



1、对众多的中国考生来说,备考 BEC高级商务英语考试的难度不言而喻,而写作部分可以说是考生面临的最大挑战。 这一方面是由于中国教育不太注重研究英语的语言模式, 另一方面 也由于考生自身缺乏商业语料素材的积累。 那么,考生如何才能缔造 BEC高级写作的 高分 奇迹呢?今天笔者主要介绍两种方法:英语语言模式的拆分与模仿和英语表达的 拿来主 义”,希望能够帮助考生提升 BEC写作水平。语言模式的拆分与模仿所谓 语言模式的拆分与模仿”,是指在阅读地道的英文文章时,将其中的语言模式进行拆分,统计出写作的 技术参数”,然后模仿着来写作。这种方法既有利于提高写作水平,同 时也有利于阅读、听力和口语的同步提升。

2、 下面我们就以一段文字为例,来具体分析如何拆分和模仿语言模式。例文: We are seeking (1) a brilliantly organized and mature department secretary(2)to act as (3) PA to the Head of Marketing and provide (3) administrative support to(4)three other busy department heads. The successful applicant must have strong secretarial skills and kn

3、owledge (5) of up-to-date information technology. A good sense of humor( 6)and excellent communications skills (6) are essential. ( BEC 考试模拟题阅读材料)下面我们就对这段话的语言模式进行逐一分析:(1)现在进行时:一般表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作;如果表示将来,可以用beto do 结构,即 we are to seek;(2)定语前置的连用模式:副词(brilliantly ) +形容词并列结构(organized and mature)+名词(depa

4、rtment)修饰secretary,构成定语前置的连用模式;(3)目的模式:动作 1 (to act as) +并列动作2 (provide)(4)后置介词限定:to(5)名词并列结构:skill的定语全部前置,而 knowledge的定语全部后置;名词 skill 和knowledge构成并列结构;(6)语序:名词 humor和skill并列作主语,注意 sense of humor的语序;分析:这段例文是地道的商务英语表达,文中并没有长难句、复杂的语法点或是艰深晦涩的专业商务词汇。而上述拆分出来的语言模式,也都是考生非常熟悉的英语表达,并无理解上的难度。但问题是,如果考生用自己的语言来表

5、达相同的内容,能否像例文一样表达得准确、清晰、地道呢?可能大部分考生都无法做到这一点。这就要求考生在平时要多模仿地道的商务英语材料进行写作,学习其使用的语言模式。下面笔者就以一则产品技术解决技术方案”供应商的招标广告为例,来示范如何模仿例文的语言模式进行写作。模仿:The company is hunting a perfectly operated and reputable technology supplier to be a competitive partner to new product series and help work out tech solutions to pro

6、blems in R&D as well as explore new innovative programs for attractiveness enhancement of new models. The ideal provider is expected to have powerful finance and talented managerial experience of investigating , designing, and marketing in the field. Related successful cases for reference and detail

7、ed plan to co-operate are also preferable.译文:公司正在寻求一家运营完善的知名技术供应商成为具有竞争力的合作伙伴,在新产品层面展开合作。这家供应商应能够协助公司制定技术解决技术方案,解决研发部门遇到的问题;同时能够探索创新工程,提升新产品的吸引力。理想的合作伙伴应拥有雄厚的财力和在业界丰富的调研、设计和营销方面的经管经验。可以提供相关成功案例和详细的合作计 划者优先。分析:这则广告几乎是完全模仿例文中的语言模式进行写作的,其中的语言模式与例文中的内容对应如下:(1) is hunting = are seeking(2) perfectly opera

8、ted and reputable technology supplier = brilliantly organized and mature department secretary(3) to be a competitive partner to new product series and help work out tech solutions to problems in R&D as well as explore new innovative programs for attractiveness enhancement of new models = to act as P

9、A to the Head of Marketing and provide administrative support to three other busy department heads (三个动词排比结构对应两个动词排比结构,语言模式是一样 的。)(4) is expected to have powerful finance and talented managerial experience of investigating , designing, and marketing in the field = must have strong secretarial skills

10、 and knowledge of up-to-date information technology(语言模式一致,都是两项排比结构;第一项定语前置,第二项定语后置;与此同时,模仿句子中的后置定语又使用了排比结构,在模仿例文的基础上又有一定的语言发挥。)(5) Related successful cases for reference and detailed plan to co-operate are also preferable =A good sense of humor and excellent communications skills are essential(语言模式

11、一致,模仿句子中又添加了also作为逻辑上的衔接词。)大家可以发现,这段模仿材料中的每一语言点、每一个意群和结构背后几乎都有原汁原 味的地道英语模式作为支撑,这样写出来的文章基本不用担心会出现语法错误。但如果考生只是一味地模仿,将会很难形成自己的写作风格。这就要求考生能够举一反三,在不断的模仿中熟练掌握英语语言模式, 这样才能保证写出来的文章既是地道的英文表达,又有自己的独特亮点”。英语表达的拿来主义”所谓英语表达的拿来主义:指的是考生平时在阅读地道的商务材料或是商务英语 教材时,要善于学习和记忆地道的表达方式,并练习在写作中使用。以 BEC考试教材中的 一段材料为例,我们来看看有哪些表达可以

