



1、ArcGIS10.2软件安装说明手册2014年7月软件安装说明手册目录1. ArcGIS 安装说明 21.1. ArcGIS 安装21.1.1. 进入安装状态21.1.2. ArcGIS License Manager 安装 31.1.3. ArcGIS Desktop安装81.1.4. 破解151.1.5. 版本汉化21软件安装说明手册1. ArcGIS安装说明1.1. ArcGIS 安装:以下是arcgis10.2的安装步骤,与arcgis10.0的安装基本一致1.1.1.进入安装状态软件安装说明手册AiE恰 For £>a隹3PEnitiA Guwl*Arc?GLS fo

2、r £>«讨电审 ”$B3nd Gkebnuiih七处fiirSK fer Mip-QiH&lt 亏67009 F2 E k|XVH 伯5叫EnsWl S44Arr6L 64 EhSuecw 址*t¥ far D«sl>tcp$*tupJrcGtS DMa RtvAwtf ifw DtUhtopS#tMPHftlfl Gold*ArtsGra Wort-ftjw Mari MJ Sir for ChrUtOQ5««UpEniWiSO* tar1.1.2. ArcGIS License Manager 安装1.1.2

3、.1. 开始安装ArcGIS for Desktop10JQuidc Start GuideUninstall ArcfllS Sortwarc prior to ArcGIS 10.1PwArcGIS Sr Dcfkiof>ArtXjISLkeme Mdndgcr - MQMM&uPMiTE FCANKtiK MirTAroGiS bw*5w Man>giVFQutck Start: 30ArcObjects SDKsArcOti用c SDK hx 际灯喇力在 nit FranncrkJAr S&y «W Jjftrf X 4A* L«f* *

4、37* «*必皆力%山 也小 £r* 6*X*irwr点击安装后,同意协议一直力电让直到安装结束。安装路径可以更改,本人这里该在C盘下, 因为软件太大,不应该装在c盘,13ns也装在D盘c盘都可以口步骤如下图二W软件安装说明手册,选择安装路径软件安装说明手册Installing ArcGIS 10.2 Licence ManagerThe program features you selected are being installed.Please tvait while ArcGIS 10.2 License Manager installs. Ths m

5、ay take several minutes.5*3:软件安装说明手册安装完成软件安装说明手册,停止服务器运行安装完成license,点击finish (完成)后会启动如下界面(弹出了 ArcGIS10.2的许可服务器管理器界面):心接卜来的步樱关键口诜蟀售止7启动许可管里器”,停止服畀器的运行.如下部,软件安装说明手册| IrsiullIrtrtjil GmI*S*h4ii IraallliMtJll 1GgBe1.1.3. ArcGIS Desktop 安装安装完成license后,下面进行安装咐1qDesktoplC.2 其中会提示安装电安装p/thon (脚 本工具,很

6、小,建议装上,安装路径可自定)如图:ArcGIS For Desktop10.2Quick Start GuideUnoislall ArcGIS Software prior to ArcGIS 10知 n Wl加ArcGFS I nr Desktop/wyGIS for DeUS。jSwtCJS- hw 口电讣3口 四口小 ground GedprDCetViQ IM-twtJJvcSCE fw MicrCMft: SQL S*TM 2OM R2 EWMS (PttFSOUijArcG15 Qmrt>编加r HfktQQg Dtf5ltClpJWtGS Wortfcw Marxtgi

7、ei"g D#si topArcGIS License Manager - reou质© umrt加 *K3$ oe?kic* ano emihe >jse*sAnnElS Ljanwt iHaritgvrQukI: GumH*SvtMpRtftrwt &L»di>ArcObjrcts SDKsArcObjHKts £C* lor MKrouft MH Fra*tw*.AncObfKts SIX for J*4&Vh4kUm SkJittj utf FirniTfrr iJv £j raauv Xusww afw j

8、jwiujrt «n M. , j«v iJrr rJ S Earf xkJ Lrriuuv fju-4fv"jfiHF*ar Mj & hr y jqf fjf.心软件安装说明手册ArcGIS for Desktop10.21fQukk Stein Guidt!Unin5tnll rrfil'S Scltwrr prior |n AG1H HL IAixGI S (or DesiklopAlglE forArcGIS片由专DArtS&Ear的 is5,F-,P ,-VtCI Et*G:W .让巴ArtOlJirrlsSi ?KsArcOb

9、iem SOI;唱 认训国血.i*TTit f-fJarjj * "E* Z Ur Lr-rj #v jmfJipM m iA. zh哀,iz3t. ":jfW iMlrJrwuXrm如果提示上述问题点,需要先安装然后在继续安装1M 由!i> Mri f l erf nW Xtiuli# ajn-uw.NET Framwork 3.5 sp1软件安装说明手册i卓 RrcG工S 10. 2 £or Deskt op SetupWelcome to the ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop Setup programIt is strongly r

10、ecommended that you exit all Windows programs before running this setup program.HelpGkkCancel to quit setup and dose any programs you have running, Click Next to continue the installation.WARNING: This program is protected by copyright lavj and internaUonal treaties.Unauthorized reproduction or dist

11、rbution of this ptogramj or any portion of t, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted bo the maxinmum extent possible under lau.CancelArcGIS 10_ 2 for Desktop SetupLicense AgreeniEntYou must agree with the license agreement below to proceed.IMPORTANT-READ CAREFULLYU

