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1、商业银行整理CHAPTER ONE What is bank?可从三个方面定义(can be defined in terms of):A.Defined by the Functions It Serves and the Roles It Play银行提供的经济作用B.Banks and their Principal Competitors(2008Y) 08年金融危机the financial crisisC.Legal Basis of a Bank 银行存在的法律基础名词解释:A bank is any business offering deposits subject to w

2、ithdrawal on demand and making loans of a commercial or business nature.(the legal basis法律规定)银行是提供可以随时按要求提取的存款服务并提供商业或企业性质的贷款的机构。(withdrawal:取回)美国国会对银行的定义:Bank is any institution that could qualify for deposit insurance administered by FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation)必须由联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)管理并

3、参与存款保险的机构注:FDIC是指负责对美国银行及储蓄机构偿付公众存款提供担保的美国政府机构。The roles of financial systemThe function of financial institutions (金融机构的功能)(1)Reduce transaction costs 降低交易成本(2) Credit intermediary 信用中介(3)Decentralized investment risk 分散投资风险(4)transmission of monetary policy 货币政策传导(5)Provide payment and settlement

4、facilities 提供支付结算便利The Competitive Challenge for Banks (银行所面临的挑战)(1)Non-Bank Competition 非银行之间的竞争 银行的主要竞争者(2)Internet Finance 互联网金融(3)due to excessive government regulation 由于政府监管过多书本Non-Bank CompetitionBanking is being pressured on all sides by key financial service competitorssavings and thrift as

5、sociations,credit unions,money market funds,investment banks,security brokers anddealers,investment companies(mutual funds),hedge funds,finance companies,insurance companies,and financial-service conglomerates银行越来越受到一些来自主要竞争者的压力,如储蓄与贷款协会,信用社,货币市场基金,投资银行,证券经纪及经销商,投资公司(共同基金),对冲基金,财务公司,保险公司,金融服务集团还可以有f

6、inance holding companies 金融控股公司或集团, Life and Property/Casualty insurance Companies 人寿和财产保险公司The Services Banks and Many of Their Closest Competitors Offer the Public 银行和他们最亲密的竞争对手向公众提供的服务 (1)Services Banks Have Offered Throughout History 历史上银行提供的服务(2)Services Banks and Many of Their Financial-Servic

7、e Competitors Have Offered More Recently 银行和其金融服务竞争者最新开发的服务(3)Dealing in Securities: Offering Security Brokerage and Investment Banking Services (银行和其金融服务竞争者的其他业务) 证券交易:提供证券经纪及投资银行服务(4)Convenience:the sum total of all banking and financial services 便利:所有银行及金融服务之集大成Services Banks Have Offered Through

8、out HistoryA. Carrying Out Currency Exchanges 开展货币兑换B. Discounting Commercial Notes and Making Business Loans 商业票据贴现和商业贷款C. Offering Savings Deposits 提供储蓄存款D. Safekeeping of Valuables and Certification of Value 保管贵重物品,价值认证E. Supporting Government Activities with Credit 向政府提供信用支持 F. Offering Checking

9、 Accounts (Demand Deposits) 提供支票账户(活期存款)G. Offering Trust Services 提供信托服务Services Banks and Many of Their Financial-Service Competitors Have Offered More RecentlyA.Granting Consumer Loans 消费者贷款B.Financial Advising 金融咨询C.Managing Cash 现金管理 D.Offering Equipment Leasing 提供设备租赁E.Making Venture Capital L

10、oans 提供风险资本贷款F.Selling Insurance Policies 出售保险服务G.Selling Retirement Plans 销售退休基金(Retirement Plan include Social security pension insurance 社会保障养老保险, pension scheme雇主自主出资的养老金计划, Personal savings pension plan个人储蓄养老金计划)Dealing in Securities: Offering Security Brokerage and Investment Banking Services&

11、#178; Offering Security Underwriting 提供证券承销业务(1999年格雷姆-里奇-布利雷法案也叫金融服务现代化法案,指金融控股公司在经过批准的情况下可以同时经营银行,证券公司及保险公司业务。Gramm-Leach-Bliley (Financial Services Modernization) Act )² Offering Mutual Funds and Annuities 提供共同基金和年金² Offering Merchant Banking Services 提供商业银行服务² Offering Risk Manage

12、ment and Hedging Services 提供风险管理和套期保值服务Convenience:the sum total of all banking and financial services² P2P² Third party payment (第三方支付)² Internet Finance(互联网金融)Key Trends Affecting All Financial-Service Firms 影响所有金融机构的主要趋势² Service Proliferation业务多元化² Rising Competition 竞争加

