1、典low in fat and calories健康的饮食包括吃维生素、纤维素和矿物质含量高而脂肪和卡路里八、饮食与健康4循规蹈矩之中熟记”头脑风暴过程串联”appetite 食欲,胃口 ;balanee 平衡;canteen 餐 厅,食堂;energy精力,活力;harm 伤害;health 健康,卫生;relief 缓和;snack小吃;symptom 症状cure 治疗;operate 做手术;raise 饲养;recover痊愈,恢复;reduce 减少;serve招待(顾客等),服务;su pply供给,供应;taste品尝delicious美味的,可口的;harmful有害的;he
2、althy健康的;overweight太胖的,超重 的;random 随意的;tasty 味道好的;tasteless 无滋味的be in good health身体健康;be on a diet节食;befull of energy 精力充沛;build up one ' s 增强y 某人的体质;have great in flue nee on对有很大的影响;keep fit 保持健康;keep a balaneed diet 保持均衡的饮食;lose weight减肥;take in吸收 进食:chew vt.咀嚼;digest vt.消化,吸 收;n utritio n n.营
3、养;swallow vt.吞下,咽下味道:acid adj.酸的;bitter adj.苦的,有苦味 的;salty adj.咸的,含盐的;sour adj.酸的,馊 的 疾病与残疾:allergic adj.过敏的;blind adj. 瞎的;deaf adj.聋的;disabled adj.残废的,残 疾的;dumb adj.哑的;fever n.发烧,发热;flu n.感冒;lame adj.跛的,瘸的就餐:be high/low in 含高/低;berich/ab undant in 富含;un healthy eati nghabit不健康的饮食习惯病因:break dow n (身
4、体)垮掉;get overweight 变得肥胖;p ut o n weight 增加体 重;suffer from 遭受,患上I.You will have no difficulty in fin di ng the western fast food .你找到西式快餐不会有什么困 难。2. The doctor advised that we should have a bala need diet and get into the good habit of gett ing up early.医生建议我们要均衡饮食并养成早起的好习惯。3. We must admit the fact
5、 that eati ng junk food is harmful to our health我 们必须承认吃垃圾 食品有害健康。4.The majority of people take in too much fat and not eno ugh fibre, which does great harm to their health大多数人摄入的脂肪太多而纤维素不足,这对他们的健康很有害。5. A healthy diet con sists of eati ng a variety of foods rich in vitam ins, fibre and min eral, an
6、d含量低的食物。6. People are beg inning to attach much more imp orta nee to their health these days tha n ever before如今人们开始比以往更重视他们的健康了。7. With the impro veme nt of the livi ng sta ndards, more and more people, esp ecially childre n.are suffering from obesity随着生活水平的提高,越来越多的人,尤其是孩子,正在饱受肥胖之苦。8.Stay ing up to
7、 study does harm to your health. In additi on/Besides, it will affect your study the followi ng day for lack of en ergy.熬夜学习对你的健康有害。此外,你还会因为精力不足而影响第二天的学习。9.A bala need diet and regular exercise can help us kee p healthy both p hysically and men tally.均衡的饮食和经常锻炼能帮助我们保持身心健康。lO.We d better take part in
8、 more outdoor activities in stead of sitti ng in front of TV sets or compu ters for a long time, which is bad for our health我 们最好多参加一些户外活动 ,而不 要在电视、电脑前坐很长时间,这对我们的健康有害。请你为21st Century写一篇报用适当的词汇或句式完成下面短文并背诵道,介绍我校为高三学生创Our school has set up a column called “Soul Castle ”for立的 心灵城堡(Soul Castle)Senior 3
9、stude nts. It is aimed at 1.(缓解压力)专栏(colum n),并谈谈自己的and en suri ng the health of the stude nts. The colu mn 2.感想。内容要点包括:(有独特的优势)that the experts in psychology can give us1.开设目的:缓解压力、确保健9xp ertise and guida nee. 3(它涉及思想和情感)of the students and professional2.专栏优势:专业指导;3.专栏内容:建议、心声;4.你的感想。注意:1.词数120左右;2
10、.开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。suggesti ons.From my point of view ,not only does our school attachmp orta nee to our study but also 4(关注心理健康).The column also provides a platform tocommuni cate with our teachers and paren ts. Moreover, we cget help and guida nee from pro fessi on als 5(解决我们的心理问题).With its help, we can take thecollege entrance exam in ati on with con fide nee.a
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