1、第7组entrancen.入口;进入;入场【例句】He stood in the entrance of the hospital.他站在医院 入口处 。I met him at the entrance to the hall.我在大厅 入口处 遇到了他。【助记】enter(v.进来)enteranee(n.入口)exitn.出口【例句】Where is the exit ?哪儿是 出口 ?Look!The EXIT is here.看出口 在这儿。parkv.(将车)停放prakingn.停车(处)【例句】Dont park the ear in this street, beeause
2、there is no parking here.不得在这条街上 停车 ,因为这里没有停车处。No parking !禁止 停放车辆 !dangern.危险【例句】In war, life is full ofdanger for everyone.在战争中,每个人的生活都充满了 危险 。He is in danger of losing his job.他有失去工作的 危险 。【助记】danger(危险)stranger(陌生人)pausev.& n.中止;暂停【例句】There was a pause in the talk when Mary eame in.玛丽进来时,谈话 停顿 了一
3、下。He made a moment pause and then went on speaking.他停顿 了一下,然后又继续讲。【助记】pause(暂停)cause(原因)fragileadj.易碎的【例句】The thin glass is fragile .薄玻璃容 易碎 。teapotn.茶壶【例句】Thats not a teapot .那不是 茶壶 。Wheres my new teaport ?我的新 茶壶 在哪里?【助记】tea(茶)+pot(壶)Tteapot(茶壶)bowln.碗【例句】When the bowl was filled with hot water, th
4、e wine would get warm.当碗里装满了热水,酒就会变热。Theres no water in thebowl .碗 里没有水了。servev.上(菜、酒等);开(饭);服务【例句】It was for serving wine.它是用来 盛 酒的。We are well served with dinner.我们的晚饭 提供 得很好。fillv.装满;填充be filled with用.充满【例句】The air is filled with the songs of birds.空气中 充满了鸟儿的歌声。The bottle is filled with milk.那个瓶子
5、 装满 了牛奶。【用法】fill with“用来装满”,而be filled with意为“充满,装满”,是fill with的被动结构强调动作。例如:She filled the bottle with milk.她 把那个瓶子 装满 了牛奶。be full of意为“装满,充满”,其中full为形容词,be full of强调状态。相当于be filled with。“壶里装满了咖啡。”可译为:The jar was filled with coffee.=The jar was full of coffee.objectn.物体【例句】Tell me the names of the o
6、bjects in this room.请告诉我这个房间里 物品 的名称。Some objects are on the table.桌子上有一些 物件 。【助记】object(物体)subject(主题)dig(dug, dug)v.挖;掘【例句】Dig a hole large enough for the tree. But the hole should not be too deep.给树 挖一个足够大的坑,但是这个坑不能太深。The ground is too hard to dig .这地面太坚硬而不能 挖掘 。【助记】dig(挖)big(大)make sure确保;确认;查明【
7、例句】Make sure that it is straight.确保 使其直立。Would you please make sure of his address?请你查明 他的住址好吗?【用法】make sure意为“查明”, 其后常接of短语或从句。 例如:Will you makesure that he returned? 请查明 他是否真的回来了。so that以便;以致例句】Put the tree in the hole next to the stick把树放进坑内,挨着木棍 以便 让它直立。The bus broke down so that we had to walk.
