高中英语 15-4Lesson 4 Understanding练习 北师大版必修5_第1页
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1、15-4Lesson 4 Understanding练习 北师大版必修5.单项填空1Susan was offered a good job in a foreign country but she_it,for she didnt want to leave her family.AacceptedBrejectedCreceived Dconsidered解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意为:苏珊被提供了一个在国外的好工作,但她拒绝了,因为她不想离开她的家人。reject拒绝,符合题意。accept接受;receive收到;consider考虑。答案:B2Its always difficult

2、 being in a foreign country,_if you dont speak the local language.Aespecially BnaturallyCbasically Dunluckily解析:考查副词辨析。句意为:在国外总是很困难,尤其当你不会说当地的语言。especially特别,尤其;naturally自然地;basically基本上,从根本上说;unluckily不幸地。答案:A3There are a good many students in the hall,_ages_from 10 to 18.Abesides;ranged Bas;ranged

3、Cfor;ranging Dwith;ranging解析:句意为:在大厅里有许多学生,他们的年龄从10岁到18岁不等。with结构作定语,修饰students。在这个结构中,with的宾语ages与不及物动词range(变动)有主动关系,故用动词的­ing形式作宾补。答案:D4I am taking my family to Hangzhou for vacation next month._.ATake it easy BAll the bestCWhy do you go there DIts a pity I cant go with you解析:考查交际用语。句意为:下月我将

4、和全家人去杭州度假。祝你一切顺利!All the best一切顺利,用于向对方表示祝愿。答案:B5Not only_their economy,but they successfully protected the environment.Athis company developedBdid this company developCwould this company developDthis company did develop解析:句意为:这个公司不仅发展了自己的经济,而且成功地保护了环境。not only置于句首,其后的句子须倒装,而且和but后的句子的时态一致,为一般过去时。答案

5、:B6_fire,all exits must be kept clear.AIn place of BInstead ofCIn case of DIn spite of解析:句意为:万一发生火灾,所有的出口必须保持畅通。in place of代替,取代;instead of代替,而不是;in case of假如,如果发生;in spite of不顾,不管。答案:C7Hello,I_about the apartment you advertised.Could you tell me more about it?Well,there are three rooms and a bath.A

6、have called BcalledCam calling Dhad been calling解析:根据前句句意:你好,我现在打电话就是咨询你做广告的那个公寓,你能告诉我关于它的更多信息?用现在进行时表示当下正在做的事情。答案:C8What shall we use for power when the oil in the world has_?Agiven out Bput outCheld up Dused up解析:句意为:当世界上所有的石油都用尽时,我们还将用什么作为能源动力呢?A项意为“耗尽,用光”;B项意为“扑灭”;C项意为“支撑,推迟,阻延”;D项意为“用完,用尽”,为及物动

7、词短语,此处应用被动语态。答案:A9Believe it or not,she married a man 20 years_her.Aelder than Bolder toCjunior than Djunior to解析:考查词语辨析。根据句意“信不信由你,她嫁给了一个比她小20岁的男人”。可知D项正确。be junior tobe younger than比小。答案:D10He gained a world­wide_with his pioneer research in chemistry and physics.Areputation BrepetitionCresig

8、nation Dname解析:句意为:由于在化学和物理方面的领先研究,他赢得了世界范围内的名声。reputation名誉,符合句意。repetition重复;resignation辞呈,辞职;name名字。答案:A.单词拼写11The politician has a very bad_(形象) among people.答案:image12Their_(假设) that their project under way was something entirely new proved to be untrue.答案:assumption13Almost every country has s

9、ome form of_(宗教)答案:religion14Dont lose heart and remember.“_(失败) is the mother of success.”答案:Failure15He showed his_(同意) by smiling.答案:approval16He is rather c_in his daily life.答案:conventional17The next five years are of v_importance to us.答案:vital18The s_of the trees grew longer as the afternoon

