



1、Un it2 How ofte n do you exercise第三课时 Section B (1a 1e)A 基础起航I.根据句意及首字母提示完成句中单词。1. Maybe_ I can go shopp ing this after noon with you.2._ Would you like to drink cola or coffee_?3. Dont eat junk _ food.1 ts bad for your body.4. Fresh air and exercise are good for health_ _5. The baby drinks milk abo

2、ut f -ive times every day.6. How many_ hours do you sleep every ni ght?n.用方框中所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。busy, exercise, stay up, do, be good for,health, usually, j unk food, play, how oftenA: Hi, Tony. Whats wrong with you? You look pale.B:_ Hi, Jack. Those days I was_1._busy_ and last ni ght I 2._stayed_up lat

3、e.I feel terrible now.A: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. 3._How_often_ o you exercise?B: Once a week. And you?A: I do 4._exerciseevery morning. You should do more. It 5._is good for yourhealth. And you should eat 6._healthybreakfast.B: OK. I wont eat 7. _unk_fo _ anymore.A: What do you 8._do_fter school?

4、B: I 9._usuallygo home.A: Why not 10._play soccer with us?B: Good idea.川.根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1.他每个月看三到五次电影。He goes to the movies three to five timesa mon th.2.至少他会来看你。_At_ least_ he will come to visit you.3你弟弟每天都进行体育锻炼吗?_Does_ your brother _take/do_exercise_ every day?4.跑步对我们的健康有好处。Running is _good_fo

5、r_ our_ health_5为了完成论文我打算熬夜。I am going to _stay_ up_ late to finish my paper.B 语法扬帆IV .根据回答,完成问句。1._ _Howsoon_ can I get the iPad if I place an order today?In about three days, sir.2. _How _often_ does your father allow you to surf the Internet?Only once a week.3. _How many_ kinds of food do you eat

6、 every day?Five. Sometimes I eat some fruit.4. _How _much_ is the milk? I want some.Thirty five yua n for 5 bottles.5. _How long did you stay there?About one mon th.C 提升冲浪V.阅读短文,用所给单词的适当形式填空或根据上下文填写出合适的单词,使短文通顺。Mr. and Mrs. Lin bought a scale(磅秤)on li ne. Mr. Lin stood 1._on_ the scale.“Oh, Im a lit

7、tle heavy ,” he said to Mrs. Lin.I need 2._to do_do) sports !”Mrs. Lin looked at the scale, “ Yes, you are too 3._heavy_._(heavy).”So they went to the supermarket to buy some sports things.“ Maybe I have to exerciseat least 4._twice(two) a week,” he told Mrs. Lin. “ On Thursday and Sun day, forexamp

8、le, ni try many sports, 5._such as playing basketball and running. ” Later, Mrs. Lin called him, Ill take them. They must be 6._helpful(help) !” She saidwith a cha in (链条)and a lock in her han ds.7. _after_they got home, Mrs. Lin put the chain around the fridge and locked it.“Its good for you becaus

9、e your eating 8._habits_ (habit) are bad,” she told Mr. Lin. “ You drinkcoffee and eat too much unhealthy food every day. I think the best way to keep healthy is 9._throughexercise. I dont think you can do it as you said because youre too lazy ! ” Mr. Lin cannot say10._any thing(someth ing)W. 完形填空。N

10、ick is a 14 year old schoolboy. His life is full of exams and studies on weekdays. He has _1_free time. He thinks playing computer games _2_ the best way to make him relax. Whenhe has freetime, he sits in front of the computer. Just _3 一 that way, he does nt eat or dr ink for several hours.Last week

11、e nd, he played games on the computer aga in. He was too _4_ and didntwant to move. He did nt have _5_ for six hours. Whenhe had to go to the bathroom, he found hecould not move. He was taken to the _6_. The doctor told him he should have a good rest and _7_doing sports.After coming back from the ho

12、spital, Nick follows the doctors _8_. He often plays soccer with hisfriends. _9_ sometimes he still plays computer games on weekends.he _10_ does it for long. Now he lives a happy and healthy l, ife.(C)1.A.muchB. fewC.little D. a few(B)2.A.beB. isC.wasD.are(C)3.A.forB. onC. inD. at(D)4.A.boredB. wor

13、riedC.tiredD.excited(B)5.A. no thi ngB. anythingC. somethingD. everything(C)6.A.di ninghallB.schoolC. hospitalD. bedroom(C)7.A.take outB. take care ofC. pay atte nti on toD. pay a visit to(A)8. A.advice BhabitsC.dreams D .hobbies(D)9.A.A ndB. Un lessC. Because D . Although(B)10. A.everB. n everC. of

14、tenD. alwaysvn.阅读理解。Every one must go to bed early and get up early, or we wont be healthy and clever.Is this true? Perhaps it is. The body must have eno ugh sleep. Childre n of your agen eed ten hours sleep every day. If you dont go to bed early, you wont have eno ugh sleep. Then youcant thi nk pro

15、perly and cant do your work properly. Youll notbe clever.Somepeople go to bed late and get up late. This is not good for them. Wemust sleep at ni ght whe n it isdark. The dark helps u. s sleep_soun dly. Whe n the daytime comes,we must get up. This is the time for exercise. If you lack exercise, the

16、body willbecome weak. Exercise keeps a strong body.Exercise helps the blood flow around in side the body. This is very importa nt. Blood takes food to allparts of our body. The brain also needs blood. If we keep our body healthy and take exercise, we canthink better.( C )1.If we want to be healthy a

17、nd clever, we must_A. go to bed late and get up earlyB.go to bed early and get up lateC.go to bed early and get up earlyD. go to bed late and get up late( A )2.Childre n of your age n eed_ every day.A. ten hours sleepB. nine hours sleepC. twelve hours sleepD. eleven hours sleep( B )3.The best time to sleep is when_A. da ytime comesB. it is darkC. we take exerciseD. it is late after noon( D )4.Exercise makes the body_A. weak B . c


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