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1、叮叮小文库Exercise for En glish Literature (2)Choose the best an swer for each bla nk. 1.A. C. 2.A. C. 3.A.C.4.A.C.5.A. C. 6.A.C.7.A.C.8.A. C. E.9.A.C., the “ father of En glish poetryLon don about 1340.Geoffrey ChaucerB. Sir Gawa inFran cis Bac onD. Joh n Dryde nChaucer died on the 25th October 1400, an

2、d was buried in.Fla ndersB. FranceItalyD. Westmi nster AbbeyThe progress in industry at home stimulated the commercial expansion abroad. exploratio n and travel, which were compatible with the in terest of the En glish mercha nts. Henry VB. Henry VIIHenry VIIID. Queen ElizabethExcept being a victory

3、 of En gla nd over, the rout of the fleettriumph of the rising young bourgeoisie over the decli ning old feudalism.SpainB. FranceAmericaD. NorwayAt the beg inning of the 16th cen tury the outsta nding huma nistwrote his Utopia in which he gave aprofo und and truthful picture of the peopleand putsoff

4、eeinghis ideal of a future happy society.Thomas MoreB. Thomas MarloweFran cis Bac onD. William ShakespearAbsolute mon archy in En gla nd reached its summit duri ng the reig n of Quee nMaryB.ElizabethWilliamD.VictoriaEn glish Ren aissa nee Period was an age se and novelB.poetry and dramaessays

5、and journ alsD. ballads and songsFrom the follow ing, choose the one which is not Francis Bacon The Adva nceme nt of Lear ningB. The New In strume ntEssaysD. The New Atla nticsVenus and Adonis“ Shall I compare thee to a summer' s day? ” This is the beginning line of one of ShakespearesongsB. pla

6、yscomediesD. sonn ets” and one of the greatest n arrative poets of En gla nd, was born inen couraged“ /Wasadao the nvin cible)'s work:710. The heroines of Shakespeare 'great comedies, are the daughters of the Renaissanee, whoseimages and stories will remai n a legacy to readers and audie nce

7、s of all time.A. PortiaB.RoselandC. ViolaD.Beatrice11. Choose the four great tragedies of Shakespeare from the following.A. HamletB.OthelloC. MacbethD.King LearE. Tim on of Athe nsB. The Mercha nt of VeniceD. Romeo and Juliet12. Which play is not a comedy?A. A Midsummer Night ' s Dream” .In whic

8、h play dosarohajlrimarise his observation of his world into such a bitterC. Twelfth Night E. As You Like It13. “ Denmark is a prisonB. OthelloD. Hamlet and the Authorised Versio n of the En glish Bible are the two great treasuries of thesentence?A. Charles IC. Henry VIII14. The works ofEn glish Ian

9、guage.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. Edmund Spenser"WhaC. William ShakespeareD. Ben Johnson15. In which play does the hero show his profound reverence for man through the sentence:wok is a man! How nobel in reason! How finite in faculty!” A. Romeo and JulietB. HamletC. OthelloD. The Merchant of Venice16

10、. In 1649,was beheaded. En gla nd became a com mon wealth.A. James IB. James IIC. Charles ID. Charles II17. The revolution of 1688 meant three of the following things:.A. the supremacy of ParliamentB. the beg inning of moder n En gla ndC. the triumph of the principal libertyD. the triumph of the pri

11、nciple of political libertyE. the Restoration of monarchy18. Who of the following were the important metaphysical poets?A. John DonneB. George HerbertC. John Milt onD. Richard Lovelace19. Which work was NOT writte n by Joh n Milt on?A. Paradise LostB. Paradise RegainedC. Sams on Ago ni stesD. Volp o

12、ne20. Paradise Lost is.A. Joh n Milt on ' s masterpieceB. a great epic in 12 booksC. written in blank verseD. about the heroic revolt of Satan against God' s authority21. John Milton is.A. a great revolutionary poet of the 17th centuryB. an outstanding political pamphleteerC. a great stylist

13、D. a great master of blank verse22. From the Old Testame nt, Joh n Milt on took his stories of Paradise Lost, i.e.A. the creationB. the rebellion in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angelsC. their defeat and expulsion from HeavenD. the creation of the death and of adam and EveE. the falle n an gels in

