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1、2018-2019年天津市蓟县第一小学三年级上册英语期末测验无答案、我会选一选(选择题)1 Wemaking a cake.A. areB. is2 当你想向别人表示感谢时,你可以说: A Good night!B Thank you.C Nice to meet you!3 当医生向病人询问病情时会问: A. What's the matter? B. What's this? C. How are you?4 Good morning, Liu Xin. A. Good morning, Mike.B. Goodbye, Mike.5 I have a _ (铅笔) . S

2、he has a _(钢笔) .()A pencil; pencil6 How many caps?B pen; pencilC pencil; pen第 4 页, 共 6 页A、threeB、twoC、four7 你有一个新朋友,你妈妈想知道他的名字,你应该这样说 A. What's his name?B. His name is Li Ming.8 Point your leg.AinB toCof9 This is teacher.A. a B. an C. /10当你想询问那是什么时,应说: AWhat's is it? B What is it?11 Alice :

3、John, this is for you.John:A Who are you?BWhere is it?CThat 's OK.A. I see a ruler on the desk.B. I see a pen on the desk.13 In spring, the tree is .A. red B. greenC. brown14 Which class are in?A youB yourC my15 This my mouth.A isB areCam二、想一想,填一填(填空题)16猜歌谣,选择相应的单词补全歌谣。Jump up high! Jump up high

4、!4. ! Four! Three, 5. , one!Jump! Jump! It's so fun!17选词完成句子。What are many funny summer ( 1) -How chairs?- Eight chairs.( 2) Itsnose is small. Its eyes big.( 3) In, it is hot.( 4) Lookat its nose. It's .(5)- is it?- It is a window. 18给下列字母排上正确的序号。V X U Y W Z19连词成句。(只把代表单词的序号写在横线上)1. yourbody

5、 Shake2.youreyes Close3.headyour Touch4.myat Looknose5.isleg Thismy20根据图片提示,把同一类的单词写在相应的横线上ruler, cat, face, brown, bread, eye, green, pencil, tiger, juice1)2) 21连词成句 ,把下面的单词连成一句话。1. you are how2. morning Mr. good dog 22读一读,根据上下文,填空完成对话。( 1) - your brother? - He's eleven.( 2) - she? - She's

6、my teacher.( 3) - you like swimming? - No, I .( 4) - you draw? - No, I can't. But I run fast.23 H are you, Amy?24回答问题1、what is the mom doing?2、What does Alice doing?3、what are you doing?25排序。A. How much are they?B. May I have five oranges, please?C. Here you are.D. Good morning. Can I help you?E

7、. Nine yuan, please.F. Thank you.G. Sure.三、手牵手,找朋友(连线题)26将下列数字与正确的单词连线。1)二Afive2)五Bsix3)六Ctwo4)七Dnine5)九Eseven27把字母的大写和小写对应起来JH g pQ REFfq j re hGP28连线。(1)penA九(2)presentB 岁的(3)nineC 是的(4)oldD 礼物(5)yesE 钢笔29读句子,选择相应的答句。连线Hello, I'm Mike.A. Me too! Let's play!B. Bye! What's your name?C. H

8、i, I'm John. Goodbye, Miss White!D. Great! I have a pencil box.E. My name's Sarah.30对应词匹配。连线hotA. sad blackB. white happyC. closeopenD. cold四、我是翻译家(英汉互译)31我是翻译小能手。(汉译英)1. 给你。 2.对不起。 3. 喝些牛奶。 32英汉互译rainywindycloudy能33很高兴见到你。(翻译成英语)34翻译下列句子 .(1)那是什么?(2)那是一只鸭子。(3)这是一只有趣的老虎。4)这是什么?5)真酷!我喜欢这只熊猫。红

9、色35写出下列单词的英文。黄色 牛仔裤鞋子 短裤五、我是小法官(判断题)36看图,圈出正确的单词。1.第 6 页,共 6 页2.判断下列各组字母的排列顺序,ABDd j qn r p 38判断字母顺序是否正确。(39圈出每组中不同类的一个。e s正确打正确打,”不正确打Jsw“×”。ORT六、阅读理解40阅读短文,选择正确的答案。I ' m a te-ynear-old boy. My name is Sandy. I' m from Shanghai. Shanghai is a beautiful city. I love it very much

10、. Mais my good friend. She is thin. She likes singing very much. She is not from Shanghai. She is from Beijing, We often play together (一起) . After class, we usually (通常) clean the classroom. Mary always cleans the blackboard and I clean the desks and chairs. Then we go home together.1 I ' m now

11、(.)A nine years oldB ten years old2 Mary and I are both. ( )A ChineseB American3 Mary always cleans the . ( )Adesks B blackboard4 Sandy and Mary always go together. ( )Ato schoolB home5 is Mary's hobby (爱好) .()A SingingB Dancing41阅读短文,判断,正确用 T 表示,错误用 F 表示Jane is a girl. She is five years old. She can


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