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1、高二上半期英语作文我们的高中生英语写作能力薄弱,主要是因为词汇、语法、语言逻辑等方面存在问题。那么要怎么写这英语作文呢?下面xx给大家分享高二上半期英语作文的内容,希望能够帮助大家!高二上半期英语作文Natural dsasters ae ereme dde evnts cause b envirnmental ators tha injre pele and da property. wid torao wit-ut blizad rging wildfirepoerful hrricaneal sike anywereo eh ofenwithut wniToans f ople diac

2、hyar d tonturl distrs.It brin on iuatos that cn rage from merely uncomfrtable o lie-threateningThee ttle doubthoeverthatnaturl disters in mot are resul primriy rom humnactivites athr than ntura rocesses.hechnges o the earthcrust tse ae teclmate diffrs frm plc place.Tis lead to t mbalnceporprotonofth

3、edistibuting of ntul reourc.Fo exampet the ascoast f hinais possesed dese preipiaion wethe wecot devoi of prcipttn.高二上半期英语作文De ike,Im glad to know thatou are comng China with yur parent an spendthe Mid-utumn Dy er.The d-AtumnDay s a traditional stival wit ng isy whchis celebated onl y Cinepeople Ifa

4、ls on Agust 1h of thhines lun ye, whe pepe ofa faile togetr and joy hedinnr togther. Afetht they at moonckes,wihstandsforhsirits ft fesival-unity. Ofte f the weaterpermits, th wi o ut of the houseto enjoy te right ooiht, aking abutsomethipleaantI isne ofh ost iman fivasorChinese people.Iwish ou a pe

5、aant juny an m sue o will like our raditionalMi-tuay高二上半期英语作文3Dragon oatFestial is a raditional hnefestival,whch iscebrtn te fft day f he ff Chineseunar moh.Tee are many lgendsbutorig this fstivl,but it is wideyacceped that it is hldin memoryof the pariti poet uan. Qu uan, famos pt d ptrot o the arr

6、ing State perd, otted ucid by downng hmelf in hervr for hiscury. Th local popl,otfresect fr him,rshe it heir atsto serhfor him hile throwin ceio heiertoeedhihso ey old no et us oy. Ti latedevelopd tthe cutom ofoding dgn botracs n eating zonz.高二上半期英语作文4Recntl thre s been a heted discussion bout how o

7、keeplthy in urlass. Mt of us hol h hea is f grea mporae, and e pu frad the follwin suggesions o kep lhyFirstly, it ismortant that we shoulkep a alancedie, o amle, e shd at more fruit a vgetables whih reic in fber anvtamin,hats toay, w oughnttoefodwhic continfat ndsuar fr he reason that tey ma maku p

8、u on wegteas.econdl, w beter go be aly, ge up eary, exerise regulryd hav enugh slep, whic ibenfia t us.Bsides,kepig a ositive atitde toards lfeisgoo fr o heah.In aword, only b cobininood livin hait wth eathyeng habits an wkeeealthy.高二上半期英语作文5Th Waysto KepHealthyEveryone hopes t be i good haltht ow?

9、Here omewy t keep haly.Frt,oueeda heathyit.It sbetter to e fre fruit and geables because ey avea lot f fibre ndvitamins. Don ea thefod hiccotas o much suaranfat, lie btter, heese,cfe and hocolate.Fatadsugrmake pope pt nwigt aily.on, goodlivin habi are ery iprt. ou shoulddo reglar exerise o uilduyour

10、dy. sides, nouh res i ncessaryf your ealth. Yo nee 8 hours sleep a ghtadot wor ooard mkin is a ad habit, so never mon a od,healthy fodand goodliing abits are godways kep hathy高二上半期英语作文6Peoplofen saytime is moe, u in fct time s moe valuable tha mony.Whn ney is sent, wec earnit ack, btwhn ie i lost, it ill never rurn. The tmwe haveinl ourlife s limited, and i iseen moepciuf us enior stdents.Time is esily os b


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