14、 hell plott ing aga inst GodF. Satan ' s temptation of EveG. the departure of Adam and Eve from Eden23. The finest thing in Paradise Lost is the description of hell, andis often regarded as the real hero ofthe poem.A. GodB. Sata nC. AdamD. Eve24. Who is the greatest of the Metaphysical school of

15、 poetry?A. John DonneB. George HerbertC. An drew MarvellD. He nry Vaugham25. was a progressive intellectual movement throughout Western Europe in the 18th century.A. The RenaissaneeB. The EnlightenmentC. The Religious ReformationD. The Chartist Movement26. The main literary stream of the 18th centur

16、y was. What the writers described in their works weremai nly social realities.A. naturalismB. romanticismC. classicismD. realismE. sen time ntalism27. The eighteenth century was the golden age of the English. The novel of this period spoke the truthabout life with an un compromis ing courage.A. dram

17、aB. poetryC. essayD. novel28. In 1704, Jonathan Swift published two works together, and, which made him well-known as a satirist.A. A Tale of a TubB. Bickerstaff AlmanacC. Gulliver ' s TravelsD. A Modest Proposal29. “ Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a style.” This sen

18、tence is said by _of the greatest masters of En glish prose.A. Alexander PopeB. Henry FieldingC. Daniel DefoeD. Jonathan Swift30. As a journalist, had learned how to make his reporting vivid and credible by a skillful use ofcircumstantial detail. This power to make his characters alive and his stori

19、es credible is an inimitable gift.A. Joseph Addis onB. Daniel DefoeC. Samuel RicharsonD. Tobias Smollett31. Which of the following are NOT written by William Blake?A. Poetical SketchesB. Songs of InnocenceC. Songs of ExperieneeD. Auld Lang SyneE. The Marriage of Heaven and HellF. ProphecisG. Visions

20、 of the Daughters of Albion and America, a Prophecy32. In the 18th century English literature, the representative poets of pre-romanticism were.A. William WordsworthB. William BlakeC. Robert BurnsD. Jonathan Swift33. The Romantic Age begab with the publication of The Lyrical Ballads which was writte

21、n byA. William WordsworthB. Samuel JohnsonC. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. Wordsworth and Coleridge34. The Romantic Age came to an end with the death of the last well-known romantic writer.A. Jane AustenB. Walter ScottC. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. William Wordsworth35. The glory of the Romantic Age lies

22、in the poetry of.A. William WordsworthB. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC. George Gordon ByronD. Percy Bysshe ShelleyE. John Keats36. The English Romantic Age produced two major novelists. They are.A. George Gordon Byron and Percy Bysshe ShelleyB. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC. Walter Scot

23、t and Jane AustenD. Charles Lamb and William Hazlitt37. Which poets belong to the Active Romantic group?A. George Gordon ByronB. William WordsworthC. Percy Bysshe ShelleyD. John KeatsE. John Milt on38. Which poets belong to the Lakers?A. William WordsworthB. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeC. John KeatsD. Ro

24、bert SoutheyE. Walter Scott39. Which of the folloeing were written by Wordsworth ONLY?A. To the CuckooB. The Lyrical BalladsC. Lucy PoemsD. The Solitary ReaperE. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud40. The publication ofmarked the break with the conventional poetical tradition of the 18th century,i.e., with

25、 classicism, and the begi nning of the Roma ntic revival in En gla nd.A. The Lyrical BalladsB. The PreludeC. Childe Harold ' s PilgrimageD. Don Juan41. As contrasted with the classicists who made reason, order and the old, classical traditions the criteria in theirpoetical creations, based his o

26、wn poetical principle on the premise that “ allgood poetry is thespontaneous overflow of powerf ul feeling. ”A. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeB. George Gordon ByronC. Percy Bysshe ShelleyD. William Wordsworth42. was the first critic of the Romantic School.A. William WordworthB. Samuel JohnsonC. Samuel Tayl

27、or ColeridgeD. Wordworth and Coleridge43. Which of the following statements is (are) NOT true about George Gordon Byron?A. Byron ' s early years had been far from happy for he was born with a clubfoot, in the frequent family scenes hismother called him“ you lame brat. ”B. Byron died in Italy ann

28、d was deeply mourned by the Italian people and by all progressive people throughout the world.C. The reactionary criticism of the 19th century tried to belittle Byron' s genius and his role in the deEn glish literature, but Byron rema ins one of the most popular En glish poets both at home and a

