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1、20102011新目标英语初中总复习8(上)第3、4单元测试8(上)第3单元测试I.将下列短语译成英语:1.玩得高兴/2.去野营 /远足 /3.租借录像带 4. 去观光 5.动身去6.迫不及待地做7.度一个长假8.在欧洲 9. 在乡下10.照看我妹妹 11.热爱大自然12. 看堂兄弟 13.呆三周II .根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:1. I am going to sports c for vacation.2. He likes to go bike r in the countryside.3. Ben is l for Canada in June.4. Mary is going s

2、 in China next year.5. Are you p _ to spend time in Italy?III .用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. Some boys(play) soccer now.2. How long you( stay ) in Beijing next month?3. They often(take) vacations in Dalian.4. He thought about(spend) time near the sea.5. Hawaii is a good place(surf).IV.选择填空:()1. I hope an actor li

3、ke Jackie Chan.A. her to be B. her being C. being D. to be()2. They decided to Shanghai.A. to go B. going C. go D. to going()3.How long is he away? .A. One o ' clock B. three days ago C. for three days D. tomorrow()4. 一 are you doing for vacation? - We are going to Yunnan for fivedays.A. When B.

4、 Where C. What D. How()5. I want to do.A. something different B. anything differentC. different something D. different anything()6. Please me your new photos.A. look B. show C. make D. see()7. You' d better take an umbrella you when you are in England.A. withB. for C. to D. of()8. He needs a vac

5、ation.A. relax B. to relax C. relaxed D. relaxing ()9. Which city did you plan to?A. go B. going C. to go D. went()10. The food nice, I can' t wait to eat it.A. looks B. sounds C. smells D. tastes改为一般疑问句)改为同义句)V.句型转换:1. Nick is leaving for Yanji tomorrow.(Nick for Yanji tomorrow?2. She spends ha

6、lf an hour helping her parents.(It her half an hour her parents.3. He is going to Beijing next month. ( 对划线部分提问) he to Beijing?4. We are staying in Tibet for weeks 对划线部分提问) you staying in Tibet?5. He is going to Shanghai with his father. ( 对划线部分提问) is he going to Shanghai?6. We had a good time in th

7、e park.(改为同义句)We in the park.7. They are staying in Swiss for a month.(对划线部分提问)they staying for a month?8. She will call me when she returns.(改为同义句)She will call me when she.9. They are going camping on the 12th. ( 对划线部分提问) they going camping?10. Tom did his homework yesterday.( 改为否定句 )Tom his homew

8、ork yesterday.VI.从方框中选择最佳答语补全对话:(有两项是多余的)(L-Lily, M-Mary, H-Mrs. Hu )A. Enjoy your evening.B. I'm going to stay until six.C. Let ' s go.D. I'm leaving too.E. That ' s OK.F. It ,s a fine day.G. You can have a good time this evening.L: It ' s five thirty. I ' m going home now.M

9、: (1) Can you give me a ride to the supermarket on your way home? I have to buy some food.L: No problem. (2) Are you staying here, Mrs Hu?H: Yes. (3) A friend of mine can pick me up here. Weare going to the cinema this evening.M: (4)H: I hope so. Well, I don ' t want to keep you. See you tomorro

10、w.L & M: OK. See you later. (5) H: Thanks. Goodbye.VII .根据短文内容,选出能填入空白处的适当的选项,使短文完整: (有两项是多余的) thought, all, taking, on, lot, photos, lots of,relaxing, walks, beautiful, by, takeI ' m a long vacation this winter. I (2) aboutgoing toHunan or Shenzhen, but decided (3) Sanya. Because one of my

11、friends tells me that Sanya is a very nice place. The sky is blue and the beaches are (4). I can swim and surf happily there. I' mleaving the first weekin February and staying for a week. I plan to have a very (5) vacation. I ' m taking (6),going fishing and going bike riding. I' m renti