12、nless si4eieded by a signed license gieement between you and Esri, Esri is willing to license Products io y«u only if you accept all terms and conditions contained in this License Agreejnent* Pleas e read the terms and conditioiis carefully. You may not use the Products until you have agreed in

13、 the terms and condilions of the License Agreement. If you do not agree io the terms anAcondilioiis as stated, click *'I do iu»t accept the lirense agreeinent" below; ymimay then request a refund o f applicable fees paid.LICENSE AGREEMENT|nmn nrammm-ira rmaaMHinniBinra inn nrainniBinra

14、ir二 i auceDt th白 tzense agreementQI do not accept the license agreementPrintLicense< BackCancel第10页软件安装说明手册.选择安装类型选择会版,进入下f,在这里可以自定义绘陶箍,本人这次家装瓦匚盘,也可以 安装在其他盘,自定,无差别,最好”弟第11页软件安装说明手册,选择安装路径第12页软件安装说明手册Python27安装路径选择Python Destination FolderSelect 曰 folder where Python 科ill be installe

15、d.Python P73 Numerical Python (NurnPy) 1.5, 1 and Matplotlib 1.14 are requirsd bo support certain core Geoproce?slng tools. It 15 recommended that they be installed by the ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop setup.The setup 蚪机 install Python 2.7.3( Numerical Python (NumPy) 1.6.1 and MatplotJib 1.1.1 in the folo

16、ing folder. To install into a different folderj dick Change and select another Folder.Python FelderCAPython27change.7The Python 2.7,3 installation directory should not contain &p>ace;, Python 2,7.31Numerical Python (NumPy) 1.6.1 and Matplotlib 1,14 vril need 94.7 MB of additional specs to ret

17、ail.Help < .a#配xt >, CariZ选择安装路径后,下一步安装的是python”,脚本"路往自定,建议和加sktcip在一个安装 目录下,美观不混乱接着,一直下一步(next)就好©如图,第13页软件安装说明手册ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop SetupReady to Install the ProgramThe wizard is ready to begin installation.XClick Install to begin the instalatbon.If you want to review or change

18、 any of your installation settings ckkBack Click Cancel to exit the wizard.Would you like to anonymously participate in the design of future versions of ArcGIS?CBck here t(*)artidpafce in the Esri User Experience Improvement program.;.JMore Information1$ AecGIS 10.2 f or Desktop SetupInstalling ArcG

19、IS 10.2 for DesktopThe program Features you selected are being installed rPlease wait while ArcGIS 10.2 For Desktop installf. Thif may take several minutes.Status; Computing space requirementsCancel下一步后,进入安装过程,该过程比较慢啦,电脑性能好的话安装得就快一点。快的话不到 2。分钟就完成了第14页软件安装说明手册终于安装元成n点击【完成】即可。4注意arcgis10.0与10.2有一点区别,a

20、rcgis10.0只需要替换service.txt就可以了。第15页软件安装说明手册ivatr£M.,*十二二”知"Aihd- W»IXrTs11二二*0»JL招下载的破解文件 LkenselO7XbinXTARCGIS.exe f鸵rvk邑txt两个文件复副簧接C:Program Fr*esWcGSLkenselO.AbinTB9ffi£然后打开5ervice.txt,将红线范圈内的字闻替换为你自己计箕机的名字(一般来说,如 果是"hi£host” ,可以不用客换的.最好还墨替换了 )PUTin XthtlM IKX1S

21、10.1 ETm-WW U ABA309IW0fH'.<iA hrfxmmEF*WiTGm克 函0*2 fEATtra Jleris al AftXlS 10.2F5 11nlymEMMTdTSMHPUTIM M"电“AMCCIS 10,2 mwndor.EnfXGlHZKZlJIZl ITS C9|fBATWtt UiBuw MD81S 1a1 就709步尊阅读TM1T械门修。的片上总片口】7的TM kH mt飘獴!的需加4口工值*«id*r JnfP 2MPAL7JTBKZSLROl» 亡打印,日e» 心u 包中” gg i血 a oi

22、-j-oow mxa mseu。"蚓於,pmgh '*«>加>打户窈蛰刊次切!经"门德 占最疑1|ATIM W连蚱AKXIS 10-3 MJ1Y3 整找 ICSWIOCMKNESO mdcj m广由工凯瞄二: 而/;维.重启许可服务noooaaert-d-"mm Qi看" |>r.Mr>Q«> TmI>J»QQf T10 2Ir 7E5 Aita lQj Hi13,&r曲4V2tftf第16页软件安装说明手册启电Ucense翦曳即蝮逗嬲b蛆r,MrcGI5许可

23、管理器License Manager Jll b国设图ArcGIS Li cense Server AdBinist rat or - ID. 21JB动/»止评0TH务jj配置 白可用彼展双史可在it嵬面中启动 M止洋即服篝并修读题史的详nJ* 品动帮助许可篝器状毒:未运行.安装.1一鼠揩 I第17页软件安装说明手册,重新读取许可第18页软件安装说明手册, 启动 ArcGIS AdministratorTi hAni gT.1l.誉 Ji力依上BM停口a二 OfmIh - Or i£l I »nt t fe(Ih4*il *MGioud dK 解第口也九.1.止口 F l'L-t iJk


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