29、broad.D. Since the May 4 Movement in 1919, more and more of Byron' s poems have been translated into Chinese ancwell received by the poets and young readers. Byron has now become one of the best-k nown En glish poets inour coun try.44. In 1805, Wordsworth completed a long autobiographical poem e

30、ntitled.A. Biographia literariaB. The PreludeC. Lucy PoemsD. The Lyrical Ballads45. is regarded as the most wonderful lyricist England has ever produced mainly for his poems onn ature, on love, and on politics.A. William WordsworthB. John KeatsC. George Gordon ByronD. Percy Bysshe Shelley46. Which o

31、f the following statements is (are) NOT true about Percy Bysshe Shelley?A. Prometheus Unbound is Percy By sshe Shelley ' s masterpiece, a long epic poem.B. At Eton Percy Bysshe Shelley was known as“ Mad Shelley ” , for his obst in ate oppositi on to the brutal faggi ngsystem, accord ing to which

32、 the youn ger school-boys were obliged to obey the older boys and bear a great dealof cruel treatme nt.C. George Gordon Byron alled Percy Bysshe Shelley“ the best and least selfish man I ever knew.”D. Percy Bysshe Shelley loved the people and hated their oppressors and exploiters.47. ' pursuit o

33、f beauty in all things bespoke an aspiration after a better life than the sordid realityunder capitalism. His leading principle is:“ Beauty is truth, truth beauty.”A. Percy Bysshe ShelleyB. George Gordon ByronC. William WordsworthD. John Keats48. Choose the four immortal odes written by John Keats.A

34、. Ode to the West WindB. Ode to a NightingaleC. To AutumnD. Ode on MelancholyE. Ode on a Grecian Urn49. Choose the works written by Jane Austen.A. Pride and PrejudiceB. Sense and SensibilityC. Northanger AbbeyC. EmmaE. Mansfield ParkF. Persuasion50. In the 19th century English literature, a new lite

35、rary trend calledappeared. And it flourished in theforties and in the early fifties.A. romanticismB. naturalismC. realismD. critical realism51. English critical realism found its expression chiefly in the form of. The critical realists, most ofwho were novelists, described with vividness and artisti

36、c skill the chief traits of the English society and criticised the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoi nt.A. novelB. dramaC. poetryD. essay52. The greatest English critical realist novelist was, who criticised the bourgeois civilisation andshowed the misery of the com mon people.A. William M

37、akepeace ThackerayB. Charles Dicke nsC. Charlotte BronteD. Emily Bronte53. Which of the following writers belong to critical realists?A. Charles Dicke nsB. Charlotte BronteC. Emily BronteD. Thomas HardyBoz54. wrote a number of little sketches of“ cockney characters” . Hewhctewthehisnickn ame for his

38、 young brother. His first book, Sketches by Boz appeared in 1836.A. Elizabeth GaskellB. William M. ThackerayC. Charles Dicke nsD. Jane Auste n55. has been called“ the supreme epic of English life.”A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Pickwick PapersD. Oliver Twist56. The theme underlyingis

39、the idea“ Where there is oppression, there is revolutionA. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Pickwick PapersD. Oliver Twist57. In the Victorian Age, poetry was not a major art intended to change the world. The main poets of the ageB. Robert Brow ning D. Robert BurnswereA. Alfred Tennyson C.

40、 Mrs. Browning E. William Blake58. TheMovement appeared in the thirties of the 19th century. It showed the English workers wereable to appear as an in depe ndent political force and were already realis ing the fact that the in dustrial bourgeoisie was their prin cipal en emy.B. Ren aissa neeA. Enlig

41、htenmentC. ChartistD. Romanticist59. Which novel is a great satire upon the society and those people who dream to enter the higher societyregardless of the social reality?A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. David CopperfieldC. Great ExpectationD. Dombey and Son60. Charles Dicke ns takes the French Revoluti on

42、 as the backgro und of the novel.A. A Tale of Two CitiesB. Great ExpectationC. Hard TimesD. David Copperfield61. is ofte n regarded as the semi-autobiography of the author Dicke ns in which the early life of thehero is largely based on the author ' s early life.A. Tom JonesB. David CopperfieldC.