12、ng videos and sleeping a .I' m going there with my parents (8) plane. I ' m leaving for Sanya on Monday. We are going sightseeing. We are going to the beach and taking a lot of (9) with my camera. I hope I can forget (10) my problems. A no-stress vacation.I can ' t wait.VIII .阅读理解:The Bl

13、acks are American tourists. They are visiting in Beijing now. This is their first visit to China. They are going to stay in China for three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages They hope to learn some Chinese, too.Mr Black is a taxi driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs Black

14、is a school teacher. She is visiting a city school today and a village school tomorrow. Their daughter is a middle school student. She is going to meet some Chinese students.They are taking a lot of pictures in China. When they return to America, they are going to show the pictures to their friends.

15、 They want the American people to know more about China.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()1. The Blacks are from.A. China B. England C. Canada D. the USA ()2. The Blacks are staying in now.A. England B. Beijing C. Shanghai D. New York ()3. Mr Black is.A. a teacher B. a doctor C. a taxi driver D. a worker()4. There ar

16、e people in Mr Black' s family.A. two B. three C. four D. five()5. Why are they going to show the pictures to their friends when they go back to America?A. Because the pictures are very beautiful.B. Because they like China.C. Because they want the American people to know more about China.D. Beca

17、use they want the American people to come to China.8(上)第4单元测试I.将下列短语译成英语:1. 坐地铁 2. 和不同3快速地吃早饭/4. 多久 5. 多远 6. 全世界 7.在世界的其他地区8. 北美9. 视而定,决定于 10.少量的,很少的11. 最流行的到校方式12. 离开某地去某地 13. 骑摩特车 / 马/II.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:1. Beijing is in the n of China.2. Don ' t w about me. I ' m OK now.3. The bus r usually

18、 takes about 5 minutes.4. You cannot d on your parents forever.5. He l for school early every morning.III .用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. It ' s about twenty(minute) walk to get there.2. A small number of students(take) the subway every day.3. My bag is(difference ) from hers.4. How long does it take you(get)

19、to the park?5. Traveling by train is more relaxing than. (drive)IV .选择填空:()1. They arrive Shanghai a warm afternoon.A. in, in B. at, in C. in, on D. at, at()2. That' s going to . A. fun B. more fun C. be more fun D. be funs()3. I half an hour English every morning.A. take, to read B. take, readi

20、ng C. spend, to read D. spend, reading()4. The number of the books in this library almost 2,000,000.A. is B. am C. are D. /()5. 一 does it take him to do the housework?For two hours.A. How soon B. How long C. How many D. How often()6.he / He is old,he is in good health.A. Although, but B. /, then C.

21、Although, so D. /, but()7. 一 do you live from the park?About twenty miles.A. How soon B. How much C. How far D. How long()8.- How do you usually go to school?I usually go to school.A. by a bike B. on bikeC. ride a bike D. by bike()9. I hate people don' t help others when they are in trouble.A. w

22、ho B. which C. when D. where()10. I want to know every day.A. how does he get to school B. how he get to schoolC. how he gets to school D. how he got to schoolV.句型转换:1. She rides her bike to school.(对划线部分提问) she school?2. Most students in North America go to school on the bus.(改为同义句 )Most students i

23、n North America go to school.3. the, early, takes, bus, him, his, to, workplace (连词成句 )4. How do you like China?(改为同义句) do you China?5. I go to the cinema once a week. ( 对戈U线部分提问 )do you go to the cinema?6. They often go to the park on foot.(改为同义句 ) They often thepark.7. Mymother goes to work by tra

24、in.(改为同义句 ) My motherto work.8. They have breakfast at eight fifteen.(改为同义句)They have breakfast at.9. It takes them about two hours to get to the bus station.(对划线部分提问)does it take them to get to the bus station?10. Mr Brown leaves home on a bike.(对划线部分提问 )Mr Brownhome?VI.从方框中选择最佳答语补全对话:(有两项是多余的)A. B

