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1、最新资料推荐【PEP】小学六年级下英语质量调研检测试卷及听力材料、参考答案学校班级姓名 考号 装订线小学六年级下英语质量调研检测试卷(时间:0 60 分 总分值:0 100 分) 听力局部 (0 50分)一、听录音,请根据 录音内容选出你所听到的单词或词组,并在做题卡上填涂所选单词或 词组的代号.听两遍.(每题 1 1 分,计 0 10 分) ()I.A.tallerB.heavierC.shorter() 2.A.campB.anotherC.soon () 3.A.helpB.drinkC.cycling() 4.A.sunnyB.snowyC.stayed() 5.A.go by shi

2、pB.take a trip C.play a game() 6.A.grassB.petC.pot() 7.A.15B.55C.50() 8.A.fasterB.freshC.forest() 9.A.seaB.sadC.sick() 10.A.cleanedB.hadC.read二、看图听录音,请根据录音内容判断以下图片是否与你听到的内容相符, 相符的在做题卡上填 涂T T ,不相符的填涂F F .听两遍.(每题 2 2分,计 0 10分)4.15.() () () () () 三、听录音,请根据你所听到的问句选择最正确答语,并在做题卡上填 涂所选答语的代号.听两遍.(

3、每题 2 2 分,计 0 10 分) ()16.A.I went toShanghai. B.I went at 7:30 . C.I went by train. ()17.A.He likes watching TV. B.He is watching TV. C.He watched TV. () 18.A.Its summer. B.Its Tuesday. C.Its a pen.()19.A.My favorite food is fish. B.I like ice-cream.C.I love apples. () 20.A.Im 1.65 meters. B.Im 42kil

4、ograms. C.Im fine, thanks. 四、听录音,请根据你所听到的录 音内容给1 21至至5 25小题排序,并用阿拉伯数字1 1至至最新资料推荐5 5将正确的顺序号填写在做题卡上.听两遍.每题2 2 分,计计0 10 分 21.Johnsfamily had a good time last Friday. 22.John wentto the nature park last Friday. 23.John didnt seeany trees there. 24.Johns mother watched TV lastFriday. 25.Johns father read

5、 a film magazine lastFriday.五、听录音,请根据你所听到的对话选择适宜的单词或词 组,并将正确的序号填写在做题卡上.听两遍.每题 2 2 分,计 0 10 分 A:What did you do lastSaturday, Amy? B:I washed my clothes and 26.A:Did you do anything else? B:Yes, I 27 withmy friend.How about you, Bob? A:I 28 and thenwent to change my shoes.I need a 29 pair. B:Whatsize

6、 are your shoes? A:My shoes are size 38. B:Oh! Your feetare30than mine.笔试局部0 50分 六、仔细读题,选择最正确选项,并在答 题卡上填涂其序号.每题 1 1 分,计计 010 分 31.She wateredthe flowers.A.tomorrow3 / 11B.sometimes C.yesterday)32.How tall isthe dinosaur? Five meters.Itsthan both of us together.A.fastB.tallerC.lower33.is a beautifulc

7、ity in Xinjiang.A.TurpanB.BeijingC.Guangzhou ()34.Whatdidyou doyesterday?.Isaw pandasandtigersthere.A.went to the zooB.wentto schoolC.goto thezoo (35.Before Ithin.Nowstrong.A.am;wasB.was;amC.was;was)36.Zhang Peng is 48 kilograms.John is 50kilograms.ZhangPeng isthanJohn.A.heavierB.thinnerC.shorter)37

8、.did you go there? By plane.A.What B.WhenC.How)38.Tell usB.ofyourschool please.A.aboutC.with)39.Lets go therebus.Itsthanridinga bikeA.by;fasterB.on;fasterC.by;fastest)40.youlastsummer holiday?A.Did;saw elephantsB.Do;see elephantsC.Did;see elephants七、仔细看图, 最新资料推荐读句子,判断以下句子是否正确,正确的在做题卡上填涂TT ,错误的填涂F F

9、.每题 1 1 分,计 5 5 分 41.Mike hurt hisfootlastweekend.()42.WuYifan stayed at homewith his family yesterday.()43.Chen Jie watched TV this morning.A.saw a film B.cleaned my room C.bigger D.played basketball () 44.Amy often washes her clothes onSunday morning.()45.Amy saw a film yesterday afternoon. 八、仔细读题

10、,在以下方框中选择正确的单词,使句子意思完整,并 将其序号填写在做题卡相应的横线上. (每题 11 分,计 55 分)46.It was Mothers Day yesterday. Amy a gift for his mum. 47.Dont walk on the grass.I just planted it.48.A cat is muchthan an elephant. 49.Sarah is10 years old. Wu Yifan is 12 years old.Sarah is than WuYifan. 50.ChenJie her roomlast Saturday.

