1、stickv. st ? k ( sticks; stuck; sticking ) 双解释义 vt. & vi, 粘贝占,张贝占 fasten, become fastened, with glue or any substance like it vt. & vi, 插入,刺入,卡住fix sth pointed in sth else vt. 容忍,忍受 bear; endure vi. 产生彳用,生效,起作用remain in effect, especiallyby being able to beproved 基本要点l.stick 的基本意思是“粘贴” “张贴”,指用胶水、精糊、
2、黏结剂等粘贴,也可指一个人或一个物体依附于另一个或两者互相依存,引申还可表示“卡住” “困住”。stick还可作“插入” “刺入”解,指用尖物插入、刺、戳、贯穿。2.stick 在口语中用于否定句和疑问句,表示“容忍” “忍受”,有时也可表示“喜欢”。3.stick 还可作“产生作用,生效,起作用”解。4.stick 既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。用作不及物动词时,主动形式常含有被动意义。词汇搭配+名词stick a needle into将针刺入将头伸出窗外stick sbs head through the windowstick the
3、 knife into把刀子扎入25+副词stick fast? stick firmly? stick jealously? stick manfullystick aboutstick aroundstick down粘牢粘得很牢固谨慎地插入勇敢地刺呆在附近呆在附近粘住,写下,放下stick down new words写下生字? stick down the envelope粘好信口? stick in坚持到底,呆在家中? stick out 显露出来,显眼,罢工,坚持到底stick out against a bill罢工反对某法案stick together 联合起来? stick
4、up粘上,别上,竖起,抢劫stick hands upstick up the bankstick up in the waterstick up its tail把手举起来抢劫银行(杆)竖立在水中翘尾巴+副词+介词stick out for坚持要某物stick out to向伸出? stick up for支持,替辩护捍卫自己的信仰stick up for ones beliefsstick up for ones friends为朋友辩护? stick up to 抵抗,勇敢地面对? stick up to the bully反对那个家伙?+介词? stick at犹豫,迟疑,坚持成天啃书
5、本stick at ones books all daystick at ones work坚持工作stick at trifles拘泥于琐事stick by 忠于stick by friends忠于朋友stick in finger刺入手指stick in ones throat难于接受, 难以启齿stick into 使刺入 , 使插入? stick on把粘贴在上,稳稳坐在上? stick on a horse 稳坐在马背上 ? stick through 使伸过? stick to黏附在一上,限制在上,忠于? stick to a post坚守岗位? stick to ones pri
6、nciples坚持原则? stick to ones word信守诺言? stick to the envelope粘到信封上? stick to the subject紧扣主题? stick with 缠住 ,萦绕 ,继续忠于? stick with crowds混在人群中? stick with ones old friends忠于老朋友 常用短语stick around1 (v.+adv.)非正逗留 ,停留 stay or remain where one is说明stick around 通常不用于进行体。 stick aroundWhy dont you stick around?
