chop on the left side if you confirm the balance and information, otherwise onthe right side, for each item,please state any factors which may limit the completeness of yourrep

3、ly. Please reply our auditor directly by post.You are hereby authorised to return this request after completion and together with any remarksyou may have to our auditors, Messrs. of Grant Thornton China.It is understood that your reply to this request will in no way prejudice your rights in respect

4、ofyour General Lien as Bankers.Our Auditors Address: 12-15/F,Area A,Chuangxin Tower,Software Park of Xiamen,Pearl Bay,Xiamen,ChinaPostal Code:361005Tel:(86 592)2528413Fax:(86 592)2217555Mobile:+8618205922769 Attention:Jianxiang XuAs at December 31,2012, the information with your bank per our book re

5、cords are:1.Deposits, Fixed or at Call held in your bankAccount TitleAccountNo.CurencyInterestRateBalancePeriodWhether used as collateral,under lien,or whether usagesubject to restrictionOther than above deposits with your bank, we has no deposits in your bank.Period refers to CDs period only. If th

6、e account is a saving account or deposit as security, mark savingordeposit under it.2Loan Account(excluding loans in connection with Inward cargoes) in your booksDebteeCurencyBalance(excludeinterests)Balance(interestspayable)Effect DateMaturity DateInterest RateLoanConditionCollateral/GuanrantorOthe

7、r than above borrowings with your bank, we has no borrowing from your bank.The loans above refers only to the outstanding amount as of our balance sheet date.3Accounts closed within 12 months before the Letter dateAccount TitleAccount No.CurrencyClose DateBANK CONFIRMATION REQUESTPage 2 of 3Other th

8、an above closing accounts, we has no closed accounts within 12 months with your bank.4Entrusted DepositAccount TitleAccount No.BorrowerCurrencyInterest RateBalanceStart and OFFDateOther than above entrusted accounts, we has no entrusted accounts with your bank.5Entrusted LoanAccount TitleAccount No.

9、The partyusing theloanCurrencyInterest RatePrincipalInterestStart and OFF DateOther than above entrusted accounts, we has no entrusted accounts with your bank.6Guarantees(1)Received by you on our behalf. To Whom IssuedWithSecurityAmountPeriodGuaranteedobjectContract No.loans betweenguarantee andyour

10、 bankOther than above guarantees, we has no guarantees received by you on our behalf.Please state position of collaterals.(2)Given by you on our behalfTo Whom IssuedWithSecurityAmountPeriodGuaranteedobjectContract No.Other than above guarantees, we has no guarantees given by you on our behalf.7Accep

11、tances Outstanding in your bookReference No.AmountIssue DateExpire DateOther than above outstanding acceptances, we has no acceptances outstanding in your book.8Discounted notes/acceptances that are not expired.Reference No.PayerReceiverAmountInterest RateIssue DateExpiry DateDiscountedAmountDiscoun

12、tedRateOther than above acceptances/notes, we has no unclosed discounted notes/acceptances account in your book.9Acceptances receivable by us held by you for collectionReference No.ReceiverAmountIssue DateExpiry DateOther than above acceptances/notes, we has no acceptances held by you for collection

13、.BANK CONFIRMATION REQUESTPage 3 of 310Irrevocable Letters of Credit Outstangding in your booksReference No.BeneficiaryTotal Amountper LCExpiry DateBalanceUnutilizedOther than above irrevocable LCs, we has no outstanding LCs with your bank.11Foreign Exchange Contract OutstandingClassificationContrac

14、t No.CurrencyBalanceUnuitlizedExchange RateDelivery DateBanks Sales tous(Customer)Our Sales to BankOther than above foreign exchange contracts, we has no outstanding foreign exchange contracts with your bank.12Securities and other documents of title held by youSecuities anddocuments of titleReferenc

15、eNo.UnitsAmountOther than above securities and documents, we has no securities and documents of title held by you.13Other direct or contingent liabilities to you(thethe CompnayCompnay ChopChop)DecDec 31,201231,2012Bankers Confirmation1. We confirm that the balances and information which wehave inserted under items 1 to 13 are correct and complete.2For each unconfirmed item,please state any factorswhich may limit the completeness of your reply and anyvalue you believe is correct. This information is given in strictest confidence, for thep


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