11、九、补全句子.看图仔细读题,补全单词或短语,使句子意思完整,并在做题卡5 / 11上写出与图片意思相符的单词或短语,请注意书写标准.so he每题 2 2 分,计 0 10 分 51.John wasill yesterday,all day. 52.A:Did you see a film yesterday?B:No,I a bike. 53.Amys skirt isthanChenJies.54 .A:What did Mike do on the farm?B:He 55 .Wu Yifan yesterday afternoon.十、连词成句.将以下单词或短语重新排列,形成意思完整

12、的句子,并将排列好的正确的句子写在做题卡上.(每题1 1 分,计5 5 分) 56.drank inand tea We the afternoon watched TV (.)57 .feetbigger than are mine Your (.)58 .library no in was There my old school (.)59 . did do last weekend What you (?)60 . dinosaur tallest in the Thats this hall卜一、仔细阅读对话,从右边方框中选择所给的句子,将左边对话补 充完整,并将该选项的字母代号写在做

13、题卡相应的横线上(每题 1 1 分,计 5 5 分)Amy:Where are you going thissummer holiday? John:61Amy:Oh, I went62there with my parents two years ago. John:最新资料推荐Amy:It was wonderful. John:63 Amy:Wewentthere by train.I was excited on the train. John:I will go there by plane. Did you ride a horse there? Amy: 64 And the m

14、ountains were beautiful. John:What else did you do there? Amy: 65 John:Sounds great! Amy:Wish you a good trip. John:Thanks. 十二、阅读理解.每题 1 1 分,计 0 10 分 A My school is very beautiful.There is a big gym in it.We have PE class in the gym and we often play sports in it now.My classroom is on the first flo

15、or.It is big and clean.There is a library on the second floor.We often read books there after class.The computer rooms are on the third floor.We can look up news新闻on the Internet. But our teacher tells us that ten years ago, my school was old and small.There was only a small playground.There was no

16、library or computer room at that time.There was no music room either.So students had a music class in the classroom. I love my school.Welcome to my school.认真阅读短文,根据短文内容判断以下句子是否正确,正确的在做题卡上填涂T,不正确的填涂F.66.There is a big gym in my school now. A.cleanedB.bought C.smaller D.yesterday A.How was your trip?

17、B.How did you go there? C.Yes, I did. D.I went7 / 11camping there. E.Im going to Guilin. () 67.Studentshave PEclass on the playground now. () 68.My classroomis big and clean. () 69.The classroom is on the secondfloor. () 70.Students had a music class in the classroomten years ago. B Sarah was happy

18、last weekend.Shewent to Mikes home on Saturday morning.They did homework together.In the afternoon, they went to a bookstore and bought some picture books.On Sunday morning, Sarah cleaned her room and washed her clothes.In the afternoon, she walk to the park.Many girls were dancing there and she dan

19、ce with them.They were very happy, In the evening, Sarah listened to music at home. 认真阅读以上短 文,根据短文内容选择最正确选项,并将其选项的序号填涂在做题卡上.()71.Sarah was last weekend.A.happyB.boredC.sad () 72.What did Sarah do on Saturday morning?A.She did homework at Mikes home. B.She went shopping with her friend. C.She stayed

20、at home. ()73.Mike went to lastSaturday afternoon.A.a museumB.a parkC.a bookstore()B.By car.74.How did Sarah go to the park last Sunday afternoon?A.By bus.C.On foot.A.saw a movie最新资料推荐)75.Sarah on Sunday evening.B.listened to music C.readsomebooks六年级英语听力材料一、听录音,请根据录音内容选出你所听到的单词或词组,并在做题卡上填涂所选单词或词组的代号

21、.听两遍.每题 1 分,计 10 分 1. heavier 2.camp3.drink4.stayed5.take a trip 6.grass7.558.faster 9.sick 10.cleaned二、看图听录音,请根据录音内容判断以下图片是否与你听到的内容相符,相符的在做题卡上填涂 T,不相符的填涂F.听两遍.每题 2 分,计 10 分 11.Wu Yifan went swimminglast weekend.12.John rode a horse yesterday.13 .He likes winternow, because he loves to ice-skate.14

22、.Mike washed the clothes this morning.15 .Zhangpeng is shorter than John. 三、 听录音,请根据你所听到的问句选择最正确答语,并在做题卡上填涂所选答语的代号.听两遍.每题 2 分,计 10 分 16.Where did you go lastweekend? 17.What did he do yesterday? 18.What day is it today?9 / 1119.Whats your favourite food? 20. How tall are you?四、听录音,请根据你所听到的录音内容给 21至2

23、5小题排序,并用阿拉伯 数字1至5将正确的顺序号填写在做题卡上.听两遍.每题 2 分,计 10 分John didnt see any trees there. Johns family had a good time last Friday. John went to the nature park last Friday. Johns father read a film magazine last Friday. Johns mother watched TV last Friday. 五、听录音,请根据你所听到的对话选择适宜的单词 或词组并将其序号填写在做题卡上.听两遍.每题 2 分,计 10 分A:What did you do last Saturday, Amy? B:I


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