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1、人教版英语英语真题七年级英语阅读理解一、七年级英语阅读理解1 阅读理解JOhn WaS a Very StrOng man. OnCe he got a job Of CUtting WOOd in a forest. HiS boss gave him an axe (斧子)and ShOWed Him the area Where he ShOUld WOrkThe first day, JOhn CUt down 18 trees ”GOodr the boss SaidZ "keep it up!" JOhn WaS encouraged by the WOrdS

2、Of the boss and tried Harder the next day, but He COUld Only CUt down 15 trees The third day he tried even harder; but He COUld Only CUt down 10 trees Day after day he WaS CUtting down fewer and fewer trees,l must be IOSing my Strength/1 JOhn thought. He Went to the boss and Said that he COUld not U

3、nderstand What WaS going on. "When WaS the IaSt time you Had SharPened (使锋利) your axe?" the boss asked"Sharpened? I had no time to ClO 世 I have been Very busy trying to CUt more trees., Said JOhn.While JOhn WaS WOrking hard, he didn't think about how to do his job better.(1) JOhn

4、WaS CUtting down fewer and fewer trees He thoughtA. he needed to SharPen his axeB. the boss ShOUld help himC. it WaS Wrong to CUt down treesD he must be IOSing his Strength(2) What,s the meaning Of the UnderlineCl WOrd "it"?A. The job to CUt down treesC The WOrk to SharPen the axe(3) What

5、Can We Iearn from the story?A. It is WrOng to CUt down trees.B. The Way to do the jobD. The time to have a rest.B. Hard WOrk is the Only key to success.D. It's a WaSte Of time to SharPen the axe.C. It's important to take time to SharPen OUr skills.【答案】(1)D(2) C(3) C【解析】【分析】短文大意:约翰是一个非常强壮的男人。

6、他找到了一份在森林伐木的工 作。他的老板给了他一把斧头。第一天,约翰砍了 18棵。但第二天他只能砍15棵。第三 天他甚至感觉困难,他只能砍10棵。一天又一天的砍伐,树木越来越少。这个故事的寓意 是:在工作的时候,要先考虑怎样才能将工作做得更好。(2) 细 i'j理解题。根据"I must be IOSing my Strength/' JOhn thought.约翰想"我一定是失去力 气了。"可知约翰认为他失去力STO故选D.(2) 细 if理解题。根据"When WaS the IaSt time you had SharPened (

7、使锋利)your axe?" the boss asked.你最后一次磨斧头是什么时候?老板问。"Sharpened?磨斧头?可知此处是说 磨斧头。故选C。(3) 推理判断题。这个故事告诉我们"磨斧不误砍柴工。"在做事情之前先做好准备工作是 很重要的。故选C。【点评】此题考查阅读理解。首先为罪约时间,要先看问题。做到心中有数,带着问题看 文章,快速浏览全文,了解大概内容。有些可以直接根据原文找岀答案。推断题就需要自己根据整篇文章认真归纳分析,不能主观臆断。2 阅读理解DO you know that fish COme OUt Of eggs When

8、they Were born? After the baby fish COmeS OUt Of the egg, it eats the food in the egg When it is big enough, it IeaVeS the egg It SWimS in the water. YOU Can See the eyes and the nose .Its ears are hidden (藏)in the Head SOme fish eat Other fish The fish that eat PIantS have SmaIIer mouths and teeth

9、The fish that eat Other fish need Iarger mouths and StrOnger teeth FiSh are USUaIly dark On the top and Iight On the bottom.(1) FiSh Start as.A. eggsB. fishC food(2) At the Very beginning the baby fishA. eat the (OOd in Water B. eat the food in the eggs C. drink milk(3) FiSh IeaVe eggs WhenA. their

10、mothers tell them toB. they know how to SWimC. they are big GnOUghD they are StiII Very SmaIl(4) WhiIe fish are SWimming in the water, you CannOt See theirA. topsB. HeadSC. eyes(5) The fish With Iarger mouths and StrOnger teeth areD PIantSD. drink WaterD. earsA. dark On the top and Iight On the bott

11、om B. Iight On the top and Iight On the bottomC. fish eatersD PIant eaters【答案】(i) A(2) B(3) C(4) D(5) C【解析】【分析】本文介绍了鱼类的出生及成长过程。(1) 细i*f理解题。根据"fish COme OUt Of eggs When they Were born",可知鱼出生的时候是 鱼蛋,故选A。(2) 细肖理解题。根据"After the baby fish COmeS OUt Of the egg, it eats the food in the egg.

