



1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games language points 课时作业 3基础语言点精练1 .单句语法填空1. Miss Liu promised to attend my birthday party , but she hasn' t turned up so far.2. Please remind me to write (write) an email to my mother tomorrow , for it' s her birthday.3. They all fell asleep while I stayed awake all nig

2、ht.4. John is smart, polite , and well-behaved. In a word , he is admirable (admire).5. |t_is obvious that without the help of the whole society , there would be no new school today.6. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was rich.7. In addition , the more you work out , the more e

3、nergetic (energy) you will become.8. Those hunters (hunt) returned home because there were lively and attractive New Year celebrations (celebrate) all over the town.9. This nationwide smog should serve as a reminder (remind) to all , indicating a high time that we reflected on what we ' ve done

4、to the environment.10. India attained independence (independent) in 1947 , after a long struggle. n.单元知识运用【写作素材】(关于节日)1 .春节总是让我们想到家庭团聚。2 .在春节有各种各样的活动,因此孩子们特别盼望春节。(用定语从句连接1、2句)3 .对成年人来说,这也是一段美好的时光。他们想到相互表达感激、原谅或宽恕之情。(定语从句)4 .无论是什么原因,节日就意味着穿漂亮衣服、吃大餐,人们渴望庆祝它们。(让步状语从句)5 .很遗憾的是有些人由于各种原因,不能出现在这个重大的节日里。(it

5、作形式主语) 1连句成篇根据提示利用本单元所学知识补全短文The Spring Festival always 11.reminds us of the family reunion, 12.when there are all kinds of activities , therefore, children especially 13.look forward to it. It ' s also a good time for adults 14.when they can express appreciation, make an apology or 15.forgive e

6、ach other 16.Whatever the reasons are: festivals usually mean beautiful clothing and feasts and people 17.long to celebrate them. However, 18. it is a pity that some people can ' t turn up at such a great festival for a variety of reasons.,高考题型提分练III.七选五Art is for everyone and it exists everywhe

7、re. When it comes to appreciating an art painting , there is no right or wrong way. 19Know the artist. To know the artist is the first step toward appreciating an art painting. 20_Once you get familiar with the paintings from a particular artist , you will start relating to their unique style.21This

8、 is really tough. There are different styles and types of art mediums, realism, surrealism, and impressionism, to name but a few. So for beginners , it' s advisable to keep things simple. Try to understand if the art you see is a watercolor , oil painting or acrylics( 丙烯画)or sketch(速写)on paper.

9、You also need to figure out the styles of the work figurative(形象的)or abstract.Try and find a meaning. To read between lines and colors and understand what the artist means can be very difficult. 22 So here ' s a simple guide. Figurative paintings are easy because they are an honest description o

10、f emotions on the canvas(油画布).Still , it doesn' t you ' re your understanding is the same as the artist' s. Abstracts attempt to create magic with shapes, lines and colors and their meaning is different for everyone who sees it.Search for emotions. Not every work of art will catch your e

11、yes or emotions at first sight. 24 _ Explore the artwork with your eyes.Once you are aware of these things, you will be able to break the ice with art.A . Discover your taste and styles.B. Know the type of art and medium used.C. Some of these artworks will take time to reach you.D. You just might fi

12、nd that art changes the way you see the world.E. Learning something about the artist adds to the appreciation of art.F. A simple art painting might be understood for different people.G. The following ideas may help you join in the conversation between you and the artist.语篇解读当今社会艺术品很多,""喜欢艺

13、术的大有人在。然而欣赏艺术要求人们有一定的欣 赏水平和艺术知识。本文从提前了解艺术家、了解艺术种类、发现其所含意义等几个方面向 读者介绍了欣赏艺术画作的方法。19.答案 G解析 根据空前句 "When it comes to appreciating an art painting , there is no right or wrong way.”可知,欣赏艺术画作没有什么对或错的方式。而下文从几个方面介绍了欣赏艺术画作的方法,所以,本空应为承上启下的句子。G项中的The following ideas为重点提示,引出下文的信息。故选 G项。解析根据空前一句可知,了解艺术家是欣赏其

14、艺术画作的第一步。E项中的Learningsomething about the artist( 了解艺术家)与之相呼应,故选 E项。21 .答案 B解析 根据下文中的 "There are different styles and types of art mediums , realism, surrealism , and impressionism , to name but a few."可知,艺术有不同的风格以及不同的表现方法,后文 则具体地介绍了不同的风格和表现方法,由此可知本段主要是关于艺术风格和表现方法的。本空位于段首,所以本空为总结句,对下文进行概括。故

15、选 B项。22 .答案 F解析 根据空前一句可知,通过阅读线条和颜色来理解艺术家的心思很难,而空后则提出了一些简单的指导方法。所以本空与不同的人对艺术品有不同的理解有关,故选F项。24 .答案 C解析 根据空前句 "Not every work of art will catch your eyes or emotions at first sight. " 可 知,并非每一件艺术品都能让你第一眼便被吸引或激起你的情感,空后一句则提到了让读者用眼睛去探索,所以本空为过渡句,C项(理解某些艺术品会需要一些时间。)符合语境。IV.完形填空话题:际关系 难度星级:August A