13、剧² Government Deregulation 放松政府管制² An Increasingly Interest-Sensitive Mix of Funds 资金组合对利率日益敏感² Technological Change and Automation 技术进步和自动化(ATM,POS,借记卡)² Consolidation and Geographic Expansion 合并及地理扩张² Convergence 集中化² Globalization 全球化书本The principal functions(and ser

14、vces)offered by many financial-service firms today include: 主要功能A. The credit function 信用功能B. The payments function 支付功能C. The cash management,risk management and trust functions 现金管理,风险管理,信托功能D. Through the brokerage,investment banking,and savings functions 证券经纪,投行,储蓄功能书本Major trends affecting the

15、performance of financial firms today include:(对应前数两道题)A. Widening service menus 不断拓大的服务项目(diversification:多元化)B. The globalization of the financial marketplace 金融市场的全球化和服务的全球扩散(地域多元化)C. The easing of government rules affecting some financial firms 政府监管的放松影响银行及其他金融机构,然而,在这次信贷危机之后,对与抵押贷款相关的资产和其他金融市场的监

16、管有所收紧。D. The growing rivalry among financial-service competitors金融服务者之间日益激烈的竞争E. The tendency for all financial firms increasingly to look alike,offering similar services 趋同性F. The declining numbers and larger size of financial-service providers. 金融机构数量越来越少,规模却不断增大。G. The increasing automation of fi

17、nancial-service production and delivery 金融服务产品和传送日趋自动化CHAPTER TWONature and Importance of Bank Regulation 银行监管的性质² Bank Crises 银行业危机 (inter -bank borrowing同业拆借)² Financial crisis 金融危机² economic crisis 经济危机cycle; period 时期Ø Financial liberalization(金融自由化)Ø Financial globaliza

18、tion (金融全球化)Inter-bank borrowing在存款准备金制度下,凡是商业银行吸收的存款都必须按一定的比例缴存准备金,如法定存款准备金率为10%,商业银行的存款为100万元,那么他所缴纳的存款准备金为10万元,其余90万可以作为贷款发放。(银行A 多提了5万元的准备金,应拆出,可以用该5万元作为贷款发放,所以资产额减少;银行B由于少提了5万元的准备金,所以要从可发放贷款中转入准备金,所以资产额增加)Banking Regulation  银行监管的原因Pros and Cons of Strict Rule

19、s  严格规则的利与弊« To protect the public's savings  保护公众储蓄« To control the money supply  控制货币供给« To ensure adequate supply of loans and to ensure fairness  确保获得充足公平的贷款« To&

20、#160;maintain confidence in the system  促进公众对银行的信心« To avoid monopoly powers   避免垄断权力« To provide support for government activities  支持政府活动 « To support special sectors of the 

21、;economy  帮助经济体系中的特殊部门Banking's Principal Regulatory Agencies and Their Responsibilities主要监管部门² federal reserve system 联邦储备体系 (对会员银行的监管以及对金融控股公司的伞形监管,征收存款准备金,分支机构的审核,国际银行业务的监管)² comptroller of the currency 货币监理署(授权成立新的国民银行,并定期稽核所有已成立的国民银行)² federal deposit insurance corporati

22、on 联邦存款保险公司 (对存款的保险,对参与保险银行的合并的审批,要求会员银行报告财务状况)² department of justice 司法部(对金融机构合并等对市场竞争的效果进行评估与审批)² securities and exchange commission 证券与交易委员会(对银行或银行控股公司公募债券的审核和对银行附属的证券公司的业务的监管)² state boards or commissions 州银行委员会(发放州立银行执照,监管州立银行,本州范围内成立银行控股公司的审核)The Impact of Regulation :监管影响The A

23、rguments for Strict Rules versus Lenient Rules 严格监管与温和监管的争论national bank(国立银行)depository institution(州立银行)Major Banking Laws 美国Meet the “Parents”: The Legislation That Created Todays Bank Regulators² National Currency and Bank Acts (1863-64) 国民货币及银行法案美国银行史上第一部法规 建立货币监理署² The Federal Reserv

24、e Act (1913) 联邦储备法案联邦储备体系 银行的最后贷款人² The Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall) 格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案实行更为严格的监管,将商业银行业务与投资银行,保险公司业务分离,² Establishing the FDIC under Glass-Steagall 依据格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案设立联邦存款保险公司 减小了银行的挤兑现象 提升公众信誉² Criticisms of the FDIC and Responses Via New Legislation 对FDIC的批评和对新立法的呼吁 ²