7、你为什么不在附近呆着?Stick around, baby. 孩子 ,别走远。and watchWhenour dinner guest got up to leave, we begged him to stick arounda recent movie on TV. 当客人离席要走时, 我们请他留下看电视播映的一部新影片。 stick sth aroundI cant stick waiting around like this.我不能忍受老是这样等着。stick around2 (v.+prep.)逗留 , 停留 stay or remain where one is stick ar
8、ound sthI cant stick around this delightful party any longer; I have to get backto work. 茶会令人愉快, 可我不能再多呆了, 我得赶回去上班。stick at (v.+prep.)说明stick at 不用于被动结构。 stick at sth1. 坚持 ( 工作、任务等); 不放弃 keep at; keep working at说明stick at 作此解时通常不用于进行体。Stick at it! 坚持下来!Hell stick at it till he succeeds.他一定能坚持到成功。I s
9、hall stick at the job until Ive finished it.这项工作我要坚持到做完为止。Dont stick at your books all day; you need a little rest and recreation.别成天啃书本, 你需要有一点休息和娱乐。You must stick at it if you want to succeed.如果你想成功的话, 你就必须坚持下去。They will stick at nothing.他们什么事都干得出来。Hell stick at nothing to get complete power.为了揽取全
10、权, 他什么事都能干得出来。2. 停止 , 踌躇 , 迟疑于 stop; hold back; have qualms of conscience aboutDont stick at trifles.小事情不必犹豫不决。I never stick at small difficulties.我从来不为小小的困难而气馁。stick by (v.+prep.)忠实于 stay loyal to说明stick by 不用于被动结构。 stick by sbIll stick by him. 我一定忠实于他。She will stick by her friends whatever happens
11、.不管发生什么事情, 她都能忠实于她的朋友。stick down (v.+adv.) stick sth ? down 1. 放下 put downJust stick it down anywhere you like.把它随便放在什么地方都行。2 .把写下来 write downThis is a proverb and you ought to stick it down and learn it by heart.这是条谚语, 你得把它抄下来记熟。3 .把粘起来 stick two things or two parts of one thing togetherHe stuck do
12、wn the envelope and dropped it into the mailbox.他用糨糊把信封粘好后便投进邮筒。stick in (v.+adv.)1. 坚持 , 努力于 persevere, work hard stick inStick in, youll succeed! 努力干吧, 你一定成功!2. 用某种手段攻击attack with, usually as a means of assaulting stick sth ? inStick the boot in, pal!朋友 , 用靴子踢!What really sticks in my craw is that
13、 he should try to shift the blame ontoothers. 真正令人气愤的是, 他竟然把责任往别人身上推。stick it1. 忍受 , 容忍 bear; endure; standI must get out of this hot sun. I cant stick it.我必须躲开这炎热的阳光。我受不了啦。I dont know how Ive stuck it,Its been hell.我不知道我是怎么熬过来的那简直是地狱。2. 坚持 , 不要放弃persist in; persevere in; upholdStick it,Jack. 杰克 , 坚
14、持下去!stick it out坚持到底continue in spite of difficultiesStick it out! 忍耐一下!I had intended resigning my post in June. But I think I shall stick it outtill the end of the year.我本来打算6月里辞去职务的, 不过我想还是坚持到年底。If you can stick it out a bit longer, everything will be all right.如果你能稍忍耐一会儿, 一切都会正常的。stick on (v.+pr
15、ep.)对一迟疑,踌躇 hold back; have qualms aboutstick on 常不用于进行体。 stick on sthHe may stick on the second clause in the contract.他可能对合同中的第二条表示怀疑。I hope you arent going to stick on the question of money.我希望你不会在钱的问题上迟疑不决。stick out (v.+adv.)1. 伸出来 , 突出 , 竖起 protrude stick outYour hair is sticking out in the bac
16、k.你脑袋后面的头发竖起来了。 stick out from of sthThe woodwork sticks out from the main wall.主墙上装的木器探出墙面。I could see one end of the letter sticking out of Johns pocket.我看见信的一角从约翰衣兜里露出来了。 stick sth ? outSomeone stuck a foot out and tripped me up.有人伸出一条腿, 把我绊倒了。The doctor told me to stick out my tongue, so I stuck
17、 it out.医生让我把舌头伸出来, 我伸出来了。2. 坚持 ; 断言 assert categorically; state with certainty说明stick out作此解时通常不用于进行体。 stick sth ? outHe is determined to stick out the race even if he finishes last.他下定决心即使跑最后一名, 也要坚持跑完。 stick out that-clauseThe accused person stuck out that he was innocent of the crime.被告一口咬定说他是无罪
18、的。 stick out for sthThe broad masses stuck out for the vigour of the law.广大群众坚决要求严明法纪。We shall stick out for every penny to which we feel we are entitled.我们将坚持索取我们认为应该得到的每一个便士。stick to (v.+prep.) stick to sb/sth1. 保留 , 保有 try to keep sthIf you lend anything to that fellow hell stick to it if he gets
19、 half a chance. 如果你借任何东西给那个家伙的话, 只要有点儿借口, 他就会据为己有。The messenger was alleged to have stuck to the money which he received as change. 据说送信的人把他所收到的零钱都塞进了自己的腰包。He sticks to his own opinion. 他固执己见。If we let him look after the money,Im afraid much of it will stick to hisfingers. 如果把钱交由他保管, 恐怕大部分都要被他侵吞掉。2.