12、",可知小鱼起初是吃鱼蛋里的食物的,故选B。(3) 细i*f理解题。根据"When it is big enough, it IeaVeS the egg.z可知当鱼足够大的时 候,它就会离开鱼蛋,故选C.(4) 推理判断题。根据-Its ears are hidden (藏)in the head.可知鱼的耳朵藏在脑袋后 而,鱼在水中游泳的时候,我们没办法看到耳朵,故选D.(5) 推理判断题。根据"The fish that eat Other fish need Iarger mouths and StrOnger teeth/' 可知具备大嘴巴及坚硬

13、的牙齿的鱼会吃其他鱼类,即为吃鱼者,故选C。【点评】考査阅读理解。本文涉及细节理解题及推理判断题两种常考题型,细节理解题要 注意从文中需找答案,注意关键词:推理判断题要联系上下文,注意相似意思的不同表 达O3 阅读理解We Often hear StOrieS Of animals rescuing PeOPIe BUt now SOmeOne has managed to return the favor The eve nt took PIaCe One SnoWyJan Uary morni ng ThOmaS Smith WaS WaIking his dog, JaCkZ in th

14、e park.11 AS I WaS walking, I just SaW JaCk running OntO the ice towards the ducks in the middle, and then he fell into the Water and COUldrt Climb out, ,said Smith HG realized He Had no ChOiCe but to try and SaVe his dog." SOmeOne else told me the Iake WaS Only One - meter deep, but it WaS at

15、IeaSt twice that. I had to break my Way through the 6 Cm ice. FinaIM got JaCk by the neckz and PUIIed him out. I don't think I have ever felt SO COld by the time We got back to dry land. And When We got there, everyOne WaS asking if JaCk WaS Okayno One WaS PartiCUlarIy worried,about me!"A n

16、eighboo JUIie BrOWn, SaW it all happen."The dog WGnt OntO an icy Iake AIl Of a SUdder it Started to go Under. There Were CrOWdS Of PeOPIe around, and they Were all ShOUting and SCreaming BefOre I knew it, the OWner Smith WaS in the Water forcing his Way through the ice I can't begin to imag

17、ine how COld it was. EVeryOne WaS Very nervous, but he WaS as CoOl as a CUCUmber he just CraWled back OUtz PUt the dog On its IeadZ and went home.11Many regard him as a hero, but Mr. Smith is quite Iaid- back about it."Most dog OWnerS are the Same as me.They WOUld do What I did WithOUt a SeCOnd

18、 thought BUt in the future, m going to make SUre he,s On Iead near any ice POndszPetS are members Of OUr family. WOUld you do the Same for them?(1) What happened On a COld JanUary morning?A. Mr. Smith met JaCk in the park.C. JaCk fell from the ice into the water.(2) HOW did Mr. Smith SaVe Jack?B. Mr

19、. Smith ran after JaCk On the ice.D JaCk PIayed With the ducks in the water.A. He asked a neighbor for helpB He broke the ice and ShOUted to JaCkC He got JaCk by the Ieg and PUlIed Him out. D He PUlIed JaCk OUt Of the icy Water by the neck.(3) The Underlined phrases" as COOl as a CUCUmberN in P

20、aragraPh 3 means ,A. relaxedB. PrOUdC. ShyD brave(4In the IaSt ParagraPhz the Writer asks a questiOn toA. SUggeSt keeping PetS for fun.B. remind PeOPIe to PUt their dogs On the IeadSC. enCOUrage PeOPle to take good Care Of their pets. D. advise PeOPIe not to IeaVe their dog near icy POndS (5) What i

21、s the best title Of the PaSSage?A. A Man's Pet DOgB. A Dog's BeSt FriendC The Danger On the ICy LakeD SUggeStiOnS for Pets' OWners【答案】(I) C(2) D(3) A(4) C(5) B【解析】【分析】短文大意:短文讲了人们和狗之间的故事,当狗遇到危险之后,人们会 奋不顾身地救它,呼吁人们要爱护狗。(1细 i"j理解题。根据 IjUSt SaW JaCk running OntO the ice towards the ducks

