已阅读5页,还剩16页未读 继续免费阅读




1、 JAVA分页代码实例package com.hjf.web.view; public class PageUtil . private int pageSize;/每页显示的条数 private int recordCount;/总共的条数 private int currentPage;/当前页面 public PageUtil(int pageSize, int recordCount, int currentPage) . this.pageSize = pageSize; this.recordCount = recordCount; setCurrentPage(currentPa

2、ge); /构造方法 public PageUtil(int pageSize, int recordCount) . this(pageSize, recordCount, 1); /总页数 public int getPageCount() . int size = recordCount/pageSize;/总条数/每页显示的条数=总页数 int mod = recordCount % pageSize;/最后一页的条数 if(mod != 0) size+; return recordCount = 0 ? 1 : size; /包含,起始索引为0 public int getFrom

3、Index() . /System.out.println("from index:"+(currentPage-1) * pageSize); return (currentPage-1) * pageSize; /不包含 public int getToIndex() . /System.out.println("to index:"+Math.min(recordCount, currentPage * pageSize); return Math.min(recordCount, currentPage * pageSize); /得到当前页 p

4、ublic int getCurrentPage() . return currentPage; /设置当前页 public void setCurrentPage(int currentPage) . int validPage = currentPage <= 0 ? 1 : currentPage; validPage = validPage > getPageCount() ? getPageCount() : validPage; this.currentPage = validPage; /得到每页显示的条数 public int getPageSize() . ret

5、urn pageSize; /设置每页显示的条数 public void setPageSize(int pageSize) . this.pageSize = pageSize; /得到总共的条数 public int getRecordCount() . return recordCount; /设置总共的条数 public void setRecordCount(int recordCount) . this.recordCount = recordCount; - 下面的代码是放在jsp里面的 - <% PublishersDAO dao = PublishersDAO.getI

6、nstance(); List records = dao.getModels(); String pageStr = request.getParameter("page"); int currentPage = 1; if (pageStr != null) currentPage = Integer.parseInt(pageStr); PageUtil pUtil = new PageUtil(10, records.size(), currentPage); currentPage = pUtil.getCurrentPage(); %> -下面这个是放在有

7、变量的上面- <% for (int i = pUtil.getFromIndex(); i < pUtil.getToIndex(); i+) PublisherModel model = (PublisherModel) records.get(i); %> 中间是删除修改之类的代码 <%> -这个是结尾的- <tr><td width=100% bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan=4 align="center"> 记录总数<%=pUtil.getRecordCount()

8、%>条 当前页/总页数<%=currentPage%> /<%=pUtil.getPageCount()%>每页显示<%=pUtil.getPageSize()%>条 <a href="publishers.jsp?page=1">首页</a> <a href="publishers.jsp?page=<%=(currentPage - 1)%>">上页</a> <a href="publishers.jsp?page=<%=(cu

9、rrentPage + 1)%>">下页</a> <a href="publishers.jsp?page=<%=pUtil.getPageCount()%>">末页</a> </td></tr> = java分页代码 package mon; import java.util.Vector; /* * 公共的列表 */ public class CommonList extends Vector /* * 当前页数 */ public int pageNo; /* * 每页显示记

10、录数 */ public int pageSize; /* * 总页数 */ public int pageNum; /* * 总纪录数 */ public int recNum; /* * 开始记录数 */ public int startPos; /* * 结束记录数 */ public int endPos; /* * 默认页大小 */ public final static int defaultPageSize = 20; public static final String COMMONLIST_TAG_KEY = "commonlist_tag_key" pu

11、blic CommonList() public CommonList(int pageNo, int pageSize) if (pageNo < 0) pageNo = 0; this.pageNo = pageNo; this.pageSize = pageSize; /* * 计算其它属性 * param recNum 总纪录数 * param pageNo 当前页 * param pageSize 页大小 */ public CommonList(int recNum, int pageNo, int pageSize) calculate(recNum, pageNo, pa