8、公共汽车坏了, 因此 我们只好步行。【用法】so that意为“以便, 以致”。so that既可引导目的状语从句, 也可引导结果状语从句。 当so that引导目的状语从句时,意为目的是,为的是”,从句中常用一些情态动词,如could,may, can等;so that引导结果状语从句时,意为“因此、以致、所以”。例如:They got up very early so that they could get to school on time.他们很早起床,以便能按时到校。(表目的)hear of听说【例句】Have you ever heard of the Great Green Wa
9、ll?你听说 过绿色长城吗?I have never heard aboutof him.我从未 听说有关 他的情况。【用法】hear of听到(说)某人、某事(情况) ,同义短语为hear about。例如:Have you heard ofabout the news?你 听到关于 这个消息了吗?run away流失;逃跑;逃走【例句】Forests help to keep water fromrunning away , so drought does not often happen.森林帮助防止水分 流失 ,因此干旱现象不经常发生。This little boy ran away
10、with a big present.那个小男孩带着大礼物 跑走 了。droughtn.旱灾;干旱【例句】Chinese people do not want to see more floods and droughts , so they have built a new GreatWall across the northern part of the country.中国人民不想看到更多的 旱涝灾害 ,因此他们已经在中国横贯北方的大地上建起了一条新的长城。It was more droughts here last summer.这个地方去年夏天 旱情 严重。dropn.滴;水滴【例句
11、】The trees in the forests can keep rain drops from hitting the soil directly, so the soilso that it is straight.is not easily washed away.林中树木可以避免雨滴直接冲击土壤,这样土壤也就不容易被冲走。It is but a drop in the ocean.这不过是沧海 一粟 。【用法】drop作名词,有“滴,少量”的意思。例如:a drop of rain一滴雨,a drop of water一滴水。soiln.土壤;土地【例句】This soil is
12、very sandy.这种 土壤 含沙很多。We must keep soil from running away.我们必须控制 土壤 流失。【助记】soil(土壤)土层下面是oil(油)directlyadv.直接地【例句】The road runs directly north.道路径 直通 向北方。You must come here directly .你必须 直接 到这里来。【助记】direct(adj.径直的,直接的)+ly副词后缀宀directly(adv.直接地)leafn.(pl . leaves)叶子;树木(草)的叶子【例句】The dead leaves on the g
13、round also keep the water from running away.地面上的 落叶 也能防止水分流失。Leaves fall in autumn.秋天, 树叶 纷纷落下。【助记】左边的(left)树叶(leaf)黄了。in this way用这种方法【例句】You can work out this problemin this way , and you can also work it outin anotherways.你可以 用这种方法 解出这道题,你也可以 用另一种方法 解出这道题。Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者
14、事竟成。floodn.洪水;水灾v.淹没;泛滥【例句】The flood swept away many homes.洪水 冲走了许多人家。Many villages were flooed there last year.去年那个地方好多村庄被 淹没 。【助记】洪水(flood)退,有食物(food),快补血(flood)。preventv.防止;阻止。【例句】In this way, floods areprevented .这样就 避免 了洪水泛滥。What prevented him going there?什么 阻止 了他去那里?northernadj.北部的;北方的【例句】She
15、has travelled in northern countries.她曾游历过 北方 诸国。The wheat is grown in the northern part of our country.我国 北方 种植小麦。wideadj.宽的【例句】The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometres long, and between 400 and 1,700 kilometres wide.绿色长城有7,000公里长,400到1,700公里宽。That street is 30 meters wide and 2000meters long.那条大街 宽
16、30米,长2000米。How far away is the hospital from here?医院离这里多 远 ?blow( blew, blown) v.例句】The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from绿色长城将阻止风 吹 走土壤。The western wind is blowing hard.北风 刮 得很厉害。助记】和风轻吹(blow),水流(flow)sandn.沙;沙子blowing the earth away.缓慢(slow)例句】Thatwas五年前那里还是 荒地 。The children are playing on t
17、hesands .孩子们正在 沙滩 上玩。助记】sand(沙滩)land陆地)towardsprep.向;朝例句】She walked towardsthe door.她向门口走去。用法】towardsThey drove towardsNew York.towards介词,朝,向。同义词为。例如:The girl stood with her back他们开车 朝 纽约方向驶去。to”。在英国英语中用towards,美国英语中用toward或towards us.那个女孩 背 对着我们站着。严格来说,towards只表示方向,并不意味着到达,而to常含到达的意思,例如:They drove
18、to New York.他们开车 去纽约。farmlandn.农田例句】It will stop the sand from moving towards the richfarmland in the south.它将阻止沙漠侵蚀南方肥沃的农田。助记】farm(农场)+land(土地)=farmland(农田)pointv.指;指向point to指向例句】How beautiful they look!”She said,pointing tothe flowers over there.它们看起来多么美啊!”她 指向 那边的花说。The building points to the ea