22、 in the middle> and then he fell into the Water and couldn't Climb out,我刚看见杰克跑到冰面上,向中间的 鸭子跑去,然后掉进水里,爬不岀来,可知杰克从冰上掉到水里。故选C。(2) 细节理解题。根据 Finally, I got JaCk by the neck, and PUIled him out.最后,我拽到 了杰克的脖子,把它拉了出来.可知是拽到了杰克的脖子,把它拉了出来。故选D。(3) 词义猜测题。根据上下文 EVeryOne WaS Very nervous, but he WaS as COOl a

23、s aCUCUmberhe just CraWled back out, PUt the dog On its IeaCL and Went home"每个人都很紧张,但他泰然自若一一他刚爬了出来,把狗牵上,然后回家了.可知每个人都很紧张, but但是,表示转折,结合选项,应说但他很从容,所以as COOl as a CUCUmber意为放松, 冷静,从容.relaxed轻松的,冷静的,故选A。(4) 细肖理解题。根据最后一段内容及其句子BUt in the future. m going to make SUre he's On Iead near any ice pond

24、s, PetS are members Of OUr family WOUld you do the Same for them?但在未来,我要确保他在任何冰池附近,宠物是我们家的成员,你会为他们做同样 的事吗?可知为了鼓励人们好好照顾他们的宠物。故选Ctl(5) 主旨大意题。这篇短文讲的是人们想尽办法救狗的故事。可知这篇文章讲的是人类是 狗最好的朋友。故选B,【点评】此题考査阅读理解。在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前 顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案。4. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。DBy about 2020 a new COmPany from India

25、 Will be OPening dollar StOreS all OVer the WOrld to SeIl their products. They WiIl be a huge SUCCeSSZ Selling a IOt Of big things for IOW prices.At these StOreSZ they WiIl SeIl a Car that is CUStOmiZed (龙做)to the customer's needs SO you WiIl buy your Car PieCe by PieCe What,s the POint Of buyin

26、g a top if you don't need one? Why buy SideS to your Car if you Want a good view? If you always drive alone, What,s the POint Of buying four seats? The SOlU廿On is to buy Only What you need; Pay a dollar for each wheel, a dollar for the enginez a dollar for the floor, a dollar for a Seatz and awa

27、y you go. When it IOOkS Iike rain, run back and buy a roof.When Winter COmeS you Can buy the SideS and top; Or fold UP What you have and StOre it. Reliability (石J靠 性) won't be a PrObIem because When SOmething breaks down, just throw it away and buy a new One When you get tired Of the COIOr Of St

28、yIez just replace it. While it may feel Iike you are always dishing OUt mone% by the time you've done, you might Only Pay $12.00 for the entire car; SO let's not COmPlainThiS StOre WiIl be SUCh a big hit in India.(1) Why does the Writer Say the StOreS WiIl be SUCCeSSfUI?A. The StOreS Sell bi

29、g things for IOW PriCeSB. The StOreS are all OVer the world.C. The StOreS Sell CarS CUStOmiZed to customers* needsD The StOreS are from India.(2)When SOmething about the Car breaks down, What Can you do With it?A. YOU Can fold it UP and take it homeB. YOU Can run back to the StOreC. YOU Can throw it

30、 away and buy a new one. D. YOU Can replace its COlOUr and style.(3)Why does the Writer ask US not to COmPIain?A. BeCaUSe the entire Car COStS you SO IittIe as to $12.0O.B. BeCaUSe the Car has the COIOr Or Style that you IikeC. BeCaUSe When SOmething breaks down, you Can replace it With a Iittle mon

31、ey.D BeCaUSe you Can be always dishing OUt money.【答案】(I) C(2)C(3)A【解析】【分析】(1)细节理解,从第二段的第一句可以得出。因为这样的商店能根据人们的需要来泄制汽 车,所以这样的商店会很火,而不是因为数量多。故选G(2)细节理解。从第三段的第二句话你可以得出。如果车的某一部分坏了,你可以把它扔 掉再买新的。故选C。(3)细节理解。从第三段的最后一句话看出,作者让我们不要抱怨是因为整个汽车的价格 很便宜。故选A。【点评】这篇文章主要是细节理解题目。5. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。BIt WaS Only With Her dea