20、 遵守 , 坚持 adhere to; persevere; be constant; remain determinedYou must stick to your promise. 你必须遵守诺言。He had five different jobs in the last year because he never sticks to anything very long. 去年他调换了五种不同的工作, 因为他对什么事情都没有常性。无论发生什么事, 我们都Whatever happens, well stick to our original plan.不会改变原计划。The docto
21、rs stuck to their research until they discovered how to cure thedisease. 医生们继续他们的研究工作, 直到找到了治疗这种疾病的方法为止。Einstein stuck to his theories and went on with his work.爱因斯坦坚持自己的理论, 继续进行工作。3. 紧跟; 粘住 stay close to sb/sthThe gum stuck to my fingers. 口香糖粘住了我的手指。The stamp didnt stick to the envelope.邮票没有在信封上贴牢。
22、Although I moistened it, the flap doesnt stick to the envelope.我把信封弄湿了 , 可是信封口盖还是粘不上。Dont digress so much; stick to the point.不要扯得太远了, 抓住要点。A good article should stick closely to its point.一篇好文章应紧扣主题。4. 忠实于be loyal toSome people hold that translations should stick closely to the original.有些人认为, 译著应忠
23、实于原著。He will stick to her whatever happens.不管发生什么事, 他都将忠实于她。Dont keep changing your companions; get a few good friends and stick to them.对朋友不要老是朝秦暮楚, 交几个好朋友就永远忠实于他们。stick together (v.+adv.)团结一致remain united stick togetherWhatever happens, we must stick together. 不管发生了什么情况, 我们都要紧密团结在一起。Members of a f
24、amily should stick together in times of trouble.家庭成员在困难的时候应该团结一致。Every time the workers stuck together they showed their strength and won.每当工人们团结在一起的时候, 他们就显出力量并取得胜利。stick up (v.+adv.)1. 竖起 protrude upwards stick upThe lid was sticking up. 盖儿竖立着。The canes were sticking up from a box in the corner.屋角
25、那个箱子的藤条竖起来了。The boys hair stuck up straight with fright.男孩吓得毛发直立。Her hair keeps sticking up no matter how often she combs it.不管她怎么勤梳头 , 她的头发总是竖着。2. 陷于困境be located against ones will stick sth ? up用于beed结构I hate being stuck up in a place like this.我恨自己陷于这样的困境。She feels stuck up here, with nothing to d
26、o.她觉得惶恐, 不知所措。3. 被抢劫时举起手来hold up ones hands while being robbed stick sth ? upStick them up! 把双手举起来!stick up for (v.+adv.+prep.)支持 , 维护 support sb/sth stick up for sb/oneself/sthDont stick up for him! 别为他辩护他总是维护她。He always sticks up for her.He cannot stick up for himself. 他不能为自己辩护。You should always s
27、tick up for the persecuted and the oppressed.你应当永远支持受迫害的和被压迫的人。Stick up for the principles.请遵守原则。stick with (v.+prep.) stick with sb/sth1 . 继续做 continue to work hard at sthFred stuck with his homework until it was done.弗雷德继续做他的作业, 直到做完为止。Practising is tiresome, but stick with it and some day you wil
28、l be a goodpianist. 练习是很烦人的事, 但继续练习下去, 总有一天你将成为一位出色的钢琴家。Bill stuck with the company, because he thought it would soon succeed.比尔没辞去公司的职务, 因为他认为公司仍然很有前途。2 .跟着 followStick with me until we get out of the crowd.在我们走出人群前, 不要离开我。?句型例句?用作不及物动词 S+(+A)Whats wrong with this stamp?It wont stick.这邮票怎么回事?粘不住。Th
