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1、SUBJECT:B737 airplane tire replacement criteria題目:B737飞机的轮胎更换标准分类/CAT.: CAD/AD 使用和维护信息 回维护和放行标准 部件信息 其它信息DESCRIPTION:内容:本通告适用机型:73C,73J,73N本通告适用飞机:ALL参考资料:BOEING MESSAGE HNA-HAK-03-00179/00180H: 737-SL-32-077: AMM32-45-00c改版原因:采用新模板:修改胎面磨损更换标准;修改图1和图4。New template uscd,updatc the tire spot wear remo

2、val criteria,change FIGI and FIG4.以前相关通告处理:本通告完全代替TAMULT-CHH32-001R0oThe TA suspends TAMULT-CHH32-OO1RO.背景 BACKGROUND:为了使维护人员在日常维护工作中能够准确地、迅速地判断轮胎是否需要更换,特颁发本技术通告。This TA provides tire removal criteria for mechanic to make a quick judgement well and truly in daily maintenance.正文 ACTION:一轮胎在使用中出现下列情况之

3、一必须拆下作报废处理,不得继续装机:Remove the tire from the aircraft and discard it if the one of the followings exists:A)轮胎局部磨损露出胎体帘线层。The spot wear reaches the carcass ply.B)轮胎割伤穿过胎体帘线层。Cuts reach the carcass ply.C)轮胎侧壁帘线层受损伤。Sidewall cords are exposed or damaged.D)胎圈上有过热熔化变软迹象。Melting of the rubber at the bead se

4、at or toe/heel areas.E)胎圈钢索折断、弯曲或址露出来。Wire bead broken, bend or exposed.F)一条轮胎在使用中爆破,同一起落架上的另一条轮胎要报废。The tire with another tire burst in the same LG.二在使用中出现下列情况之一更换轮胎:Remove the tire from the aircraft if the one of the followings exists:SUBJECT:B737 airplane tire replacement criteria題目:B737飞机的轮胎更换标准

5、注意:当下列标准有矛盾时,以严格为准CAUTION: When the standards below are different with each other, you should chooseThe strict one.A)胎面磨损(图一,图九)TREAD WEAR(ref fig1 and fig 9)1)主轮胎面均匀磨损,胎而沟槽深度小于0. 79mm (1/32英寸)。Even tread wear and the remaining groove depth is less than 0.79mm(1/32inch).2)局部磨损霸出第三层线(即第一层胎体帘线层)。放行标准和

6、安全要求。Spot wear expose the third cord (the first carcass ply).as dispatch criteria a nd safty requireme nt.3)所有航站航后检査,和海口、西安、北京航站过站检查,局部磨损露出第一层线(即第一层加强层)。仅为维护便利。AF check in All stations, and transit check in Haikou/Xi'An/Beijing stations, the spot wear expose the first cord(the first reinforcing

7、fabric ).for maintenanee conveniency only.B)胎肩磨损 SHOULDER WEAR在轮胎勒务中,应针对轮胎胎肩磨损的实际情况,根据图十和图十一所示标准更换轮胎。Refer to the tire removal criteria provided in Figures 10 and 11 during the tire service just for different shoulder wearC)割伤或裂纹(图二,图三,图四,图六)CUT OR CRACKING (Figures 2, 3, 4 and 6)1)胎而或侧壁割伤露岀胎体帘线层。Ca

8、rcass ply are exposed or damaged in the tread or sidewall.2)胎而割伤从一个胎而沟槽达到另一个胎而沟槽。Cuts that extend across a rib from one groove to groove3)侧壁割伤长度大于150mm(5. 9英寸)或深度大于2mm(0. 08英寸)°Cuts in sidewall with length more than 150mm(59inch) or depth 2mm(0.0Sinch)4)割伤或裂纹延伸进入胎而橡胶底部。Rib undercutting5)V型割伤谿出加

9、强层或从一个胎而沟槽连续达到另一个胎而沟槽。CHEVRON cuts with reinforcing fabric exposed or extending across a rib from one groove to groove.6)横向切口在胎而凸缘内切口长度超过1英寸。Tansvers cut length is more than 1 inche in tread rib7)斜向割伤切口长度超过了 305mm(12英寸),或深度超过胎而沟槽,或切口两端横向SUBJECT:B737 airplane tire replacement criteria題目:B737飞机的轮胎更换标准

10、距离大于12. 7mm(0.5英寸),或切口宽度大于3. 2mm(0. 125英寸)。Diagonal cut with length up to 305mm(12inch), or deep than the groove, or the cut in transersDirection length is more than 127mm(0 5inch), or the width up to 3 2mm(0.125inch)8)圆周向割伤切口长度超过了 50.8nim(2英寸),或切口两端横向距离大于12. 7mm (0. 5英寸),或切口 宽度大于3. 2mm(0. 125英寸)