12、geSize); /* * 计算其它属性 * param recNum 总纪录数 */ public void calculate(int recNum) calculate(recNum, pageNo, pageSize); /* * 计算其它属性 * param recNum 总纪录数 * param pageNo 当前页 * param pageSize 页大小 */ public void calculate(int recNum, int pageNo, int pageSize) if (recNum < 1) return; if (pageSize = 0) retur

13、n; if (pageNo < 1) pageNo = 1; this.pageNo = pageNo; this.pageSize = pageSize; this.recNum = recNum; if (pageSize > 0) if (recNum % pageSize > 0) pageNum = recNum / pageSize + 1; else pageNum = recNum / pageSize; if (pageNo > pageNum) this.pageNo = pageNum; if (this.pageNo < 1) this.p

14、ageNo = 1; startPos = (this.pageNo - 1) * pageSize + 1; endPos = this.pageNo * pageSize; else startPos = 0; endPos = recNum; /* * 显示分页标志 * param cl 列表 * return 结果 */ public static String getPage(CommonList cl) return getPage(cl, 10, null); /* * 显示分页标志 * param cl 列表 * param pageNum 显示的数目 * return 结果

15、*/ public static String getPage(CommonList cl, int pageNum) return getPage(cl, pageNum, null); /* * 显示分页标志 * param cl 列表 * param pageNum 显示的数目 * param strPage 分页参数 * return 结果 */ public static String getPage(CommonList cl, int pageNum, String strPage) String rValue = null; StringBuffer sb = new Stri

16、ngBuffer(); try if (cl != null) if (strPage != null && !strPage.equals("") strPage = ","" + strPage + """ else strPage = "" if (pageNum < 1) pageNum = 10; sb.append("共有<font color='#FF0000'>" + cl.recNum + "<

17、;/font>条记录," + cl.pageNo + "/" + cl.pageNum + "页。"); if (cl.pageNo > 1) sb.append(" <a href='" + strPage + ")'>|&lt;</a> <a href='" + (cl.pageNo - 1) + strPage + ")'>&lt;</a>"); int currentNu

18、m = (cl.pageNo % pageNum = 0 ? (cl.pageNo / pageNum) - 1 : (int) (cl.pageNo / pageNum) * pageNum; if (currentNum < 0) currentNum = 0; if (cl.pageNo > pageNum) sb.append(" <a href='" + (currentNum - pageNum + 1) + strPage + ")'>.</a>"); for (int i = 0; i

19、< pageNum; i+) if (currentNum + i + 1) > cl.pageNum | cl.pageNum < 2) break; sb.append(" <a href='" + (currentNum + i + 1) + strPage + ")'>" + (currentNum + i + 1 = cl.pageNo ? "<font color='#FF0000'><b>" + (currentNum + i + 1)

20、 + "</b></font>" : (currentNum + i + 1) + "") + "</a>"); if (cl.pageNum > (currentNum + pageNum) sb.append(" <a href='" + (currentNum + 1 + pageNum) + strPage + ")'>.</a>"); if (cl.pageNo < cl.pageNum) sb.a

21、ppend(" <a href='" + (cl.pageNo + 1) + strPage + ")'>&gt;</a> <a href='" + cl.pageNum + strPage + ")'>&gt;|</a>"); rValue = sb.toString(); else rValue = "" catch (Exception e) rValue = "" finally sb = n

22、ull; / cl = null; return rValue; public String toString() return "mon.CommonList" + "pageNo=" + pageNo + ", pageSize=" + pageSize + ", pageNum=" + pageNum + ", recNum=" + recNum + ", startPos=" + startPos + ", endPos=" + endPos +

23、"" /*请保留下面的注释*/ /* js 翻页代码 function tunePage(toPageNo,pageNo) try var topage = 1; if(typeof(toPageNo) != "number" | toPageNo < 1) topage = 1; else topage = toPageNo; var olds = window.location.searchSubject; if(typeof(pageNo) = "undefined" | pageNo = "") pa

24、geNo = "pageNo" var news = "" if(olds.length > 1) olds = olds.substring(1,olds.length); var arrays = olds.split("&"); for (var i = 0; i < arrays.length ; i+) if(arraysi.indexOf(pageNo + "=") < 0 && arraysi.length > 1) news += "&

