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1、人教版七年级英语上册知识点总结及习题Document serial number NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-七年级英语上册Unit 1词汇:1. my pron.我的形容词性物主代词还有his, her, your2 .由 name 构成的短语:first name 名字 last name 姓氏 family name 姓 氏3 .“电话号码”的表达方式:telephone number phone number4 .本单元出现的缩写有:I' m = I am what , s = what is it' s =it is5 . answer n.回答;答案(也

2、可做动词"回答",如answer the questions)句式:1. What +be 动词+your(his/her) name What' s your name What' s his name What' s her name2. 自我介绍时常用语:My name* s Jenny. I' m Gina.3. 表达第一次和某人见面的高兴之情:Nice to meet you!4. 询问别人的电话号码:What' s your telephone number5. 询问别人的姓氏常用语:What' s her fam

3、ily nameUnit 2词汇:1. pencil case 文具盒 pencil sharpener 铅笔刀 pen 钢笔 eraser橡皮擦 ruler尺子 backpack双肩背包 dictionary字典6. 指示代词:this这个that那个7. in English 用英语8. ID card身份证9. computer game 电子游戏10. lost and found 失物招领11. excuse me 打扰了12. call sb.给某人打电话13. a set of 一套;一副句式:1.询问某物品是否属于某人的问句及答语-Is this/that your penci

4、l一Yes, it is. It' s my pencil. /No, it isn' t. It' s his pencil.2. 询问某物用英语怎么说 What' s this in English3. How do you spell sth. How do you spell it4. What' s +sth 询问某物是什么 一What' s thisIt' s a watch.5. Call at sb. at +电话号码. Call Alan at 495-3539.练习:l)What' s this It'

5、 s ()V.A. a D. 2)Good night.A. Good evening. you. right.3)() a lot .A. Thank you for4)How is your father He is ().A good5) What' s his () (one) name I don' t know. But I know his last name.6) Is this ()erasers ().A. his his B. his hers C. her hers7) Is that her pencil Yes, () is.A. it B. tha

6、t8) ( )you spell it pen.A. HowC. 9) Please call our school ()4516324.A. with B. 10) Is that your car in the () (lose)11) Tell me the key ()the Question.A. to B. ofand ()(find)case12) There ()(be) a set of ()(key) on the table.13) This kind of books ()(sell) like it.14 ) Could you please help me with

7、 my English().A. With pleasure. ' s very nice of you. ' s my pleasure.Unit 3词汇:1.称呼类词汇:sister姐;妹 mother妈妈 father爸爸 brother兄;弟grandmother祖母;外祖母grandfather祖父;外祖父aunt姑母;伯母;婶母uncle叔;伯;舅;姨夫 son儿子cousin表(堂)兄弟(姐妹)daughter女儿15 本单元出现的缩写:that' s = that is he' s = he is16 本单元出现的指示代词:these这些 tho

8、se那些17 thanks for为而感谢句式:1. This/that/These+ be 动词 + sb' s This is his sister, brother.2. be动词+代词+3. Thanks for 4. Here +be 动词+That is my brother. These are hisIs this your sister Is she your sister Thanks for the photo of your family. Here is my family photo.Unit 4词汇:1.本单元出现的家具类词汇:table桌子 bed床 b

9、ookcase书 橱,书柜 sofa沙发 chair椅子 drawer抽屉2. 表位置的介词短语:under the table在桌子下面on the sofa在沙发上 in the backpack在双肩背包里under the bed在床下面 on thechair在椅子上on the dresser在梳妆台上on the table在桌子上in the drawer在抽屉里on the floor在地板上3. math book 数学书4. alarm clock 闹钟5. computer game 电脑游戏6. video tape 录像带7. take sth. to sb.把某物

10、带给某人 take these things to your sister 把这些东西带给你姐姐8. ID card身份证9. bring sth. to some place 把某物到给某地bring some things toschool把一些物品带到学校10. pencil case 铅笔盒11. in the bedroom 在卧室the kitchen 在厨房句式:1.询问地点:Where + be动词+ sth.答语:It is/They are +表位置的介词短语Where' s my backpack-It' s under the table.-Where

11、are your booksThey, re on the chair.2 .询问某物是否在某地的句型及答语-Is the baseball on the sofa-No, it isn' t. It' s under thechair.-Are they on the bed-No, they' re not.3 .祈彳变句:Please do sth. Please take these things to your sister"。引导的一般疑问句Can you bring some things to school5 .倒装句:Here + be动词+

12、主语 Here is my pen. Here are some apples.1)(this) are my parents.2)(that) are his friends.3) Is this his father No, isn' t.4) Is his mother your friend Yes,is.5)Thanks your interesting book.B. very much lot6)There a photo of my friends.7)My parents are teachers.Unit 5词汇:1.球类名词小结:soccer ball英式足球 p

