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1、学海无涯新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说 1Unit 11.2(1) busy(2) friends(3) university(4) social life1.3a-c-e-d-b-f |1.4(1) danced(2) view of(3) fun(4) drink(5) west(6) delicious meal(7) house(8) TV2.1(2) 4th(3) 1990(4) 19962.2(1) teacher(2) cleaned houses(3) lost(4) visited(5) work(6) his wife(7) in his own words2.1a-c-h

2、-f-d-e-g-b2.2(1) home(2) country(3) relatives学海无涯(4) foreigner(5) speak(6) passed on(7) heat(8) sea(9) happiness2.2(1) It was great(2) He's a football player(3) It was really beautiful2.31 3 5 7 101.1(1) a small town(2) 1993(3) XXXX(4) XXXX(5) seven1 4 5 7 8 9 10一 BABDD二 DBCD三 DDBAPassage 2(1) p

3、rogrammes(2) very(3) decisions(4) doing laundry(5) Obviously(6) choices(7) ruining(8) get used to(9) opportunities(10) step backNews report一 BCDCPart ICADDAPart IICDABCPart IIICBABDPart IV(1) achievements(2) specialised(3) vast(4) professional(5) educated(6) was familiar(7) extensively(8) elegantly(

4、9) a great deal(10) BesidesUnit 21.2(1) a month(2) Not very often(3) once or twice(4) a week(5) every month(6) every fortnight1.3(1) romantic(2) great(3) recommend(4) action(5) collection(6) real life scenes(8) fantastic1.4c-d-a-b学海无涯2.1C2.2(1) blonde(2) blue(3) dark(4) masculine2.3Women 1Women 2Man

5、 1Man 2寓Gael Garcia Bernaly agScarlett Johanssony d乳Sean Connery“ *JutchWill Smith2.1学海无涯E'/erytifidy can a chance to perform there.n theirnormaljobs.People can buy music CDs.F&stivals are playgrounds foir gr&vjn-ups2.2(1) garden(2) baby and wife(3) traditional values(4) likes(5) being t

6、ogether2.1(1) feel like(2) What do you recommend(3) how about(4) What's it about(5) Who's in it(6) Do you think(7) Why don't we2.2J - 1 as tl last DVD -.ou sav, ?2 Whar DVD meie oulcf you recommend?3 . It's wonderful!4 / 4. Pd /on thin卜 I, liig I'P4 - 5. Wsll do :.-dli lil-e acti

7、onB Howf about cornedies,?q * 7, don't think you,d like it./8. ti ini .ou d lii , fliat Frencli filial/ /9一 Lo.?lh&tis cood i acornend a tion4 /you gottr& DVD?(1) a free concert(2) evening(3) City Park(4) boyfriend(5) a picnic(6) stagelay(8) fantastic1.2BABABADBCAD二 DCBC三 ABACPassage 2(1

8、) comic(2) traffic(3) constantly(4) available(5) took part in(6) attracted audience(8) free of charge(9) put forward(10) embraceNews report一 AC二 CDPart IDACBAPart IIACACD学海无涯Part IIICAADDPart IV(1) too much(2) warning(3) affected by(4) back(5) drive people to suicide(6) pointed out(7) recent(8) comm

9、it(9) prevention(10) it's timeUnit 31.2(1) living(2) much学海无涯(3) interesting places(4) something(5) experience(6) feel about1.3a-d-b-g-h-f-e-c -|1.4(1) exciting(2) amazing concert(3) incredible(4) the theatre(5) the best place(6) different(7) compared to(8) play football(9) interesting things(10

10、) the best thing(11) tickets2.1a-d-h-e-b-g-c-f2.2(1) Australia(2) outback(3) go further(4) frightened(5) Don't move(6) the dogs frightening2.1Preparations for traditional Gretan weddings often last for several weeks.卜 Tlie whole of Maria's village has timed out to see h&t getmamed.The br

11、ide a rives v. ith both her father 3nd her mothery * The meat of 150 sheepserved av.-alding feast.Maria and Jorg os' Hrst danc* as rnar and vjife includes guests.2.2 biggest island nervous(3) women学海无涯(4) 1500(5) money(6) overwhelmed2.1(1) It's(2) there(3) leave a message(4) call(5) speak(6)

