1、HR-POLICY OF OFFICE MANAGEMENTRevision Date01/2020Office Management Policy办公室管理办法1. PurposeOverall office management regulation for employees ensuring the safe - pleasant environment and consistent with the company purposes.目的:为确保员工享有安全舒适的环境,并符合公司的宗 旨,制定办公室管理规定。2. ScopeAll employees including employ
2、ees of merchant. 使用范围:本制度适用于所有员工包括商户员工。3. Employee Responsibility 员工的职责3.1. During working hours, employees should wear uniform and name badge. The grooming instrument must meet the prescribed standards. Uniforms - Carefully cleaned and ironed; uniform is not to be changed independently; keep clean
3、at all times including breaks and afterwork. (Note: Any loss or damage to the uniform must be compensated) 在工作时间内,员工应穿着工装和佩戴胸卡, 美容化妆必须符合规定的标准。工装-仔细清洁并熨烫,不得私自改变;随时保持整洁,包括休息和下班后。(注意:对制服的任何损失或损坏必须予以赔偿)3.2. Employees enter or leave office shall use dedicated entrance/exit (staff road)员工进出办公室应使用专用的员工通道。3
4、.3. It is a responsibility ofemployee to ensure good office keeping spic and span condition. Office public space e.g. meeting room, kitchen, toilet shall be used and kept clean and well-ordered at all time.员工有责任确保良好的办公环境并保持良好状态,办公室公共区域如会议室、茶水间、卫生间的使用应始终保持清洁有序。3.4. Every Friday, it is required that e
5、mployees should clean their working area.每个星期五, 要求员工清理工作区一次。3.5. It is necessary that employees contribute to save cost for the company. Switch off the light during lunch break and after work. Turn on the lights as needed to avoid waste. Turn off the lights when there is no one in the seat for a lon
6、g time Admin & HR Department is in charge to inspect this at 3rd Floor Office. The supermarket Department arranges employee to inspect their Office. Other places is Property and Engineering Department.员工有必要为公司节约成本,在午休时间和下班后关闭电 灯;根据工作需要开灯避免浪费;座位上长时间没有人时要关灯。行政人事部负责检查3楼办公室,超市部安排人员检查超市办公室,物业和工程部负责其他
7、区域的检查。3.6. All employee needs to take care of office supplies received by individuals and departments, such as pens, pencils, scissors, glue sticks, rulers, staplers, calculators, punches, printers, etc. Office supplies can only be collected once a month. Use recycle print paperwhenever possible. 所有
8、员工需 要保管好个人及部门领用的办公用品,如:签字笔、铅笔、剪刀、胶棒、尺子、订书机、计算 器、打孔机、打印机等。办公用品每月只能领用一次。尽可能使用二手纸打印。3.7. All employee should turn off the computer power before leaving the company off work. It is required that last employees check the lights are turned off and doors are locked before leaving office. 所有员工下班关闭电脑电源后离开。要求
9、最后一名员工在离开办公室之前应检查灯是否已全部 关闭,门是否已锁好。3.8. Employees with management responsibilities should be able to supervise, unite and motivate their subordinates, improve their service quality and basic knowledge of business, and cultivate their management awareness.承担管理职责的员工应能够监督、团结和激励下属,提高其服务质量和 业务基础知识,并培养他们的管
10、理意识。3.9. All employees must greet the customer whether meeting them formally or casually.无论是正式见面还是非正式见面,所有员工都必须向顾客致意。3.10. All employees must take responsibility for any query of a customer and convert it into action. Solve it if you know how to or assist to handle it to concern person who know how
11、to. 所有员工必须 对客户的任何询问付诸行动,如果你知道该如何做请给予解决,或找到能够帮忙解决的人来协助解决。3.11. It is an obligation of employees to actively participate in mass security work: crimes such as fraud, corruption, theft and other behavior that endanger the right and interest of the company; illegal activities to report to the Property d
12、epartment in a timely manner.员工有义务积极参与公众安全工作,欺诈、腐败、盗窃和其他危害公司权益的犯罪、违法行为要及时向物业部门报告。4. Forbidden 禁止4.1. Employees must not be late, leave early, absent, or call on behalf of others, and strictly abide by attendance management rule.员工不得迟到、早退、缺勤,严格遵守考勤管理制度。4.2. Employees are not allowed to act or act in
13、a manner that harms the reputation of the company, both at work and after work.在工作时间和下班后,员工不得做有损害公司声誉事情。4.3. Employees may not work part-time and engage in the same kind of business in other companies without the permission of the company's consent. 未经公司同意,员工不得在其他公司兼职或从事 相同的业务。4.4. It is prohibi
14、ted to accept any money, rebates, etc. related to business.禁止收受任何与业务相关的金钱,回扣等。4.5. Private video call in office is not allowed both at work and after work.上班及下班后不允许在办公室进行私人视频通话。4.6. Long private call, private chatting, playing games, watching movies are forbidden during working hours.在工作时间内禁止长时间的打私人
15、电话、聊天,禁止玩游戏、看视频。4.7. Bringing pets to office is not permitted; 不允许带宠物进办公室。4.8. No food is allowed in office (including kitchen, meeting room). 办公室(包括茶水间、会议室) 内禁止饮食。4.9. Smoking in office is strictly prohibited.办公室严禁吸烟。4.10. It is not permitted to make movement of equipment, desk, chair, containers,
16、shelves, models and art decorations, etc. without permission.未经允许,不许搬移设备、办公桌、办公椅、办公柜、架子、模型、装饰品等到其他地方。4.11. No thief behavior.禁止行窃行为。4.12. Sexual harassment is forbidden.禁止性骚扰。4.13. It is not allowed to provoke right and wrong, quarreling loudly and fighting at the store. 不允许 大声争吵,禁止打架斗殴。4.14. Changi
17、ng seat is not allowed. Employee should sit at their respective seat. 不允许更换座位,所有员工应坐在自己的座位上。4.15. Violation of employee disciplinary, management, and safety regulation and whether intentionally or unintentionally causing the company to suffer economic losses.违反员工纪律、 管理、 安全制度,不管是有意或无意导致公司遭受经济损失。4.16.