19、st.这幢大楼 向 东。用法】point可与介词to,at或towards连用;都表示“指、指向、面向”。例如:He pointed at hisnose and said“Its here.” 他 指着 自己的鼻子说“它在这儿”。far away很远;遥远例句】He pointed to the high mountainsfar away .他用手指向 远处的 那些高山。thanks to由于;幸亏【例句】Thanks to the Great Green Wall, the land produces more crops.多亏 绿色长城,土地(上)产出了更多农作物。Thanks to
20、your help,I finished my work on time.由于 你的帮助,我才按时完成工作。用法】thanks to意为“由于、因为”,后面常接表示原因的语句。thanks for意为因.而感谢”。例如:Thanks a lotfor asking me to your party.非常感谢 你邀请我参加你的聚会。the more, the better越多越好例句】The more trees there are,the better harvests we have.树越多 ,我们就有 越好 的收获。The busier the farmers are,the happie
21、r they feel.农民们 越忙越高兴 。correctv.改正例句】Please correct this mistake.请改正 这个错误。I corrected my watch by TV.我按电视 对的 表。hand in交上来例句】I have to hand in my papers tomorrow, so I cant go out with you tonight.我明天必须要 交 论文,所以我今晚不能跟你出去了。Im afraid Ill be late today, so can youhand in my homework instead?恐怕今天我要迟到,你能帮
22、我 交 一下作业吗?more or less多少有点;或多或少例句】We hope our explanation will provemore or less helpful.希望我们的说明 或多或少 有些帮助。The road is two hundred meters longmore or less .这条路 大概 有200米。用法】more or less差不多;大概,相当于about。例如:The exercises are more or less finished.作业 快要 完成了。*grandadj.豪华的;庄重的;雄伟的例句】I have seen the grand v
23、iew of sunrise at the peak of the world.我看到了世界之巅 壮丽的 日出景色。*halln.大厅;会堂;会馆例句】Today is Saturday, and there will be a concert atGrand Concert Hallat 7:30 p.m.今天是星期六,下午7:30在 大音乐厅 有一场音乐会。*noticen.通知;布告*audiencen.听众【例句】Three thousand audience crowded the concert hall.三千名 听众 挤满了音乐大厅。*slippern.(常用复数)拖鞋;便鞋【例
24、句】All members of the audience should be dressed neatly, and no slippers are allowed into the concert hall.所有的观众应当服装整洁,不许穿 拖鞋 入场。*heightn.高度【例句】Children under 1.2m inheight cannot be taken into the concert hall.身高1.2米以下的儿童不能带入礼堂。*beepern.袖珍无线电传呼机;电话呼叫器【例句】All beepers and mobile phones must be kept of
25、f during the concert.在音乐会期间所有的 呼机 和手机必须关上。somedayadv.(今后)有一天【例句】I hope I can make my own computer that waysomeday.我希望 有一天 我也能这样制造出我自己的电脑。Perhaps someday Ill be rich.也许 有一天 我会富有。printv.打印【例句】Would you print this document for me, please.请帮我 打印 这份文档。My printer cant print .我的打印机不能 打印 了。point at指示;指向【例句】
26、The mouse is used for pointing at different parts of a screen.鼠标用于 指示 屏幕上的不同部分。The man is pointing a gun at a bird.那个人正在用枪 瞄准 鸟儿。*printern.打印机【例句】My father promised me aprinter for my birthday.父亲答应生日时送我一台 打印机 。That printer is too expensive.那台 打印机 太贵了。*documentn.公文;文件【例句】She lost the important docume
27、nt yesterday.她昨天把那份重要 文件 弄丢了。例句】Hi, have look atNotice to the Audience!嗨,看一眼观众 须知 !Please send the document to my e-mail.请把那份 文件 发到我邮箱里。*connectv.连接;相连;联系【例句】Will you connect this wire to the television.你把这根电线和电视机 连上 好吗?Please connect this printer to the computer.请把这台打印机 连接 到电脑上。*modemn.调制解调器【例句】The
28、 modemis used for connecting a computer to a telephone line.调制解调器 用于把电脑与电话线连接在一起。Theres a modeminside the computer.这台电脑有内置 猫(调制解调器) 。【助记】拥有猫”(mode m)是现代(modern)网络生活的一个标志。*providev.提供【例句】We provided food for the hungry children.我们为饥饿的孩子们 提供 食物。Sheep provide us with wool and mutton.羊给我们 提供 羊毛和羊肉。*moni
29、torn.显示器【例句】The monitor is used for providing information on a screen.显示器 用于在屏幕上提供信息。Please check up if the monitor connects to the computer.请检查一下 显示器 是否与电脑连 接了。【助记】班长(monitor)就是显示器(monitor)。universen.宇宙【例句】When we talk about the universe , we mean the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space betweenthem.当我们谈论 宇宙 的时候,我们指的是地球、太阳、月球及众多的星星, 还有存在于它们之间的空间。【用法】universe宇宙,就是空间中所存在的所有事物。universe是世界上独一无二的东西 常和the连用。【助记】uni(one)+verse(turn)宀合成一体宀universe宇宙man-madeadj.人造的;人工的【例句】Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.人造 卫星已经由许多国家发射到太空。satelliten.卫星星。spacen
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