16、uggie Pullman , a fifth grader, is starting school for the first time. His mother 24 his school mates will be nice to him.Auggie is busy 25 why he looks the way he does as he walks through groups of children 26 at him : T ve had twenty- seven 27. They helped me to breathe, to see, to hear without a

17、hearing aid, but none of them have made me look 28.”Of course he soon becomes a 29 of fun for some students , who claim they have never seen anything that 40 in their life. Auggie' s father tries his best to 31 him. Auggie still gets quite emotional, and 32_tears when his mother reassures(使安心)hi

18、m about his 33 by saying “You are not ugly” , to which he responds somewhat 34 , “ You have to say that 35 you are my mom." " The fact that you ' re youmom 36_the most because I know you the most , " she replies. This time Auggie 37_finally.As Auggie learns to 38_his new school in

19、 the face of some unkindness , he 39_friendships with many people. Auggie becomes an unlikely hero as his 40_teaches his family , classmates, and community about sympathy , acceptance and inner 41.This is a heart-warming story , which is about family , friendship , love and most 42, about at every s

20、tage of life what we should choose 43.语篇解读""本文是记叙文,简单介绍了一个有关爱的温情故事,最重要的是,这个故事号召人们在生命的每一个阶段都要选择善良。24.A.praysC. suggestsB. begsD. predicts答案 A解析 根据上下文可知,母亲应该是祈祷同学们对她儿子友善一些,故选A。pray祈祷;beg恳求;suggest暗示;predict预测。25. A.complainingB. explainingC. claimingD. learning答案 B解析 Auggie看到同学们一直盯着他看, 再根据下文

21、 “why he looks the way he does”可知, 他应该是忙着向他们解释 (explain)他为何是如今的样子。 complain抱怨;claim主张,声称。26. A.noddingB. smilingC. staringD. shouting答案 C解析根据下文可知,同学们对他不同常人的外表应该感到很惊诧,所以才会一直盯着他看。stare盯着看。故选C。27. A.accidentsB. failuresC. successesD. surgeries答案 D解析 此处表示“我做过27次手术,它们让我能呼吸,能看见东西,能不用听力辅助器就 听到声音,但是没有一个能让我看

22、起来是正常的(ordinary) ”。surgery外科手术,符合语境。28. A.healthyB. uniqueC. ordinaryD. different答案 C解析参见上题解析。29. A.motivationB. momentC. lackD. source答案 D解析 此处表示“很快他成为一些学生的笑柄,他们声称从未见过那么难看的人" °a sourceof fun乐趣的来源。30. A.unattractiveB. absurdC. clumsyD. unfortunate答案 A解析参见上题解析。unattractive难看白absurd荒谬的;clums

23、y笨拙的。下文中 Auggie的母亲安慰他的话“You are not ugly”亦是暗示。31. A.approachB. comfortC. seizeD. save答案 B解析 Auggie在一些同学那里受挫了,所以他父亲应该是尽力安慰(comfort)他。approach接近;seize抓住,控制;save拯救。32. A.breaks intoB. holds backC. breaks outD. holds down答案 A解析 从"quite emotional" "when his mother. 'You are not ugly

24、9;” 可推断,此处表示“当他听到母亲安慰的话时,突然开始哭了起来"。break into突然开始,符合语境。hold back抑制,控制;break out(战争、火灾等不愉快之事)爆发;hold down保住,限制。33. A.performancesB. popularityC. looksD. handsomeness答案 C解析根据语境,尤其是下文中的提示“You are not ugly”可知,此处表示母亲安慰他,说他长得不丑,故C项符合语境。34. A.excitedlyB. fearfullyC. angrilyD. sadly答案 D解析 根据下文Auggie的回答

25、可知,母亲安慰他之后,他还是感到有些伤心(sadly),故选Do35. A.unlessB. becauseC. ifD. though答案 B解析他觉得因为自己是母亲的儿子,母亲才会这么说。故选 Bo36. A.countsB. reflectsC. functionsD. inspires答案 A解析 此处表示“我是你母亲这个事实才是最重要的,因为我最了解你",count重要,符B. cheers upD. backs up合语境。reflect反映,反射;function起作用,运转;inspire激励。37. A.shuts upC. pulls up答案 B解析根据下文和空

26、后的finally可知,此处表示母亲的安慰使得Auggie终于振彳起来(cheer up)了。shut up闭嘴,不说话;pull up停车,彳止;back up后退。38. A.escape fromB. focus onC. rely onD. settle into答案 D解析settle into适应(新环境),符合语境。B. valuesD. concludes39. A.forms C. deserves 答案 AAuggie在学着去适应新学校的过程中也跟很多人解析尽管面对着一些不友好的情况,但 建立(form) 了友谊。40. A.difficultyB. disabilityC