18、 Unkindly attacking or making false claims against the colleague.恶意攻击或诬告同事的。4.17. Hiding the truth when discovering big problems, not reporting to the superior.出现严重问题不向上级报告,隐瞒事实的。4.18. Distorting the facts, spreading rumors that are unfavorable to the company. 歪曲事实,背攵布不利 于公司的谣言。4.19. Entering or lea
19、ving the premises without permission of the security guard or management and refusing to comply with the inspection after being dissuaded from doing so.未经保安人员或管理人员许可,擅自进出,经劝阻拒不执行检查。4.20. Those who are not sick but apply for sick leave , fake doctor prescription is not acceptable. 拒绝 未生病但请病假的人,不接受开假医
20、生处方的人。4.21. It is strictly forbidden that employees intentionally damage the company's equipment, fire-fighting facilities, tools, vehicles, products or other public property.严禁员工故意损坏公司的 设备、消防设施、工具、车辆、产品或其他公共财产。5. Personal appearance 仪容仪表5.1. Hair - combed neatly. Male employees keep short hair,
21、 no beards; female employees who have shawls must use hair clips or hair bands to tie their hair and must not affect work.头发梳理整齐。男职工留短发,不留胡须;必须用发夹或发带扎头发,不得影响工作。5.2. Nail - Keep clean, properly trimmed and no dirt. Do not apply colored nail polish or long nails (0.1cm or less).指甲:保持清洁,修剪整齐,无污垢。不要涂彩色指
22、甲油或长指甲(小于0.1cm)。5.3. Socks - Female employees should not wear socks when wearing skirts. Employees should not work barefoot, wearing slippers or short pants to office.袜子-女员工穿裙子时不应穿袜子, 员工上班时间不得赤脚、穿拖鞋或短裤。5.4. If employee has a tattoo, it should be covered under the clothes.如果员工有纹身,则应将纹身隐藏在衣服下面。5.5. Em
23、ployee ID (name badge) - must be worn on the chest.员工 ID (员工胸卡),必须佩戴在胸前。5.6. Jewelry - appropriate and not excessive. 珠宝手饰.适当而不过分。6 / 65.7. Standing posture - standing posture is right, the right hand is on the top, the left hand is on the bottom, both hands are put in front of the body, stay concen
24、trated. 站立姿势一站立姿势要正确,右手 在上,左手在下,双手放在身体前面,保持集中。5.8. Cleanliness - often bathe and shave, keep clean, no smell in the body; often wash clothes to ensure cleanliness; daily mouthwash to ensure oral cleanness; wash hands before work, keep hands clean. 个 人卫生-经常洗澡和刮胡子,保持清洁,身体无异味;经常洗衣服以确保清洁;每天漱口以确保 口腔清洁;工作
25、前洗手,保持双手清洁。6. Basic quality requirements of employees员工基本素质要求6.1. Good grooming and language expression skills.良好的仪容仪表和语言表达能力。6.2. Basic business knowledge and sales skills.基本的业务知识和销售能力。6.3. Diligent and eager to learn, loyal and honest, positive and team spirit.勤奋好学, 忠诚诚实, 积极向上,有团队精神。6.4. Healthy a
26、nd good physical condition and full work energy. 身体健康,精力充沛。7. Reception 接待7.1. Suppliers are not allowed to enter the office area. If communication, meeting or discussion is needed, try to complete them in the meeting room or at the store. When meeting with suppliers, basic social etiquette should b
27、e maintained, and arrogance should not be allowed. Ifthere are other suppliers waiting nearby, employee need to apologize in advance and pay attention to protecting the company's secrets during the conversation.供应商不能进入办公室内区,如果有事需要沟通,尽量在谈判区 或者卖场完成。和供应商沟通时,要保持基本社交礼仪,坚决不允许傲慢自大;如果确实有供 应商在谈判区等候,员工需要先
28、行道歉,同时在交谈时注意保护公司机密。7.2. No guests, relatives, friends or visitors are allowed inside office. In case of necessity, they should be waited at the waiting room and concern person shall meet them there. 不允许客人、亲戚、 朋友或访客进入办公室。如有必要,应在休息室等候,相关人员应在休息室会面。8. Meeting room and meeting会议室和会议8.1. All departments c
29、an use the meeting room, but they need to apply and confirm in advance. 会议室 各部均可使用,但需提前申请、确认。8.2. Smoking and littering are strictly prohibited in the meeting room. After the use of the meeting room, clean the table, the chairs should be in order. Turn off the light before leaving the meeting room.