32、th that NUrSe Edith CaVeIl became known, but her StOry became OnG Of the great epics (ASF) Of the FirSt WOrld War. Edith CaVelI, born On DeCember 4z 1865 at Northfolk, EngIand, StUdied nurslng, and became FirSt MatrOn (护士长) at a hospital in BrUSSeIs, BelgiUm DUring the War She became an important Ii

33、nk in a Chain Of PeOPIe helping the WOUnded and Stray AIlied SOIdierS (离散的盟军土兵)back to their OWn lines. The GermanS CaUght her and She WaS SGntenced to be ShOt ThiS brave WOmanZ WhO Had HelPed OVer two hundred SOldierS to Safetyz acted With great Pride during the ShOrt trial (审护J) She Said at the Gn

34、d her Only regret WaS that She COUld not HaVe done more than She did.EClith CaVell WaS killed by SeVeral German SOIdierS On OCtOber 12, 1915 after an AmeriCars request to SPare Her Iife had been rejected There is a StatUe (雕塑) Of her in LOndon, arid MOUnt Edith CaVell in Canada is named for this her

35、oic nUrSe(1) The best title for this PaSSage ShOUld be(2) Edith CaVeIl WaS and became the head nurse inA. a German; BeIgiUmC. from Belgium; CanadaB. from Belgium; EnglandD an English WOman; BrUSSeIS(3) WhiCh Of the following is NOT true?A. Edith CaVeIl SerVed as a matron during the war.B. Edith CaVe

36、ll had been to CanadaC. Edith CaVeIl WaS On the Slde Of the Allied Armies.D. Edith CaVeIl acted bravely before the enemies(4 ) MOUnt Edith CaVell is.A. named by Edith CaVeIlB. the name Of a IadyC. the name Of a mountainD. named after Edith CaVell because She had OnCe WOrked there(5) The Writer WrOte

37、 the article toa. ShOW that the War WaS Very CrUelb. CeIl On US to Iearn from Edith CaVeIlc. tell US Why Edith CaVeIl WaS killedd just record the important happening during WOrld War Ie. Sing high PraiSe for Edith CaVeIlA. b and eB a and bC. az e and dD d and e【答案】B(2) D(3) B(4) C(5) A【解析】【分析】文章大意:直

38、到她去世,护士才知道,但她的故事成为第一次世界大战的伟 大史诗之一。1865,出生于1865年12月4日,在英国northfolk学习护理,并成为第一护士长 在医院在布鲁塞尔,比利时。在战争期间,她成为一个人链中的重要环忆帮助受伤和流浪的 盟军士兵回到他们自己的战线。徳国人抓住了她,她被判处枪决。这位勇敢的女人,帮助了二 百多需士兵的安全,在短期审判(审判)的伟大骄傲。她最后说,她唯一的遗憾是她做不到比 她做得多。Edith CaVeIl于1915年10月12 El被几名徳国士兵杀害。1915年,一个美国人要 求她的生活被拒绝后,他被杀害。她在伦敦有一个雕像(雕塑),加拿大的arid MOUn

39、t EdithCall是这个英雄护士的名字。(1)文章第一段 It WaS OnIy With her death that NUrSe Edith CaVeIl became known» 提到了 NUrSe Edith CaVeIL倒数第二行Edith CaVeIl WaS killed也提到了,结合整篇文章内容都在讲 NUrSe Edith CaVeIL 故选 BO(2)从文章第二行 Edith CaVeIL born On DeCember 4, 1865 at NOrthfOlkz EngIandZ StUdied nUrSing, and became FirSt Mat

40、rOn (护士长)at a hospital in BrUSSeISz BeIgiUm.1865,出生于 1865年12月4日,在英国northfolk学习护理,并成为第一护士长在医院在布鲁塞尔,比利 时。故选D。(3)A 选项 Edith CaVeIl SerVed as a matron during the war.Edith CaVeIl 在战争期间担任护士 长。从文章第三行 and became FirSt MatrOn (护士长)at a hospital in BrUSSeIs, Belgium. DUring the War She became an important Ii