25、; Raising the FDIC Insurance Limit 提高对联邦存款保险公司保险的限额Instilling Social Graces and Morales-Social Responsibility Laws 灌输社会规范与道德:社会责任法案² 1968-Consumer Credit Protection Act 消费者信贷保护法² 1974-Equal Credit Opportunity Act 信贷机会均等法案防止服务歧视² 1977-Community Reinvestment Act 社会再投资法案Legislation Aimed

26、 at Allowing Interstate Banking 准许跨洲银行业务的立法Riegle-Neal Interstste Banking and Branching Efficiency Act 瑞格尔-尼尔跨州银行和分行效率法案1994年 允许银行控股公司跨洲收购银行,允许州立银行设立分支行和兼并The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (1999) 或Financial service Modernization金融服务现代化法案允许资本充足,管理完善的金融控股公司在获得监管机构批准的情况下同时经营银行,证券公司及保险公司业务。Telling the Truth an

27、d Not Stretching It:说明真相但不要夸大The Sarbanes-Oxley Accounting Standards Act (2002)萨班斯-奥克斯利法案组成了公共公司会计监管委员会以促进财务报告的准确与公正。(9.11事件,安然事件)The 21st Century Issues in an Array of New Laws, Regulations and Regulatory Strategies 21世纪新的法律,法规和监管策略。² The FACT Act (The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act

28、)公平准确信用交易法案² Check 21 21世纪支票清算法案² New Bankruptcy Rules 新破产法² Federal Deposit Insurance Reform 联邦存款保险公司改革法案² New Regulatory Strategies in a New Century 新世纪监管的新策略The Regulation of Nonbank Financial-Service Firms 非银行金融机构Regulating Thrift (Savings) Industry 对储蓄业的监管² Credit 

29、Unions  (NCUA 国民信用社管理局)² Savings and Loans and Savings Banks  (Office of Thrift Supervision 储蓄机构监理所 FDIC Insurance 联邦存款保险公司)² Money Market Funds  (Securities and Exchange Commission )SEC证券交易委员会 对其他非银行机构的监管² Life and Property/

30、Casualty Insurance Companies  (State insurance commissions)² Finance Companies   (State goverment 州政府)² Mutual Funds  (Securities and Exchange Commission) ² Security Brokers and Dealers  (Securities and Exchange Commission)&#

31、178; Financial Conglomerates  金融寡头(Functional Regulation 功能性监管)Are Regulations Really Necessary in the Financial Services Sector?Third party payment PaypalThe Central Banking System:  中央银行Its Impact on Banks and the Decisions and 

32、Policies of Financial Institutions 对银行及其他金融机构决策和政策的影响(1) Organizational Structure of the Federal Reserve System 美联储的结构² Board of Governors 美联储委员会² Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 公开市场委员会(FOMC具体任务是指导公开市场操作OMO)² 12 district Fed

33、eral Reserve Bank 12家地方储备银行(2) The Central Bank's Principal Task - Making and Implementing Monetary Policy  主要职责制定和实施货币政策² The Open Market Policy Tool of Central Banking (OMO 公开市场业务工具)² Other

34、 Central Bank Policy Tools  Ø Rediscount Rate 再贴现率Ø Statutory deposit reserve ratio 法定存款准备率² A Final Note on Central Bankings Impact of Financial Firms 对金融机构影响的最后说明书上要点1. Financial-services regulations are crea

35、ted to implement federal and state laws by providing practical guidelines for financial firms behavior and performance.金融服务监管是通过为金融机构的行为和表现提供指导原则来执行联邦和州政府的法律。2. Regulation of financial firms takes place in a dual system in the United States-both federal and state goverments are involved in charterin

36、g,supervising,and examining selected financial service companies.在美国,金融机构的监管采取的是双重体制,联邦和州政府都有授权,监管,检查和关闭金融机构的权利。3. The key federal regulators of banks include the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation(FDIC),the Federal Reserve System(FRS),and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC).联邦层次大的

37、主要银行监管机构有联邦存款保险公司(FDIC),联邦储备系统(FRS)和货币监理署(OCC)4. One of the most powerful of all financial institutions in the financial system is the central bank,which regulates money and credit conditions(i.e,conducts monetary policy)using such tools as open market operations,short-term loans,and legal reserve r

