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1、创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日48个英语音标(国际音标)之马矢奏春创作单位音前兀首i:?e?创作 时间:二零 二一 年六 月三 十日中元音?3:?后兀首u:?:?Q双廿双井eIal? I?a ?元音集中双元音?e? ?辅音爆破音清厝ptk浊妙音bdg摩擦首fs?01h浊妙音vz?e 破擦首t ?trts浊妙音d ?drdz鼻音(浊辅首,)mn?舌则音(浊辅首,)lr(浊辅首,)wj国际首标发首表创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日英语国际音标共48 个 , 其中 20 个元音 ,20 个辅音 ,3 个鼻音 ,2 个半元音 ,3 个似拼音 、一、元音巧记 48 个国际音标

2、单位音共十二, 四二六前中后.双元音也好背, 合口集中八个整.辅音共计二十八, 八对一清又七浊,四个连对也包括. 有气无声清辅音,有声无气浊辅音, 发音特点应掌握.关于语音的几个概念:音素: 音的最小单位, 英语中有48 个音素 .音节: 由元音和辅音构成的发音单位元音 : 发音响亮, 是乐音 , 口腔中气流不受阻碍, 是音节的主要组成部份 . 英语中有20 个元音 .辅音 : 发音不响亮, 是噪音 , 口腔中气流受到阻碍, 不是音节的重要组成部份, 英语中有28 个辅音 .开音节:1) 辅音+元音+辅音+不发音e创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日如 :kite ca

3、ke name bike make take home plane shine2) 辅音 +元音 如 :he hi go no do betree three hello闭音节 :1) 辅音+元音+辅音:sit bed bad bag hot hop let mad maphead2) 元音+辅音如 : it is in on up out antA chicken is in the kitchen. / A horse is in the house.A mouse is in the cat s mouth.A sheep eats some beef and drinks some g

4、reen tea 1 元音 :1) i: 字母组合:ee ea e iethr ee tree green sheep meet beef see seekeat tea meat leave lead teacher teammean speak cleanpie cerec ei ve ceiling2) ? 发音字母i y esi t picture it is list six mix fix fitpig big build miss manytwenty happy dictionaryd efect decide delicious3) ? 发音字母a bag hand and

5、ant happy hatmapmad bad black back glad flagshall man4) e 字母组合ea 、 e、 a head bread pleasure创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better beddesk hotel yesmany any5) 3 : 字母组合 ir ur ear er orgir l shirt skirt thirty thirteen third birdt ur n burn murder nurse turtle

6、 Thursday burgerl earn earn earth heardt erm her nerd servew ork worm work world6) ? 字母组合er or oue ar o a uteach er leader remember player speaker farmer powderdoct or actor mayor author tractordelici ous familiar collar dollar m en listent ogether tomorrow today lesson Washington controlaround acco

7、unt ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china7) a: 字母组合ar acar farm card arm gardenf ast class last glass plant auntcalm8) ? 发音字母u ooo ou up supper lunch fun gun hunt cupbusbl oodfloodcome mother dosebrother love above tr ouble rough flourish9) ?: 字母组合al au or our arsmal l w al l t al ktall hall

8、ball call walkauthor c aught创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日autumnshort more lord horse for forty sport door floor storef our mourn court bought w ar m quarrel quarter10) ? 发音字母o ahot lost lot fox box mop hop loss notwant wash watch11) u: 字母组合oo o uf ood moon room gloom broom doom goose toothshoe do t

9、wotr ue truth blue full prude12) ? 字母组合oo ou u ol ook goodfoot book wood sh ould couldput full bull pull pushw oman wolf13) eI 发音字母a ay ea ai eyname cakelate gate plane April pl aysay may waygr eat break r ai n paint plainth eygrey14) aI 发音字母i ybi ke fine find die nine light nighthigh mytry fly eye1