25、y bike or by bus.B. Only a few.C. I ' m fine, thank you.D. What do you like about it?E. Do you think so?F. Somestudents live near school, they usually walk.G. By bike. But something is wrong with my bike today.(A-Jim, B-Ann )A: Hello, Ann. Howare you?B: (1A: How do you usually come to school?B:

26、(2)A: I ' m sorry to hear that. How do most students in your class come to school?B: J3)A: What about the other students?B: (4)A: Does anybody come to school in a car?B: (5)Here is a the changes of means of transportation in China sinceVII .根据短文内容,选出能填入空白处的适当选项,使短文完整:(有两项是多余的)anywhere, popular,s

27、uch,transportation,moon,on, own, by,drive,like,fast,surveyofthe 1970s, people usually went to work (2)foot or by bike. There were fewerbuses or cars. From the 1980s to 1990s, bikes and buses were the most (3) means of transportation. Most people went to work by bike or by bus. Some people had their

28、(4) cars.Nowadays, more and more people have their own cars. Theyusually (5) theircars to work. People can travel (6) bytrainor by plane. And it ' s a and easy way for most people to take the subway to work in some cities, (8) as Beijing and Shanghai. In a word, more and more means of (9) will c

29、ome to people' s lives. It is believed thatmore and more people can go to the (10) or other stars by spaceship some day.VIII . 阅读理解:Ann loves the underground ( 地铁)in London. She always prefers to travel on the underground because it is fast. She doesn' t find it difficult now, as she hasgot

30、used to (逐渐习惯)it. Ann knows the underground map very well. Each line hasits own color. For example, the Central Line (主干线)is red, the Piccadilly Line(皮凯得里干线 )is blue, and so on. Londoners always call the underground"thetube ” ( meaning “ underground " ) Whenyou see the long tunnels (隧道)und

31、er ground, it isn ' t hard to understand why. Yesterday Ann went homeon the underground at about five o ' clock in the afternoon. She got a surprise. Since everyone was going home from work, the train was full.This was the “ rush-hour ” , and it was a new experience ( 经历)for Ann. There were

32、a lot of people, but trains came every minute. Everyone waited and didn ' t push. As the train was full, Ann had to stand, but she didn ' t mind. In the train she saw a sign. It said, “ Keep away from the Rush Hour. ”"I will, next time. " Annthought.()1. Traveling in London.A. Ann

33、prefers the underground to buses B. Ann prefers buses to the undergroundC. Ann prefers bike to the underground D. Ann prefers to walk under ground()2. It ' s easy for Ann to take London ' s underground because.A. she lives near the underground in London.B. she has a good knowledge of the und

34、erground mapC. each line has its own color D. there are signs everywhere in London ()3. Why do Londoners call the underground“ the tube " ?A. Because Londoners like to use the tubes.B. Because London ' s underground has too many lines.C. Because Londoners think the underground looks like th

35、e tube.D. Because London ' s underground is straight and long ()4. The “ rush hour " here means.A. 冲刺时间 B.忙碌时间C.高峰时间D.休闲时间()5. Ann decides.A. that she will take a bus instead next timeB. that she will no longer take London' s undergroundC. to take the underground at this time next timeD

36、. not to take the underground at this time next time20102011 新目标英语初中总复习 8( 上)第 3、 4单元测试参考答案8(上)第 3 单元测试参考答案I. 将下列短语译成英语:go sightseeingvisit mycousins1. enjoy oneself / have fun 2. go camping / hiking 3. rent videos 4.5. leave for 6. can t wait to do sth. 7. take a long vacation 8. in Europe9. in the

37、 countryside 10. babysittingmy sister11. love nature 12.13. stay for three weeksII. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:1. camp 2. riding 3. leaving 4. sightseeing 5. planningIII. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:1. are playing 2. are, staying 3. take 4. spending 5. to surfIV. 选择填空:1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. CV. 句型转换:1. Is, leaving 2. takes, to help 3. When is, going 4. How long are5. Who / Whom, with 6. enjoyed ourse


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