41、nkin a Chain Of PeOPIe helping the WOUnded and Stray AllieCl SOIClierS (离散的盟军丄兵)back to their OWn lines.成为比利时布鲁塞尔一家医院的 第一位护士长。在战争期间,她成为一个人链中的重要环节,帮助受伤和流浪的盟军士兵回到 他们自己的战线。故排除 A。C 选项 Edith CaVeIl WaS On the Side Of the Allied ArmieS.Edith CaVeIl在盟军的旁边。文章第三行helping the WOUndeCl and Stray AIlied SOldierS

42、 (离散的盟军 上兵)back to their OWn lines.帮助受伤和流浪的盟军士兵回到他们自己的防线。故排除 Co D 选项 Edith CaVeIl acted bravely before the enemies.Edith CaVeIl 勇敢地而对敌人。文章第 四行 The Germans CaUght her and She WaS SentenCed to be ShOt ThiS brave WOmar WhO had helped OVer two hundred SOIcIierS to Safetyz徳国人抓住了她/她被判处枪决。这个勇敢的女人, 帮助二百多需士兵

43、脱险,故排除D,故选B。(4)文章最后 There is a StatUe (雕塑)Of her in London, arid MOUnt EClith CaVeII in Canada is named for this heroic nurse故选 CC(5)a. ShOW that the War WaS Very CrUel 表明战争非常残酷。b. CeIl On US to Iearn from Edith CaVell 我们要向 Edith CaVeIl 学习。c. tell US Why Edith CaVeIl WaS killed 告诉我们为什么 Edith CaVeIl

44、被杀。d. just record the important happening during WOrld War 只记录第一次世界大战 期间发生的重要事件。e. Sing high PraiSe for Edith CaVell对Edith CaVeIl赞不绝口。综合考 虑,故选A。【点评】文章的细节理解,主题概括。6. 阅读理解SWimmerS WantedCan you swim? DO you Iike kids? Can you help them With SWimming On Weekends?COme and join us. CaII Mr. Clark at 53063

45、42CheSS CIUbDO you Iike to Play chess? DO you Want to PIay CheSS well? Mr. SCOtt Can teach you. YOU Can COme here every SUnday eveningTel: 828 4940 Add: ROOm 102 in SChOOl BUildingLet's Learn FrenCh (法语)Can you SPeak French? DO you Want to Iearn French? JOin the French CIUb now. Time: 8: OO a. m

46、.11:00 a. m. from MOnday to Friday. CaIl Peter at 5695348MUSiCianS WantedBOyS and girls, are you music lovers? Can you Sing Or dance? Can you PIay the drums? WGlCOme to OUr Star ROCk Band!PleaSe CaII ViCtOr at 7584612 Or Send an e-mail to music (1) What Can Mr. SCOtt teach you?A. TO SWimB. TO PIay C

47、heSSC. TO SingD TO SPeak FrenCh(2) Mary Can SWim WeIl and She WantS to find a job. WhO Can She call?A. Mr. Scott.B. Peter.C. Mr. Clark.D. Victor.(3) Jerry joins the CheSS ClUb When does He go to the club?A. EVery day.B. 8: OO a. m.ll: OO a. m. from MOnday to Friday.C EVery SUnday morning.D EVery SUn

48、day evening(4) YOU IOVe music and you Want to join the Star ROCk Band HOW Can you COntact (联系) With them?A. Call 828-4940.B. GO to the ROOm 102 in SChOOl BUiIding.C. Call 569-5348D. Send an e mail to music (5) Sandra Can SPeak FrenCh WelL She is good With kids and teaches them FrenCh She WOrkS from

49、MOnday to Friday Where does She work?A. The Star ROCk BandB. The FrenCh CIUb C. The CheSS ClUbD The SWimming CIUb【答案】(1)B(2) C(3) D(4) D(5) B【解析】【分析】短文大意:本文介绍了四个广告,介绍了四个俱乐部的联系方式,上课 时间等。(1) 细盯理解题。根据CheSS Club里面提到Mr. SCOtt Can teach you。可知,斯科特先生 教你下棋。故选BU(2) 细节理解题。根据SWimmer Wanted.最后一句话CaIl Mr. Clark,