12、为我”所用。例文:Jean Moulin is prominently located (1) in a well-established and fast-growing ( 2) corporate business area. The site is shared with an impressive selection of(3)companies andorganizations. There is easy access to public transport from Jean Moulin with numerous bus routes serving the area. T

13、wo metro stations are also within walking distance. In the immediate locality there is a wide range of bars and restaurants as well as most major high street shops. Facilities in the area are therefore excellent.分析:这段文字介绍了Jean Moulin的位置及其附近的交通情况,其中一些常见的表达方式如下:(1) is prominently located(位于显著的位置,相似的表达

14、为is located at prominentpremise T(2) in a well-established and fast- growing(并列的复合形容词作前置定语,相似的表达为 “built as the most attractive economic development region )”(3) is shared with an impressive selection of (相似的表达为a covering(4) easy access to (便捷的路径)(5) with numerous bus routes serving(有大量的公共交通线路)(6) w

15、ithin walking distance(近在咫尺) In the immediate locality(周边)(8) a wide range of and - as well as (有着形成系列的 和,以及)考生在掌握了上述这些常用的表达方式后,在写作中就可以将这些地道的表达变成自 己的文字。以介绍一个工业园的交通情况为例,考生在写作中可以学习使用上述的表达方式。例文: Our Industrial Park has easy access to public transport with numerous bus routes serving the area and two me

16、tro stations are also within walking distance. In addition , the entrance of Airport Express is just 5 minutes drive.掌握的习惯表达越多,如上所述,考生在平时的阅读中要注意多学习地道的英语表达,写作起来也就越游刃有余。下文笔者归纳总结了一些写作中的常用词汇和句型,希望能对考生有所帮助。常用词汇(组):(1) 日程安排:itinerary/program/calendar/schedule/scheme /agenda /arrangement(2) 可行性 /可用性:availa

17、bility/possibility/feasibility/convenience/sustainability(3) 制定 /规戈U: map out/work out/find out/figure out/establish/draw up(4) 提至U的: mentioned/referred/suggested/advised/indicated/implied(5) 提交的: mailed /submitted /transferred /printed /recorded /issued /reported /posted(6)信息手册:information package/

18、folder/brochure/booklet/handbook/handouts / catalogue(7) meet 常用词组:meet the expense (报销费用)/meet the commitment (实现承诺) /meet theend (收支平衡)/meet the dateline (在截止日期前)(8) help 常用词组:help shape (帮助塑造)/help build-up (帮助建立) / help foster(帮助培育)/help improve (帮助改进)/help enhance (帮助提高)常用句型:(9) 感谢你关于 的来信: Than

19、k you for your letter concerning/regarding/in regardto/withreference to 2 2) 回复你关于 的来信:In reply to your letter/In answer to your letter/ In response toyourletter of/ concerning 3 3)写信表达感谢:I am writing to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude for your/I am writing to extend our extend heart

20、felt thanks for your /I am writing with great gratitudefor your /I am writing to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your(4) 写信表示协调:I am writing to keep you informed of some slight changes/I am writingwith great pleasure to inform you that some minor changes to the original schedule have to be

21、 made due to - /Referring to the original itinerary I sent you on ; some slight readjustment have to be made.BEC高级写作题目例析:下面我们就来一起分析和完成一道BEC高级写作题目。例题: Your dept. recently moved to a new building. You are not satisfied with the way the removal company dealt with the move of your equipment and furnitur

22、e. Write to complain(1) details of the move and what was moved ;(2) what was unsatisfactory ;(3) what you had expected from the company ;(4) what you expect to happen now.分析:题目中的14条规定的是具体的写作内容,但抱怨信的第一段通常是不涉及这 四项要求的。抱怨信第一段的写作要求如下:(5) 交待信件的类型是抱怨投诉信;(6) 交待信件写作的目的和相关事件;(7) 语言简洁、精确,字数在3040字左右。如果考生能够掌握抱怨投

23、诉信第一段的语言模式,那么写起来就会得心应手多了。下面我们就来参考一下地道的写法,学习如何拆分和模仿它的语言模式。例文:I am writing to complain about your handling of the above order for the office furniture and to say how disappointed we are with how this order has been dealt with.拆分:(8) I am writing to complain about (9) and to say how disappointed we are

24、 with (10) how this order has been dealt with.模仿:I am writing with regret (1) to make a complaint of your removal service on Monday 22th Nov (2). and to tell you how disappointed we are with how our removal had been dealt with.(1)在模仿例文语言模式的基础上增加了表示情绪的词汇:with regret。(2)将抱怨的内容改为搬运服务(removal service),并

25、且增加了具体的时间信息。完成了第一段,我们接着来看如何写作正文。下面笔者提供完整的正文写作范例,并对每段的内容和语言模式进行逐一分析,以供考生参考。Firstly , the photocopier (影印机) has been equipped in the end of west wing of the building , which has caused much consumption in routine administration time , as it had been clearly marked at the center of office area in the original map.分析:本段详细讲述了所搬运和放置的具体物品photocopier,并且指出了由于搬家公司将photocopier放置在了错误的位置,为公司员工带来了时间损耗。这段话中所使用的语言 模式为:被动语态(,has been ,) +非限定性从句(which has caused ,; as)。In addition , the pre-


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