



1、牛津 9A Unit 7 重点句子1 / 6Unit 7 FilmsComic strip & welcome to the unit1. 我如此优秀,倒是应该是个超级明星。Im so good that I should be a superstar.2. 你做梦吧。In your dreams.3. 与爱情片相比,我更喜欢动作片。I prefer action films to romantic films 4. 看科幻电影或西部电影怎么样?What about watching science fiction films or westerns?5. 他会适合进入电影业。He w

2、ould be suitable for entering the film industry 6. 她是一个如此优秀的讲故事的人,以至于她可以写出激动人心的剧本。She is such a good storyteller that she can write exciting scripts.7. 我更想在电影行业里做一名导演。I rather be a director in the film industry.Reading8. 她是好莱坞有史以来最优秀的女演员之一。She is one of Hollywoo all-time greatest actresses.9. 全世界都为失

3、去这样一位伟大的人道主义者而感到悲伤。The world felt very sad about the loss of a great humanitarian.牛津 9A Unit 7 重点句子2 / 610. 小时候,她梦想成为一名成功的芭蕾舞舞蹈者。As a child, she dreamt of becoming a successful ballet dancer.11. 在成为一名女演员之前,她当过模特。She worked as a model before becoming an actress 12. 她的美貌和魅力引起了这位作家的注意。Her beauty and ch

4、arm caught the writers attention 13. 他坚持认为赫本是该戏主角的完美人选。He insisted thatHepburn was the perfect girl for the lead role in the pla y.14. 这部戏是由她的小说改编的(以她的小说为基础)。The play is based upon her novel.15. 她之前从未出演过任何主要角色。She had never played any major roles before.16. 那件事标志着她成功职业生涯的开始。That event marked the beg

5、inning of her successful career.17. 他被选来扮演一个年轻公主的主要角色。He was chosen to play the lead role of a young princess.18. 她不就便闻名于世。 She soon became world-famous.19. 在她的一生当中,她还活得了四次奥斯卡奖提名。During her lifetime, she had four more Oscar nominations.20. 她在这部电影中最后一次露面。She made her final appearance in the film.牛津 9

6、A Unit 7 重点句子3 / 621. 她扮演了一位天使的角色。 She played the role of an angel.22. 她的成就不仅仅在电影业。Her achievements went beyond the film industry 23. 她将她生命中的最后几年都花在了与联合国儿童基金会的密切合作中。She spent her last few years working closely with UNICEF.24. 由于她在这个领域的努力,她赢得了许多荣誉。She won many awards because of her efforts in this ar

7、ea.25. 她发现她得了癌症。She discovered that she had cancer.26. 她在睡梦中安然辞世。 She passed away peacefully in her sleep.27. 魅力大的人有一种吸引人的气质。Someone of great charm has an attractive qualit y.Grammar28. 尽管我很早就出发,以避开交通高峰期,但街上交通还是很拥堵。Although I left early to avoid the rush hour, there was a lot oftraffic in the street

8、s.29. 尽管电影院有个大停车场,但是我找不到空地停车。I could not find a space to park my car although the cinema had abig car park.30. 我的座位在最后一排的角落里。My seat was in the last row in the corner.牛津 9A Unit 7 重点句子4 / 631. 人们陆续入场。People kept coming in.32. 尽管他们被告知要保持安静,但有一些人在大声说话。Somepeople were talking loudly, although they were

9、 told to keep quiet.33. 许多人被她的美貌震惊了Many people were amazed by her beaut y.34. 一些人把她误认为真正的公主。Some people mistook her for a real princess 35. 我会把我的 DVD 借给他们,以便他们能了解中国功夫都是关于哪些方面的内容。I will lend them my DVDs so that they will learnwhat Chinese kung fu is all about.36. 我参加了一个中国功夫培训课程,这样我能提高我的技能。I attended

10、 a course on Chinese kung fu so that I could improve myskills.Integrated skills37. 这里是当地影院正在上映的影片的一些信息。Here is someinformation about the films showing at the local cinemas.38. 它是一部适合所有年龄人的纪录片。It is a documentary which is suitable for all ages.39. 它讲述了曾经住在胡同的一家人的故事。It tells the story of a family that

11、 once lived in a hutong.牛津 9A Unit 7 重点句子5 / 640. 这是一部叫做老北京故事的影片。It is a film called Tales of Old Beijing.41. 这部影片把活生生的恐龙呈现在荧幕上。The film brings dinosaurs alive on screen.42. 一只小恐龙被选作恐龙家族的未来之王。A baby dinosaur ischosen to be the future king of the dinosaur famil y.43. 在乘船旅行时,一个女人爱上一个男人。A woman falls i

12、n love with a man when she travels on a ship 44. 当他们开始一起计划未来的时候,可怕的事情发生了。Somethingterrible happens when they start to plan their future together.45. 周二有特价优惠。 There is a special offer on Tuesdays.46. 本周六关于电影的讲座已经被取消了。This Saturdays talk on films has been cancelled.47. 我不喜欢恐怖片。I don like horror films.

13、我也不喜欢。Neither / Nor do I.48. 它们似乎充满了神秘。They seem to be full of mysteries.49. 实际上,它们相当愚蠢。In fact, they are quite stupid.Task50. 毕业后,他做特技替身演员的工作。After he graduated, he worked as a stuntman.51. 到目前为止,他已经出演了近 100 部电影。牛津 9A Unit 7 重点句子6 / 6So far he has acted in nearly 100 films.52. 它们成功地把幽默和激动人心的动作结合在一起。They successfully join humour and exciting action


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