50、可知,玛丽游泳游 得很好,她想找份工作。她可以给克拉克先生打电话。故选C。(3) 细Fj理解题。根据YOU Can COme here every SUnday evening.你每个星期天晚上都可以 来这里。可知,杰瑞加入了国际象棋俱乐部。他每个星期天晚上都可以去俱乐部。故选 Do(4) 细节理解题。由联系方式:PIeaSe CaIl ViCtOr at 7584612 Or Send an e-mail to music .可知.请致电维克多在758-4612或发送电子邮件到音乐 126COmO故选D =(5) 细节理解题。根据 Can you SPeak French? DO you W

51、ant to Iearn French? JOin the FrenCh CIUb now. Time: 8: OO a. m.ll: 00 a. m. from MOnday to Friday.你会说法语吗?你想学法 语吗?现在加入法语俱乐部。时间:周一至周五上午8:0011:00。可知,桑徳拉会讲法 语。她对孩子很好,教他们法语。她从星期一工作到星期五。她可以在法语俱乐部工作。 故选B。【点评】此题考査阅读理解。这是几则招聘启事,文章内容简单,容易理解。我们在弄淸 题意后,带着问题阅读短文,从细节中找出问题答案。7 阅读理解One night a Patient Went fishing

52、 in another man's boat OUtSide Albert SmithlS hospital. The OWner Of the boat thought he ShOUld get all the fish from the Patient.Dr Smith Said to the boat OWnGrZ l,You are right because you didn't allow him to USe your boat. BUt you are WrOng because you are CareIeSS and lazy. YOU SeldOm (很

53、少)PUt your boat in a Safe PlaCe and fasten it With a IOCk BeCaUSe Of your IaZiness you Were asleep On this moonlit night inStead Of making USe Of the good time to fish”He turned to the Patientz "But you are WrOng When you took the boat WithOUt asking the OWner,s PermiSSiOn (允许) YOU are right be

54、cause you are not SO IaZy as he is, and you did not Want to Iet the moonlit night go by WithOUt making USe Of it.,Dr Smith divided the CatCh (捕捉物)among the Patientz the boat OWner and the hospital.(1) When did the Patient go fishing?A. On a SUnny dayB. On a moonlit night.C In the day.D One morning.(

55、2) What did Dr Smith think Of the boat owner?D CarefUl and lazy.A. CareIeSS and lazy. B CarefUl and Smart C FOOliSh and patient.(3) WHiCh Of the following is TRUE?A. The boat OWner Often PUtS his boat in a Safe PIaCeB. Dr Smith thought the boat OWnGr ShOUld get all the fish.C. The StOry happened OUt

56、Side Albert Smith's restaurantD. The Patient WaSrt allowed to USe the boat(4) HOW many PeOPle are there in this story?A. Four.B. Three.C. Two.D. Five.【答案】(1)B(2) A(3) D(4) B【解析】【分析】本文讲述了 Smith用他的方法最终把捕获物分给病人、船主和医院(1)细节题。根据One night a Patient Went fishing可知一天晚上一个病人去钓鱼,故选 B =(2 )细节题。根据you are Care

57、IeSS and IaZy可知他又粗心又懒惰,故选A。(3)推理题。根据 YOU are right because you didn't allow him to USe your boat 可知病人不允 许使用这艘船,故选D。(4) 细节题。根据 One night a Patient Went fishing in another man's boat OUtSide AIbert SmithlS hospital.可知本文有3个人,分别是病人,Smith和船的主人,故选BO【点评】考查阅读理解。本文涉及细盯题,细节题要注意从文中寻找答案。&阅读理解YOU PrO

58、babIy know a typhoOn is a Iarge and POWerfUl StOrrn that Can CaUSe a IOt Of rain and Wind EVeryOne PayS attention to typhoOnS because they Can be dangerous SOme typhoOnS COme and go and really don't CaUSe much more trouble than a bad thunderstorm OtherS may damage homes and CaUSe SOme floods that go away On their OWnTyPhOOnS are always a COnCerr especially for PeOPIe WhO IiVe near the coast. When a typhoOn is On the WayZ Weather forecasters Can S


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