2013届高考英语二轮热点复习训练 语法单选题系列44(提高篇)_第1页
2013届高考英语二轮热点复习训练 语法单选题系列44(提高篇)_第2页
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2013届高考英语二轮热点复习训练 语法单选题系列44(提高篇)_第4页
2013届高考英语二轮热点复习训练 语法单选题系列44(提高篇)_第5页




1、语法单选题系列44(挑战篇)1- Jack, you erase the blackboard today, _?- But I did it yesterday.A. will you B. do you C. would you D. dont you 【答案】:A【解析】:考查反义疑问句。Jack, you erase the blackboard today是一个祈使句,只是把主语给出来了。祈使句的反义疑问句使用will you,或者wont you.故A正确。2The report urged that all the children _ to swim. A. are taugh

2、t B. be taught C. to be taught D. being taught【答案】B【解析】考察虚拟语气。Urge后面的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气should+动词原形,should可以省略,且本句要使用被动语态;句意:那则报告强烈要求所有的孩子都被教会游泳。故B正确。3Karan rented a _ flat and had it _ pink for the coming Christmas. A. furnishing; paintedB. furnishing; painting C. furnished; paintingD. furnished; painted【答

3、案】D【解析】形容词辨析和have用法。Furnish(配备家具)与flat构成被动关系,使用使用过去分词。第二空是have sth done的结构。句意:Karan租了一个有家具的房间,为了迎接即将来临的圣诞节,他把房子粉刷了一下。4The party will be held in the garden, weather .A. permitting B. to permit C. permitted D. permit【答案】A【解析】考察独立主格结构。本题逗号前后没有连词连接,说明逗号后面不是句子,而是一个短语。Weather与permit构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词。独立主格结构不

4、是句子,但是它的作用就相当于句子,Weather permitting=If weather permits.故A正确。5It was March 11, 2011 _ magnitude-90 earthquake struck Japan and subsequent tsunami triggered the large-scale crisisA. that B. when C. in which D. which【答案】B【解析】考察句子结构。本题容易错选A这个强调结构,因为原句中March 11, 2011前面少了on;故B正确。这是一个状语从句,结合句意可知B正确。句意:当9级地

5、震攻击日本导致核泄漏的时候,时间是2011年3月11号。6-Where did you first meet your boyfriend?-It was in the department store _ he worked.A. which B. that C. what D. where 【答案】D【解析】考察定语从句和强调句型。本定语从句的先行词是store,定语从句主语是he,谓语动词是work,是一个不及物动词,不需要加宾语。句子很完整,故使用关系副词。Store是指时间的,故D。本题后半句省略了that you met your boyfriend.句意:你是在什么地方第一次遇见

6、你的男朋友的?就是在他工作的商店里我第一次遇见了他的。7“I think we need to pay more attention to the artistic and cultural work that goes on in every neighborhood in this city,” Ms Martin said. “We are part of _ makes New York unique.” A. what B. that C. which D. it【答案】A【解析】考查名词性从句。of后面是宾语从句,从句中缺少主语,故用what。that在从句中不充当任何成分,只起连

7、接作用。8 What do you think of the 2012 Spring Festival Gala? Well, great! But I dont think much of _ held last year.A. the one B. it C. one D. which【答案】A【解析】考查代词辨析。这里是特指去年举办的春节联欢晚会,故用the one.9Long long time ago, there was a mountain. At the top of the mountain_, in which an old monk used to tell storie

8、s. A. a temple stood B. is there a temple C. stood a temple D. a temple was there【答案】C【解析】本题考查倒装句和时态。here, there, thus, then等副词或表示地点的介词短语位于句首,且当句子的主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装;再结合Long long time ago可知要用过去时。10I have had my bike , and Im going to have somebody my radio tomorrow.A. repair; to repairB. repairing; to b

9、e repairedC. repaired; repairD. to repair; repairing【答案】【解析】本题考查非谓语动词。have sth.done使得某事被做,done作宾补。have sb.do sth.让某人做某事。11It was in the lab _was in the charge of Professor Smith _they carried out the experiment. A. where;that B. which;where C. that;where D. which;that【答案】D【解析】本题考查强调句型及定语从句的连接词。第一空为定

10、语从句,the lab是先行词,其在定语从句中作主语,故用which;第二空是强调句型中的that。12The story is about an old Indian villager and an American tourist in India, _ understanding the others language.A. none of whom B. both of them C. none of them D. neither of whom【答案】C【解析】考察独立主格结构。独立主格结构不是句子,是短语,它的作用相当于句子。AD构成的是定语从句。故被排除。根据句意可知这两个人不