29、e stamp wont stick. 这张邮票贴不住。It wont stick properly.它粘不好。The drawer sticks badly.这抽屉卡得厉害。汽车陷在烂泥中。The car stuck in the mud.他试图从He tried to pull his head through the tiny opening, but it stuck.那很小的洞里把头钻出去, 可是却卡住了。The police wont bring the case to court because they dont think they can make the charges
30、stick. 警方不会把此案提交法庭, 因为他们认为他们无法使指控成立。用作及物动词 S+n./pron.Someone has stuck a label on the crate. 有人在板条箱上贴了标签。I stuck the stamp on and ran to the postbox.我贴上邮票, 然后向邮箱跑去。Stick no bills. 禁止张贴!He stuck the broken pieces of the painting together again.他把那幅画的碎片重新粘了起来。“ The handles broken off. ”“ Stick it with
31、 glue. ”“把手断了。”“用胶把 它粘上。”The heavy snow stuck traffic for hours.大雪阻塞交通几个小时。She stuck pins into the meat. 她把别针插到肉里。He stuck the knife right into the butter.他刚好把刀子插入黄油之中。Dont stick pins into the chair!别把针插入椅子里。She stuck the flowers in a vase of water.她把花插进装有水的花瓶里。I never stick him. 我从来不容忍他。None of the
32、 girls would stick him.没有一个女孩子会容忍他。I cant stick this dull job any long.这种枯燥的工作我无法再忍受下去了。 S+sb/sbs+v-ingI cant stick anybody sitting next to me when Im reading.我看书时不喜欢 别人坐在我旁边。词语辨异stick by, stick to这两个短语都可表示“忠于”。其区别是:stick by强调“支持” “站在同一边上”;而stick to 侧重指“坚持,不放弃”。例如:She sticks to the principles.她坚持原则。
33、He sticks by his friends when they are in trouble.当朋友遇到困难时,他总是支持他们。stick, stand这两个词都可表示“容忍”。其区别是:stick只能用在否定句或疑问句中;而stand可用于肯定句中。例如:I can stand a certain amount of foolery, but too much of it annoys me.一定限度的愚蠢行为我能容忍,但是太过分了我也会生气。I cant stick people who are always boasting of their own merits.我不喜欢那些总是
34、吹嘘自己的人。stick, adhere这两个词都含有“黏附”的意思,都可表示用胶水、精糊、黏结剂等粘贴,一般可互换。例如:The mud adhered stickedto his feet.泥巴粘在他的脚上。其区别是 :1 .从程度上说,adhere较stick更牢固,更强调紧紧地固定在另一物的表面上。例 如:The decal doesnt adhere to the window.这种印花胶纸无法粘在窗子上。He stuck the broken pieces of the painting together again.他把那幅画的碎片重新粘了起来。2 .从时间上说,adhere 较
35、stick 更长久。例如:The dough stuck to my fingers.面团粘在我的手指上。3 .adhere仅用作不及物动词,而stick除用作不及物动词,还可用作及物动词。例如:They adhered to their original plan.他们坚持原来的计划。stick, cling, cohere这组词都含有“牢固地附在上”的意思。其区别是:stick指一个人或一个物体依附于另一个,也指互相依存;cohere强调粘成一片或连成一个统一的整体;cling一般指依附另一个人或另一物体,暗示必须受到支持、支撑。例如 :His wet shirt clung to his
36、 body.湿衬衫紧紧贴在他的身上。Do his religious and political beliefs cohere?他的宗教信仰和政治信仰是否stick to, insist, persist参见insist 条。?stickn. st ? k ( sticks ) 双解释义 C枝条,卞古枝,柴枝 a small thin branch or part of a branch that has fallenor been cut from a tree C 棍,棒 a long thin piece of wood used for hitting U严厉待,惩罚 severe t
37、reatment C手杖,拐杖 a thin rod of wood or metal used to support the body whenwalking C 棒状物 a thin rod of any material C某种类型的人a person of the stated type P边远地区,偏僻乡镇rural areas far from cities基本要点?I.stick用作名词的基本意思是“枝条”,尤指用作柴禾的“枯枝,柴枝”。2.stick也可译为“棍,棒”,还可指“棒状物”,如鼓槌、台球球杆等,主要指打击用,引申还可指“严厉对待,惩处” “责打,惩罚”。3.stic