12、 moment(7) ring(8) number(9) this(10) picking up1.1学海无涯Speaker 1Speaker 2Speaker 3(7) attendingRiding an elephant Climbing a volcano Swimming in a thermal spa Sailing down the Nile1.2Int-erviewver“, 1 F- me. Do2 Wtiat has been 由白 most unique experience In your life so tar?、,?. Cari I show you th is

13、lit? Um, have you done any of activities? / / 4 We're doing a survey. about experiences of a lifetime.5 , Could you just lok atihis list? H ave you done any of these things?6 Would you like to in any 0fti怡 activities listed here?Inter/ieweeY f 7. Yes yes I sctiirJi . .'ell. onp of them!4 8 N

14、o. no I dontthinl so./ g I don't travel that much r go . Ir I havenlbaen to Iceland10 Ifl have a chance. I would lik&to tr; that一 CCBDA二 BCAD三 CABCPassage 2(1) mountainous(2) frightened(3) took place(4) vanish(5) occurred(6) massive caught(8) keep us away from(9) gratefulNews report一 CA二 DCP

15、art ICBAADPart IICADBAPart IIIABCDDPart IV(1) apply for(2) commitment(3) opportunity(4) restaurant(5) developed(6) working practices学海无涯(8) add(9) personal qualities(10) a positive additionUnit 41.21.3(1) fresh air(2) avoid holes(3) think about(4) dream(6) an accident1.4c-e-f-d-a-b -I2.2(1) 1962(2)

16、1948(3) leave(4) public transport(5) in and drove(6) private build(8) good condition(9) engineering problem(10) too heavy(11) strong(12) difficult to fly(13) traffic problems2.1AAABA2.2r9>己.istrying k get to Amsterdam.b. v.ants to go to EMin.,*c. is there with her grancimather and parentsd become

17、s really ,Zan" and thinks everi'thing is quite calm.J we finds no hotel is available parentsJrV /f. is thers with her son and daughter2.3(1) airport managers(2) relax(3) pass the time(4) midnight(5) their flight(6) three hundred319学海无涯(8) 5002.1(1) tied up(2) customer(3) 20(4) coffee(5) del

18、ayed(6) cow stations2.2BABABB2.3L I dcMbelieve you.1. Ifs already half past nine.53. pont Yiorry about it/ * 4. |Thats OK No problem.5. Da yen eKpect me 1o believe ttiat? W * ii. pK, butdonn let it happen agafei. q m 7. Ihat'g all right.2.1(1) a vegetarian meal(3) his order(4) business class(5)

19、cold(6) the person in charge2.2ABBBAABA一 CBDDA二 CBDD三 CADAPassage 2(1) Gradually(2) enabled(3) vehicles(4) dates back to(5) As a result(6) thoroughly capacity(8) turn(9) automobiles(10) thanks to学海无涯News report一 D D二 D B CPart IBBDADPart IICDACPart IIICBDACPart IV(1) motor(2) sufferer(3) range from(

20、4) results from(5) relies on(7) still(8) folk(9) avoid(10) wingUnit 51.2J * adventure holidaysW * city breaks Y * beach holidayscampingending bookswonderful nightlifedancing,a skiingrelaxing holidayseating seafood shoppinggoing to an amusement park1.3Answers: 1 4 5 7 10学海无涯1.4(1) relaxing(2) fantast

21、ic(3) lovely(4) Amazing(5) thoroughly enjoyed(6) Lovely(7) fantastic2.2(1) comfortable(2) Plane(3) faster(4) In a hotel(5) comfortable(6) In an apartment(7) expensive(8) sightseeing(9) sightseeing(11) In summer(12) better(13) hot weather(14) In spring(15) crowded(16) a restaurant(17) quieter(18) a r

22、estaurant(19) quieter(20) A month2.1c-a-f-d-e-b2.2(1) widest(2) cuts through(3) football学海无涯(4) his career(5) famous(6) 1800s(7) apparently(8) 80(9) fantastic meat(10) vegetables(11) family and friends(12) wonderful moments2.12 4 5 82.2(1) Could I have(2) can we have(3) that(4) French(5) I'd lik

