



1、复旦大学考博英语词汇练习题及参考资料8 一、根据复旦大学考博英语测试大纲规定,每年词汇题共30小题,每题0.5分,共15分.预计测试时间25分钟181. They left prior _ our arrival.A at B toC by D of182. The magician picked several persons _ from the audience and asked them to help him with the performance.A by accident B at randomC on occasion D on average183. Part of th

2、e cost of many articles is taken as tax by the governmentthe community.A in place of B in terms ofC on account of D on behalf of184. The news item about the fire is followed by a detailed report made _A on the spot B on the siteC on the location D on the ground185. Codes are a way of writing somethi

3、ng in secret; _, anyone who doesn't know the code willnot he able to read it.A that is B worse stillC in short D on the other hand186. During July and August there was no rain for weeks _A in the end B in allC on end D on the verge187. Safeguards must be provided _ radioactive gas leakage and re

4、actor failure.A to B againstC with D on188. Although he thought he was helping us prepare the dinner, he was actually _ the way.A in B byC off D on189. None of us expected the chairman to _ at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.A tan, in B turn overC turn up D tarn down190. The manager g

5、ave one of the salesgirls an accusing look for her attitude toward customers.A impartiM B mildC hostile D opposing191. The children had never been subject to any discipline and so were completely _A ont of hand B out of placeC out of reason D ont of action192. I never trusted him because I always th

6、ought of him as such as a _ character.A gracious B suspiciousC unique D particular193. To a first year student, the doctoral degree is a distant _A aspect B prospectC respect D patent194. Because he was _ of the new limit, he was stopped and warned for speeding.A ignorant B accustomedC reluctant D p

7、athetic195. Even in ancient times, there were _ of night-watchmen which went about the cities.A guards B teamsC routes D patrols196. In American universities, classes are often arranged in more flexible and many jobs oncampus are reserved for students.A scales B ranksC grades D patterns197. The new

8、technological revolution in American newspapers has brought increased _, a widerrange of publications and an expansion of newspaper jobs.A circulation B reproductionC manipulation D penetration198. As a salesman, he works on a (an) _ basis, taking 10% of everything heA incomesells.B commissionC sala

9、ry D pension199. According to the weather forecast, which is usually, it will snowthis afternoon.A accurate B preciseC exact D perfect200. More than one third of the Chinese in the United States live in California, _ in San Francisco.A previously B predominantlyC practically D permanently201. Their

10、demand for a pay raise has not the slightest._ of being met.A prospect B predictionC prosperity D permission202. When writing about controversial topics, some authors try to be without favoring eitherside.IA impressive B objectiveC reflective D persuasive203. Lung cancer has now exceeded breast canc

11、er as akiller ofAmerican women.A preliminary B primaryC potential D physical204. In your first days at the school you'll be given a test to help the teachers to _ you to a class at your level.A locate B assignC deliver D place205. We hadn't realized that there would be a power cut so we were

12、 astonished when the whole house was into darkness.A dropped B divedC drowned D plunged206. The school committee naturally hope that their choice of play will be _ with the school andparents.A contentC favorableB pleasedD popular207. When he applied for ain the office of the local newspaper hewas to

13、ld to see the manager.A location B professionC career D position208. . The public opinion was that the time was notfor the electionof such a radical candidate asMr. Jones.A reasonable B ripeC ready D practical209. Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says that his findings make him very _ aboutfuture.A optimistic B sy


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