10、5) a ? 字母组合ou owhouse out flour ground account count sound loud aroundmousefl ower down now cow how town16) ? 发音字母o ow oahome cold go no phone host ghost创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日know low below grow blow show flowb oat coat goal17) ?I 字母组合oy oiboy toy joy oil s oi l voice choice18) i ? 字母组合eer e

11、arbeer deer ear near h erefier ce id ea19) e ? 字母组合ear air erepear bear ch air air fair th ere wherecare20) ? 字母组合our owerhour tour fl owershower3 辅音1) pp en pear play pig pour pull push2) bb ook big boot bike bread break3) tt wo ten ton town twenty city4) dd oor dull desk dose do dog dictionary5) k

12、k ing kite key look cook book kitchen sky (发音字母k)card cat cream correctclimb come account accept (发音字母c)fo xbox oxygen x-ray ( 发音字母x) s chool schema ( 字母组合ch)6) gg irl good goal goat grade long language7) m m an make moon morning move come comb创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日8) n penten nine fine nigh

13、t noon moon clean9) ? u ncle bank English think thank junk singkingmorning evening10) ll ong land lend lord fly flag black worl d cold goalsoul11) rr ead red right run room write12) ff ive fly fine flag frog fog roof knife life wifecough laugh rough physic photo phone13) v v ery evening even every v

14、oice vest o f14) ss ix sit student same seatkiss miss case scarf (发音字母 s)li cense city cease cedarceiling celebrate (发音字母c)pie ce juice science lance space ace ( 字母组合ce)15) zz oo zebra ?zi:br ? zero zapclose nose hose suppose pausethose whose16) 8 th ink thank three thirty tooth mouth17) e th at thi

15、s those these though18) ?sh eep shoulder ship shoe she brush washnat ion attention station so cial special sure19) ? plea sure20) hh ot hop home house horse how who21) w w hen what where window wind wood创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日22) jy es year yell you your yolk yellow23) t ?ch ild chicken china

16、 chair lunch ouch catch teach24) d ? a ge language cabbage vegetable stage bridgej oy enjoy join July June junk25) trtr ee country try treat track trunk26) drdr y dream drop drive drink27) ts studen ts boots boats goats nuts28) dz goodswoods moods hoods5 字母 , 组合音节发音规律1 ) a eI late private gradebake

17、grape nation station page? active hand bank fan parent family glad flag ? accept aboutabove formative machine cinemad fast last glass class past father ? wash what watch want2) e i: appr eciate extr emely secret she me hee l etter left message generate pebble ? decide pretty previous result restore

18、? problem prosperous student confident不发音 active table late wife store lecture3) IaI high price library ice wife size line创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日1 fist pick chicken piano fianc e city unit4) o ? lode host cold note okay old homeu: lose do whowhose prove ? lovesome other mother honey company ?

19、 today tomorrow together control collect ? lost hot mock office soft honest5) u ju university refuse unique universe huge ? put push pull full bull ? but brush bucket duck bubble ? support suggest6) c k country camp camera courage cable5 cityceiling celebrate cell cease7) gg girl grade glass glade b

20、ag flagd ? village vegetable bridgegentleman gym ? long song sing morning evening8) l l 读音分歧listen learn languagecollect English gorillaworld cold soil tall sell cool animal9) nn moon night noodle number ? uncle hungry angry young创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日10) rr rightread write grade progressr (

21、 美语发音)card board door floorform north11) ) yj yellow year yellyoung yolk ? university country pretty happya ? dyke dying flybuyby my12) ar d farm card garden mark ? dollar ?: warm quarrel quarter13) eai: cease season breathe feature meat pleasee bread breast breath meadow weathere ? great break i ?

22、idea realize14) ear ?: learn earth earn heard ? hear near clear ear fear15) er ?: deserve serve her person ? teacher driver anger singer ? serious experience mysterious fierce16) ere ? here mere fere seree ? there17) ir ?: shirt girl skirtaI admire desire18) oou: room tool cool moon noon goof food ? good foot stood wood w


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