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1、初一英语7B Modules 14综合练习沈阳牛津版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:7B Modules 14综合练习【模拟试题】(试卷满分:100分)I、单词拼写(20分)A)选择并抄写单词1. _(Whales;Dolphins)are the largest animals on earth and they live in the oceans. 2. We use leather for making_(plastic;belts)and shoes. 3. The air tickets are very_(cheap;expensive). We can go by train.

2、4. You must take him to our_(hospital;house)if he is sick.5. I would like to sell tea and scones from_(English;England). B)根据汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式6. I like living in the countryside, because it is _(和平的)7. I_ (更愿意)to go to Wuai Street. We can do shopping there. 8. My new flat is in the city and it's ve

3、ry_(嘈杂). 9. The secretary is using her computers to_(打字)letters10. Dogs show the blind person where he can walk_(安全).II、图画词语配伍(10分)( )1. First we melt some materials. ( )2. Secondly,we make large glass sheets with big machines. ( )3. Then we let them coo1. And some machines cut the glass into small

4、pieces. ( )4. After that we pack the window glass in the packing section. ( )5. Finally,we get the glass to the shop in trucks. 、字母组词(10分)1. Tianmen is a huge square and it can one million people_(lohd)2. We get _from sheep and use it for making clothes. (olow)3. The film will_ for about two hours.

5、(satl)4. My friend Ben is planning a _birthday party for me. (urprsies)5. Id 1ike to 1ive in the countryside because its very_ there.(ueqit)6. A motorcycle crashed into a wall and went on_(iref)7. Tim has started saying up some_ money. (cekpot)8. What will possibly be a popular job in the 2lst_?(tru

6、ycne)9. Ill be back in a_. (mnetom)l0. Wait the water to_ and then you can drink it. (oclo)、单词组句(10分)1. rules we have to safe keep us_2. television going to watch Im less_3. from you forward to hearing I 1ook_4. a Wenhua road and walk turn right along. _5. ingredients chocolate cake you do need what

7、 to make a?_V、单项填空(10分)( )1. _can we save water? By not brushing our teeth under a running tap. A. How B. What C. Why D. Where( )2. The pencil-case is made of_.Itsmooth and hard.A. cotton B. 1eather C. metal D. and( )3. Danny is getting fat,_he has decided to do more exercise.A. because B. so C. but

8、 D. and( )4. I dont like films about love story very much. Id rather see a cartoon. _.A. So do I B. So would I C. Neither do I D. Neither would I 5. David will _ the international food festival with his friend next week.A. make sure B. take care of C. look for D. take part in 、完成对话(10分)A: Mum, my pe

9、n-friend, Mark, has written to tell me he will come to visit us next Sunday. B: 1._will he come by plane or by ship?A: By plane, of course. Its only three hours and I will meet him at the airport. B: But you have never seen each other before. A: 2. _Ill write his name on a cardboard and hell see me

10、easily. B: Thats a good idea. 3._A: Oh, a 1ot of places. There are so many beautiful places in Shenyang. 4._B: I think you should make a time-table first. 5._A: Oh, thank you, Mum. A. Where will you take him to visit? B. Oh, thats good news. C. Youre so lucky. D. Shall I help you? E. I cant decide w

11、here to take him to visit first F. Why not go shopping instead? G. Dont worry. Mum. VII、阅读理解(20分) A)阅读短文,然后根据短文内容选择最佳答案 Every morning,Simon sees the street sweepers doing their job. They start work early. They sweep the streets. They collect the rubbish. They also empty the rubbish bins. Mr. Li has

12、a bakery. He bakes bread and cakes. He opens his shop early. Simon sees people coming to Mr. Lis shop to buy bread and cakes for breakfast. Mrs. Wang sells newspapers. She starts work early, too. Simon sees people buying their newspapers on their way to work. Simon sees Mrs. Chen selling flowers in

13、her flower shop. She goes to the flower market very early every morning to buy flowers for her shop. In the market,the vegetable and fruit sellers are busy. Simon sees people coming to buy fresh vegetables and fruit for lunch and dinner. ( )1. From the passage we know that every morning Simon_ A. he

14、lps the street sweepers B. leaves home early C. doesnt do his job D. goes shopping early( )2. What do you know about Mr. Lis job? A. He sells bread and cakes. B. He opens a bakery. C. He gets ready for breakfast. D. He opens his shop early( )3. People usually buy their newspapers_. A. in the market

15、B. in the street C. on their way to work D. on their way to schoo1( )4. Who are busy in the market every morning? A. The street sweepers. B. The vegetable and fruit buyers C. People in the flower shop. D. The vegetable and fruit sellers( )5. From the passage we know that Mr. Li, Mrs. Wang and Mrs. C

16、hen_ A. do different jobs B. make everyone happy C. have nothing to do D. are not very busyB)阅读下列文字,然后回答问题 New York, London, Paris and other big cities are exciting places to live in. There are many interesting things to see and to do. You can go to different kinds of museums and theaters to see pla

17、ys and films. You can also go and buy things from all over the world. But there are serious problems in big cities, too. The cost of living is high, and there are too many people in some places of the big cities. Every year many people move to big cities because of the chances to find jobs, to study

18、 at schools and to receive good medical care. But sometimes these people cant find work or a good place to live in. Also, too many people in a small space makes it hard to keep the cities safe and clean. Some people enjoy living in big cities, others do not. Before people move to a big city, they sh

19、ould think about the problems of living there. l. What are the three international cities in the passage?2. Why do many people move to big cities?3. Are there any serious problems in big cities?4. What does the writer suggest in the passage?C)阅读下列文字和图画,然后完成句子。Miss Guo just got back from Beijing .But

20、 when she went home. she found some changesin her room. Help her find six differences between the two pictures. 1. The trousers were on the_, but now they are on the chair.2. The shoes were under the bed, but now they are behind the _.3. There was a_on the wall, but now there is a map on the wall.4.

21、 There were some books on the desk, but now there are some_on the desk.5. The toy cat was beside the_, but now it is on the bed. D)阅读下列文字,然后根据内容填写表格。 Today we are going to talk about South Korea. Around 45 million people live there. Nearly 60% of them are under the age of 25. A quarter of the popula

22、tion lives in the capital city. Seoul. Certain family names are very common. In fact, over 5000 of the population is called “Kim”, “Lee” or “Park”. Korean food is perhaps less famous than other Asian food such as Chinese or Japanese. However, it is delicious and includes many rice dishes. Korean foo

23、d is very spicy. The most popular dishes are kim chi and soicy barbecued meat. In Chinese “Have you had your meal yet?” is a common greeting. It is also used in Korean. Capital citylSouth KoreaPopulation2Korean peopleCommon surnamesKim 3 4Korean foodPopular disheskim chi 5 ,、书面表达(10分)写5句话介绍中国的一个节日。【

24、试题答案】I、1. Whales 2. belts 3. expensive 4. hospital 5. England 6. peaceful 7. prefer 8. noisy 9. type 10. safelyII、1. D 2. A 3. E 4. C 5. BIII、1. hold 2. wool 3. last 4. surprise 5. quiet 6. fire 7. pocket 8. century 9. moment 10. cool IV、1. We have rules to keep us safe. 2. Im going to watch less television. 3. I look forward to hearing from you. 4. Turn right and walk along Wenhua Road.


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