38、equirements.Central banks huave a powerful impact upon the profitability,growth,and viability of financial service firms.金融系统中最强大的金融机构之一是中央银行,它通过公开市场操作,贴现率和法定准备金率控制货币和信贷情况,即执行货币政策。中央银行对银行及与之竞争的金融机构的利润,成长,生存具有较大额影响。CHAPTER THREEOrganizational Forms and Function in BankingOrganizational Forms: 组织形式Ext

39、ernal organizational structure internal organization structureThe Organization and Structure of the Commercial Bank Industry商业银行业的组织与结构² Advancing Size and Concentration of Assets 不断增加的规模和资产的集中 -p67² Is a Counter Trend Underway? 反趋势正在进行吗银行业将达到一个平衡点:银行兼并恰恰抵消了新注册成立银行的数量。Internal Organiz

40、ation of the Banking Firm  银行业内部组织² Community Banks and Other Community-Oriented Financial Firms 社区银行和其他以社区为中心的金融机构« retail bank-devoted principally to the markets for smaller ,locally based deposits and loans,is also often referr

41、ed to as a retail bank 零售银行 主要涉及消费者和小企业的存贷款业务« wholesale bank 批发银行与之对应,主要集中服务于商业客户及在全球范围内发放大额企业贷款。如纽约的摩根大通(J.P.Morgan Chase)及花旗银行(Citibank)。² Larger Banks-Money Center, Wholesale and Retail  大型银行:货币中心,批发和零售² Trends in Organization  银行组织的最新发

42、展趋势The Array of Organizational Structures and Types In the Banking Industry 银行业组织结构和类型概览Large state charrterd 州特许银行national banks 国民银行 member banks 成员银行 规模更大,持有公众存款更多Unit Banking Organizations 单元制银行组织结构 Unit Banks(单元制银行): p72(通过drive-up windows便利窗口,automated teller machines(ATM)自动柜员机)Offer All Servi

43、ces From One Office 通过一个营业部门提供全部服务Branch Banking Organizations 分支行制组织结构« Branch BanksOffer Full Range of Services from Several Locations电子通信网络« Total management system(总管理处制)Head office system(总行制)« Branch Banking Proponents and Opponents 利与弊Ø ProponentsGreater Operating Efficien

44、cy 提高操作效率Availability and Convenience of Services 服务更加便利Fewer Failures 更少破产Ø OpponentsDrives Out Smaller Competitors 赶走较小的竞争者Higher Service Fees 更高的服务费Drains Scarce Resources from Local Community 从当地社区消耗稀缺资源Electronic Branching-Websites and Electronic Networks: An Alternative and a Supplement t

45、o Traditional Bank Branch Offices? 网站和电子网络:传统分支行的替代还是补充« internet banking services 网络银行服务« ATM 自动柜员机« point of sale (POS)terminal 销售点终端机« virtual bank(虚拟银行):Operate Exclusively on the Internet 只在互联网上操作Bank Holding Company Organizations 银行控股公司« Bank Holding Company (BHC):银行控股

46、公司的含义 名词解释A Corporation Chartered for the Purpose of Holding the Stock of One or More Banks 持有至少一家银行的股份而获得特许经营的公司« one bank holding companies(单一银行控股公司) eg:New Hope Group(东方、新希望集团)« multibank holding companies(多银行控股公司)非银行附属企业 附属银行 附属银行 附属银行Reasons for the Growth of BHCs ² Geographic Di

47、versification 地理多样化 可以跨洲跨国界拓展业务² Product Line Diversification ² Tax Sheltering 减税 具有用内部利润补偿其他公司损失的税收优势² Source of Strength ² A Way Around Regulatory Restrictions 绕过监管限制Interstate Banking and the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 跨洲银行业及1994年的瑞格尔尼尔

48、跨州银行和分行效率法案Alternative Types of Banking Organization Available as the 21st Century Opened :Financial Holding Companys(FHC)金融控股公司 可作为21世纪替换额银行组织 p83全能银行(universal banking)Banks Providing All of Their Services Across State Lines 一站式金融服务Efficiency and Size: Do Bigger Financial Firms Operate at Lower Co

49、st? p87 规模与效率:大型金融机构能够以更低的成本经营吗?Economies of scale 规模经济Economies of scope 范围经济U shaped 银行业的平均成本曲线(银行规模与每单位银行业务的成本)² small bank² large bank书本1. Financial-service firms have changed dramatically over time,often moving from relatively simple,single-office(unit)firms to more complex branching