11、76;Circumferental cut with length up to 50. 8mm(2inch), or the cut in transers Direction length is more than 12. 7mm(0 5inch), or the width up to 3 2mm(0.125inch)9)胎面沟槽内的裂纹爾出胎体帘线层。The groove cracking exposes the carcass ply.10)轮胎侧壁裂纹霸出胎体帘线层。The sidewall cracking exposes the carcass ply.)英他损伤(图三,图四,图

12、五,图七,图八)other damage (Figures 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8)1)拖胎滞动造成平而磨损和烧伤使加强层露岀或剩余沟槽深度小于0. 79mm(1/32英寸),或导致在使用中发生振动。Skid burns and spot wear result from brake malfunctions or locking of the wheel cause the reinforcing fabric exposed or remaining groove depth is less than 0.79mm(1/32inch), or vibration report i

13、n use2)轮胎受油类等污染后膨胀变软。The surface of the tire appears soft, spongy due to oil contaminants.3)轮胎老化霸出胎体帘线层。Aging tire with carcass ply exposed.4)轮胎表面鼓包。Bulges and blisters5)胎而橡胶掉块脱落达到沟槽底部或从一个沟槽达到另一个沟槽或使加强层露岀。A tread rib partially or totally peels off is deeper than thetread groove or extends across a r

14、ib from groove to groove or reinforcing fabric exposed.6)胎而橡胶分层剥落。Delaminaiton of a tread rib away from the tire carcass7)轮胎扎伤孔洞直径超过9.53mm(0.375英寸),或扎伤孔的深度达到胎体帘线层。Hole of puncture diameter is more than 953mm(0375inch), or deep into the carcass ply.注意note:胎面沟槽底部到第一层线(第一层加强层)厚度约为3mm°胎而沟槽底部到第三层线(第

15、一层胎SUBJECT:B737 airplane tire replacement criteria題目:B737飞机的轮胎更换标准体帘线层)厚度约为6. Omm.如果扎伤孔洞开口较小,不能看到帘线层,可以依据此数据进行判 断是否达到了第三层线(胎体帘线层)。The groove bottom to first reinforcing fabric is about 3mm. Tread Groove Bottom to the First Casing Ply is about 6mm. If the cut open is too small to expose the carcass p

16、ly you can adjuge the depth to carcass ply or not by caculuting.8)装机的机轮组件轮胎胎体与轮毂组件之间沿周向相对滑动超过20度(详细信息参考TAMULT-32-002 - 在轮胎上喷涂防滑标志带以及轮胎与轮毂组件之间发生相对滑动的说明)。Tire and wheel assmbly with circumfental slippage up to 20 degree(ref to TAMULT-32-002)9)胎体靠近轮毂处有熔化变软现象。Tire area near the wheel was melt and soften

17、10)大于正常着陆速度下采用高能刹车中断起飞。High energy brake RTO at high landing speed11)可能引起轮胎故障的其他情况。Other faulty condition三以上为轮胎装机充气状态下的检查标准。工作中不得以螺幺幺刀等工具检查损伤深度,以防轮胎爆炸伤人。The check criteria above is for inflation tire.Do not probe cuts by sharp tools like screwdriver to avoid the explotation and injury.注意:如需要检査损伤深度,可

18、以使用没有尖角的保险丝进行测疑。Note: To measure the depth of damage,using the safty wire without sharp dege受影响的相关手册affected manual: n/a受影响的相关工卡affected card: n/aSUBJECT:B737 airplane tire replacement criteria題目:B737飞机的轮胎更换标准FIG 1胎亜胎面橡胶胎面沟槽加强层TREA> HEINMCEKENTjnoerireaq胎体帘线层CMCJLSS PL ItSSWEVALL6LAD HEELTREAD GR


20、eplacement criteria題目:B737飞机的轮胎更换标准FIG 5TREAD<4 F FIRST CA1MSS 巩丫 扎孔Q3花in DIAMETER9.53PUNCTURECARCJISS PLIESfirst carcass ply RCINfORCEFttWTrzr-ccrr*沟槽裂纹GROOVE CRACKING裂纹延伸进入胎(gf橡胶底部RIB UNDERCUTTING图三SUBJECT:B737 airplane tire replacement criteria題目:B737飞机的轮胎更换标准FIG 7圆周向侧壁裂纹径向侧壁裂纹OZONE AND/OR WEATHER CRACKS臭氧/气候等引起的裂纹图四SUBJECT:B737 airplane tire replacement cri


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