27、. journeyD. credit答案 C解析他的经历教会了别人同情、历”。故选Co41. A.selfC. consideration答案 B解析参见上题解析。42. A.franklyC. absolutely答案 D接纳和内在美(beauty)。此处的8. beautyD. thoughtB. evidentlyD. importantlyjourney在这里引申为 “经解析这个故事是关于家庭、友谊和爱,最重要的是,在生命的每个阶段都要选择善良(kindness)。故用 importantly 。43. A.cooperationB. determinationC. kindnessD

28、. honesty答案 C解析 参见上题解析。cooperation合作;determination 决心;honesty诚实。V.语法填空We are currently living in a world 44.rapid advances in medicine and technology influence our lives on 45. regular basis. One technology, which in recent years 46. (develop) very quickly , is cloning.Clones refer to animals or pla

29、nts that are produced to be exact 47.(copy) of one another. Clones of different kinds are produced in various ways, and they have become 48. (value) in many medical applications and biological experiments. Most are produced in the laboratory , with some of them 49.(occur) in several species in a nat

30、ural way.A report in 2018 had pictures of Macaque monkeys that had been cloned successfully. Since they are primates (灵长目动物 )like us , it gets us to come even 50.(close) to finding the right procedures of the cloning of humans.This comes to the question why we would need or want to do this. Would it

31、 be 51. the best interest of human kind to develop this technology ? Besides, the moral questions that will be raised 52.(be) unbelievable , and would it be an accomplishment that could benefit humankind enough 53.(balance) the ill effects that it might produce?语篇解读本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍飞速发展的医学和技术常常影响着我们的生活,

32、M中一种技术就是克隆。本文介绍了克隆的概念、现状以及存在的一些问题。44 .答案 where解析 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可以发现,空前是主句,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词world ,空处在从句中作地点状语,故用 where。45 .答案 a解析 考查冠词。飞速发展的医学和技术常常影响我们的生活。on a regular basis定期地,经常地,故填不定冠词a。46 . 答案 has developed/has been developing解析 考查动词时态。根据时间状语“in recent years”可知,develop的动作从过去开始持续到现在,并有可能持续下去,故应用现在完成时

33、或现在完成进行时,故用has developed或 has been developing。47 .答案 copies解析 考查名词复数。copy在此表示“复制品”,是可数名词。根据后面的one another “彼 此,互相”可知,此处copy不止一个,故用 copy的复数形式。48 .答案 valuable解析考查形容词。克隆在很多医疗应用和生物实验中变得很重要。根据语境和系动词后跟形容词的用法可知,此处用value的形容词形式valuable “珍贵的,很重要的”。49 .答案 occurring解析 考查非谓语动词。大多数克隆是在实验室中进行的,还有一些在一些物种身上自然发生。逗号前是

34、完整的一个句子,逗号后是“with +宾语+宾补”的复合结构,因为 occur是不及物动词,且 occur与其主语在逻辑上是主谓关系,故用现在分词作宾补。注意: occur 的现在分词形式是先双写r再加-ing。50.答案 closer解析考查副词的比较级。根据句意和空前的even可知,空处应用副词的比较级closer。51 .答案in解析 考查介词。in the best interest of意思是"对最有利”,是固定搭配。52 .答案 are解析考查时态和主谓一致。此处描述客观事实,故用一般现在时;由句子主语moralquestions为复数可知,谓语动词应用are。53 .答

35、案 to balance解析 考查非谓语动词。此外,将要提出的道德问题是令人难以置信的,它是否会是一项成就,足以使人类受益,以平衡其可能产生的不良影响?enough to do sth.足以做某事。VI.读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。A Gift of GoldIt was the winter of 1937 , just after Christmas. The Depression was still going on , but I was in good spirits. I was going to graduate from elementa

36、ry school , but my mother still dressed me in shorts. Most of my classmates had given up wearing shorts. For the graduation ceremony , all the boys were expected to dress white shirts and dark- blue wool pants.I waited until a week before I told my mother. On a cold Monday afternoon I went home from

37、 school.“Mom, " I said, “about graduation.""Yes? " she answered.“They are going to give me the first- prize medal, " I said.Still working over the stove, she looked over her shoulder at me and smiled broadly. "That' s wonderful , Babe. Dad and I will both be there,

38、and we' ll be the proudest in the place.”She must have seen by the look on my face that something was wrong. She turned her back and said, "So?"“So, I have to get long pants , “ I said.“Babe, we don' t have the money for new pants right now , " she said.“Okay, " I burst o

39、ut. "Then I won ' t go to graduation. Plus , I' m running away from home!”“If I were you , I wouldn ' t pack my bags. We' ll solve the pants problem somehow , “ she said.The following Saturday , when my mother said , " Let' s go shopping,“ I knew that she had solved the

40、 problem. Then we left home. We took the trolley and got off at Southern Boulevard , the best shopping street. Our clothing store was just a couple of blocks away.But first we walked a short way down the Boulevard and stopped at a place I had never noticed before.“Wait here, " she said. Then she opened the door with the hand with a gold wedding ring on her ring finger and entered a store front that looked like a bank.She went out about ten minutes later with a purse in her left hand , and then we went to the pan


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