11、能相互理解。故C正确。句意:诸葛故事是关于一个印度村民和一个美国游客,他们两个人都不能理解对方的语言。13Now he still remembers _ it _ him to get the chance. A. that; took B. what; cost C. how; cost D. what; forced【答案】B【解析】考察固定结构宾语从句。Sth cost sb sth某事花费某人多少代价。What引导宾语从句What it cost him to get the chance作为动词remember的宾语。句意:我仍然记得得到那个机会花了我多大的代价。14As long

12、 as I can remember, _ I called, my son would answer. A. before B. any time C. until D. while【答案】B【解析】连词辨析。A在之前;B任何时候;C直到才;D当时;结合句意可知B正确。句意:只要我记得,任何时候我打电话,我的儿子都会回答。15There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something _. A. being desired B. to be desired C. to desireD. to have been desired

13、 【答案】B【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:毫无疑问,我们的教育制度令人不满意。此句中something与desire在逻辑上为动宾关系,故用被动形式,此处意为“留下了被期望的东西”。故选B,不定式的被动形式作宾补。16As the clock _ midnight, cinemas across the country screened the film, _ China one of the first countries in the world to show it.A. knocked; makingB. hit; madeC. beat; which made D. struck;

14、making【答案】D【解析】本题动词辨析和非谓语动词。句意:当午夜的钟声敲响,中国的各大影院开始播放这部电影,这使得中国成为世界上最先播放该电影的国家之一。表示“(钟表)敲,鸣,报时”时用strike。此处making是现在分词作状语表示结果。17People Who Moved China, hosted by CCTV, honors the people _the valuable contributions should be remembered by every Chinese. A. whose B. of whom C. that D. of which【答案】B【解析】本题

15、考查定语从句的用法。句意:CCTV举办的感动中国人物评选活动是给那些做出巨大贡献的人授予荣誉,他们应当被每一个中国人铭记。whom引导定语从句,与of一起做the valuable contributions的定语。18The manager urged older staff _early retirement and new staff _ more time for work.A. take up; to set asideB. took up; set asideC. would take up; to lay asideD. must take up; lay aside【答案】A【

16、解析】本题考查urge的用法。urge 意为 “督促, 力劝, 强烈要求”, 其后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气,即 (should) 动词原形或用urge sb. to do sth(要求某人做某事)。19The doctor suggested he _with a serious disease and that he _to hospital at once.Abe infected;be sent Bwas infected;be sentCshould be infected;was sent Dbe infected;was sent【答案】B【解析】考查suggest的用法。

17、suggest解释为“建议”时,引导的宾语从句应用虚拟语气;解释为“暗示。表明”时,宾语从句用陈述语气。本句前面为陈述语气,后面为虚拟语气。20Personally, I think its your attitude, rather than your score, _ matters in your study. A. whichB. thatC. howD. what【答案】B【解析】考察强调句型。强调句型的结构:it is/was 被强调成分 that/who其他成分;最大的特点是把it is/wasthat/who去掉,句子仍然成立。本题强调上文是主语your attitude,句意

18、;就我个人来说,我认为在学习中重要的是你的态度而不是你的分数。21When the news came _ the war broke out, he decided to serve in the army. A. since B.which C.that D.because【答案】C【解析】考查同位语从句。that引导同位语从句,在从句中不充当任何成分,只是起到连接作用。22-Where can we get your latest childrens story? -Soon. It _ and will come out next week. A. has printed B.is b

19、eing printed C.has been printed D.has been printing【答案】B【解析】考查时态题。根据后面的will come out next week,可知,此书正在被印刷。23The black horse is_ of the pair.A. the strongest  B. the stronger C. the strong   D. quite strong【答案】B【解析】考查比较级。the more of the two表示两者中较的那个。24Im sorry not to have rep

20、lied to your letter earlier, _, I must say , I apologize.A. which B. for which C. to which D. whom【答案】B【解析】考察定语从句。Which指代前面一句话的内容在句中作为for的宾语。Apologize是不及物动词,后面不要直接加宾语。25When you _with the dictionary, dont forget to put it back on my desk, will you?A. will finish B. are finishing C. will have finishe

21、d D. have finished【答案】D【解析】考察时态。在时间状语从句中,通常使用一般现在时表示将来时,也可以使用现在完成时表示到将来一个时间已经完成的动作,故D正确。26-Ive finished cleaning all the furniture in the room. -I dont think so. What about _ on the balcony?A. the oneB. it C. thatD. those【答案】C【解析】考察代词。The one特指上文提及的可数名词单数;it指代上文出现的同一事物;that指代上文出现的可数名词单数或者不可数名词,后面一定要有定语修饰;those是that的复数形式。本题的that指代不可数名词furniture,后面有on the balcony修饰。27We are in a difficult position in_ we have nobody properly qualified for this wor


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