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1、八年级英语下册Unit5Topic1学案(仁爱英语)黑河市第四中学校本课程英语导学案¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬年级 八 科目 英语 课题Unit 5 TA课型: 新授课 主备人:郝 洪 审阅人:初二英语备课组 审阅时间2月29日 使用时间:3月一、学习目标学习表达情感的形容词及如何表达个人情 感。2.学习系动词+形容词结构。3.能够询问并表达对事物的感觉。二、学习内容词汇1)invite_ (用法)_2)worried_3)smile_4)n

2、one_ (与no one区别)_5)disappointed_6)taste(系动词)_7)unpopular_(反义词) _8)silly_(反义词) _9)cruel_(反义词) _10)_ landlord2.词组 ( 在课本中找到下列词组并画线,然后译成汉语)1) say thab._2)_ spend the evening3)_ gvies4)_ gvie theater5)_ be cruel to sb.6)_(知识点)_7) be unpopular with_3.句型 ( 在课本中找到下列句子并画线,然后译成汉语)1) How are you doing?_(同意句及回答

3、)_2)_ You lookexcited._(语法)_3)They are verylucky._4)Guesswhat?_5)I feel disappointed.6)My father andwavite yourpagv_7)My mom will prepadelicious food foru_8) Please say thaur mom.9)Whyallling faces?_(完全结构)_10) Hownice!_11) There was none left.12) What ashame!_13)_How dd taste?答)_三、语法(系动词+形容词结构)1、 定义

4、:形容词可以放在系动词后做表语。2、系动词系动词分为三类:be动词,感官动词,趋势动词。1)Be动词 :be am, is, are, was, w2)感观动词:sound, look, tal, smell3)趋势动词:turn, get, become, go(变)ay,Forexample Kangkang is/looks/feels hau look excited.They are very lu四、检测:同步A习题 五、学后反思 黑河市第四中学校本课程英语导学案¬¬¬¬¬¬&n

5、ot;¬¬¬年级 八 科目 英语 课题Unit5 TB课型: 新授课 主备人:郝 洪 审阅人:初二英语备课组 审阅时间2月29日 使用时间:3月 一、学习目标学习表达情感的单词和短语。2.继续学习系动词+形容词结果学习谈论电影 二学习内容1.词汇1)seem(系动词)_2)_ opera3)_ film4)_ moving_(动词)5) proud _6) smell(系动词)_ (过去式)_7) upset_8) surprised_2.词组 ( 在课本中找到下列词组并画线,然后译成汉语)1)_ be proud of2)_ able_ (se

6、t的现在分词和过去式)_3)_ a 4) be pleased with sb./sth._5) turn green_6) have a temperature_7) just now_8)_ go well9)_ ring up10) phone/telephone/call/ring sb_11)_ feel/b重点句型 (在课本 中找到下列句子并画线,然后译成汉语)1)Whats the matter withsb.(同意句2个)_2)Ha littleunhappy._3)He feels disappointedbecauuldnt get aTheSound ofMu_5)Are

7、 you setting the tablurfriends?_6)Michael isnt abl_句)_7)Did she soundupset?_ (同意8)I hope everything goeswell._9)Ill ring up Michaellater._10)Imsure Mr. Lee will besurprised._三、检测:同步B习题四、学后反思 黑河市第四中学校本课程英语导学案¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬年级

8、八 科目 英语 课题Unit 1 T型: 新授课 主备人:郝 洪审阅人:初二英语备课组 审阅时间9月1日 使用时间:9月一、学习目标继续学习表达情感的单词和句子2.继续谈论电影二学习内容1词汇1)Australia _ (形容词)_2)cry_(现在分词和过去式) _3)lonely_ (与alone区别)_4)lively_(动词)_5)mad_ (比较级和最高级)_6)frightened_ (单词)_2词组 ( 在课本中找到下列词组并画线,然后译成汉语)1)cheer up(名词可中可后,代词放中间)_2)at first_3)d_4)_ fall into (fall过去式)_5) u

9、lar Americanmov_6)_ care for(同义词组)_ _7)_ a love story8)_ght of April 15th9)_ on theway to +地点 _3重点句型 ( 在课本中找到下列句子并画线,然后译成 汉语)新课 标 第 一 网1)How much does a?2)Its a story about a young woman living inAustria._3)The father was lonely and often became angrybecauld_4)Maria taugldg lively songs andunnyplau_

10、5)The smiling faldren pleased him and made himhappyaga_6)What did Maria gVon Trapp familyfor?_(同意句)_7)They were happy to be with eaalled theTita_8) They were afraid of losingea_9) This is a moving story aboutaand_10) Alived togetherhappily._11) Twas so worried that shelookedveryw_(sothat句式)_ (造句)_12

11、) She was very sad and wentmad._三.检测:同步习题四、学后反思 黑河市第四中学校本课程英语导学案¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬年级 八 科目 英语 课题Unit 1 TD课型: 新授课 主备人:郝 洪 审阅人:初二英语备课组 审阅时间9月1日 使用时间:9月一、学习目标了解京剧,加深对中国文化的理解。2.复习系表结构。3.能够谈论自己喜欢的电影和戏剧。 二、学习内容1.词汇1)_role2)_facial3)_ge

12、sture4)_culture5)_foreigner_ (形容词)_6)_nowadays_ (同义词)_7)_ peace8)_ grateful2.重点词组(在课本中找到下列词组并画线,然后译成汉 语)1)_being2)_ make peace withsb._3)_ be full of(同义词组2个)_4)_ beautiful facialpaintings_5)_ more and more_6)_ be/bd in7)_ end with_ (反义词组) 3.重点句型 (在课本中找到下列句子并画线,然后译成汉语)1)Beijing Opera is our nationalo

13、pera._2)_It cabeing a0 and has over 200 yea_3)There are four main roles in BeijingOpera._三检测:同步D习题(A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。A traffic accidenthappened near our school. Luckily, n_ assengers was hu2. Our teachers taught ug l_songs before claAalmost went m_ because sheldaugThe landlord_ that almost everybody

14、haTo oursuade p_ with ead.(B)用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。ary happenedldfriends and invited him _ (go)whouAlthougal was cold, it tasted _ (well)u willfeel happy w_ (smile) at you in a strangepla_ (seem) to be pleased ww student called0.Olgs stand for five paworld, they are Europe, Africa,Asia, Australia and _ (American).(C)句型转换。ael had a temperature becaubadweather. (改为同义句)ael _ _ _ becaubadwea2. Tomlooks


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