30、会议室内严禁吸烟,乱扔垃圾。使用完后应将桌子清理干净,椅子摆放整齐,离开时关灯。8.3. All meetings shall be informed in advance, and the contents, time and participants shall be specified.所有会议要提前通知,明确会议内容、开会时间和参加会议人员。8.4. All participants shall arrive at the meeting room 3 minutes in advance, and shall not be late or leave early. Those who
31、 cannot attend the meeting should ask for leave in advance. Oral warning shall be given to those who do not ask for leave.所有参加会议人员应提前3分钟到达会议室,不得迟至|J、早退,不能参加会议的要提前请假,未请假的给予口头警告1次。8.5. During the meeting, employees are not allowed to play with phone, answer or make calls, sleep or walk around at will.
32、 The mobile phone shall be adjusted to mute or vibrating mode.开会时不许玩手机、接打电话,不许睡觉,不许随意走动,手机应调整为静音或震动状态。9. Confidentiality 保密9.1. Employee shall keep with complete secrecy all the Confidential Information and shall not use or attempt to use any such information in any manner which may directly or indi
33、rectly cause loss to the Company or its related corporations or their business. 员工应完全保密所有机密信息,并且不得使 用或企图使用任何可能直接或间接对公司、相关公司或业务造成损失的保密信息。9.2. Employee acknowledges that Employee will receive or have access to the Confidential Information during the employment with the company and agrees to not disclo
34、se to any person whomsoever and shall use best endeavors to prevent the unauthorized publication or disclose of any Confidential Information which may come to Employee ' knowledge during the course of employment with the company.员工承认,在公司任职期间,员工将收到或可以访问的机密信息, 并同意不向任何人透露任何信息,并应尽最大努力防止未经授权而发布或披露任何机
35、密信息, 这些信息可能是员工在公司任职期间了解的。9.3. If Employee become aware of any threatened danger to the secrecy of the Confidential Information, Employee shall forthwith inform the Company of such danger and take appropriate preventive measures to safeguard the Confidential Information.如果员工意识至 U机密信息的保密性受到任何威胁,则员工应立即
36、将这种危险通知公司,并采取适当的预防措施以保护机密信息。9.4. Plans, documents, memos, correspondence, photocopies etc. made by the Employee are the Company's property. Upon resignation or termination, the Employee is obliged to return all documents pertaining to Company to the Company in a complete and orderly form.员工制作的计戈
37、人 文件、备忘录、信件、复印件等均为公司财产。离职后,员工有义务完整有序的将与公司有关的所有文 件退还给公司。10. Punishment 处罚Punishment is divided into following types depending on the worse of each fault:根据每个违纪的严重程度,处罚分为以下几种类型:a. Verbal warning 口头警告b. Written warning 书面警告c. Financial punishment 经济处罚d. Downgrade/demotion 降级e. Dismissal 解雇5.1. . Punish
38、ment of a. should be given to employees who violate the article 5. Personal Appearance stated in this policy.违反5中规定的给予口头警告的处罚。5.2. . Punishment of b. c. d. or e. shall be given to employee who violate the article 4. Forbidden and 9. Confidentiality of this policy depending on the seriousness of each
39、 circumstance. 违反第 4 和第 9 规 定的视情况给予书面警告、经济处罚、降级、解雇的处罚。5.3. . The following behaviors will be punished by downgrade.以下行为将被处以降级处罚。a. If the employee has been verbally warned 5 times in a year from the date of being employed, the Company may downgrade the employee.如果从受雇之日起一年内雇员被口头警告5次,公司可以对该员工降级。b. If
40、the employee has been recorded in written warning twice of Disciplinary Record or there' s onetime of Serious Disciplinary Record in the year from the date of being employed, the company may downgrade or dismiss the employment contract of the employee.如果员工从受雇之日起一年内有两次书面警告违纪记录或一次严重违纪记录,则公司可以对该员工降级或解
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