13、ing-pong ball乒乓球 tennis 网球 volleyball 排球 basketball 篮球2.“球拍”的表达:tennis racket网球拍 ping-pong bat乒乓球拍 +名词结构的短语:play sports参加体育运动 play computer games玩电脑游戏4. 0 play +球类名词”结构的短语:play ping-pong ball打乒乓球play tennis 打网球 play soccer 踢足球 play volleyball 打排球 club运动俱乐部name 名 last name=family name 姓TV看电视 on TV在电视

14、上,通过电视8 .常用的描述某物或某事的形容词:interesting有趣的 fun有趣的 relaxing轻松的 boring无聊的 difficult困难的a great sports collection有大量的体育收藏品day每天句式 1. Do 引导的一般疑问句一Do you have a TVYes, I do. /No, I don' t.-Does he have a tennis racket -Yes, he does. / No, he doesn' t.9 .祈彳变句: Let' s do sth. Let' s play ping-po

15、ng.10 主系表结构:主语+系动词+形容词 That sounds good.1) his parents (have) a ping-pang ball Yes,.2) our English teacher (have) a basketball No,.3) My friend (看电视)every day.4) (他弟弟)(有)many(sport)(club).5) You ( not , have) (sport) every day.6) She ( not, watch TV) in the evening. She (study) English every day.7)L

16、et' s(play) volleyball with (she).She (play) every day.8)Let your sisiter (play) the computer game.9)We (have) a (sport)(collect).It(be)(interest).10)My parent (not like)(play)(sport). Because it' s (bore)(彳也们)(not play) sports every day.(they) only (watch)(they)(inonwithby) TV.(let)(he)(pla

17、y)(theaan) baseball.(sound) good.词汇:1.水果banana香蕉 apple苹果2 .蔬菜 tomato西红柿3 .食品hamburger汉堡包salad沙拉chicken鸡肉Unit 6 orange 橙子 strawberry 草莓 pear 梨carrot胡萝卜broccoli花椰菜French fries 薯条 ice cream 冰淇淋 egg鸡蛋nouns可数名词 uncountable nouns不可数名词star赛跑明星of = a lot of非常多,很多(后面既可跟可数名词复数,也可跟不可数名 词)food健康食品breakfast/lunc

18、h/dinner/dessert 早餐/中餐/晚餐/甜点吃句式:1.询问某人是否喜欢某物的句型及答语Do/Does sb. like sth. Yes, sb. do/does. No, sb. don' t/doesn, t.Do you like salad-Yes, I do. / No, I don' t.Does he like pears -Yes, he does. /No, he doesn* t.2 .祈使句:Let' s do sth. Let' s have ice cream.3 . 一般现在时的肯定句及否定句I like oranges

19、.I don' t like bananas.They like salad.They don' t like broccoli.She likes bananas. She doesn" t like ice cream.Unit 7词汇:1. how much (价钱)多少2. seven dollars 七美元 one/a dollar 一美元3. a pair of socks 一双袜子 two pairs of socks 两双袜子4. ”颜色+名词”结构的短语有:red sweater红毛衣 blue skirt蓝裙 子black pants黑裤子5. 由

20、help构成的短语:help sb. with sth.帮助某人某事 help sb. (to) do sth帮助某人做某事6. want sth.想买某物 want a sweater想买一件毛衣7. what color什么颜色8. at Huaxing, s=at Huaxing Clothes Store 在华兴服装店9. come and buy your clothes 来买你的衣服10. “like+名词”喜欢某物like sweaters喜欢毛衣a very good price以非常优惠的价格for sports运动包13. T-shirts in red=red T-shi

21、rts 红 T 恤衫14. socks for onlyY5 each 每双袜子五元15. afford our prices负担得起我们的价格16. for yourself 亲自17. come to some place 来某个地方18. buy sth. from some place 从某地买某物 buy skirt from Huaxing Clothes Store从华兴服装店买裙子19. sell sth. to sb. = sell sb. sth.把某物卖给某sell the bike to him = sell him the bike 卖给他自行车20. have a

22、look 看看;看眼 have a look at = look at 看21. 21. on sale廉价销售for sale等待出售备考句式:1. How much + be动词+询问某物价钱How much is this T-shirt= What' s the price of the T-shirtHow much are these socks2. It is /They are +数字+币种单位。表示某物多少钱It' s seven dollars. They' re two dollars.3. can引导的疑问句Can I help you同义表达:

23、 What can I do for you Is there anything I can do for you4. sb. want (s) sth.某人想买某物 I want a sweater.相当于:I want to buy a sweater.5. What color do/does sb. want What color do you want6. 递给别人东西时的常用语:Here you are.7. 决定要买某东西时的常用语:I' 11 take it.8. Do/Does sb. like. Do you like sweaters9. sb. sell (s)

24、 sth. for + 钱 We sell pants for only Y30.10. Have a look at sth. Have a look at Zig Zag' s Clothes Store. l)Does your mother like (potato) Yes,.2)(run)star Tom likes (health)food.3)There is food on the table . We like them .lot B. a lot ofD. lot of4) lunch, she has lots of , she studies English.