23、e(6) The sameADACC二 DCDC三 DBACPassage 2(1) celebrate(2) provide us with(3) sticking to(4) challenges(5) anticipating(6) portions(7) stuff(8) take hold of(9) effective(10) strategiesNews report一 B D二 A DPart ICCDAAPart IIBBBDPart IIIBCABDPart IV(1) hang(2) remains(3) symbol(4) performed(5) held on(6)

24、 represent sweets(8) the holiday season(9) appeared to(10) spread toUnit 61.2(1) exercise(2) full-time(3) running1.31 51.4Answers: c-e-f-a-d-g-b1.5(1) a sweet tooth(2) sweet(3) coffee(4) chocolate(5) Eating late(6) regularly(7) too much(8) fast food(9) far too many(10) cake2.1(1) eating problems(2)

25、replace normal(3) food pills(4) taste different(5) its flavor(6) become common2.222.1CACDD2.2学海无涯KflPRBarkerCorbetta. Nl must 孙 1 really enjoyed that.1"/ <ib. ". rths a supergame, isn't it? 1, 1 can't understand why I've never tried it before "J <ic. ''How ma

26、ngoals did 1 get?"W <id ITYou Vvonfougmme士 to lovel"1,i<ie.". this Is a Dall. The game is called squash1 ,F*/ 3t "Will it v/ork now veuve done ttiat?"J Zlg "I'm not going to be playing squash anymore everlFh *1 thought 1 might get a bit better."q *ii. 

27、9;TH tell you what . It won't 值即加 the next time."J "Til get a new one and tomorrow morning. her&, 10 o'clock, things will be differentl"4 *2.2d-b-f-e-a-c2.3(1) tea and coffee(2) one small cup(3) painkillers(4) three times a day(5) Foot pain(1) feel relaxed(2) much exercise

28、(3) sporting hero(4) walk a day1.21 2 4 6一 CBDBD二 CBAA三 BDBAPassage 2(1) pressures(2) disappear(3) compromise(4) alcohol(5) intense(6) interferes with(7) undermine(8) pay attention to(9) suffers from(10) competitiveNews report一 DD二 CAPart IAACDBPart IIACBBAPart IIICCDDDPart IV(1) perfectly(2) sewing

29、(3) distant(4) suffer from(5) at arm's length(6) cloudy(7) judging(8) slightly(9) background(10) eye views1.2Unit 7As 5her5 getting older she loves London more than the countryside.1.3Answers:b-f-a-d-e-c1.3(1) Snakes(2) the end(3) hate(4) scared of(5) afraid of(6) horses frighten(8) scares(9) me

30、mories(10) sharks(11) unknown2.1(1) three(2) water(3) animals(4) the weather.2.1CCAA2.2(1) beautiful(2) magical(3) lovely(4) fantastic(5) happy(6) astonishing2.1BAA2.2e-a-c-b-d-f-g2.3BAAABB学海无涯1.1(1) Fish River Canyon(2) amazingly quiet1.212358一 CABDD二 DCDA三 CCACPassage 2(1) participated in(2) acces

31、s to(3) tremendous(4) currently(6) accompany(7) remarkable(8) amazing(9) catching a glimpse of(10) looking forward toNews report一 BB二 CAPart IDCBBDPart IIABDDPart IIICBADCPart IV(1) dial(2) keeper学海无涯1.3(3) smart(4) figure out(5) chemically(6) rank high on(7) intelligence(8) recognize(9) descriptive(10) make decisionsUnit 81.2d-c-a-e-b-f学海无涯BBABBA 1.4hatJacketj * bookJ * coatJ * handbagW w sunglassesshirtcomputer/ w trousers watchy kralnerl7 " telephone2.1(1) food(2) rubber(3) 1891(4) concentrate(5) the mobile phone(6) 1973(7) countries(8) light(9) XXXX学海无涯(10 5002.21 4 5 6 72.1(1) e


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