38、k 还可表示手杖”。4.stick 用在口语中,还可喻指“某种类型的人”,一般指“木头人, 固执的人,老实的人”。5.在美国口语中,stick还可表示远离城市的“边远地区,偏僻乡镇用复数形式,其前要加定冠词the 。呆头呆脑的人,作此解时常词汇搭配动词+carry a stickcut ones stickgather dry stickgive sb the stick带棍子,拿手杖,进行武力威胁逃走,离开拾干柴枝打某人hold a stick in ones hand手里拿着棍子手杖hold a stick to旗鼓相当地与竞争完全误解hold of the wrong end of th
39、e stickhold sticks with旗鼓相当地与竞争wave a stick挥舞棍子形容词+good stick好棍子手杖long stick长棍short stick短棍thick stick粗棍子thin stick细棍子名词+golf stick高尔夫球杆yard stick码尺介词+ the short dirty end of the stick不公平的待遇 walk with a stick拄着手杖走路 +介词 a stick of 一根,一块 a stick of candy一块糖 a stick of chalk一支粉笔 a stick of furniture一件家
40、具)常用短语?as cross as two sticks1 .非常生气 very angryHe was as cross as two sticks when his roommate took his umbrella without getting his agreement.他非常生气,因为他的室友未经同意就把他的伞带走了。The old man was as cross as two sticks when the bus left without waiting for him.那位老人非常生气,因为公共汽车没有等他就开走了。2 .脾气很坏 bad temperFor goodn
41、ess sake, dont go near her.Shes as cross as two sticks.看在老天爷分上,别走近她。她脾气很坏。She scolded her maid and was as cross as two sticks.她大骂女佣人 ,脾气坏透了。carry wielda big stick(对)施行强权严加控制severe treatmentYou cant carry a big stick over them.你们不能对他们采取强硬手段。我们说话要温和,但要有威力。We must speak softly but carry a big stick.The
42、 trade unions were afraid that the government would wield a big stick overthem. 各工会担心政府会对他们采取强硬手段。Whenever the boss wields a big stick, productivity actually falls becausepeople resent it so much. 每次老板管得很严时, 生产实际上下降了, 因为人们对此很反感。give some sticks使至i极限 punish or treat sb severely give sth some sticksCo
43、me on, give it some sticks lets see how fast this car can go.来吧 , 开到最快看这辆车能跑多快。go to sticks and staves破产 go bankruptThe bank is on the brink of going to sticks and staves.这家银行已濒临破产。hold a stick tohold sticks with可与, 媲美 compare favourable withhold a stick tohold sticks with 常用于否定句和疑问句中。Henry thought
44、that no modern ball club could hold a stick to those of 50 yearsago. 亨利认为现在的舞会俱乐部无法同50 年前的相比。in a cleft stick进退两难in a situation where it is difficult to decide what to doYou have got me in a cleft stick.你已经使我进退两难。I never saw his equal to put a fellow in a cleft stick.我从未见过任何人像他那样使人进退两难。shake a stick
45、 at1. 关心 , 注意 take care ofThere are more audience at the football match than you can shake a stick at. 有多得数不清的观众在观看足球赛。2. 多极了 be greatI had more assignments for homework than I could shake a stick at.我的家庭作业多得不得了。There were more schoolboys at the football match than you could shake a stick at. 有多得数不清
46、的学生观看足球比赛。3. 比得上,可与媲美 compare favourable withI never set eyes on anything that could shake a stick at this picture.我从没有看到过哪一幅画能与这幅画相媲美。?句型例句?He picked up sticks to make a fire.他拾些小树枝来生火。He is putting some sticks on the fire.他正在往火上加柴。她在拾柴禾。She was picking up sticks.我们找点枯枝来生火。这鸟用泥和小枝条筑巢。这些棍子不够结实, 撑不住屋顶。农夫用一根粗棒赶走了那些男Lets find some sticks to ma
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