10、went on.答案:shadows19It is generally accepted that the Chinese c_ is one of the oldest in the world.答案:civilisation20The mind is the k_of thought.答案:kingdom.完成句子21Our teacher talked_(似乎他就是皇帝)(emperor)答案:as if/as though he were the emperor22_(我听见孩子们大声朗读) when I passed the classroom.(aloud)答案:I heard t

11、he children reading aloud23_(任何一个考试作弊的人) will be severely punished.(cheat)答案:Whoever/Anyone who cheats in the exam24He must have met with the traffic accident,_ _ _(否则他早已到校了)(or)答案:or he would have got to school early25The woman lives in an old house,_(房子的窗户都破了)(broken)答案:whose windows are all broke

12、n.完形填空I was selling tickets and asking for $1.00 donations for our youth programs.We wanted to help the_26_without parents in Minsk.“Donate a dollar for youth programs and_27_a ticket for a $1.50 hot dog!” I said to the people_28_me.Some donated a dollar and I gave them a ticket;some donated more,so

13、metimes_29_$5.00 or $10.00;some simply donated without taking tickets.I was_30_,so I continued my job with more_31_.Then,a group of Spanish farm workers_32_the hall.I knew they lived a_33_life and might not even_34_what I was doing.So I_35_just to let them walk by me and didnt say anything.However,a

14、fter they disappeared into the store,I thought_36_.I had seen these men_37_hard on the farm in the sun on a very hot summer day.I knew they needed every_38_.But I realized that they should be shown the same_39_shown to every local citizen.They also should be given the chance to donate to such progra

15、ms,_40_they only had a little!But what could I do? My Spanish was very_41_,but I had to do it.I only knew two_42_.When they came out of the store,I went up to them and said “Por favor”,which means “please” in English._43_more.Two of the men immediately_44_without speaking.They each gave me a dollara

16、 dollar that they had earned by picking vegetables in the hot sun.They_45_the tickets,but never came to ask for hot dogs.【语篇解读】作者在给没有父母的孩子们募捐钱,看到几个比较穷的西班牙农民。他原本打算不找他们募捐,但最后还是给了他们募捐的机会,其中有两个也慷慨地募捐了。 26A.adults BchildrenCfriends Dteachers解析:根据without parents以及for youth programs的语境,可知是在给那些没有父母的孩子们募捐。答案

17、:B27A.need BshowCgive Dreceive解析:根据I gave them a ticket的语境,可知是说捐赠者能得到一张票。答案:D28A.turning to Bgoing throughCwalking by Dlooking down upon解析:作者应该是在对那些从他身边经过的人说话。答案:C29A.only BevenChardly Dstill解析:前面提到的是一美元,而后面提到的是五美元或者十美元,故选B,表示递进关系。答案:B30A.touched BcalmCinterested Dangry解析:作者得到这么多人的捐助,应该很感动。答案:A31A.t

18、hought BserviceCchange Denergy解析:根据前文可知,作者受到了鼓舞,故他投入了更多的精力来做这件事情。答案:D32A.decorated BenteredCfilled Dleft解析:这里是指有几个西班牙人进入了大厅。答案:B33A.strange BrelaxingChard Dhappy解析:根据后文的描述,可知作者知道这几个西班牙人过着非常艰难的生活。答案:C34A.consider BrememberCdislike Dunderstand解析:因为那几个人是西班牙人,不一定能听懂作者所说的话,故作者猜测他们可能根本不懂他在做什么。答案:D35A.begged BpretendedCdecided Dhoped解析:基于以上种种原因,作者决定不向他们开口要他们捐助。答案:C36A.too BimmediatelyCfinally Dagain解析:根据后文作者又向那几个西班牙人开口的语境,可知作者又想了想。答案:D37A.moving BarguingCworking Dfighting解析:根据hard on the farm in the sun on a very hot summer day可推断作者是说,他看到这几个西班牙人在炎热的夏日里在一家农场非常辛苦地工作。答案:C38A.job BdollarCchance


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