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1、六年级英语下册期末测试卷及答案(共100分)一、找出画线部分发音与所给音标相同的单词。(5% )()1./i/ A. violet B._again C. Sunday_()2. /a/ A. agoB-cabbageC. festival_()3. /?u/ A. dragon _ B. radioC. carrot_( )4. /ei/ A. decorate B. breakfast C. again_()5. /ai/ A. pillowB._niceC. healthy二、选择最佳答案填空。(10% )()1. You must your student card if you wa

2、nt to enter (进入)the library.A. see B. show C. let( )2. My sister is a naughty girl. She is always.A. in trouble B. heavy C. angry()3. Your part is important part of the play.A. a B. an C.不填( )4. Newton was one of the greatest in the history.A. musicians B. presidents C. scientists( )5. He was much h

3、ealthier five years.A. agoB. beforeC. longer( ) 6. I wish Ibe the tallest girl in our school.A. can B. could C. will( ) 7. I want to be when I grow up.A. write B. writer C. a writer( ) 8. From then , he works harder.A. begin B. on C. start( ) 9. He plays computer games.A. all day long B. a long day

4、C. all long days( )10. Would you please give this box the lady over there?A. to B. for C. from四、用动词的适当形式填空。 (10%)1. An hour ago, Mr. Wang(is) in his office. But now he(is)back home.2. Robin Hood and his friends(live) in the wood.3. - you still (teach) Chinese now? - No, I m teachingEnglish.4. -Are y

5、ou a teacher? -No, I (teach) ten years ago.5. When they saw the funny monkey, they all(laugh).6. The mouse(bite) the cake yesterday.7. One day a lion(look) for food when he suddenly(catch)a mouse.8. We(carry) some fruit with us when we(have) a picnic on thefarm the day before yesterday.9. We(plant)

6、an apple tree in our garden next spring.10. David(fall) from the tree this morning when he(pick) someapples from the tree.五、用所给的单词填空,将对话补充完整。 (10%)(tell, did, father, course, doing, leader, important, loved, tried, about)A: What are you ?B: I m reading a story 2. Sun Yatsen.A: Who's Sun Yatsen?C

7、: He was the 3. of modem China. He was very in China.A: Really? Can you me something about him?B: Of . He was a great 7. in China.He to change China and free the Chinese people.A: Did he free the Chinese people?B: Yes, he 9. . And all the Chinese people him.六、根据上下文和首字母提示将对话补充完整。 (12%)Librarian: Good

8、 afternoon. Can I help you?Boy: Yes, please. Could I bsome books?Librarian: Yes, of course. Can I see your lc?Boy: Library card? Sorry, I'm a nstudent. I don't have a librarycard yet.Librarian: Well, do you have a scard?Boy: Student card? Yes, I do. Hyou are.Librarian: Thank you. What books

9、do you want?Boy: Do you have the Ancient Chinese Fables?Librarian:Yes, we do. Here it is.Boy: How long can I kit?Librarian: Two weeks. If you can't finish it, you can rit.Boy: I think I can fit in just one day. I love Chinese fables.Could I borrow a dtoo?Librarian:Sure. Dictionaries are over the

10、re, in the reading room. Youcan use it here, in the library, but you can't take a dictionary hBoy: That's fine. I'll read the fables and uthe dictionary rightthere, in the reading room. Thank you very much.Librarian: You are welcome.七、按要求改写句子。(5%)1. A car crashed into the young tree last

11、 night.(改为一般疑问旬)a car into the young tree last night?2. Chinese Tree Planting Day is on March 12th. (改为特殊疑问句) Chinese Tree Planting Day?3. Plants can give people food and oxygen. (改为特殊疑问旬) plants give people?4. The first plant appeared in the ocean.(改为同义句)People the first in the ocean.5. The childre

12、n wanted to make the broken tree live.(改为同义句)The children to the broken tree.八、选择正确的答案填空。(8%It was Monday morning. Miss White was (l)to her pupils. Shesaid, “ It is good to make others (2). Now, children, (3)you make anyone happy last weekend? ”“Yes, I (4), Miss White, " said a boy named Jerry.

13、 "That's very nice, " said Miss White,“Whowas the (5) person?” she asked.“My grandma," answered Jer ry.“Good boy! How did you make (6)happy? ” I went to her houselast Saturday and stayed there (7)three hours. (8)I saidto her “Grandma, I'm going home, ” she said “I m so happy t

14、o hear that.( ) (1) A. playing B. talking C. singing( ) (2) A. happy B. laugh C. excited( ) (3) A. Can B. Are C. Did( ) (4) A. am B. did C. made( ) (5) A. lucky B. good C. clever( ) (6) A. she B. her C. hers( ) (7) A. in B. at C. for( ) (8) A. When B. But C. And九、阅读短文,判断下列句子是否与短文内容一致,一致的请写“T”,否则请写“

15、F”。(6%)Mother Teresa was born in Yugoslavia in 1910. When she was 18 she decided (决定)to becomea nun (修女).Soon she went to India. At first she worked at a school in Calcutta. Most of her students were from rich families, and Mother Teresa's life was comfortable. Twenty years later she left her sc

16、hool and went to help the poor people. First she opened a small school for the poor. The school was free. Some of her former students cameto help. Mother Teresa tried to help sick people in Calcutta too. Slowly Mother Teresa becamefamous. She got a lot of moneyto support (支持) her work. In 1979 she w

17、on the Nobel Peace Prize (诺贝尔和平奖) . Mother Teresa died in 1997. Manypeople now still remember her saying, ”(关怀),but also your love.Do not only give others your care ()1. Mother Teresa was an Indian.()2. Mother Teresa first worked in a hospital in Calcutta.()3. Calcutta is the name of a place in Indi

18、a.()4. The poor students in Mother Teresa's school did not need to giveMother Teresa money.()5. Mother Teresa became famous and got a lot of money to support her school.()6. In 1997 she won the Nobel Peace Prize.十、读短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(10% )Mrs. Jones's telephone number was 5689, and the number

19、of the cinema in the city was 6598. As (由于)these two numbers are similar, manypeople called Mrs. Jones when they wanted the cinema.One evening Mrs. Jones's telephone rang and she answered it. A tired mansaid,“At what time does your last film begin?”“I'm sorry, “ saidMrs. Jones, “but you have

20、 the wrong number, this is not the cinema!”“Oh, it began twenty minutes ago, " said the man, “I'm sorry about that. Thank you. Goodbye. ”Mrs. Jones was puzzled ( 困惑的),and she told her husband about the man. Her husband laughed and said, “I know what the matter is. The man's wife wanted

21、to go to the cinema, but the man was feeling tired and did not want to go. He called the cinema. His wife heard him, but she did not hear you. Now they will stay at home tonight. And the man will have a good rest. ”( )1. The word “similar " in line 2 means .A. 一致的 B. 容易记的 c. 相似的( )2. Many peopl

22、e called Mrs. Jones when they wanted to . A. see a film B. have a rest C. listen to music( )3. The man on the phone sounded .A. happy B. excited C. tired( )4. A man called and Mrs. Jones . A. told him the telephone number of the cinemaB. told him he made a mistakeC. told him the time of the last film()5. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The man's wife did not hear the man.B. The man did not understand Mrs. Jones.C. The man did not want to go to the cinema.十一、根据图和所给的提示词编写一个故事。(12%)1. clever 2. sleep, sofa, read 3. went out, breaked loudly(


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