43、 Oliver TwistD. Great Expectation62. The Bronte sisters are. They were all talented writers and all of them died young.A. Charlotte BronteB. Emily BronteC. Anne BronteD. Jane AustenE. Catherine63. Charlotte Bronte produced four novels:.A. ProfessorB. Jane EyreC. ShirleyD. VilletteE. Agnes Grey64. Em

44、ily Bronte wrote only one novel entitled.A. Wuthering HeightsB. Jane EyreC. EmmaD. Agnes Grey65. Choose the names appear in the novel Jane Eyre.A. Jane EyreB. Mr. RochesterC. Mary BartonD. Silas Marner66. Which characters appear in the novel Wuthering Heights?A. HeathcliffB. CatherineC. HindleyD. Ca

45、thyE. Hareton67. In the novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Bronte.A. pours a great deal of her own experieneeB. criticises the bourgeois system of educationC. shows that true love is the foundation of marriageD. shows that women should have equal rights with men68. Women novelists began to appear in England

46、 during the second half of thecentury.A. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th69. Anne Bronte also wrote two novelsand.A. ShirleyletteC. The Tenant of the Wildfell HallD. Agnes Grey70. Which of the following statements are true about Jane Eyre?A. One of the central themes of the book is the criticism of the bou

47、rgeois system of education.B. Another problem raised in the novel is the position of women in society.C. This book is Charlottel Bronte' s best literary product ion.D. In this book, the author attacked the greed, petty tyranny and lack of culture among the bourgeoisie and sympathised with the su

48、fferi ngs of the poor people. Her realism was coloured by petty-bourgeois phila nthropy.71. Most of Robert Browning ' important works, including , are written in the form of dramaticmono logue.A. Dramatic LyricsB. Dramatic RomancesC. Men and Wome nD. dramatics Pers onae72. Thomas Hardy is one of

49、 the representatives of Englishat the turn of the 19th century.A. critical realismB. pre-romanticismC. neo-classicismD. new romanticism73. Which statement is true?A. Thomas Hardy is a famous novelist.B. Thomas Hardy is also a poet.C. Thomas Hardy is a critical realist.D. Fatalism is strongly reflect

50、ed in Thomas Hardy' novels.74. Accordi ng to Thomas Hardy ' s own classification, his novels divided themselves into three groups. They areA. Novels of character and environmentB. Romances and FantasiesC. Novels of IngenuityD. Working class literature75. Novels of character and environment a

51、re also called Wessex novels, taking the southwest counties ofEn gla nd for their sett ing. They in clude:.A. Under the Greenwood TreeB. The Return of the NativeC. The Mayor of CasterbridgeD. Tess of the D ' UrbervillesE. Jude the Obscure76. The following state ments are about Thomas Hardy '

52、 s novels, which are true?A. His Wessex novels are of great significanee.B. The Southwest counties of England are the setting of his Wessex novels.C. There is pessimism in his novels.D. Mankind is subjected to hostile and mysterious fate.E. There are elements of naturalism in his works.77. Oscar Wil

53、de is one of the important dramatists in the 19th century. In his comedies, he criticises the upperclass of the En glish bourgeois society. His best comedies are.A. Lady Windermere s'FanB. A Woman of No ImportaneeC. An Ideal HusbandD. The Importanee of Being EarnestE. The Picture of Dorian Gray7

54、8. Oscar Wilde was the representative among the writers of.A. aestheticismB. decade neeC. critical realismD. pre-romanticism79. Alfred Tennys on' s poetic output was vast and varied. His main poems are.A. The PrincessB. MaudC. In MemoriamD. Idylls of the Ki ngE. Crossing the Bar80. Which of the

55、following short poems was/were written by Alfred Tennyson?A. Break, Break, BreakB. Crossing the BarC. The EagleD. Sweet and LowE. Tears, Idle Tears81. Which lame nt was written by Alfred Tennyson for the death of his friend Hallam?A. In MemoriamB. LycidasC. AdodaisD. Elegy written in a Country Churc

56、hyard82. My Last Duchess is.A. a dramatic monologueB. a short lyricC. a novelD. an essay83. are gen erally regarded as Joseph Conrad' s fin est no vels.A. Lord JimB. NostromoC. YouthD. The Old Wives ' Tale84. Who is regarded as a forerunner of the“ stream of consciousness” literature in the

57、20th century?A. John GalsworthyB. Henry JamesC. Thomas Stearns EliotD. James Joyce85. George Bernard Shaw ' s essay, a commentary on Henrik Ibsen' s dramatic works, served also aauthor ' s own program of dramaticeartion.A. Widower ' s HousesB. Mrs. Warren' s ProfessionC. Major BarbaraD. The Quintessenee of Ib


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