25、A. ForB. AtC. On5) There (be) some people under the desks.6) How much (be) the socks.7) The green hats are on (sell).8)(have) a look at our store.9)Their clothes (be)(alsotooeither)yellow.Unit 8词汇:1. ”某人的生日”的表达有:your birthday你的生日mother * sbirthday妈妈的生日Liu Ping' s birthday刘平的生日2. “几月儿日”的表达方式:某月1日

26、/21 S/31日 用“月份+ 1st / 21st /31st” September 1 st 9 月 1 日 August 21 st 8 月 21 日 某月 2 日/22 日用“月份+2 nd/ 22nd” May 2 nd 5 月 2 日 March 22 nd 3月22某月 3 B/23 日 用“月份+3 rd /23rd” July 3 rd 7 月 3 日除上述日期外,其余的日期都用“月份+日期+th” November 11th 11月11日3. date of birth 出生日期4. how old多大年龄5. speech contest 演讲比赛give a speec

27、h 发表演讲6. school trip学校郊游trip的其他常用短语:go on a trip出去旅行 business trip 出差7. basketball game 篮球比赛 volleyball game 排球比赛8. birthday party生日聚会party的其他短语有:at the party在聚会 Jt have a party举行聚会9. School Day 校庆10. Art Festival 艺术节11. Music Festival 音乐节12. English Party 英语聚会句式:1. When + be动词+其他询问时间When is your bi

28、rthday When is your mother * s birthday Joe, when is the school trip2. sb. s birthday +be 动词+H期My birthday is June fourth.Her birthday is July 22 nd.3. How old +be 动词+sbHow old are you4. Do/Does sb. have /has. Do you have a School Day at your school Do you have an Art Festival5. sb. +be 动词+年龄I9 m fi

29、fteen years old.Unit 9词汇1. go to a movie 去看电影 同义表达有:go to movies go to the cinema go to see a film2. action movie 动作片3. want to do sth.想做某事 want to go to a movie 想看电影wantto see a comedy想看喜剧片4. Beijing Opera 京剧5. Chinese history 中国历史6. my favorite actor我最喜欢的演员 a great actor 位伟大的演 员very successful thr

30、iller 一部非常成功的恐怖 a very successful comedy 一部非常有趣的喜剧片8. a new movie 一部新电影9. on weekends 在周末10. Shaolin Temple 少林寺句式:1. Do/Does sb. want to do sth. Do you want to go to a movie2. sb. want to do sth. I want to see a comedy.3. What kind of movies do/does sb. like What kind of movies do you like4. sb. lik

31、e(s) sth. and sb. like(s) sth.I like thrillers and I like action movies.Guo Peng likes comedies and he likes Beijing Opera.5. sb. like sth. but sb. don' t /doesn' t like sth.I like thrillers but I don' t like comedies.Maria likes thrillers but she doesn' t like comedies.6. sb. think

32、(s) sth. +be 动词 +adj. She thinks they are very exciting.sb. often do sth. with sb. She often goes to see Beijing Opera with her father.练习:1) February comes after .2) November is month of the year.C. the eleventhSeptember is the (9)month of the year.3) is the last month of the year.4) May is (五月).5)

33、My birthday is .1 1st6) Today is December the fifth.'s the date day is it is today7) (OnInAtFor)my (12)birthday, my father (buy) me a beautiful car. ( OnInAtFor)my birthday, I am always very happy.8) My birthday is (oninat)October 4th.9) I (bear)(oninat) July. She was (oninat) June1st.10) ( 0nIn

34、AtFor) the morning I often read (oninat) the morning of September 10". , I read Chinese.11) (0nInAtFor) breakfast I have ususlly have(aanthe) breakfast I (have) (aanthe)quick breakfast) this will (have)(myaan) lunch slowly.12) She likes(thrill). They make me (interest).13) I like (comedy)very a

35、re (funny)than others.14) He (want)(go) to a movie and(see) (aan) action like (action movie),(tooalsoeither) 15)We can(learn)(aboutwithfrom)Chinese history by (read) books.16) The movie is a (success) one . We often go movies weekends. weekend. the weekends17) He lived in the (20)century.18) What

