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1、与各种时态连用的时间状语、常与 一般现在时 连用的时间状语:1、副词:alwaysoften never sometimes usually2、短语:every day / week / month / year once a week hardly everevery ten minutes每十分钟every other ten minutes每隔十分钟now and then不时from time to time不时另: 客观事实、客观真理只用一般现在时eg: He always stud ies very hard.Theysometimes go to school on foot.K

2、endoesnt clean his teethevery day .The No. 2 bus passes here every fifteen minutes .Do you visit your unclenow and then1、副词:already yet just ever before never recently2、短语:how long for +一段时间these five years by far so farsince +时间点how many times in these / those dayseg: He has lived in Sydney since 1

3、986 .They have arrived here two days before .比较:They arrived ago.I have ever been to Guangzhou but Ihave never been to HK.Have you found oneAnnehasnt livedHow long have you worked as a doctor四、 常与 现在进行时(is /am /are doing )连用的时间状语:常与 一般过去时 连用的时间状语:1、副词:yesterday2、 短语:last week / month / year / night

4、yesterdaymorning / afternoon / evening just now = a momentago the day before yesterday in(已过去的) 已过去的)eg: He always studMr. Smithlast Mondaylast Mayat某年/几点钟iedhardtwo days ago theother day月on前几天(已过去的)某天 与某些从句连用TheyHelast yearcame to see our teacheryesterday afternoonDid you meet him the other dayleft

5、 here at 8:00s father wentAndrewto Australiain 1978 .wentdidnto sleep after he thear from himfinishedhis homework.The sports meet常与 现在完成时( has/ have done )a week ago .began on September 20 .连用的时间状语:次数here two daysyethere for four months1、副词:now2、 某些警示性动词如:lookliste neg: Look! They are play ing footb

6、all.Heisnt readingEnglishnow.五、 常与 过去进行时(was / were doing )连用的时间状语:at this /that time yesterday;at 10:00 last ni ght;from 7:00 to 8:00 yesterday morning;whe n / while从句eg: Iwas doing my homework at this time yesterday evening.Were you watching TV at 8:00 . last FridayHewas n t doing his sums whe n I

7、 came to his house.Theywatched me while I was makinga cake.六、常与一般将来时(will / shall / be going to do )连用的时间状语:1、副词:tomorrow2、短语:next Sun day / week / month / yearhow soonin +时间段/ (将来的)某年/月after +时间点on (将来的)某天in the futureeg :Wewill have an En glish Eveningtomorrow .He ll be back in two hours .Our scho

8、olwill build ano ther library in 2004Tomwill leavefor Beiji ngafter 9: 00 oclock.at 9: 00 oclock .How soon willyou write to AnneShewill beten years oldon Saturday nextweek.七、常与过去完成时(had done)连用的时间状语:by the end of last;before / after从句;by yesterday / last Mon day宾语从句八、现在完成时与一般过去时、一般现在时的区别:现在完成时强调的是动作

9、虽发生或开始在过去,但跟现在有联系一般过去时 则强调A)过去某一具体动作,可配过去的具体时间B)过去某一时间内 经常发生的动作一般现在时强调 现在时间内经常发生 的动作或客观事实.: I have done all my homework.I did my homework last night.I often did my homework before dinner last month.I often do my homework before dinner.He works as an engineer in a company.It never snows in Hainan Isl

10、and.EXERCISES:I.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the following words:1. Mary usually _ (get) up early in the morning.2. We _ already _ ( have ) supper.3.I _ (call) him in half an hour.4.Sue _ ( not do ) any washing last year.5.Listen! Someone _ (knock) at the door.6.They _ (swim) in the r

11、iver at this time yesterday.7.He _ (not book) the court yet.8.Lucy and Lily _ (not come) to my party tomorrow evening.9.My pencil _ (break) while I _ (draw) a horse.10.They _ (play) football when I _ (see) them.11.He told the child that the sun _ ( go ) down in the west.12.What will he be when he _

12、(grow) up13.We wont begin our work until he _ (come).14.Sue _ (join) the match of next July.15.How long _ he _ (arrive) at the station16.How soon _ he _ (arrive)17.My father _ (work) as a doctor ten years ago.18.He never _ (tell) a lie when he _ (be) a child.19.Sometimes last year, my parents _ (com

13、e) home very late.20.The baby _ (drink) water every two hours.21.He _ (call) me every other twenty minutes yesterday.22.It _ (snow) heavily on the morning of last Saturday.23.By the end of last year, they _ (write) five songs.24.He _ just _ (draw) a map.25.They _ (not hand) in their homework the oth

14、er day.26.He _ (not come) here since last month.27.Next week, I _ (stay) with my aunt for two days.28.Peter and Tim _ (not have) class at nine yesterday.29.I _ (return) you the book in three days.30.Look! They _ (not clean) the windows at all!II.Multiple choice:1. What _ you _ at this time last Sund

15、ayA.did.doB. have.done C. were.doingD. are.doing2. He said the train _ faster than any man.A. run B. runs C. ran D. is running3.How long _ he _ in ShenzhenA. did.e B. has.arrived C. will.reachD. has.been4.Many people often _ rice for supper in south China.A. have B. has C. had D. are having5.She _ a