50、organizations with multiple offices to serve the public and ultimately financial holding complanies that acquire the stock of one or more finance-service businesses.金融机构随着时间流逝发生了巨大的变化,通常从相对简单的,单一(单元制)的公司变成拥有众多分行的分支型组织,并最终兼并一家或多家金融机构2. When a financial firm starts out,it must secure a charter of inco

51、rporation from either state or federal authorities.In the case of banks and their closest competitors a state charter may be obtained from a state board or commission,whereas at the federal level charters are issued for national (federal)banks from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency(OCC)o

52、r,in the case of savings associations and credit unions,from the Office of Thrift Supervision(OTS)or the National Credit Union Administration(NCUA).成立金融机构时,首先必须获得州或联邦政府的经营许可。在银行及其最接近竞争者(如信贷联盟和储蓄协会)的例子中,州许可证可以在州理事会获得,而联邦级别的许可则由货币监理署(OCC)授予全国性(联邦)银行,或者储蓄协会和信贷联盟,其许可单位为储蓄机构监理局(OTS)或国家信贷联盟管理委员会(NCUA)3. E

53、ach organizational form adopted by a financial firm is usually a response to competitive pressures,the demands of customers for better service,the need to diversify geographically and by product line in order to reduce risk exposure,and the pressure of goverment regulation.每个金融机构所采取的组织形式,都是以下因素的结果:竞

54、争压力,客户对于更好服务的要求,地理多元化的需要,为了减少产品线的风险敞口以及政府监管的压力。CHAPTER FOURThe Importance of Convenience and Timely Access to Customers客户对便利的理解正在发生变化² ATM² POS² INTERNET BANKChartering a New Financial Service Institution 特许设立新金融服务机构² state charter ² national banks OCC(OFFICE OF THE COMPTROL

55、LER OF THE CURRENCY)货币监理署The Bank Chartering Process in the United States美国银行特许程序² Benefits of Applying for a National Charter-P101 申请国民银行许可证的好处由于规则标准比较严格,可以为银行带来额外的声誉,从而吸引更多的企业和个人存款。在经济不景气时,国家银行管理当局将会向有困难的银行提供技术支持,帮助渡过难关。联邦银行法规比各州法律效力更高² Benefits of Applying for a State Charter申请州立银行许可证的好

56、处申请比较容易且成本较低银行无须加入联邦储备系统许多州允许银行向单个借款人提供占有银行自有资本较大比例的贷款可以提供一些联邦许可的银行不允许提供的贷款和服务,如:向为耕种土地者提供贷款和房地产经济服务Questions Regulators Usually Ask the Organizers of a New Bank监管机构经常向新设银行的创建者提出的问题² population and geographic主要服务地区人口和地理状况² competing bank 新设金融机构所处的服务区有多少家竞争银行² number,types,and sizes of

57、 business in the area该服务地区的企业数量,种类,规模² traffic patterns in the area 新设服务地区的交通情况² population growth,incomes,types of occupation,educational levels 该地区的人口增长,收入水平,职业种类,教育水平² financial history of the community当地金融状况的历史Factors Weighing on the Decision to Seek a New Bank Charter决定申请银行许可证的主要

58、考虑因素² External Factors 外部因素« Level of Economic Activity 当地经济水平« Growth of Local Economic Activity 当地经济的增长情况« The Need for a New Bank 对新设金融机构的需求« Strength and Character of Local Competition in Supplying Financial Services 当地金融服务的竞争性质和激烈程度² Internal Factors 内部因素« Qua

59、lifications and Contacts of the Organizers创建者的资格和能力« Management Quality 管理质量« Pledging of Capital and Funds to Cover the Cost of Filing a Charter Application and Getting Underway 提供资金用于申请和获得许可证的保证Establishing Full-Service Branch Offices: Choosing Locations and Designing New Branches 设立全方位服

60、务分支机构:选址与设计(P106) ² The location,design,and services offered by a branch office depend 分支机构的位置,设计以及提供的服务取决于:« upon the preference of customer 取决于客户的偏好« on the preference of management and empolyees 管理者和雇员的意愿Desirable Sites for New Branches 新分支机构的理想选址 « heavy traffic count 交通流量大&#

61、171; large numbers of retail stores 有大量的零售店和商场« population that are of above-average age当地人口应以中老年人居多« above-average age population growth 人口增长加快« above-average population density 人口密度较大« A relatively high target ratio of population per branch:较高的人口与分支数目比率population per branch office=total population in the area to be served/number of branch office present


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