36、9; s your How are you (ageoldyear)19) The pair of pants (be)(new) than(he).20) your help, I can' t get the good grades. Many (thank).to ofUnit 10词汇1. "play + the +乐器类名词”结构的短语有:play the guitar 弹吉他 play the piano 弹钢琴 play the drums 敲 鼓play the trumpet 吹喇叭 play the violin 拉小提琴2. “play +棋牌类名词”结

37、构的短语有(名词前不要冠词): play chess下国际象棋play cards打牌3. 本单元中出现的各种俱乐部:art club美术俱乐部 English club英语俱乐部chess club国际象棋俱 乐部 music club音乐俱乐部 swimming club游泳俱乐部 basketball club篮球俱乐部表示“加入俱乐部"用joinclub,如:join the music club参加音乐俱乐部4. “speak +语言类名词”表示“说某种语言”,如speak English说英语5. want to do sth.想做某事6. be good with ki

38、ds擅长与孩子打交道7. help sb. with sth.帮助某人某事8. school musical festival 学校音乐节9. call sb. at +电话号码拨号码找某人call Zhang Heng at 622-6033 拨 622-6033 找张衡10. rock band摇滚乐队11. school show学校公演功夫12. a little 一点,少量13. learn about T解14. E-mail address电子邮箱地址句式:1. can引导的一般疑问句及相应的答语一Can you paint -Yes, I can.一Can you swim -

39、No, I can' t.2. What + 名词 + do sb. do sthWhat club do you want to join3. What can sb. do What can you do4. 由 but 连接而成的并列句 Tom can play the guitar but he can' t play it very well.5. 以动词原形开头的祈使句Come and join us ! Come and show us !6. 询问对方姓名:May I know your name What' s your last name7. How

40、 old + be 动词 + sb. How old are you8. do 引导的一般疑问句Do you have an e-mail address9. 常见的表示感谢的用语 Thanks a lot. Thank you. Thank you very much.10. Why do sb. do sth 是询问原因的句型 Why do you want to join the clubUnit 11词汇:1. "go to +名词”结构的短语有:go to school去上学 go to bed去睡觉 go to work去上班2. get up起床,起来3. eat br

41、eakfast = have breakfast 吃早饭 eat dinner 吃晚饭 eat lunch吃午饭4. take a shower=have a shower 洗淋浴5. work very long hours 工作很长时间 brush one' s teeth 刷牙6. uafter +名词”结构的短语有:after breakfast早饭后 after class下课后 after school放学后 after work下班后7. “get to +名词”结构的短语有:get to work到达上班地点get to school到校 “get +副词”结构的短语有

42、:get home到家get here 到这里 get there到那里8. take the number 17 bus to a hotel 乘 17 路公交车到宾馆9. “all+时间名词”结构的短语有:all night整夜 all day整天10. love to do sth.喜爱做某事like to do sth喜欢做某事11. listen to sb.听某人(说、唱、弹奏乐器等)12. watch morning TV 看早间电视the morning 在早晨,在上午 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上(one' s) ho

43、mework做家庭作业15. know about 解around six fifteen 在大约 6:1517. tell sb. about sth.告诉某人有关某事的情况句式.time引导的询问时间的句型(答语要用具体的时间点)What time do you get up I get up at six o' clock.What time is it-It' s eight thirty.2. sth. takes sb. to某物带某人去The bus usually takes him to work at 19: 15.引导的询问时间的句型When do peo

44、ple usually eat dinner-People usually eat dinner in the evening.4. Thanks for+其彳也Thanks for your letter.5. Do you 开头的般疑问句Do you want to know my morning6. “What + a/an +形容词+名词+其他! ”结构的感叹句 What a funny time to eat breakfast!7. Can you think + 宾语从句 Can you think what his job is8. “Please do ”结构祈使句 Plea

45、se write and tell me about your morning.Unit 12词汇1 .中学阶段常见科目Chinese语文 .体育 art美术 science科学 music音乐 math数 学 history 历史 biology 生物 physics 物理 chemistry 化学2 . “favorite+名词”表示“最喜欢的”favorite city最喜欢的城市 favorite food最喜欢的食物 favorite color最喜欢的颜色favorite TV show最喜欢的电视秀favorite sport 最喜欢的运动favorite subject最喜欢的

46、科目Monday在星期一4."have+学科名词”表示"上课" have math上数学课 havescience上科学课music teacher我的音乐老师 last class我的最后一节课 tired是疲劳的(相当于feel tired) lunch午饭后 after class下课后 +球类名词10. play with sth.和某物玩耍 play with my dog和我的狗一起玩耍 句式1.询问某人最喜欢的物品的句型一What' s your favorite subject-My favorite subject is science2 .询问原因的句型及答语一Why do you like .Because it' s fun.3 .询问某人的句型及答语-Who is your science teacher-My science teacher is Mr Wang.4 .主系表结构sb. +be动词+形容词I' m really busy!5 .主系表结构sth. +be动词+形


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