16、lways _ angry with nothing.A. is.beingB. will.beC. is./D. /.is6.I didnt know a word of English until I _ here.A. cameB. have come C. had comeD. was coming7.I _ you about that many times.A. told B. tellC. have toldD. am telling8.Water _ at 1000C.A. boilsB. is boilingC. has boiledD. boiled9.Ken _ up a

17、t 6:30 in the morning.A. gotB. getC. gets D. is getting10.How many English words _ you _A. do.learnB. has.learned C. have.learned D. will.learn11.I _ him just now.A. see B. saw C. have seen D. am seeing12.He _ his best to learn English well.A. doesntB. hasnt doneC. doD. doesnt do13.Her new shoes _ u

18、nder the bed.A. see.didnt speak B. saw.spokeC. have seen.havent spoken D.saw.didnt speakA. isB. areC. wasD. am14. Where_ you _ _ Ive looked for you the whole morningA. have.gone B. did.go toC. are.goingD. have.been15. I _ him but I _ to him.英语时态综合练习(一)一、用所给词的适当形式填空:1He_ swimming in the river every d

19、ay in summer. (go)are right. ( seem ), the children_ basketball on the playground. ( play )the radio when I came in, ( listen )is very cold .I think it_ . ( rain )6. I need some paper . I_ some for you . ( bring )cant find my pen . Who_ it ( take )said that he_ back in five minutes . ( come )didnt m

20、eet him. He_ when I got there. ( leave )bike, so I have to walk to school. ( lose ) and began to read his newspaper. ( sit )is very hungry. He_ anything for three days. ( not eat )you if I have time . ( go )will go to the cinema if it_ fine . (be )will tell her the news when she_to see me next week.

21、 (come)friends since we met at school .(be)at five yesterday afternoon (do)bike is nice . How much_ it_ (cost)二、选择最佳答案填空( )go swimming if the weather_ fine tomorrow.A. isC. will begoing to be( )years since he has left for Beijing.A. was B. has beengoing to be( )dont leave the office until your frien

22、d_ e come( )the end of last year he_ about 1500 English words.A. learnslearning learned( )! Someone_in the next room .crying cried( )must tell him the news as soon as you_him.see seeing16. Whenyou_ the carIn 1998 . ( buy ))told me that he_to see us the next day.B.came C. will comeD. would come)cant

23、find him anywhere . Perhaps he_ home.C.has come D. would come( )teacher told us that the sun_bigger than the earth.A. is B. wasC. has beenbe( )you tell me where the railway station_A. was B. isC. will be D. would be( )the Great Wall several times.A. go B. were goingC. have gone been( )seemed that th

24、e old man_ for something over there.A. looks B. looked C. was looking D. has looked( )was sure that he_ his wallet in the office .A. left B. would leaveC. had left D. has left( )must study hard if you_ want to fail the exam.A. wontB. dont C. haventD. hadnt( )15. Im afraid you cant sit here . Sorry ,

25、 I_ know.A. dont B. wont C. cant D. didnt( )16. As she_ the newspaper , Granny_asleep.A. read , was falling B. was reading fell C. was reading , was falling fell( )17. Jim is not coming tonight .But he_ !A. promises(许诺)B. promised C. will promise( )18. Whats her nameI_ .A. forget B. forgot C. had fo

26、rgotten三、动词时态能力综合测试)often_ his clothes on Sundays.A. washingB. washesC. has washedD. wash( )Chinese. Where_ fromA. do you comeB. you are coming C. you comeD. are you coming( )school.A. never walks B. is never walkingC. walk never D.( )will start as soon as our teacher_ .A. comesB. will come C. comeD

27、. is coming( )long ago_playing footballA. have you stoppedB. had you stoppedC. did you stop D. do you stop( )hard when I left my house .A. is rainingB. rains C. was raining D. will rain( )think this question_to answer.A. easyB. is easyC. was easy D. will easy( )8. Dont talk so loudly . Your father_.

28、A. sleeps B. is sleepingC. slept D.had slept()many people does the doctor know who_of the disease (疾病)A. are dyingB. is dyingC. has diedD. dies()homework now.A. is going B. wentD. had promisedD. am forgettingnever is walkingA. finish B.finished C.have finishedD.had finished()three years.A. has joine

29、d B.has been in the armyC.joined D.hasserved the army()grandfather_for thirty years.A. died B. was deadC. has been deadD. has died( )from my brother for a long time.A. not have heardB. have not heard C. have heard not D. do not hear( ), one of the most important subjects, _always interested him.A. h

30、asB. have C. areD. is( )your brother go to America last year _.A. No , he did never go thereB. No , he has never gone hereC. No , he never was thereD. No , he has never been there( )that factory since 1958.A. has leftB. has worked inC. has gone fromD. has come to( )teacher_to Beijing three times.A.

31、wentB. had goneC. has gone D. has been( )week John_his leg.A. felt and broken B. fell and broke C. feels and breaks D. fallen and broken( )thick coat because it was snowing.A. puts onB. put on C. takes on D. took on( )picture on the wall.A. hangedB. hung C. has hangedD. was hanged( )month_twenty fiv

32、e.A. has my sisterB.my sister will beC. my sister shall have D. my sister is goingto be( )again in a few weeks.A. will seeB.have seen C. had seenD. have been seen( )23. By the end of last term we_ English for two years.A. have studied B. have been studied C. would studied D. had studied( )Brown_in New York for


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