25、;" + arraysi; if(news.length > 1) news = "?" + news.substring(1,news.length) + "&" + pageNo + "=" + topage; else news = "?" + pageNo + "=" + topage; else news = "?" + pageNo + "=" + topage; window.location = window.loc

26、ation.pathname + news; catch(e) window.location = window.location.pathname + window.location.searchSubject; function sAll(thisObj,dObj) try var l = eval(dObj + ".length"); if(typeof(l) = "undefined") eval(dObj).checked = thisObj.checked; else for(var i = 0; i < l; i+) if(!eval

27、(dObj + "" + i + "").disabled) eval(dObj + "" + i + "").checked = thisObj.checked; catch(e) */ JSP代码: CommonList,"","",phototypename,"" , "" , orderby , ascdesc , pageNo, pageSize); <table width="

28、;100%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="D6E2FF"> <tr> <form method="get"> <td align="right"><%=CommonList.getPage(cl)%></td> </form> </tr> </ta

29、ble> DB.JAVA代码: public CommonList search(int status, String playername, String pictitle, String phototypename, String beginDate, String endDate, String orderby, String ascdesc, int pageNo, int pageSize) throws Exception CommonList lst; Connection conn; PreparedStatement st; ResultSet rst; Excepti

30、on exception; lst = null; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(1024); if(status > -1) buffer.append(" and (status=" + status + ")"); if(playername != null && playername.trim().length() > 0) buffer.append(" and (playername like '%" + playername + &quo

31、t;%')"); if(pictitle != null && pictitle.trim().length() > 0) buffer.append(" and (pictitle like '%" + pictitle + "%')"); if(phototypename != null && phototypename.trim().length() > 0) buffer.append(" and (phototypename = '" +

32、phototypename + "')"); if(beginDate != null && beginDate.length() > 0) buffer.append(" and (inputdate>=to_date('" + beginDate + "','yyyy-mm-dd')"); if(endDate != null && endDate.length() > 0) endDate = endDate + " 23:59:

33、59" buffer.append(" and (inputdate<=to_date('" + endDate + "','yyyy-mm-dd HH24:MI:SS')"); String str_orderby = "" if(orderby != null && orderby.trim().length() > 0) str_orderby = " order by " + orderby; else str_orderby = &qu

34、ot; order by inputdate " if(ascdesc != null && ascdesc.trim().length() > 0) str_orderby = str_orderby + " " + ascdesc; else str_orderby = str_orderby + " desc " String wherestr = buffer.length() > 0 ? buffer.replace(1, 5, " where ").toString() : "

35、;" String countSQL = "select count(*) from furniturepicture " + wherestr; String querySQL = "select * from (select a.*,rownum rowno from (select * from furniturepicture " + wherestr + str_orderby + " ) a) where rowno between ? and ?" int recordCount = 0; int pageCo

36、unt = 0; conn = null; st = null; rst = null; try conn = Conn.getConnection("search"); conn.setAutoCommit(false); st = conn.prepareStatement(countSQL); rst = st.executeQuery(); if( recordCount = rst.getInt(1); st.close(); st = null; rst.close(); rst = null; pageCount = recordCount

37、 / pageSize; if(recordCount % pageSize != 0) pageCount+; if(pageNo < 1) pageNo = 1; else if(pageNo > pageCount) pageNo = pageCount; if(pageNo < 1) pageNo = 1; lst = new CommonList(recordCount, pageNo, pageSize); st = conn.prepareStatement(querySQL); st.setInt(1, pageSize * (pageNo - 1) + 1)

38、; st.setInt(2, pageSize * pageNo); FurniturePicture obj; for(rst = st.executeQuery();; lst.add(obj) obj = new FurniturePicture(); obj.setFurniturepictureid(rst.getLong("furniturepictureid"); obj.setPlayerid(rst.getLong("playerid"); obj.setPlayername(rst.getString("playername"); obj.setIdcard(rst.getString("idcard"); obj.setTel(rst.getString("tel"); obj.setEmail(rst.getString("email&qu


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